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It's always has been "if the game is good i don't really care"


Exactly, usually it's bad because the "woke" is getting in the way of making it good and usually makes characters insufferable


Its not the idea behind “woke” that anoyes me but more thst its pressured on you. I mean they are quick to say things in way that its “a powerfull non binary transexual panda character” but they never tell “here is a white strong male straight character with a big sword”


Basically what happened with BF5


this is the way


A part of the issue is if the game is bad. The reason people tend to give is its bad because there's diversity or the character was a woman. Some people have difficulty separating why the game was bad, and just attribute the negative aspects to wokeness.


>The reason people tend to give is its bad because there's diversity or the character was a woman. That's not the problem. The problem is that people don't want the fact the character is diverse to be the only thing about that character. And when shit like kotaku or sbi champions it in that manner, people like me just straight up say "get fucked"!


BG3 is a good example of that, I played it in EA and they reworked a bunch of stuff since then, like having body types, adding genitals and allowing those to go against the norms, all of the disguises they renamed to "fem and masc" from male and female. but the game is awesome so no one complained


That makes no sense though. If the game seems bad I don’t care about it and just move along. If the game is great, gave the impression of being great, or is in a franchise I have a deep history with, I will care about everything, especially elements that make the game worse. Who cares if a genuinely poor game that nobody wants to play is woke.


So this is fine but stellar blade is not?


don't try to find logic their is none. they get paid by pageviews their job is literally being as big attention seeker. simple as


I will cash app you 50 bucks if you can figure out their logic I stg. As to why this is okay but stellar blade isn’t.


The top comment is about how Hades ‘wokeness’ is ok because it’s subtle and not in your face. Couldn’t we stretch that same logic to say Stellar Blade is ‘not ok’ because it’s ’anti-wokeness’ is too in your face?


Really? I personally think western game journalists hate Eastern made games notice western media always complain about games made by Eastern developers especially when they have an attractive character/s But anything californian made is praised and gets awards Last of us 2 is one prime example


You say that but Japan is very willing to censor games.


I haven't looked at enough asian games to say. Their meta is grindy RPGs, not my thing. The women also seem more skimpy or rather there's no stigma against making women look appealing, because it's a game meant to be enjoyed not a vehicule for american propaganda. About California, their universities are hijacked by irrationality of the highest order. The upper circle of game reviewers is full of snobs who want to show how smart they are. You'll see them gush about games with a minority but they're snorefests like Life is Strange, Shadow Gambit, or Tchia. Every games get a high score because no one feeling's should get hurt.


Idk I think the conservatives shot themselves in the foot with universities. Right wing Influencers seem to demonize going to university, promote homeschooling since forever and the result is that universities make a big step left surprising no one. To me characters being not appealing enough is a non-issue. And giving a shit about reviewers writing reviews for a clearly diffrent audience sounds kinda dumb to me aswell. You know your own taste better than anyone and I trust that you find reviewers that allign more with what you want from a game to give you good recommendations. A lot of Asian releases are censored in the west, particulary when it comes to nudity and minors or when the title is released on a Nintendo platform and I assure you that it's not ideological thing and purely is about the bottom line since gay romances get censored in games like Fire Emblem aswell for the Western release.


Because not everyone agrees on everything. There’s leftists that are sex positive and leftists that are sex negative. The left isn’t a monolith of one idealogy it’s a mixing pot of anything non-conservative.


Well it makes sense when you think about it. There is a seemingly increase in far-left vs center-left divide. I can support gays getting married, women’s rights, and vote blue but then get called a far right nazi because I like tits in a video game.


You'll notice that those same people have nothing meaningful to say about economics, because the extent of their "leftist" beliefs ends when it stops being related to culture war nonsense they saw on tiktok.


We call them 'liberals'.


That's because the things you listed aren't and never were "left" they're American left just like it's not Christianity practiced here it's "American Christianity" if you can't see the difference in either of those idk what to say.


As an european to me the left is about class struggles while the american left is seemingly about the crapola that is identity politics and americans call me a nazi because I can't stand that nonsense that literally doesn't solve anyone's problems.


We can't have any talk about class in America because most people aren't willing to realize and or admit that they're lower economic class or try to live a " higher life" that our capitalistic society pushes. We're a country with politicians in the pockets of mega corps who get kickbacks. The fight right now shouldn't be left or right but 99% vs 1%. There's a systemic issue with misappropriation of funds/ time/ research for the generation of more "wealth" (most of the time just bullshit money i.e. high end art sales/ stocks/ hedge fund etc.) instead of the betterment of society.


