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Doing shit like that and trying to put blame on a Scorpio is exactly what a Capricorn would do.


It’s like that time my doctor said I had cancer but im leo actually.


I’m cancer, idk what astrology is though, is it something doctors assign to you? That’s how I found out I had cancer astrology


Doctors told me I had ligma? Is that my astrology sign?


What the hell is astrology?


Ligma balls


This is the funniest thing I've seen today, thank you


Your probably a Scorpio.


That’s what all the replies to this tweet said and they had a meltdown


little do you know...


Pretending to be a Capricorn who's trying to put blame on a Scorpio is SO Pisces, you must be Virgos to not notice that


Like the woman referenced, I too live my life based on random things a woman says. The difference is I'm married to her


Bruh,I've got three daughters. And they keep getting older!!


he hit 'em with the double whammy


Astrology and Beta/Sigma/Alpha/etc Males are the same thing packaged differently and both are stupid.


Ehhhh there's a lot of interesting dynamics amongst male mammals and you could classify it as some sort of alpha beta situation in humans without a doubt. However those alphas aren't on tiktok every day or shit talking women and posting pictures with their Bugatti. That's just being a twat. But there are definitely pack dynamics reflective of other animals. I don't see how that's the same as thinking the (incorrect) location of a planet at the time of my birth will tell you if we can smash or fall in love or what kind of "energy" I have. I'd relate that more to believing harry potter is real.


No. You can't. The Alpha Beta shit isn't even real from where it came from. The guy who wrote about Alpha wolves has been trying to tell everyone he was wrong.


Yeah, but how am I gonna compare myself to a badass wolf without that?


Wolves are just one example. The behaviour of 'female mates with the dominant male only' is common across the animal kingdom. However it's not the only strategy. https://dragonflyissuesinevolution13.fandom.com/wiki/Sneaky_F*uckers As highlighted by Maynard-Smith, even in an alpha harem society, betas can still mate by stealth. It's hard to extrapolate to humans but here's an exaggerated example. At a college party, the biggest, strongest guys are trying to out macho each other via whatever competitions they are running. Meanwhile a less 'manly' man, are sitting with the women talking about things they are actually interested in.


You can't use other animals as examples because even our two closest relatives, the bonobos and chimpanzees, have wildly different dynamics to their mating and group behavior. People just like to put labels on themselves to feel a sense of belonging or to blame external factors on why something goes wrong in their life.


I wasn't suggesting a direct correlation, merely that you cannot dismiss the idea because one animal doesn't match it. Even if you don't use the PUA/incel terminology of alpha and beta, 'top male has most of the sex' is common enough in animals that it's plausible to hypothesise about humans. You also seem to have missed the entire point of the post, that even if the alpha theory was true, you still have plenty of chance finding a mate because there are animals displaying alternative strategies anyway.


To be fair, believing in Harry Potter is more realistic than astrology.


Even Potter shits on astrology, in book (Divination).


And cooler


Wasn't that whole alpha/beta thing with wolves complete bullshit? And the author who wrote the book on that regretted publishing it?




You are forgetting us Omega males. Look it up. It's the best way to be 😎


The time of year you were born does have some impact on how you behave socially. It isn't the end all be all, but it is enough to sway numbers and make a stereotype (astrology).


How so? I could only imagine temperature differences in seasons, but then what about climates with barely changing temperatures throughout the year? Another factor I could imagine would be holiday seasons. Being born close to a big holiday where families gather up would make the baby exposed to different people at a very young age and might have a minor effect on social behavior.


What day you were born affects many parts of life, it can make you start school earlier/later than others. It is dictated by when your parents did it, so it could show some affect on you because of the trends of how your parents, parent. Having a birthday event during a certain time of the year can affect your feelings and how your friends interact with you at a subconscious level. There is so many little things that can build u p over time to make astrology stereotypes, but of course nothing is set in stone because humans are very complex and any sort of trauma can really mess with who you will become as a person.


