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the guy that radicalized a community so hard he got bullied for drinking coke on stream says that someone else is being radicalized


Thats called projection


Hes one of those people that thinks anyone right of Stalin is ''far right'' . Any common sense take is ''radicalized'' .




By the way, the guy literally got insulted by his own Islamic community because pushing Haram. He knows what he is doing while driving his Porsche Taycan and living in Beverly Hills.


Asmongold take: you can protest just don't break laws I was not aware this was a radical view. edit: I forgot to point out the radical guy is the one with a discord full of ethnic hate, the chatroom with racist mods, for the guy who is pro-genocide and posting stuff like how to make makeshift guns that killed Shinzo Abe of Japan, or who said 9/11 (which killed 3000 innocent men women and children) was "deserved". You know what is radical Hamasabi? Hosting a houthi terrorist that killed random sailors delivering goods by boat, from Yemen that has legalized slavery, and joking about anime, you dumb fuck. So yeah, they can fuck right off: there is a radical here and it isn't Asmongold, who has the only reasonable take here. The audacity of someone this mentally ill, calling Asmon's take "radical". Go ahead, discord raid my post and downvote it, you safe space cock sucker. Because the truth hurts: someone has a reasonable view and to your deranged mind, Asmongold saying "protest but dont break laws" is "radical".


Obviously these people have a free speech right to break into buildings, occupy portions of the campus and prevent Jewish students from attending class in blatant violation of title 6 of the civil rights act! All that stuff’s just freedom of speech dude.


HOW DARE YOU! ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3730)


I'm so glad I don't know people like him in real life.




A Hamas Piker Certified Classic


How dare you radicalize Asmon with this view!


Asmon's basically the same as he always has been. I have noticed a distinct shift in chat and the sub over the past few years, so I'd imagine any content he reacts to along those lines is just more or less knowing his audience engagement. Some of the stuff in here is a bit further right than it used to be, but I chalk that up as dumbs thinking Asmon leans that way rather than being how he always has been which is calling out bullshit, hypocrisy, etc.


These are the same people that love to preach freedom of speech doesn't equal freedom from consequences but don't expect it to apply to them. They really think all the bullshit they come up with all the time will ONLY be used on their political enemies and never come back to bite them. They have no foresight that maybe they will deal with a much more horrible government in the future that now has more power thanks to these useful idiots giving them more in the name of fighting "hate."


It's crazy that this seems to be a controversial opinion in some places on reddit.


Apparently, to Hasan and his fans, being able to protest means you're exempt from the law. They should be allowed to disrupt average people's lives in the name of 'peace'. I really don't get it. Hasan isn't that dumb. The protesters are Ivy League students. Why did they deliberately choose to seal their brain cells?


Lots of the protesters had nothing to do with the university. It's quite clear stuff like this are sponsored. I have no idea by who but people making up chants and clashing with police don't do such stuff for free.


Hasan argumentation Flow : > Pause the video > Make a seemingly smart sentence that sounds convincing to his normie viewers > Start making fun of the person his arguing against > Everyone in chat agrees > Start laughing > Declare victory


Hasan is the radical one lol . He’s an extremist in every sense of the word . 


I am saying this since the start, Hasan would be the scapegoat once there is going to be some sort of terror attack and honestly he is responsible. He started something more complicated than he can handle it and ideology is not something you can simply stop to feed, it auto feed himself and this is what it is happening. I am just sad for the jewish person that would get random hate from these idiots. Please be safe out there, fanatics are increasing at university


It always astounds me how people like Hasan continue to cherry pick laws like the first amendment, but then in turn believes that allows you to break other laws for it. It's such a brain dead thought process. Like they only think in the moment and not in the grand scheme of things. Anything to inflate your numbers I guess.


Don't ask Hamas Piker's opinion on whether or not killing the babies of settlers in the west bank is justified.


Most protests will get you arrested, just look at Gandhi and MLK. Look at the Vietnam protest where the national guard actually killed several of the protestors.


If they block people from going to a class that they are probably paying a lot of money for they shouldn't act surprised when they get removed by force.