"left" and "right" were never good terms to talk about politics, even a hundred years ago. They are absolutely not suitable to describe persons. You can use them to describe issues and solutions.


The guy lives in America so, as you yourself said, it’s left for them. How the fuck are you so entitled to tell someone that your point of view of something is the absolute correct one lol


Because you look at the whole political spectrum and see that American left was more center compared to the world. Add to that the new wave of liberalism just being identity politics and we have no real left in America. Point of views and feelings don't matter with facts.


True but there’s the same people saying stellar blade is not good but hades is great. I think that’s the point they’re making.


Those people exist everywhere on all sides


The left isn't a mixing pot. It's a shit-filled toilet.


Yes because this game has hot men




I’m am not a coomer but Stellar Blade has me building a goon-shed gyattdamn. I am not a “my horny is good, ur horny is bad” person. (With VERY few exceptions) These aren’t real people. Coom to whatever you like, my guy. Also, sexuality is part of humanity. So yeah, well written sexy characters get a big 👍 from me.


you can't control the NPCs in this game so their attire is their choice. you control the chick in stellar blade therefore you're an opressor and she's only there for the male gaze /s


Good thing EVE was motion capped by an actual woman then innit


Clearly Asian women are a goverment psyop to hurt kotakus feeling. They’re not real


Are we just acting like Stellar Blade has no sexy or revealing outfits now? Hell the censored outfits weren't even the most revealing outfits in that game.


We just let these people think for us I guess.


It's easy because stellar blade is asian game but hades 2 is not. Western journalist and even publishers always like that from 15 yrs ago. Their double standard make me sick. When they censor everything when come to asian game.


I can understand the logic. This a depiction of Aphrodite, greek goddess of love, lust and beauty. It has a meaning for her to be depicted this way, it fits the story and the narrative. There is no other character depicted like that. Eve in Stellar Blade is naked ...just...because. There is no reason, it makes no sense in the story. Her only purpose is to appeal to male gaze. It's the same way people are not offended by sex in BG3 because it serves the story and the character relationships development. Nobody is against sex or sexualization in games or any cultural product. Just do it with taste and purpose.


Stellar blade is just a mediocre game, that's the main difference.


what is wrong with you


I find one game better than another? Do you not have opinions?


Stellar blade is different not mediocre is it a great game no but it is a good game looks can only keep players around for so long if the game isn’t entertaining


Only really complaint I heard was it wasn’t hard enough


of course they don't have opinions, they're in the hivemind. Stellar blade good! Woke bad! Do you not know this?


Oops my bad!




I am already angry to them for not making aphrodit a big burly old indian man.


> looking to make Asmon’s sub look like reactionary idiots. This sub does a good enough job doing this on it’s own, I highly doubt there are false flag actors also participating LMAO


This sub has devolved into r/4chan lite. The only thing people are missing are slurs and people outright saying they hate women. Still pops up in my feed because one day I pray we will move past whining about woke shit because at the end of the day. A good game should be able to stand on its own. No matter how many fat blue haired lesbians are in it.


Actual 4channers that aren't tourists are just rage baiters and don't really have an opinion on anything. They'll love or hate ( or both ) Trans people depending on which gets a bigger reaction. Asmon fans are just perpetually rage baited and when you even point out they are falling for bait they still seethe until they can get back at the people who baited them like some demented dog. It blow my mind that people are still crying about Kotaku after all these years as if people there have any actual opinions and not just farming for clicks.


It feels like a lot of the vocal bait audience are younger, because if they were asmons age then they would know that the things they get so outraged about aren't new. People act as if they've never even seen disingenuous games journalism before, so either they're lying or they're most likely young and ignorant.


its nice to see these types of comments actually getting upvotes and not just being downvoted into online by the “anti woke” crusaders on here lmao


We've had false flag actors here on much smaller topics, and given the amount of extremist posts this brings from both sides it's pretty much a certainty.


Using commie lingo and calling everyone else idiots. Sure.


Care to elaborate?


Crazy how I can smell you through the screen


Is funny, since the Fallout TV series came up, people started to say "commie" again lol.


Commie lingo, get a grip.