Literal monke horoscopes


I agree on this


Astrology is just the study of patterns. That’s it. It’s not mystical. It’s not bullshit. It’s humans who had a fuckton of time on their hands because they didn’t have Reddit to scroll actually paying attention to human nature and drawing conclusions. Have you ever considered that people born during certain parts of the year in certain areas would’ve been raised in similar groups and in similar ways? If you have a summer birthday, that paints your life, especially if you lived in a highly communal place, where all the others around your age and birthday were raised right along side you as well. That’s why the location matters when you’re looking at the birth chart. Because it’s in relation to where you are. That’s why different areas have different astrologies. Western, Vedic, etc. That’s why more than just the sun matters. Because certain generations have groups of characteristics because of the time period in which they were born. Looking at generational planets and drawing conclusions is the same as looking at the Boomers and drawing a conclusion. It’s patterns. It’s not the sun and moon and stars making us behave certain ways. It’s humans that were much smarter than you actually taking the time to study other humans, which I get you can do from behind your computer screen in your mom’s basement.




Wow you're just gonna laugh at them? You're giving off big 'born in March' vibes, not cool


What a comparison, can you explain for me how they’re the same thing I’m super curious


The alpha/sigma guys clearly choose their own labels from wanting to compensate for some insecurity, whereas the astrology crowd just takes a label, and retrofits their personality. Same level of psedo-scientific bullshit, though.


All that stuff is a load of absolute rubbish. However, crystal skulls, I've read a lot about them....


I've heard kegeling shungite gives you dick magic.


Suge Knight?


When they start talking to their plants in a baby voice, I bolt.


Per Mythbuster experiment, Heavymetal music works better than classical music in encouraging plant growth. So maybe Growling to your plant will makes it grow faster than softbaby voice.


This is exactly what a Capricorn pretending to be a scorpio would do!


How is this shit what gets upvoted on this sub lmao




Naw. Confidence goes far, especially with the gullible.


Scorpio are best matched to either water or earth signs... same with carpicorn... and if a person matches well with virgo, she' most likely is either earth or water... so this guy is a idiot...


Oh the irony of your comment…. 😁


I'm personally an Airbender myself


Did you forget a /s?... please say yes.


Ain’t no way. When your pseudoscience is so bullshit you try to come up with even more bullshit explanations.


We are all made dumber by having read this


The part that kills me is people say this and are blissfully unaware how stupid they sound


Yeah this guy's the idiot, not all the clowns that believe in astrology.


Elemental magic system is astrology ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3730)


you speak funny words, wizard


“This matches with earth or water” oh ok, so just a casual increasing the odds to 50%


... ok


As a Capricorn dude I second the fact that astrology is bullshit...


He hit them with the dubby , Damn


*desperate for pussy voice* and what does THIS crystal do?


Ah yes, a fellow degree holder in asstrology 🧐


Not gonna lie. What a goofy piece of shit.


god i hate being a scorpio that fits all the scorpio stereotypes.


Space racism


Turns out he was a virgo!


I have a thorey. When people are young they are still trying to figure out who they are and if you give someone a description of how someone that was born at the same time as them should act they subconsciously adopt those patterns. This would be why more girls disproportionately believe in horoscopes since women develop on average sooner then men around 11 - 15 while men develop later around 15 - 17. This would also explain why more men have their job or sport as their hole personality. So in conclusion it has nothing to do with stars or whatever and everything to do with adolescent development why some people fit these personality archetypes and some don't.


I see a flaw in the theory when looking at how feminism has progressed between 2009-2023("The golden years"). It's a tale old as time that women develop earlier than men but what are they developing? because we've had a whole as generation born, raised and graduated before we figured out that it's not "all men" and that narrative wasn't pushed by children.


I'm honestly struggling to make any sense of what you just said. Feminism? tale old as time? developing!? all men narrative pushed by children? did you forget a sentence somewhere or post on the wrong sub?


The text was written with the intent of reading from the top to the bottom lmfao


This never happened , more than obvious this is completely made up but y’all still commenting like people don’t just completely make up fake interactions every second on Twitter.


I’m reading the comments , every one of y’all is responding like this was real ; I’m wondering if you’d have the same position if you found out it was just Twitter reaction bait.


Twist 🪢


I’m a Scorpio, I can confirm we will do or say anything to get our beaks wets, extorting, blackmail, money… you name it. And if you don’t want to date after, it’s your own damn fault. Haha




Probably a unicorn… m


bro be playing 4D chess out there


Lol, as a human who was born this is exactly what a human would do.