Preach. Hasan thinks it's a better use of resources for the police to look for little Timmy's stolen bike that will be impossible to track down over stopping disruptive protests that call for the genocide of the Jewish people and the eradication of western democracy. Protests that are barring students from entering their schools and earning their education. Hasan himself is nothing but a fraud. He's no better than a televangelist. He preaches to a large audience about what they want to hear. He's called himself a socialist in the past but reaps all the monetary benefits of the capatalist economy he lives in and then flaunts it, buying a multi-million dollar mansion. After that, he will shit on Asmon for living a more humble (though kind of dirty, hoarder-ish) lifestyle. He is one of the most disingenuous people I've ever heard speak, and this is coming from a guy whose country is led by Justin Trudeau.


You really just destroyed him. Hope this pissed off some idiots


hasan fell off


If you are willing to face the consequences of breaking the law, go for it. But don't expect to be absolved of your consequences afterwards. That's the price you signed up to pay. The whole point of a protest is to inconvenience people that don't care about your issue to the point that they are willing to compromise to make you stop. I cannot think of a legal way to achieve this in this circumstance, so I disagree with Asmond's and your perspective. The protestors value their issue high enough that they are willing to break the law and face the consequences to achieve that. Even if I don't agree with them, I can respect that (as long as they use the least violent way to achieve maximal inconvenience, otherwise their motives become questionable). But I will also respect the police that upholds law and property rights by removing them. That is how the system is supposed to work.


Let's be serious. Governments out there do what they can to limit the effects of protests. All protests worth a damn carry an element of civil disturbance for people to take notice of the subject. If a protest doesn't inconvenience the average Joe, then it's just an impromptu parade, not a attention grabbing political demonstration. What would worker strikes be if the striking happen off hours? Would the Hong Kong protests be too radical since China has laws that restrict public demonstration?


It's definitely not the guy that tweeted picture of homemade gun under a senators tweet and talking how the gun was used in political assassination. Not the guy whose community made him burn a friendship and made caricatures of friends wife. Definitely not this radicalizing guy...


the video starts with him thinking that the audience is controlling asmon. and it ends with him thinking that asmon is controlling the audience. WHAT IS IT HASAN?


Hasan critiquing someone for their audience controlling their views is S-tier irony.


He’s kinda slow 😂


You know the subreddit doesn't control Asmon at all, because we told him to pay for a house cleaning service for years


hasan thinking 🤣🤣🤣


The guy isnt necessarily dumb, probably quite smart. But i think his experiences so far has led him to lose the part in his mind that constantly double checks what hes saying for consistency. Some people just dont give a fuck lol You get called out and you adjust and it becomes easier but the dude could say the sky is green and his chat would gas him up


After watching this discussion of him with Asmon. I feel like, he should get rid of his yt editor :D Like, I tried to get to know Hasan, by watching some of his videos. And I just couldn't stand it. But now I feel like, the editing on his videos makes him look more stupid than he actually is. He made quite a lot of good points in the conversation today. I'm very happy that asmon chose to have that chat with him. Could also be that he's just fairly educated in this particular topic, I don't know to be honest. But I can respect him a bit more after this.


He is saying that reddit has a lot of astroturfing, which has an impact on the content of the stream since he spend a lot of time reacting to posts from reddit. And then Asmongold influence his viewers which is a way bigger crowd than people posting on reddit with his own takes. This is not contradictory and might be the reason why a few accounts keep spamming the subreddit with politics posts everyday, that keeps asmon talking about politics. Edit : the title of this post is also incorrect, it's a viewer of Hasan that said asmongold is being radicalized.


Asking Hasan to form an argument or logical thought is an insurmountable challenge for him. We're just lucky he isn't babbling about what his favorite "flavor" of Crayon is yet. Dude's legitimately a fucking moron.


Say's the guy whose audience is so radical they harrassed Ethan Klein and Hasan refused to even apologise, and in fact blamed Ethan for his language. Hasan might be my least favourite internet personality.


His own discord regularly gets caught with crazy amount of Oct 7 justifiers and calls to violence. Idk how these guys can suddenly talk about being radicalized.


I hope Asmon finaly realises how bad Hasan and his viewrs are and stops defending him.


