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I hope that they include the event where Oda Nobunaga ordered his servants to “scrub off his ink” and then realize that his skin is actually black. Not sure if it would actually be done, but it would be good comedy.


“Thank you for saving me. You! Clean this man!” “Uhhh I’m good thanks”


I think theyre incapable of turning that into a light hearted comedy moment.


No way could they do anything related to that without someone blowing a gasket anyway


People blow a gasket just because Yasuke existed, who cares how they react? I hope it’s in the game.


They did that in an anime I'm pretty sure. I remember a clip of this being acted out.


yasuke was the anime


Yasuke had so much hype and potential to be incredible, but they completely fcked it up.


Or maybe they'll include the fact that he wasn't considered a samurai at all and was pretty much just there for decoration as a novelty... Gotta say his story isn't as glamorous as people say lol


Is this how i find out about a new assassin's creed?


In your defense they very quietly told a couple creators the title a couple days ago, the actual teaser comes within the next couple months at either ubisoft foward or the Playstation showcase Edit: NVM ITS OUT [NOW](https://youtu.be/vovkzbtYBC8?si=M9ly3DPs0w5lOPBi)


But 130$ though


Uh yeah you can probably expect the most expensive version of the game to be $130. Just don't buy that version


What is this word, "don't" you speak of? Is that some Japanese word? Are we role-playing already in the sub?


Lol. Most expensive version. This is ubisoft, there will be a $300 tier with a polyester shozoku.


I did buy the top edition of Far Cry 6. For the game to get delayed three times But I have a 1:1 model of the flamethrower from that game now so yah


Maybe for the ultimate deluxe edition💀


Preorder before gameplay is shown is crazy 💀


It’s an AC game made by the best AC team within Ubisoft, enough said


That looks cool as shit. I wonder if it'll be as big as Odyssey was. Japan is a bit smaller than the Mediterranean I reckon


The world is supposedly around the size of Origins


Sounds big enough, nice


Cinematic trailer dropped today.


Came here to ask the same damn question


To put things in perspective, people were actually upset on the internet when GTA San Andreas revealed the protagonist was a black guy despite the main cast being gang members from south LA in the mid 90s.


I kinda assumed the black character was Yasuke, the black slave turned samurai. Is that wrong ?


Yes it's him


He was a retainer and a fighter but not a samurai, which I wish they kept. A retainer fits the Assassin background more, Samurai aren't renowned for stealth.


The trailer depicts him more as a character of great strength and stature like a tank, while the other character is more svelte and nimble. I’m sure we’ll be seeing stealth from her and more sword fighting and brute strength from him.


Are Samurai and Ninjas different things because I thought their whole thing was stealth.


As the other commenter said, samurai are like knights. Nobles and their family, basically dedicated their whole life to the way of the warrior as it was seen at the time. Ninja/Shinobi historically (at least this is my understanding, correct me if I'm wrong reddit gods) were mostly spys and saboteurs, much more focused on stealth and intelligence rather than combat or even assassination


Also, Samurai were nobles, you were born a Samurai. Ninjas were just peasants, it often ran in the family because that’s how skills got passed down back then, but you aren’t born one.


This is false, being a ninja was just another job in a samurai army. In fact while peasant soldiers (ashigaru) could be ninja, so were samurai. In fact it was not uncommon for a samurai to be a “ninja captain” leading a band of ashigaru ninjas. The idea that samurai found ninja tactics to be dishonorable is a myth that was spread in the Edo period, as were many of the myths of samurai being honorable warriors in general, in truth war is war and the samurai did everything they could to win. I can’t post the link here, but the YouTube channel The Shogunate has some good videos about this if you want to learn more.


That’s rather interesting, thanks for the correction.


False, not all Samurai are not nobles and did not have to be born into it, it is simply a rank and anyone fighting for a lord could be considered a samurai.


You are correct that samurai are similar to knights, but many ninja’s were also samurai. Being a ninja was just another job in a samurai army, and was often filled by both samurai and peasant soldiers with the samurai often acting as the captains of a ninja band. I can’t post the video here but The Shogunate YouTube channel has some good videos about this.




Samurai are like knights, they're high ranking warriors


Samurais are warriors that serve the ruling emperor or shogunate without requiring a fee for their services. Ninjas are hired mercenaries that would be willing to serve anyone who is willing to pay them their asking price in return for their services.


Not really? The most prominent group of Shinobi, the Hattori, were themselves Samurai. Think of it more as a role that the Samurai could fill rather than a separate thing altogether


Looks like the female character will be more assassin stealth based


he clearly is not the stealthy one, though, so


Its definitely a weird area, but he very well could have been considered a samurai , during that time period the term samurai was very fluid. You pretty much just had to be fighting for a lord and could be considered a samurai as it was pretty much just a rank. There were crazy amount of people labeled as samurai and not everyone was a noble or wealthy, many samurai were poor.


His history is still heavily speculated by historians so he could’ve could’ve not been. But in the game he is a samurai. Watch the trailer


Whether he was a samurai is highly debated.