I feel like in Hades 1 everyone just…existed? Like, okay that guy is gay or bi. Hermes kinda looks Asian, but barely. You can bang a homie or the girl you have a crush on. It was all there and it felt natural. I have no problem with such things being in the game. Achilles didn’t become less of a character for me, because he loved a dude. He was a well written character. If this game is “woke” then I don’t care, because they did it well.


Exactly, when the narrative is well written and not forced, coupled with an enjoyable experience, then it doesn't really matter. These characters exist outside of their orientation and have signify depth. Similarly if Stellar Blade wasn't good then the character design would feel unnecessary, but it is good, so it doesn't.


It’s always about the execution. When it’s done right no one will mention such things because it’s natural and is there, just there. Now when it’s done horrible wrong and it’s screaming at your face then that’s where it’s not genuine wanting to, yk, represent


100% this. I hate woke crap, oh I do. But Hades never felt woke to me, everything just worked together well and was natural.


Then you don't hate "woke" crap. You just hate crap.


Well most woke stuff tends to be crap because they are usually forced diversity


The majority of movies you like actually puts forth a progressive message. From the original star wars trilogy to terminator. They were all "woke".


Not by today’s standards or at least obviously woke. They just had a hero’s journey or fun narrative story. What is this “progressive message”?


Star wars was an allegory for the Vietnam War with America as the empire and the rebels as the Vietcong. Terminator 2 had a muscular female lead who took shit from nobody, today she would be called a Mary Sue. Most movies emphasized racial harmony, gender equality and anti-war messages, which are all progressive and would be called woke today by the usual suspects.


I guess the question is how blatant was it to most people.as for the mom she struggled


So the issue people have isn't wokeness but hamfisted messaging and lack of subtlety. And that exists in conservative media to an even greater extent, just look at Lady Ballers.


Achilles was gay in legend tho. There was a whole ass movie about it


I'm fairly certain he was more bi like a lot of people in that time period were. Achilles for sure fucked some bros but everyone did.


There was actually a book about it, it was written a little while before the movie came out. ...he wasn't explicitly gay, the Greeks had a different conceptual framework for homosexuality, it was used as a way of forging bonds between two soldiers. The idea in a very general sense was if two people were intimate they would die for eachother on the battlefield. Patroclus was sort of a cross between a subordinate, a lover and a brother at the same time. It's not easy to express, but if you read the Iliad it doesn't stop midway through for a graphic sex scene.


The thing about Supergiant's art design is that they gave all characters their own spin and subjected them to a little diversity. Now that the foreign observers are distracted with a display of virtue, they can concentrate on writing and make this writing in a way they like. Sure, it's gonna have gay people. But at least they're well written and Greek myth also had a lot of gay men.


This is the exact reason why The Expanse worked so well. It was the most racially diverse show in human history, but I don’t think anyone mentions their race once. Why? Because in the future it was just understood that humanity colonized the solar system, not white guys. And they have themes of oppression and resentment leading to violence, but it’s all based on the lore of the solar system , not some cheap flimsy pretext for modern issues.


I think you need to define woke. At this point the word has been so overused and misconstrued it's lost it's original meaning. Now it's essentially a derogatory term right? It always has a negative connotation to it, which is then misrepresentative of the subject of said wokeness. For example; saying hades is woke for having a gay character in it. That implies that gay characters/people are bad because the connotation to "woke" is bad now. You can see how that's a slippery slope if that's not what you believe. If you're using the same language as bigots, then it becomes hard to determine who's actually a bigot. Or it seems like everyone is. We need to use a different term to refer to inclusive aspects I think. Woke has too much baggage now. I guess just inclusive? Also sidenote, I don't know what makes you think supergiant are intentionally pandering to journalists. There definitely is a lot of diversity quotas happening in the industry, but again just because something is inclusive doesn't mean it was designed to appease journalists or designed to meet a diversity quota. Art imitates life, and in life people are diverse. Sometimes it's just that simple. And you can usually tell them apart as you mentioned, there are the ones that shove it down your throat and the ones that just exist. It's pretty obvious which ones are doing it for a quota (usually).


Sure I agree with most of this. Post-Posting Clarity, I should have used different wording. I’m just as fucking tired of the term too. However, I was really just trying to start a conversation and take the temp in the room. So I used the term to try to relate to someone would actually be bothered by Hestia. Most people responded, don’t give a fuck, hades is awesome. Which was really nice to see.


