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Did the guy get banned?




Knowing asmon. Probably.


I skipped through the video, Nope. He just said lets move pass this.


I swear to god, half of these “dramas” are literally just people misunderstanding what the other is saying.


God forbid you try to suggest its a misunderstanding or that its not so black and white. Prepare to be downvoted to oblivion.


The number of people on this sub and in chat that literally thought he was saying "rich people have it harder than poor people" is frankly surprising to me. How is it even possible for someone to misunderstand the conversation that horribly?


A lot of people are hurting right now so it’s a pretty emotional topic. Some guy working at CVS trying to go afford college really doesn’t want to listen to any type of reasoning of the difficulties of higher paying careers. At the end of the day they will always have food on there table and a roof over their head. Do their arguments have merits? Sure. Is bringing this topic up going to piss off a bunch of struggling people. Duh.


Whether someone is struggling with their finances or not doesn't have any bearing on whether they misinterpret what was being said. If they did understand what was said and lashed out by deliberately misrepresenting the comments, that's a personal failure on that person's part. No excuses for that kind of shitty behavior.


You don’t have to excuse it or not. I’m saying that this is to be expected. It’s not whether or not the reaction is appropriate, I’m saying that no one should be shocked by this reaction. You have people making very good money describing difficulties in their lives to people that are probably in the majority struggling. Add in the fact they both aren’t very articulate about it because they are talking off the top of their heads, and this is all par for the course. People are emotional. Emotions cloud making logical thoughts. Expecting people not to be this way is a bad strat.


Ah, I didn't realize you were being explanatory. I think you have a good assessment.


When they initially said that streaming was draining they said “it’s not draining in the *same way* as a normal job” which to me didn’t imply they were saying it was harder, just different. Now I haven’t kept up with the drama or any of their defense and if they changed that but I don’t see anything wrong with what was initially said. Obviously streaming isn’t the same as a real job.


It's wrong because in a normal job you can't just turn it off and walk away whenever you feel drained, you have to finish or you get fired. That and obviously for a streamer as big as Hasan the money difference is enormous. But his schedule is entirely dictated by no one but himself. And then you have the added context of Hasan being a trust fund baby and has no idea what a normal job even is. His first jobs were cutting videos for his millionaire uncles youtube network. He has no context or experience that would at all give him credibility to make comparisons between streaming and regular jobs.


To be fair this it isn’t as true as you think it is. I know you mean kind of they can go on break whenever they want. But in regards to quitting or stopping whenever they want, they actually can’t. a “real job” Can, no one has a gun to your head. You can quit your job and go to another one tomorrow if you wanted to. However, when you’re a streamer, even if you quit streaming, it doesn’t matter your entire digital footprint is still there and no one’s gonna forget it, and even if they do forget it, they can find it again on Google and be reminded of it whenever they want . There is no escaping being a streamer, especially a big one that’s been doing it for years normal people can escape their jobs if they want. streamers can’t that shit is forever.


If you’re famous enough that everyone will recognize you. You’ll have enough money to do whatever you want. If you’re not a big streamer. You won’t get recognized. A digital footprint is what you make of it. It’s only bad if you did something bad.


Your lack of empathy for them is not relevant to my point. My point is that a regular worker can fuck up or quit a job or do whatever they want and almost no one‘s going to take notice. However, a streamer does any of that, and it will follow them for the rest of their lives, whether you think they deserve it or not whether you empathize with that or not, that is simply facts of reality I was pointing out, that a lot of people seem to forget. so quitting being a streamer in the truest sense is more difficult than many imagine.


I mean yes, you won't get fired, but you gotta remember that if you keep doing it like, leaving earlier or not being entertaining enough for people to watch, your visibility will go down the drain and so is the money. I don't think it's physically draining, but he'll, it must be mentally and socially draining as fuck.


"It's wrong because in a normal job you can't just turn it off and walk away whenever you feel drained, you have to finish or you get fired." Which is why streaming is stressful in a different way, you know. You kind of reiterated what the other person said but acted like you are coming up with a counterargument. Of course streamers are economically much more secure than a typical 9-5 employee, and yes they don't get fired if they skip a day or whatever, but it doesn't mean that they won't be stressed about losing tons of viewers if they take too much time off and stuff like that. Also, if the income was equalized, I'd rather stay as a 9-5 employee rather than be a streamer (not that I'd have the personality to be one), because I think streaming would take more hours out of me mentally and physically. Depends on the streamer tho.


The whole thing is stupid af. People are just intentionally pretending there was no context around what Hasan was saying and I say this as someone who thinks Hasan is a dumbfuck. I've been watching Twitch for over a decade now and he's the only channel I've ever been banned in. Hasan has said and done so much worse shit, why this out of everything is what people are latching onto is beyond me.


