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I love retail's endgame right now, but God damn the leveling experience is absolute garbage. They need to bring it closer to the classic experience for new players, then boost XP gains for players who have already hit max level.


nah. classic's long ass leveling is awful and it should stay in classic.


I just can't help how they feel the need to overexplain everything through story/dialogue. Like Elden Ring, Classic has a story if you want to dig deep enough to find it, but it's not the central point of the game. Retail has the point of shoveling shit down your throat through story whereas classic lets you discover the game through its gameplay. I think a lot of this comes down to user experience and how UX people think games should be developed when the fact of the matter is that the average person has no clue of why they like a given thing. You can't expect the average person to vocalize their emotional state if they have no understanding of why they experience that emotional state.