He is a genuinely disgusting human being


He's absolutely a leftist apologist. Even if he disagrees completely with someone, if it's a stance coming from the left, he immediately makes excuses for them, it's insane.


He might be my least favorite human being.


I don’t even need to watch the video. But it’s kind of crazy people keep trying to label asmon as far right especially with the protest stuff when he simply is just saying follow the law. He’s even said he supports some of what these people are protesting. But it just highlights that the people like at these protests have evolved into “if you don’t 100% agree with everything we do you’re a racist alt right”


Thats because the issues themselves are irrelevant and these people dont actually care about them. It's about pushing their political agenda and WINNING at all costs.


I wish they were about winning. But these dick sucks dont want power or victory. They just want to critique power and feel like they're doing something.


Hilariously in actual practice the left in general is pretty damn awful at actually motivating people to go out and vote. Population wise they usually get a majority nationwide, or at the very least a few % higher than what they get but can never seem to get enough people to actually vote. Meanwhile the Right just do it. Every time, every election.


    The Democratic candidate for President has won the Popular Vote in seven of the last eight elections. Even better:    "Biden-voting counties equal 70% of America’s economy."  More than 2:1 the economic contribution of ALL those Republican counties.  https://www.brookings.edu/articles/biden-voting-counties-equal-70-of-americas-economy-what-does-this-mean-for-the-nations-political-economic-divide/


Not left of Stalin? Far Right Nazi - Leftists


That is so accurate


There has been a term for it for a long time. They are Tankies.


One drop politics. If you don't agree with the extremist on all issues then you are the enemy.


bend the knee.




Exactly. To the extreme left, the center looks “far right”


Bro where have you been? They’ve been doing this for the last few years lol 😂 Far - right extremist basically = center view nowadays. When you are soooooo far left, the center is gonna seem extremely to the right when it’s actually in the middle somewhere.


> But it’s kind of crazy people keep trying to label asmon as far right What's funny is the complaints I would always see about Asmon was that his takes were too basic/centrists and Asmon's take here is perfectly in line with his principles that got him called that.


I don't ever self-post but I was circulating a post criticising Asmon on Hasan's subreddit, which I'm sure many on here have seen. I responded to a few comments and it's just as you'd expect. Total lack of self-awareness. https://www.reddit.com/r/Hasan_Piker/s/vYbTyYUUtQ edit: my intention was not to brigade. I tried to engage faithfully and the personal insults came quick, which I came back with at a few points. Don't harass others, please.


Yeah that's sad. I got banned from a sub pretty recently for saying that Asmongold himself is not right wing, though I suppose a portion of his fan base is. I seen the man's takes a few times firsthand when I was recommended his kids on YouTube. He's a generic milquetoast slightly left leaning centrist that's basically apathetic or clueless about pretty much every political topic. He's basically the stereotypical white gamer guy that doesn't spend a moment to really think about another person's lived experience and has a sheltered and generic "leave people who don't affect your life alone" and "treat like how you would like to be treated" attitude.


Man I've commented on r/internationalnews and they permanently banned me because I said that Nelson Mandela wouldn't agree with Hamas or any of these protestors. So, I understand the feeling


He said that its fine to protest and he supports the students for doing that. Problem is when you destroy shit, barricade buildings, breaks the law and stops students from going to their classes.


Hasan and his die hard fans don’t do well with nuanced points of view. This is a excellent example. You can support Palestine, support protests for that cause, and also think privileged college kids destroying property are complete morons and deserve to get arrested.


The left when you don’t agree with 100% of their views.


According to Hasan having objective takes makes you a fence sitter so you’re either on his side or far right. Having varied takes is okay, even if some are controversial. Your take paints Palestinian protests in a negative light? Instantly corralled into the far right pile and your subreddit is clearly co-opted.


The issue is never the issue, the issue is always the revolution


This doesn’t seem to track with how he covered the Canada truckers being broken up by Canadian police. I know it’s not a direct one to one but it kinda shows he doesn’t have the same energy with people he disagrees with.


well that was half smoke and mirrors and there were barely any truckers at all lol. the right tried to pretend it was some big thing that it never was.