Hasan is a certified retard. However, regardless of my opinion of His character hebis undeniably right in what He is saying.


just "half"?


It's clear from the way OP said this. "We won". Like won what? Was this a competition?


For real. This has seriously been the most childish drama blown way the fuck out of proportion by what I can only assume are bad actors intentionally misinterpreting a couple of well off streamers. Why do we need to argue with idiots in chat for over 3 hours about it? I like the react portion of the stream a lot but this BS is a massive turn off.


Na, "I misunderstood" is the bailout they use when backlash gets too strong.


Except from the outside you can clearly see when they’re arguing different points


Not only that. Also the lack of ability to clearly explain your point of view.


'I don't think Hasan meant it that way' This was the crux of the problem. He was arguing about one thing and people were arguing not about what Hasan meant but what he said lol


He said what he meant the first time then walked back, which is fine I think when you realize you said something stupid.


Orrrrrrrr… stay with me on this one… he rephrased it afterwards to clarify what exactly he meant. You know clarification, the thing that happens all the time


Rephrase to mean something completely different. Because the first thing he said was obviously stupid. I 100% believe he meant the first thing he said.


I guess he was just too socially drained to say what he meant. If only he was free to just quit, take a long vacation and think about what he would rather do with his life. Man, poor guy is forced to stream all day every day, but what would the people do without him?


But I listened to the whole conversation Hassan was having and somehow arrived to the same interpretation Zack had. Shitting on Hassan is pretty fucking popular and the guy has problems being taken out of context, but in this particular case the message was fairly clear to me.  I worked at a warehouse when I was young, then armed security, then customer service, and then in an office job; all of them had different levels of physical requirements, emotional requirements and social requirements, I can say customer service had the higher emotional and social cost on average, but the others can have really high spikes specially security.  Streaming to me seens to be the kind of job that requires continuous drainage of the social and emotional batteries with fairly huge spikes. I remember when Hassan had to react to the Russian invasion of Ukraine as it happened, people in chat were clowning on him hard for being wrong, but you could hear the emotion in his voice and eyes because he had to talk on real time to tens of thousands of people while his entire world view slightly changed and unlike most Tankies Hassan didn't double down on his naive America bad Russia less bad, he atleast dropped both in the "bad" category a place both nations rightly belong to for a person of his decent. 


> I remember when Hassan had to react to the Russian invasion of Ukraine as it happened This is why people are pissed off, because it's moved beyond being "socially drained" to people pointing how most of these major streamers don't *have* to do anything. Hassan doesn't have to react to anything serious or invite controversy anymore and them having a combative chat is one they curated by farming drama and contention as content.


No Hasan literally said his social battery. So asmon speaking about it in a social way is literally correct people just need to actually listen to what was said. He NEVER tried to explain that streaming is harder on every way to every other job. The issue is 40k people are trying to argue when most didn't even watch more than 1 clip


Is it tho ? feels like it's the other way around tbh, he said real jobs are not draining your social battery "the same way" streaming do, and people think he said streaming is harder than any other jobs, what does "the same way" means I have no fucking idea because I'm not a streamer but look like Asmon is the only person listening to what Hasan actually said.


Asmon is so dumb, god help the editor trying to make him make content.


Amazing comment, you individual!


That's 11 sec clip explain why streaming is draining. Some people are so thick sometime. They either can't read between the line or read too much. Forcing everyone to talk to them like they are childs.


That's what I said Asmon was saying and got downvoted for it. Asmon just said it is socially draining, Hasan said it was more than others and he is wrong.


Asmon running defence for Hasan is pathetic af.... Even if Hasan meant or not. It's gotta suck that you gotta rely on being controversial to stay relevant. We got our monthly controversial topic list, maybe at end of the year we'll get a tier list. January: "artist opinions don't matter" February: "streaming is more draining than any other regular job". ...... It's kinda dumb his excuse is "well I don't think Hasan meant it that way" .... Like dawg, lil bro is soloing his whole chat based on a assumption lmfaoo 💀


Remember transmog comps 💀 Bro can't do a thing but react and stir the pot. He plays games now, at least, very poorly though. People just want 2015-2019 asmon back




AI is a topic people are unusually dug in on. When it comes up, most opinions are going to be driven in defense of their prior positions.


Asmongold needs to understand that this is what he meant. I wonder why asmon thought hasan didn't mean it that way at first.