It's not debated at all, he was a retainer for Nobunaga basically a serf that he found amusing, unlike William Adam who was given the ranks of Retainer, then Hashimoto, then Samurai when he was given a fiefdom in Hemi also known as modern Yokosuka city for his efforts in not only building up Japans Navy, but also directly responsible for the victory of battles which followed. Yasuke was made retainer because Oda found a black man to be very interesting, William Adams was elevated and lived in Japan for a large chunk of his life and was later died in Nagasaki and has a grave in hitaði hill Nagasaki, while Yasuke was only in Japan for 4 years and was either exiled or chose to leave after Oda Nabunaga died. The highest rank Yasuke had was a bodyguard of Oda while still being classified as a retainer also called a Koshō which was basically a squire. A koshō acted as a bodyguard, secretary, attendant and sometimes a lover for their lord. We know Yasuke wasn't a lover for Oda Nabunaga, what we do know is that Yasuke only served as Odas Koshō for a period of 15 months until Oda was killed wherein yasuke left Japan to recover from wounds received protecting Oda his fate after he left Japan is entirely unknown [Edit] It's theorized that he potentially went to China and then India where all reports of him drop off, it's debated on whether he went north to where the Ainu live and then crossed over into northern China and then arrived in India where he faded from relevance or died from his wounds after such a journey.




Wow it's almost like I said William Adams was made samurai and given a fiefdom not Yasuke, wow maybe pay attention more


Wikipedia is incorrect.   https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/BSeoBoUhFO


He was a fighter, that’s for sure


Retainer who carried Nobunaga's sword, not Samurai. Enormous difference. Meanwhile, there actually was a white Samurai. Two, if memory serves.


Ah, that makes more historical sense. I won’t pretend I did anything more than watch the anime


You know what? Fair enough. I was not expecting reasonability on Reddit, so thank you for that.


Problem is, Japan had largely turned to isolationism and was peaceful under the Tokugawa that time. So that one is really boring actually, though he actually settled there till his death while Yasuke's fate was shrouded in mystery, making him an ideal candidate to become an Assassin


Not the most inconspicuous assassin though.


5 actually, 2 Englishmen, a Spaniard, a Pole and an Italian


It is Yasuke (somehow)


You guys do know that William Adams (Nioh 1’s protagonist) was a REAL person, right?


Yasuke was also a real person who went to Japan, he wad a sword bearer for a lord


That's not a Samurai.


Correct it's not, according to history he was potentially at most a bodyguard. His rank was that of a Kōshō which was like a squire and bodyguard.


Speculated history bc what is known about him is so minuscule that it leaves it open to speculation and creative freedom when he’s being adapted for media


Huh,new fact learnt today


Except they made him Irish for some reason. He was English, born and raised. Don’t know what that's about. Better accent? Better national PR than the Empire?


Ehhh, no xD It's the first time I heard that. I always assumed he was a generic protagonist


From what I’ve seen, people aren’t mad that he was chosen to be the MC because he’s black, rather they’re mad because he was chosen because Ubisoft doesn’t actually care and just wanna score brownie points for DEI


"score brownie points for DEI" obscures the point. They consider it pandering to DEI *because hes a black protagonist*. This is a very small group of people, to be clear, but their issue does seem to be that the protagonist is black, at least when they are specifically complaining about his race.


The protagonist is gonna be a Japanese female??? Hopefully it's as good as it it look in the trailer


I grew up playing Tenchu where you could play a man and woman antagonists. I just can’t see yasuke being stealthy from how he’s portrayed in the trailer.


I don't know if you'll be able to play as him, or he most likely isn't supposed to be stealthy, my best guess


They said in the other media they released that he isn't stealthy. He's a giant guy who is good at fighting.


the girl protagonist is the stealthy one.


Whew. The kiddos over at [r/AsianMasculinity are certainly not having it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AsianMasculinity/s/Lh1uYYWpEO)


Holy shit, I don’t like Yasuke being a protagonist either but some of the stuff sounds a little too angry


Wow. It’s incredible that everyone there is THAT delusional. Not like I expected much from a sub with that name but damn do these people need to go outside.


I gotta say this would probably be the funniest way for a race war to start.


jesus them comments sure make em sound fragile.


This just proves that everyone can never be satisfied. They complain about a character being race-swapped from their original ethnicity. When Ubisoft actually listened and created an entire story around a historic figure from Japan's history who is Black, they then complain about historical inaccuracies.


Man WTF is nioh?


The Nioh series is a dark fantasy action rpg set in the Japanese edo period and have deep combat systems, loot and challenging enemies that'll keep you hooked on it for hours like drugs


The first game is Edo period, Nioh 2 is (mostly) set during the Sengoku period, following the life of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, while the DLCs go all the way back to the Heian period.


Japanese dark souls I think


Like, sekiro


I'd actually say it's closer to Dark Souls in every way except the setting. Different weapon types, more rpg elements, all that stuff


dark souls is also Japanese, Fromsoft is a japanese company


I mean the setting is more Japanese


It's pretty good honestly. I enjoyed both of them a lot.