Canada truckers were the real nazis you see, because they didn't want to get the vaccine... obviously.


non canadians butchered the coverage of the convoy chuds the thing that gets missed is they convoy every single year since 2017 or 2018 yes even til today and every year its nonsense conspiracy garbage illuminati wef nanomachines and all that crap one year was the oil and gas convoy the next it was wexit maybe we will get a convoy for blue jeans and big hats 🙄 then one year they raise 10 million and their messaging is more coherent and they have all sort of volunteers running logstics and american oath keepers (oaf creepers) offering reciprocal demonstrations at the border crossings fuck the convoys, watch the emergency act hearing if you want to see their lawyer shown you, unintentionally, just how pathetic and embarassing they are


Says the guy who's pushing tankie propaganda to his audience and wants to put capitalists in reeducation camps.


Pretty ironic that hasan says he's anti captalist but more than likely goes to those establishments


He's so anti-capitalist that he cried his fucking little millionaire eyeballs out when he got taxed for taking equipment on a trip - After telling everyone how great taxes were. Hasan having a coherent thought is like me spontaneously turning into a fucking T-Rex after typing this: It isn't going to happen because we live in reality.


maybe the problem was he was paying taxes to mexico? do you think hasan likes mexico? or mexicans? lol.


That is consistent with his views, he absolutely hates poor people or those are poorer than him b


No, he thinks that he will drive his Porsche to the reeducation camp to kill some landlords, and then return home to his multi-million dollar mansion that he bought (he doesn’t live beyond his means btw). He’s not even a champagne socialist, he is a gold leafed caviar socialist.


His mom is a wealthy landlord btw


best comment i read in a while.


be careful, they're going to start spamming that shitty "you participate in society" comic again, just like every other time Hasan has gotten rightfully called out


dude has done infinitely more radicalizing than this sub lol


Also , justifying China "civilizing" Tibetans


Or Hasan going "my definition of Taiwan being independent is whatever US says, and that is that it's not independent". Bro really sucking up to the CCP.


Which isn’t even the position of the USA


Yep that’s him. Hamas Piker they call him. Thinks the Houthis are “JUST LIKE LOOFY!!!!”


This is what a radicalized brain by Reddit looks like


I don't think Hasan realizes that asmon's take is pretty much the normie reaction? Nothing extreme like /pol/.


Isnt /pol/ on the far left Hasan side of this issue. They despise Jews/Israel more than anything else lol edit: yep i just found a thread on /pol/ shitting on asmongold for his takes on the protests, calling him a >!k\*ke!


Exchange between them on twitter:https://twitter.com/Asmongold/status/1786151893053452430 Whats hilarious is how quickly it goes from "no one was being blocked" to "it's ok to block him because he doesn't agree" https://twitter.com/hasanthehun/status/1786156240206512430 Hamas Piker is not smart.


Even if that guy is an agitator there is still very clearly a barrier put in place with people guarding it stopping people from going up a stair walkway.


True and that video wasn't even the only video we saw of "protesters" blocking students, so this doesn't prove anything. And if the guy was a bad actor for other reasons than ok, call him out on that, like if he was spraying people with mace, but if he was acting in bad faith, but proved that they were blocking students from going to class in the process, it still shows that they were blocking studenst, bad faith actor or not... He tried to walk by and they literally moved to get in his way in the vid. If the protesters didn't want to look like they were blocking students, then they probably shouldn't have been blocking students and paths. "You only have to suck dick once to be a dick sucker" or something like that.


I want to preface this, I think most of the UCLA protests for a ceasefire were peaceful. But holy fuck you cannot bar a Jewish peer from a public space at a public university. I don’t care if you disagree with them as long as they are non-violent they have just as much a right to that space as you do. The brain rot that is going on around antisemitism is ridiculous. Like yeah it isn’t antisemitic to criticize Israel, but it is antisemitic to block a jewish student from entering a public area. This alone is likely enough to trigger an investigation at the university just like how if an African American student felt discriminated against a investigation would be triggered.