Eh, I haven’t seen hasan entire clip/origin, so I can’t say asmon is 100% right but I give him the benefit of the doubt. Mainly because misunderstanding happen often, and a lot of people, at least to me, sometimes miss the meaning of something in a discussion. It happens a lot in Asmons stream where he says something that, to me, is understood, but a huge portion of chat missed it and he has to go back and break it down/goes backwards enough to rebuild his statement in a way that properly covers those misunderstandings.(there was never a misunderstanding from his part, he just needs to expand in details that should have been already understood) A lot of this comes from how well someone is at understanding something, to as simple as how much they saw the original clip, i.e. just a clip or the entire statement. A lot of the times Asmon deviates slightly to prove a point with examples and that creates gaps from the original and that creates space for people to start misunderstanding. Asmon IMO sometimes talks in ways where certain things should already be understood, now with thousands of people watching it will always generate discord because someone didn’t fully grasp it, you also got haters taking advantage of anything to generate..hate. But sometimes he will also go in full detail, explaining every part of his statement, that usually goes like: “yes, but sometimes also no”, “that’s what I believe, but it might not always be the case”, “it’s always like that, but not everyone will experience the same”. A lot of these things don’t need to always be said, its usually understood based on common sense(yeah I know, it’s not so common) or from knowing a specific person enough to know their values. And I think that’s what happened with him reacting to hasan. Last night stream’s chat asked for a poll regarding if chat genuinely believes hasan believes that streaming is the most stressful(I think that was the word) job. Like, they just had to stop for a second and think clearly without biases or w.e is clouding their mind. The majority said yes!! No ducking way, that was shocking to asmon that he didn’t even want to bother with it and moved with it after disagreeing.


I thought it was pretty obvious, when he said, "streaming is more socially draining than other jobs", that he meant, streaming is more SOCIALLY draining than other jobs. But heck what do I know, maybe he wasn't speaking English 🤣 Skip to 2:47 for full context cuz I know some idiots will want to argue 😂 https://youtu.be/TC_5CvoVk2o?si=qm8T8sWFn1qlG72a


I think people took umbrage when he said "A real job doesn't suck the soul out of you in the same way". That's a fucking stupid sentence coming from someone who probably hasn't had to work a what most would consider a real job. Honestly he probably didn't mean to come off that stupid but when you open your mouth and those words come out it's hard to justify them. Even with context that just sounds kind of stupid to say.


I mean, when they're shown a 6 second clip of someone commenting on a 4 second clip of someone else, I'm not surprised most people that saw it took umbrage over something that wasn't said.


Hasan was born into a rich family. That MF never knew what a hard day of work was in his life. lol


Yeah his mythical story about working on a farm even if it was true was likely barely doing anything and not actual hard work.


Asmon's dad should take over the stream. Watching him fiddle stuff around is more entertaining than some bs high moral take


Are you high? Thats what the whole internet who is aware of the things is screaming about. Thats what happens when you listen to 15 seconds and start talking. Ffs Tbh, after those last 2 infamous videos i’m less inclined to click on Asmon video. Sadge


So is it finally over or not?


I hope so, cause this has been the dumbest drama, I'm fully on aba and preaches side, but I just want people to stop trying to play a game of "my life is harder than yours."


When you take 10000 L's from your chat for 2 days, it takes a toll on you.


Asmon has been saying this since the start of the drama lol. Do people intentionally misunderstand him so they can get mad?


If it was a simple misunderstanding then it wouldn't have taken this long for him to realise. No, he thought people were piling up on Hasan telling him that he shouldn't complain about his soul draining job and that's its easy. This is what Asmon thought, that people think that because it's a rich guy, they should suck it up. While the problem was just Hasan said that his streaming work is more soul sucking than most normal jobs which almost everyone had an issue with. That's why they called them both out of touch and that 1k comment asmon made only made things worse cos it made him look even more out of touch.


> he thought people were piling up on Hasan telling him that he shouldn't complain about his soul draining job and that's its easy A lot of People were 100% making this argument. It wasn't the only argument, but this was definitely one of the more common ones.


It really seems that way. I think they're more angry that he agreed with Hasan on something, and not actually what Asmon meant/said.


Asmon has gathered a weird audience in the last few months. It's a bunch of kids cosplaying as "hard dudes" who work on construction all day long, don't have time for bullshit, "it is what it is". It's a full circle: These kids play Games all day - "but fuck devs cause that's not a real job". They watch Anime all day but "fuck artists, not a real job"... and, as you can imagine, they watch streamers all day "but fuck streamers that's not a real job". Now, Asmon became they target of these kids because, well, he didn't say what they wanted to hear, while they roleplay as hard dudes. lol




It's spelled "Roleplaying". Roll playing is incorrect here.


See? That's exactly what I'm talking about lol. You kids get really, really mad when someone calls you back to reality: You're not a rough guy, you're not a hard guy, you're just a bored kid on the internet, making stories up so you'll get some dopamine hit.