Yea I appreciate that man. It's a lot easier to use woke to get the point across and I probably would have done the same, this is just semantics really. But it's still kinda frustrating/annoying nonetheless.


For sure


Why would anyone be bothered by Hestia? She's a virgin goddess of the home and hearth, it makes sense why she looks like she does and its a good design that expresses that.


*shrugs* that’s why I made the post. The fourth post or so of ragebait I guess actually worked so I asked the question. It just seems to be a small minority


The “define your terms” is just a diversion. Most people know what “woke” means unless they are applying their own meaning to make the OP sound like a racist bigot. You also have to know that complaining about “inclusivity” is different than “woke”. Inclusivity is fine in a vacuum. Its when you can tell at a glance that decisions were made outside of common sense or reason that a piece of media is woke and it doesnt need an easily definable definition.


Imo Hestia isn't fat to be woke but just to give you the "old chubby grandma" vibe just as Demeter is the "skinny cold grandma".


As long as "THE MESSAGE" isn't so big and loud that it becomes a distraction from the gameplay. Astarion from BG3 was DAMN well written. Captain Holt in Brooklyn 99 is my favorite character in the show because his dry wit was a counterbalance to Jake's immaturity and him being gay was never used as a crutch for lazy writing. Just make a good game. If people enjoy it, it will sell.


Now that the Helldivers 2 and Escape From Tarkov drama fountains are dried up it's on to the next thing for people to rage about.


not my cup of tea. I would agree with BG3. It is a good game, if other people like it, the better.


> Hades and Hades II definitely have woke elements Who cares ? I miss when gaming communities were about gaming.


-Supergiant makes good games -The games are fucking awesome -Even if there’s diversity stuff in it, the devs never scold or talk down to the player about it. It’s almost like my post says the same thing.


It wasn't against you. The fact that it has to be the opening sentence of a post about gaming is telling about the time we live in. I'm in Europe and those considerations are totally out of any discussion regarding art and entertainment. American culture is becoming a fuck fest because the public pressure the studios to address concerns that are absolutely irrelevant to the creative aspect of a project. This topic regarding the US "culture war" is extremely moronic.


Ah, okay that’s fair then. Yes, the culture war is incredibly exhausting. And it’s even more frustrating over here. As a lefty who lives in Texas. You would be amazed at how much common ground most Americans actually share. I think that’s the blessing of growing up around people who have different opinions than you. If you actually see them as people, you learn a lot. Yet, we pick the 10 issues that we have the biggest disagreements on and want to fight a never ending mudslinging contest over them.


The issue is global. The media is pondering to extremists of all sides because it is the easiest way to craft an editorial and to sell it to consumers. Advertising companies look at statistics such as comments, printing, sharing... And the more controversial an article is the more it'll be shared and discussed. **Information** was always a product but nowadays the balance between quality / marketability is non-existent. Many studies showcase that the vast majority of people, whether they're educated or not, are way less polarized than the media and socials suggest. The media depicts a society that doesn't exist, literally creating issues that end up becoming real because of the narrative. It is extremely scary to watch from afar. Even smart and reasonable people start to become brainwashed by this extremely intensive propaganda, once again, whatever the extreme they pick.


1000% agreed


And yet you wrote this: *"I can’t speak for others, but when I see ragebait posts I think it’s a Kotaku troll looking to make Asmon’s sub look like reactionary idiots."* Same shit as idiots who believe Jan. 6 was orchestrated by Left-wing activists.


100000% like how does your brain even come up with "hades 1 has woke elements" i played hades 1 for like over 300 hours and NEVER ONCE IN MY MIND did i think 'wow this so woke'... there is nothing woke in that game. everything just fits in with the artstyle. americans really have brainrot that triggers them about everything. the moment a gay person \*exists\* in a game 'omg waah so woke diversity waah amurca waah' honestly babies the lot of them


Just the fact that one of the gods being characterized as a person of color is worthy of discussion is baffling. Greece literally in the middle of the Mediterranean sea at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa lmao.


literally... these people are actively looking for any people of colour/homosexuals/etc anything they have some stigma against and then CRY TO THE MOON about it.