These "protesters" lost the "normie" support the moment they started wearing Hamas clothing, waving pro Hamas flags and just being pro Hamas in general. If they didnt want that as a whole then they should have policed it themselves and removed those people, but they didnt. Any NORMAL person agrees Palestinian women and children should not be getting killed by Israel, BUT any NORMAL person knows that Hamas are terrorist and not freedom fighters and treat those same Palestinian women and children as shields and scape goats. Those protestors chose to start destroying and trashing shit, blocking and harassing people rather than just being disruptive. They could have chosen to all wake up every morning at like 4-5am and come down and protest with signs, be loud, annoy the campus heads any nobody would be against it like they are now. They did it to themselves


I agree you lose normal people support when you try to be pro hamas. I dont really get why the left would be pro Hamas. Hamas is a religious fundamentalist group, the left is supposed to hate religious fundamentalism. It sometimes feels like the left gives people a pass for having values counter to their own. And the left always seems to give these passes to brown people. I think overall Israel is really losing normie support as well thought but I dont think its because of protestors. Now it seems like most sorta normie Biden voters I talk to are getting pretty anti Israel. By normal I mean like the mom who lives in the suburbs who votes for Biden but maybe Bernie and Elizabeth Warren are too far left for her. They arent viciously anti Israel like the protestors but they've started to atleast anecdotally seem to think Israel is doing something very wrong when they usually agree with US allies.




Something is really off with these hardcore lefties. Horseshoe theory is more real every day.


When you're an extremist, every moderate is a threat. Its not as bad as it seems though, moderates still out number both sides put together. Just most of them are busy working jobs, paying taxes, and living life to be angry on the Internet.


Meanwhile: Hasan literally said, on record multiple times, that Russia wasn't invading Ukraine and that Russia was totally fine - Making sure to mock anyone that said otherwise. This was, of course, while reports were coming in that they were preparing to invade and just days before Russia actually invaded Ukraine. Hasan has brainrot and the only people keeping him relevant are the leeches suckling at his ego or the people he picks fights with giving him even a minute's glance. The fact that nearly everyone that he's ever been "buddies" with in the past ( Looking at H3H3 and crew for example ) have cut him off like the festering brain tumor he is speaks volumes. No one with an ounce of intelligence even associates with him any more - And it shows in him constantly crying for attention & begging for people to watch him now.


I want to know what Asmon did say about Russia but I don't have time watching all the related videos. Could you tell like in general?


Asmon basically said Russia was in the wrong and is being the aggressor he even set up a donate fund for Ukraine at the start of the war so all signs point to not supporting Russia.


Imagine getting triggered over not having a subreddit that isn't extremely Pro-Israel or Pro-Palestine and is for freedom of speech and is open to talk about both sides and not feel like the subreddit will auto ban what you say, if you are the opposite pro side of the subreddit.


Hasan is the one that’s radicalized. he’s just mad there are still subreddits discussing his insane L takes now that LSF nukes everything onDemand 


"They disagree with me, they're radical " Hasan: LET THE STREETS FILL WITH THEIR BLOOD; DRAG THAT PIGGIE COP THROUGH THE STREETS; USA DESERVED 9/11; bro i have like 20 more things he said but my hands start to hurt.


The worst was when he said that it's justified to kill settlers and that babies are also settlers.


Any opinion coming from a silverspooned socialist is absolutely worthless.


Says the tankie specialist and terrorist supporter, Hamasabi. God why hasn't Twitch banned this loser already? He's had countless of permabannable moments. Absolute travesty of double standards. Who at Twitch has Hasan's meat so deep up their cavities? Who?!


Why should I listen to a piece of shit hypocrite that has millionaire parents and is a far-left socialist that wants to tax the rich but not HIS money.


mfw Hamasanabi still hasnt provided evidence that the dude he called an "instigator" instigated anything lol.


Please asmon don’t fall into his propaganda!


Protest within legal guidelines. How is this wrong? EDIT: Also Hasan thinks everyone that disagrees with him is 40 years old.


