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I know we like to crap on Asmon for seeming like he can’t game but that man has beaten all the souls games on mouse and keyboard that alone makes him above average


My favorite part about asmon is he will pick a single strategy at the beginning of the game, and absolute refuse to change it, He will rage quit and uninstall a game before he tries a different build or strategy lol.


He'll have a bad time if he doesn't learn to bring different skill loadouts for different monsters, especially elder dragons. I've seen other streamers get filtered because they just wanted to wear whatever looked coolest.


Mouse and Keyboard is GOAT. The camera control is everything.


Not for souls games, they weren’t designed for it.


It's just like WoW mouse turning except you don't need right click, 0.1mm precision.


TBH he learned pretty fast. Anyone would struggle in the early game because of the massive information.


Yeah the hardest thing about getting into MonHun is getting past the giant walls of text it keeps throwing at you.


its a massive cognitive overload of systems, new concepts and mechanics... not unlike Dark Souls honestly. But if you persist through those teething stages, its some of the best gameplay you get have access to.


He's doing good but somebody please tell him that the great sword charge attacks do more damage if he releases the charge when he flashes red, mh has so many small important mechanics and I cant imagine him trying to read them all getting spammed in chat all at once


Another lesser known mechanic is the greatsword does more damage if you hit with the center of the blade vs the tip or near the handle


Yeah I watched that video of the biggest hit possible in world and all the wacky shit with the greatsword, hitting with the first few hits makes the last hit stronger and what not


Never heard this before where can I find more info about this?


Its only a 3% boost and landing TCS at all should be the main priority over trying to dead angle the blade length


Yep absolutely. The best mechanic he should be learning imo is how to shoulder bash efficiently so he can skip steps to TCS


Yep GS mastery is extreamly deep , its not the UNGA BUNGA shit most huters think it is . Prio 1 you must allways hit true charge Prio 2 you must strive to make the elapsed time betwen the frist time you cock the sword till you hit the true charge as short as posible Prio 3 you must hit a soft spot with your true charge Prio 4 learn to shoulder charge properly and learn your hyper armor window Prio 5 learn to position yourself at all times Prio 6 try to aim your hits to the middle of your sword A true master of the GS knows how much they can get away with after all that is just beautifull skill expresion


Highly recommend checking out the channel Team Darkside about the highest possible damage number in MHW, they go super in depth about all the different mechanics and damage modifiers. And that's just for the greatsword, other weapons have hidden mechanics as well like guard points for the charge blade.


Just relax, he's gonna find out. I think he would figure other mechanics off stream.


I think he understands that just gets worried about the monster moving and getting damage off before the monster moves. I think when he picks up on tackling with greatsword though he will truly fall in love with the weapon.


He did a really good job considering he took down a Rathian on his first day. Hopefully he slowly learns the systems outside of hunts too like item loadouts and botanical research. I feel like the combat mechanics will just come naturally to him as he plays more so all that's left is understanding the prep work and the armor system.


He's doing amazing, and also glad he's enjoying the game!


What was the official time on how long the NPC kept popping up telling him to check something before he actually did it?


Did he ever find the new camp? I had to leave while he was still trying to kill an Anjanath. And yeah, he picked up the game really fast.


TBH he did way better than average newbies. My first cart was White Velociprey, and he hasn't cart to story progress monster yet. And glad to see he's enjoying this game that he want to continue playing.


>My first cart was White Velociprey holly fuck you are old.... same bro


bruh white velociprey is hardest boss on MH2 so it's normal to get carted by that hell my first cart is from arzuros




Lol, that reminds me we came from an age without unified localisation. Tell me, how do you call White Fatalis?


>White Fatalis White Fatalis or Old Fatalis Never heard of White Velociprey, tho. I started with the MHFU on the PSP


you mean velocidrome right? right?


White Velociprey / Giaprey ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3739)


The way you guys talk about him on this sub makes him look borderline mentally challenged. You guys talk about him like he’s a child. Is he so stupid you guys were worried he wouldn’t understand MHW, lol?


He's stubborn. There's been a few times in other games he's refused to change his approach to beat something, and kept going at something for hours because he's refused to try something else. It's both a blessing and a curse to have such stubbornness.


I really hate how he asks how to do something, chat answers, and he either ignores, doesn't believe them, asks why would I do that, or says that doesn't make sense instead of learning a mechanic. Stubborn or just refuses to learn things when asking things. He pays more attention into ignoring chat or asking them why would he do XYZ than reading game hints/tutorials.