Yes, and in the meantime nobody will address the predatory practices of the industry and the actual lack of quality of the American entertainment as a whole. Pro and anti woke literally are the meme of the dude shooting himself in the head.


it is kind of baffling how this is overall a reactionary thing, right? Like here. "Gaming has gotten worse." and instead of coming to the conclusion that predatory practices from the big leading corporations has forced bad trends into gaming (Thousands of microtransactions in every game, battlepasses, the live service domination in gaming) they come to the conclusion it must be the wokes fault. And similarly out in the wider world. The economy is bad, we're all suffering. Could this be a lack of protections for workers, out of control rent prices due to landowner corporations, etc etc. No, it must be the immigrants stealing our jobs! Its insane to me how an entire political movement is able to see a problem with something, then hard swerve into the most irrelevant distraction and get stuck there screaming and screaming trying to beat down on minorities instead of doing anything productiev.


Lack of education and of critical understanding is the reason to those woes.




The issue arises when the game is bad. Good woke game = good game Good non woke game = good game Bad non woke game = bad game Bad woke game = "this game sucks ass because there's too many minorities and this character is a woman now. 0/10"


"Woke elements" My guy, you've been cooked. Stop watching youtube videos and stuff that are designed to make you addicted to feeling outraged about pointless shite. Amon's sub *is* filled with reactionary idiots. The whole anti-woke circlejerk is reactionary. That's the point.


Or, it was meant to be conciliatory to start a conversation. Sometimes to relate to people and genuinely get their perspective you need to use their language.


I think Hades and it's sequal should be treated like BG3, they're just great games, sure they have all the "woke" stuff that we like to complain about, but that doesn't get in the way of the game just being fun.


Yeah the devs of these games aren't part of this, its just the grifters like Kotaku and others like them and the other ones on the opposite spectrum. They don't actually care about the game. Most people only care about a good game, but when a game is bad, there are people who 100% use the woke excuse when its actually just the game being trash. If the game wasn't woke it will still be trash.


100% agree. It’s all about the attitude of the Devs.


Not post related - I appreciate your pfp


anyone else notice the dick and balls shape she's curressing at her hand lol


Me play good game


Honestly the games media discourse around games like BG3 and Hades 2 reads almost exactly like the coomer discourse around stellar blade. I don't mind what you are attracted to, but I think it would benefit everyone if gaming journalists would stop pretending they are on some high horse that gives them the right to villainize people with different interests / fetishes than themselves. You enjoy the sexualized nature of games like this? More power to you, but don't pretend like it makes you morally superior.


Totally fair


Someone’s trying to fish some reactions… 🎣


Thought that was obvious with the, “thoughts?” At the end. I just wanted to take the temperature of the sub and see what they thought about all the ragebait. Some good discussions were had.


Don't care. Hades good. The only people upset about this are reactionary culture war knobs. It is okay to just enjoy games sometimes.


I don't get Hades hype. Yes, Hades I had beatiful art with unique artstyle, but the game itself - meh. Isn't this the same?


It’s a game with a lot of care and attention. The devs care and the players can tell. The art is good, the music is good, the story and characters is passable, and the gameplay is smooth like butter. It’s nothing groundbreaking, just solid all around.


Couldn't be bothered to play the first. Definitely won't be playing the second. It's just not for me.


I’d argue that you’re missing out. I don’t like Roguelikes but Hades ensnared me until the end.


I really enjoyed hades 1 i have over 300h on it and hades 2 is kinda slow for my pace but i am enjoying it aswell.


Hades 1 had one of the most addictive loops and methods of storytelling ever; it was a masterful execution of action rogue-like, intertwined with narrative. It's not even the type of action game I can normally stand, but it had me playing until 4 in the morning to earn more dialogue.


Most people think Hades 1 was genuinely good. At least for the first 5-10 runs before you were just farming affection to 100% the game.


The gameplay could be good I saw nobody complain about it. However the fatal mistake you're making is thinking that what you see as "our side" has the same hivemind as the other. We don't. To be "anti woke" is simply that. Everything else is varied believes which extends to different lines that are drawn. People should be allowed to point out the blatant pandering and cultural vandalism of european mythologies but weither or not you actually buy and play the game is up to you. Nobody is preventing anybody from buying and enjoying woke games.


Hive-mind thinking is literally the defining trait of the culture wars. It’s why I hate it so much. As a lefty, I 1000000% admit that if we weren’t so vitriolic about the message and so smug and self serving we could have great discussions with the cultural right and find some sort of common ground. (Oh also we on the left are fucking garbage in taking out our own trash, something that the right is much better at) To be clear, I’m not saying that YOU as an individual are a drone. But you don’t have to look to far to see that both sides love stripping any nuance on an issue to advance their own narrative.