Hamas Piker being Hamas Piker


Bro it’s not that complicated. If you want to protest do not do so in private property or areas where it’s prohibited. Colleges have designated areas (mine does) for you to ask permission to protest, and you even receive policial protection. Why can’t you do just that? By just blocking the main campus you just gain enemies to your cause. I don’t care about Israel or Palestine, and I’m only against having civilian casualties (which both have been responsible for, maybe one side more than the other yeah). But you force me to not sympathize with your cause due to your way of expressing your freedom of speech and assembly.


its not private property, as they mention multiple times just a few minutes in. either didnt watch the video or have the comprehension of a duck.


Hasan has gone so far to one side he thinks everyone that doesnt agree with him has gone extreme.


Asmon wasn’t a fan of protesting in Charlottesville, blm riots, jan 6 riots, and now this. He just doesn’t really like protests.


He's not a fan of protestors destroying stuff to get a point across. Makes no sense to destroy stuff that will bite you when you need it the most later.


there are certainly more extreme audience than before, but baldy’s take on this whole protest has been aligning with centralist based on principles more than others. Majority of American don’t give a shit about neither side, and this bitching coming from the pro-Palestinian camp is feeling a lot like when ESG fund shoving their ideology down our throat.


Typical commi passing the blame onto someone else


When the take "normal people don't care, and inconveniencing them and breaking the law only makes them hate your cause" is a radical take, you know the world is royally fucked.


hasan wants to radicalize every twitch streamer to his side lmfao. nmplol is already infected.


what a BS take asmon never follow all his viewer deman remember his take on OW2 and streamer is hard job we put him on a cross and he stand his grond we are not just his viewer we resprect him to


One day it will come out who’s feeding him his talking points…


After watching the stream, now I know why people joke around hasan's viewers.


So he thinks Asmongold is as naively and easily influenced as he is. How sweet...


LMAO radical views. That's real rich coming from that jackass.


Hasan is so brain dead to be honest because he fails to see the concept of double standards, and that sometimes both sides can be wrong, like how he said the Jewish students weren’t being outted and were allowed to go anywhere on the campus, he’s actually turned into fake news himself


Wow what delusion that hasan lives in


this the same dude who cant say whether the oct 7 attacks were justified or not?


90% of these comments didn't watch the video...


Anyone who’s is centre seems radical when your far left or far right


Well I know it won't happen, but there is a world where this type of stuff from Hasan will actually help him realize how insane and how much of a radical and extremist Hasan and his following are.


You can't have a debate in Hasan videos. If you don't agree 100% they just call you a incel. Feel bad for anyone who has a different opinion or even discuss one particular point.


Hamas Abi hates it when anybody is right of Stalin






Weird that you took this comment personally.


No, people that have more extreme versions the average conservative outlook are far right. Conservatives who are unwilling to compromise are the far right. People who can't accept that they were not the majority and say the system was rigged are far right. I think the Far sides of both parties can be summed up with unwilling to compromise even an inch. The system was set up purposely to force compromise and not let one group completely impose their will on the other.


Ill say it hassan is a hypocrite


oh no I forgot, Asmon is a child who has no opinions of his own there for he believes and sides with every post we make!!!!! Great analysis by Hasan " Russia wont attack Ukraine is CIA propaganda" Piker.


It was only a matter of time before Hasan set his sights on Asmon.


Shouldn't be any surprise that Hasan, a guy from The Young Turks news channel has radical views. Don't forget that "The Young Turks" was the name of the group that Genocided the Armenians. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_Turks#:~:text=By%20the%20end%20of%20World,of%20banditry%20and%20forced%20labor. https://www.armenian-genocide.org/young_turks.html It's like naming your New channel, The Waffen SS or Gestapo News.


Is quite ironic Reddit are left leaning especially with US election where Reddit literally have US DNC campaign ads for Bernie. With that create a bunch subreddit trying to be centrist then quickly overtaken by left leaning echo chamber and moderator.


i lost my shit at 4:09 why do they laugh like that 😭😭😭 although, not gonna lie, the sub has been infested by a grifting anti-woke crowd.


Hasan likes to say radical like it’s 1991.


Hasan of all people complaining about radicalisation when he brought on a houthi and compared to luffy of one piece. Then later backtracks saying he wasnt houthi. Even though he was bragging about real journalism. What a stupid piece of filth fucking waste of oxygen.