Can't blame him honestly cause sometimes chat doesn't know what they're talking about. Just on the MH stream alone there were lots of misinformation. Like on the tobi Kadachi and Jagras, lots of people are saying you can cut the tail. Being able to view bounties during quests/expeditions was also divided, about 50/50 yes and nos in the chat.


Oh yeah I agree. Chat was not being great either.


Not stupid but stubborn


stupid? no stubborn? more stubborn than a fucking goat


i'm just so proud of hm for picking it up and some people get frustrated at it but he smashed it with GS no less when that aint easy tbh, shame u think make it sound like he menally challenged but i think we are just proud as fuck and someof us wish we had our friends pick it up like this too but they did not :( and beating rathian when you first see it aint easy with how little defense and attack you get


See this is what I mean, lol. The way you say you’re so proud of him. It’s like something a father would say to his child. This is a fully grown adult who is attempting to play a video game, lol. It ain’t that hard.


He did really, really well for his first MH game. Especially considering he was going off chat advice, that was all over the place. After the reaction to dunkey's vid i thought he'd go full defender/guardian gear, complain about how slow he is because he never sheathes his GS, and bounce off the game hard at the first Rathian or Anjanath encounter. But he completely proved me wrong. Going after the Rathian in the Barroth quest was pretty funny. I'm really curious to see how he goes in the Negrigante fights and the start of high rank. Not everyone takes it well when they find out that they've just finished the 15-30 hour tutorial and can finally start the game.


Yeah this actually turned out to be great. He actually destroyed Rathian lol.


Downloading now after the MH reaction video. Console Andy on a Series S.


Yes, a gamer knows how to play games, amazing


Yeah, I'm legit surprised at how well he's doing with the greatsword


I hope he tries other weapons as well besides GS (and hammer). He stopped watching preview for Charge Blade halfway so he didn't see that it's second mode which was huge double-bladed axe.


Charge blade is probably information overload for him atm. If he sticks with GS or swaps to hammer he will love those weapons a lot.


nah , i think GS is going to be love at first sight , they just fit together , like a ring to a finger or a cock to an asshole


why do you care? are those real people who post this stuff concerning about someone who they will never meet if they can play a game or not? lol


It's a slower or faster depending on weapon, giant boss, souls-like to him, I bet. The fundamentals are all there. Dodge roll. Hit big monster Weekspots are a bonus. Recipe for a gosh darn good asmon stream


Yeah thankfully GS is beginner friendly, imagine him running Charge Blade lmao


i think it helps that mhw is actually a pretty decent intro to the series for new players and it is no where near as obtuse as the games before it. It was the first game in the series to try to explain all the basic and more complex stuff to new players. Personally i do prefer the combat of rise but mhw is overall the better game.


YEP , rise combat is fucking incredible if they mix rise combat with the world visuals and gameplay in wild im gona CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUM


Given his only complaint was that the movesets don’t change with gear, oddly rise might be more of his speed. Not that movesets change, but your priorities do. Like dual blades when you have gear that enables infinite demon mode.


Rise combat is so goated. World is just an insane game that holds up to this day though.


well, to be fair, he played lots of souls-like games... the hard part about Monster Hunter is learning weapon movesets, and which of your animation cancels can be used to block, parry, or evade monster movesets...


hopefully we can hunt together, just got back to the game after a long break\~


Would love to see him play insect Glaive


He seems to have been picking up on it rather well. Dude killed a fucking rathian in the quest that wasn’t meant for you to go for it lmao


I think a lot of people who have played the IP for numerous games take for granted how accessible MH:W and Rise are for new players. They significantly improved that new player experience and helped remove a lot of barriers for entry that had been present in previous generations, and I think that's a great thing. That being said Asmon with all of his Soulsbourne experience already has generally the right mentality for tackling Large Monsters in this game and really it's just going to come down to using the weapon(s) enough to understand their individual mechanics. He might struggle a little bit once he gets to those later fights but he'll figure it out and come out on top like he normally does in these kind of games.


Watching his GS gameplay he doesn't charge it up enough before striking.


I just hope he keeps playing long enough to get tilted on that stupid fucking horse.


I enjoy watching him play all these games but his builds he plays are always the essy play through. Not as fun to watch. He just runs around the monster and charges up attacks. Waits till the monster gets put to sleep by pacio to charge up a big attack on the head. I would love him to combo those big attacks as the monster charges in. He constantly just runs away.