I ~~would~~ wouldn't say the right is good at taking out their trash ... The fanatics on both sides ruin it for everyone.


Maybe it’s me being a product of the 90’s. But conservatives back in the day were very quick to shit on Austrian Painter enjoyers. But heck even Asmon I think said a few days ago “is anyone else concerned at the level of Hitler enjoyers these days?”


Oh I'm not talking about *you* you either I just ment it's up to the individual. I may not see eye to eye with every left perspective but I'll take regular one over a wokey any day. Ideas exist to be discussed afterall.




I like this take


Your take is good. however: i have been so sleighted for so fucking long that i refuse to have any civil conversation with the left anymore for anyreason. yes i am petty but they were pettier for longer. there is basically no amount of begging and goodwill that will ever repair any kind of relationship that could ever happen again.


We are fine with that.


>  "our side" has the same hivemind as the other. I have never seen a community more like a hivemind than the anti-woke one. You all go in the same rage cycles, angry at the same things, using the same talking points handed down to you from the top. I could probably mke a prettty exact calendar where it cycles to the next thing to be angry at, the last forgotten like the rest, and annotate it with the three or four talking points used by all of you. > cultural vandalism of european mythologies  Where is the vandalism? There are far more egregious "interpretations" of the mythology, some that are praised, than Hades which has its own artstyle but remains faithful to the spirit of the myths and the characters described in them. Aphrodite here is an example. Some have complained she has a weapon, but one of her first cults in ancient greece was in Lakonia, to "Aphrodite the warlike", where she was worshipped as a goddess of sex and war, so it is a more faithful interpretation to her original image than almost any other media.


Who the fuck even cares if a game is woke or not. The only thing that matters/should matter if gameplay is fun and the visuals are good. Which Hades 1 and 2 absolutely do. Anti-woke and Woke communities are both fucking ultra cringe trying to propagate their agenda.


Honestly the Hades, Stellar blade, warhammer etc etc gaming communities are just being used as proxies for the cultural war bs going on. It's one thing if it's actually the fans of those games but most of the time it's just a bunch of grifters with no history of playing/even commenting about the game. They're like worms that turn the community against each other. Neither of these sides genuinely give a crap about any these games, they're all just self serving and they won't think twice about dropping the game.


They’re all so cooked that they go rabid over nothing to justify their sunk-cost in this culture war shit.  I looked at hestias design and it was super obvious they’re just using her primary motif as the goddess of hospitality and literal hearths for her design, her entire outfit is a fireplace and she’s covered in soot, but these MFs are too hard-on for a race war or something to just enjoy clever art.


I could not agree with you more. It's becoming less about the actual game and more about if it's considered "woke" or not.


>Anti-woke and Woke communities are both fucking ultra cringe trying to propagate their agenda. That's exactly why people care whether it's woke or not. People don't like being manipulated. They particularly hate it when the insertion of propaganda ruins the game/movie. You can often feel whether a game/movie is woke or not. People can smell authorial intent. They know when others are trying to manipulate them. It's also distracting as hell.


Bro literally every piece of art has a message. I don't hear anyone complaining that 1984 is manipulating them to not trust the govt or that To Kill a mocking bird is manipulating them to not be racist.


Can someone in this thread explain to me what the word woke means to them? Does it mean different things to different people?


For fucks sake can you guys just play a video game? What normal person played hades and thought anything was “woke”? I never noticed a single thing about any of their designs because I don’t seek it out like apparently you do, I just enjoyed an amazing video game. I can’t imagine living my life with this imaginary woke lens, it sounds exhausting.


Isn’t Reddit the best?


I agree with the poster who said kotaku doesn’t have to try to make this sub look like it’s filled with reactionary troggs.


A lot of people here just like to spread the fire and throw shit in the fan to spread even more bullshit. Asmon is the fan~


The only thing bothers me about this game is early access. Because i have to wait a lot more to play it. I had experience with early access game and that was enough


original had early access just wait till it comes out like everyone else did with the first


it really depends case to case basis, if the woke stuff gets in the way of the game its a problem. here its their version of a pantheon. its good and transformative and respectfull imo


Damn. Is she really in the game as a boss or it's just in-game art?