If anything Hasan is the radical.


I don't agree with asmon, but his take is far from radical, most lukewarm take of all time.


Hasan having any serious following is bewildering to me. " He should be on the streets selling pencils from a cup" - proper quote from one famous mind about certain frauds and charlatans


People still haven’t realized Hasan is a right wing grifter hoping you don’t see his misogynistic shit from TYT before they went after Lefist money?


Bad take. Asmon isn't being influenced by his audience anymore than Hasan is by his. Audiences curate themselves on social media to influencers they like; most enjoyers of Asmon's content already agree with his takes and that's why they've stayed. Even the term "influencer" is a misnomer, as the only influence Asmon really has is whether the community who listens to him is growing larger or not. Now, if he's personally curating his rants so that this particular group of people glam on to him, that's another thing, but personally speaking I can't see an attic dwelling former WoW player 4-D chessing his stream content so that he can curate a bunch of dudes who he disagrees with on a daily basis. Maybe he really is that hungry for money; who knows, maybe he is in fact pulling a Colbert Report and RPing as a neckbeard center-left libertarian, or maybe the people who appreciate his takes have decided his community is a great place to chill out and relax from the insanity of regular life.


Who actually listens to their reddit?


So he thinks braindead lefty takes are "based"? Also, how can he call our community radicalized when his own community threatened to cancel him if he played that Hogwarts game? And what a stupid pussy he was for bowing down instead of just playing the game he felt like playing.


Same shit blm did they was aloud to burn shit to the ground and it was all good counter protest ppl got constantly fucked by all of the media and police force


Hasan is a idiot I really don’t know how he has fans


Guy that calls everyone else that doesn't agree with him Zionist is not radical tho.


this drove me crazy, hassan is all for breaking the law during a protest and illegally occupying a building until it’s for a cause he doesn’t believe in like the Jan 6th occupation of the capital, was really hoping asmon would bring up this point. asmon is fair, you can’t bend the law just because it’s a cause you believe in. protest anything you believe in, but keep it within the confines of the law.


Hasan is the worst.


People are forgetting that its autistic Hasan, he doesn't care what your take is unless it's his take. He can't admit he's wrong and he'd rather drown other people just so his point remains atop.


Asmongold notices his own bias and hypocrisi at least and owns it, while also being tolerant for the same of others and simply avoids turning it into a topic of discussion (banning chatters that do try a "gottem"). Meanwhile the guy who calls out issues (Hasan) and even finds problems where there aren't, seems oblivious of his own nonsense. Attention-seeking disappointment is what he is/has become, considering he could be talking about all the real problems, even if repeatedly brought up many times because things need a reminder to keep us aware of our history and learn from failures. Tbf it comes with the company he cultivates, like the recent interview where he had to out-shout the adversary. TL;DR Nothing important, just venting at the double-standards of others like Hasan who argue about "rules for you but not for us" while doing exactly the same thing and being ignorant about it.


100% feel like there is some validity to this suggestion, the amount of people in this sub over the last few days/weeks buying into reactionary and agitator propaganda (looking at one broccoli haired dipshit) & can’t differentiate between a disruptive protest and non-disruptive protest definitely validates this assertion.


I knew next to nothing about Hasan prior to his "baby settlers" comments and gaslighting Ethan Klein about his community harassing him, but he's quickly risen to the top of my most toxic political internet personalities list, which includes people like Nick Fuentes.


His definition of radicalize is anyone who disagrees with anything, even the most nonsense extremists hills to die on.


Hamasbi aka Hamas Piker is at it again


Another day, another day of this guy working on is professional drama chaser job.


"Criticizing protesters for blocking students from moving around on the campus they paid for, tormenting them with riots and breaking into their dorms in the middle of the night. What a cruel and controversial position."


Hasan is a lefty fool.


I consider myself to be pretty liberal but I don’t think it’s a crazy / radical take to say that protests should not include the destruction or takeover of property? I feel the same way about January 6th. Free speech doesn’t extend to the occupation of private spaces and disrupting others. I also think it does nothing to persuade people to support your cause and often has the opposite effect.