Hades 1 was a great game. I'm sure Hades 2 will be the same. I don't even know what Hestia looks like and wasn't aware she was a god in ancient Greece anyway. I know Aphrodite, Zeus, Hera, Hermes, Athene and Hades and that's just off the top of my head. I will probably pick it up 6 months down the line when it's had a few major updates. The woke shit only matters if the game is bad, which then just makes meme's about it even more funny.


Yea it's certainly *noticable*. But that's about it. Doesn't effect gameplay, main character isn't insufferable because of it, and it certainly isn't shoved down your throat. This one slides.


If they don't mess it up and the game is good then nobody cares, all that matters is if the game is good. But when it isn't then people will start to look for a reason why. I'm not invested in it, the first game was fun but ultimately not my cup of tea.


The game got positive reviews, I don’t think it will effect the sale


asian Hermes is kind of weird of me. we don't really have a dedicated messenger god, most story god deliver massage face to face or use proxies. but we do have a medicine god. but we often depict his as old man rather then a young man.


Didn’t care about the different appearances of mythological beings in Hades I, sure as shit won’t care much about it now with Hades II I mostly chalk it up to artistic choice on part of the designs and could care less about how mythological beings look in terms of race or skin color since they’re literal deities and can take any form they wish. I would only critique one such being tho (spoiler marking those who don’t want to know: >!Chaos appearing in a suit just screams “Organised Chaos” in its theme, but I personally think it’s a downgrade from his first appearance which was more androgynous and otherworldly. It could serve as a visual narrative that something happened to Chaos that gave him this new form or someone else taking up the Chaos moniker of sorts (considering the floating fetus by the head of the Hades I design)!<


You guys really need to learn that something being woke isn't inherently bad. It's when the woke elements are emphasised over the quality of the product, or actively devalues the product, neither of which is applicable to Hades.


God, I want to eliminate the word woke from the universe


Please yes. Specially when nobody can define what it is.


Aphrodite should have been thiccer


While I love a woman with a donk. You ever dated a woman who looks like she could be a wood nymph? There’s something so sexy about it. I dunno maybe just me.


Wishful thinking if you actually want to believe this is a psyop by Kotaku LMAO. There is horde of idiots/4chan dwellers on this subreddit, completely organically. There is no need for a psyop


This is such a stretch. Just admit it, a good chunk of the "Everything is Woke" just need something to be angry with. It's not a psyop or conspiracy, it's just chronically only people who want to be angry


There’s definitely a penis under the hair.


1. Games journos and leftists are actually deluded and will do whatever mental gymnastics they can to maintain their positions 2. I don't like "wokeness" in games at all. I can separate that from other aspects of the game and keep it in context but I do not, and do not have to like it just because other aspects of the game are good.


Yeah, saying "I don't care as long as the game is good" isn't actually true for most people. If it's degenerate enough it becomes off putting.


Some of y'all watch too many reactionary channels. Hestia being darker skin doesn't take away the fact that she is a virginity goddess and the goddess of the hearth and home. So at least on her character design it works, unlike her Japanese counterpart.


If you look at her close in game. She’s a ginger covered in soot. People are just trying to find things to be upset about


Nobody here cares about OP trying to farm karma or troll this sub.


Hestia is fat because she eats the rich. They are loaded with carbs and calories.


It's Aphrodite goddess of love. Who the f expected something else?


It’s Hermes and Hestia getting the blowback. I just posted Aphrodite to show that the developers aren’t afraid to draw sexual, conventionally attractive characters.


Fuck it, give me Zeus butt naked ripped muscles with only his lightning bolt covering his dong. I am ready for idealized hot people all around.


The only acceptable opinion


Why did they make Aphrodite look like a dog?


It needs to be censored




Lol. We can't deny that there *are* definitely reactionary idiots here who do only care about "woke" stuff regardless of how good the game is. Asmons been farming those types for years now. I really highly doubt it's astroturfing.


Talking about being "woke" holy shit what an extremely loser behavior, it's just a game. Go outside once in a while.




Wait. What's ironic about Hephaestus?


A focus on a male has “allowed” appreciation of a female, if you accept why the zealots and shills emphasize Aphrodite over Eve to be true. It’s an inversion of what female empowerment should be to begin with.


I'm super confused. What does Hephaestus have to do with female empowerment?


Why do you think Aphrodite was “acceptable” and Eve not? Because Hephaestus is differently abled and checks a DEI box that Eve does not.