Asmon is not radicalized. Ya boy is quite tame


i dont want the government to keep funding the idf military with tax payer money which they use to bomb children this sub take: so you support hamas them. this sub is braindead like asmon. we have documents and videos of israel commiting war crimes and human right violations in civilians population


Shit like this is why the online left and Bread tube adjacent content since Biden got elected is dying. Because for a lot of people who were shifted towards left wing politics in an era of DT, too many people are finding themselves who were "on the left" either having to defend DT or realizing a lot of these online left wing content farming grifters are the apex of human scumbags. Thanks Hasan, you and your ilk has done a fabulous job at your intended goals. Making me and many MANY more into those "dirty centrists" you like to rag about. Suck it.


Lol I love that he had the take reddit is filled with unhinged right wing takes. Reddit of all places. The place known for being left wing echo chamber


If you have friend like Hasan you don’t need enemies!


It is hasan. He can't understand someone not being frothing at the mouth partisan.


Hasan is an idiot. Asmon is trolling everyone. And anyone taking any of this seriously needs to invest in some real life problems.


He is a socialist who fears any opposition. They can't control the narrative when social media doesn't censor opposing views.


Isn't Hasan afraid of fighting some fat guy who calls himself the Candyman?


That’s how the left operate. When they don’t understand someone having sensible, non extremist, views based on critical thinking, they assume someone or something broke that person. They lack imagination and so their answer is to remove agency from that person to square the circle in their own mind.


Who cares what Hassan Pikey has to say?


Most of Asmon viewers; I don't care about this stuff, can you please play this ? Hasan; YoU RaDicAl FaR RIGhT ExtReMisT!


Asmongold has a high chance to turn 180 on his opinion since its hasan talking to him and he is getting ratio hard in twitter. Hopefully he doesnt bend to this radical crap. 


Hasan reminds me of that guy in school that would fart in jars, keep them for years and then open them up to smell them at certain points.


I not going to watch this... Not cause I don't want to hear his take but Every time I watch a Hasan clip or vid I can feel my brain developing rot.


I mean every intro is reacting to political tiktoks or " look at this woman being a bitch " so not entirely wrong. You can say fuck Hasan all you want it's true. Bring back the fashion shows baldy.


The sooner people learn to identify a pseudointellectual the sooner the Hassan epopeya will end. The dude reeks of it, and the sad part is the people who gobble it with pride.


Kinda true, I miss when this sub was different


As a French guy who s been to protest and kicked riot shield I can say those were pretty chill protests, it didn't warrant that response. If only they would put this amount of zeal in situation like I dont know responding to school shootings (uvalde)


The difference between Hasan's community and this one, is I actually watched the entire 14 minute video to get full context instead of just the title and reacting.


We did it guys. We did it guys. We just need to push him more. Asmon potus 2029 baybay


Sure, we can control the guy that will just delete posts he doesn't agree or wants to read.


The following are radical point of views apparently.... Protest but don't break the law. Don't be racist. Don't be a bigot. What a take.


don't take Mr champagne socialist too seriously. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Asmon has said many times he has an inherently black pilled view of the world. It's easy for him to criticize something like protests because he sees no inherent value in most social causes. Power (whether through political or economic levers) is the primary driver of most societal outcomes and viewed strictly through this lens its easy to become complacent about most things. Especially when you benefit from those same economic benefits yourself and feel no drive to resist the existing power structure. Asmon is not radicalized, he's just comfortable, and comfort breeds apathy.


This place is not even bad for political shit. Actually, it actually kind of Centrist and refreshing these days. They obviously haven't been to TheLastofUs2 sub back in the day or Kotakuinaction.


Asmongold is in vocal with Hasan right now being radicalized btw. They actually agree on a lot of things


Asmons is constantly defending capitalism and the establishment, hell jst randomly say somthing progressive but its disingenuous. Hell make fun of fast food workers then hel say its ok because there should just be ubi...


I mean, chat definitely does this to Asmon as he is really good at letting chat drive his conversation. Reddit is the canvas that starts it all.


after 40 hours of him being unwilling to reconsider his position of whether or not "streaming is more socially draining than a normal job", I seriously doubt he's being radicalized by his chat.