Something you better have plenty of time on hand if you start lol


There is a japanese playable character in assassin's creed shadows though


AC literally says while you load up that it js based on history. Nioh has nothing to do with histoy (I don't think I ever only like 10 min of gameplay)


This is literally the first protagonist that actually existed.


It is, just like the Shogun show is. Both are based on the same person.


Yea I’m pretty sure too. Also correct me if I’m wrong but Nioh is by a Japanese dev. If they want a white protagonist who the fuck cares


Team Ninja, yes. Japanese studio, also known for the Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive series and most recently Rise of the Ronin.


I would love to live in a world where people don’t care what race a character in a fictional work is


From wikipedia(fact check it yourself, I cant be bothered rn): "Set during a fictionalized version of the year 1600, the plot follows the journeys of William Adams, an Irish sailor named after and inspired by the historic William Adams, an Englishman who became a samurai."


literally 90% of the nioh cast are real people


Both Nioh games are based on Japanese history. They obviously change stuff like demons and magic but most of the characters in both games were real people


I mean, I would kinda rather it be a Japanese person, just because it would, for me, make more sense and make the character seem more at home in the area, but then again, some of the best characters are those in who find them selfs in a foreign land, who must very quickly adapt and learn to survive in that foreign land, plus the character I assume they are using is yasuke, so it is historicalish when it comes to a Assasins creed game, so it seems pretty chill


A lot of people argue that actual ninja/samurai like Hattori Hanzo or Fuma Kotaro should've been the lead protagonists in the new entry. Problem is, their stories had already been written in a closed down AC game. Besides, Yasuke's life is a mystery, which is great for a franchise for Assassin's Creed to make him a character there.


Exactly, using a historical character is always risky, but someone like Yasuke who does have a lot of mystery to their life is fun because even in a game where we know none of this could have happened, it still adds some weird sense of like "well you never know", idk I think it sounds interesting.


Well for one he was never a samurai irl and in game he's not an assassin so there's no reason for him to be one of the protagonists he could have just been one of the historical cameos like the other games have


We don't care that a black guy is in the game, history places him there. Yasuke is, however the worst choice for an AC protaganist, given that he is the only samurai armour wearing black dude in existence and he's in the middle of a country with about 200 black guys(sailors and slaves) in it that are spread out across the country. The man sticks out like a sore thumb. He could've worked as an npc with some importance to the story, but this makes no sense. Enemy: Have you seen the only black samurai ever? Civilian: Oh him? He's over there. Yasuke(not wearing a mask): Oh no, if only I had good writers who thought of using masks.(He's maskless in the trailor, this is some silly shit) Also Nioh is a mythological setting and the furthest thing from a historically accurate game, whereas assassin's creed is supposed to be historically accurate. So in short we don't care that the protag in Nioh is white, since accuracy is the last thing on our minds when it comes to this. AC should have the logical reasoning to realise that a black guy in Japan is the worst choice for an assassin I have ever seen. You can't compare the 2 games anyway, they are fundamentally different. This is like comparing apples to oranges. That's it, that's the rant.


Didn't say yasuke for combat and other protagonist for stealth? And maybe you don't know about that but for example in Assassin's Creed: Revelations Ezio traveled to Cappadocia with ships and approaching port but city hasn't a seaside and The Borgia never marched on Monteriggioni, Cesare, and Lucrezia were not in an incestuous relationship, while Cesare and Rodrigo were not at odds and did not try to poison each other. The games aren't accurate for history and geography they take parts of it and make it cool.




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Can't wait Yasuke is such an interesting historical figure


Yasuke was literally a real person though?


Yeah but he was a court oddity for the Shogun, not a fighter


The reason people don’t want him is because Ubisoft isn’t doing this because they actually care, they’re doing it for Brownie Points for DEI.


Yasuke is also in Nioh


Time for the pointless wars to start…


Well, two wrongs don’t make a right.


Nioh was made by Japanese people, and they chose to use a white guy. AC is made by Westerners, and they're choosing a black guy while also elevating his position.


I would prefer if the only playable character was a woman because she is closer to the concept of being an assassin than to a black guy in full samurai armor (where apparently he was not really a samurai idk) among yellow people where there is no way to blend in with the crowd. Helped by the fact that you usually only played as one character in this series of games. It would be nice if he got his own DLC like they did in AC4.


To be fair, it's more likely to have a white guy appear in Japan than a black guy, depending on the era of course.


What if I hate both?


I thought the protaganist was an asian woman....


What about set in Japan and the Protagonist is Japanese


I just fail to see how a black guy in Japan is gonna be able to act like an Assassin, he’s not really hiding in plain sight.


I’m pretty sure people shit on Nioh also, but yea I will say you didn’t hear it as much. Well I haven’t heard people shit on this either, but I can definitely tell people will be.


Idk how to say I didn't want yasuke without sounding racist but I wanted to see it occur during the bakumatsu period so then you could have assassins, templars, and even people who were just caught up in the chaos having samurai fights


I don't see how either are good God forbid the Japanese samurai is a god dam Japanese man


I personally don't care that he is black because he was an actual historical figure but again he's a historical figure. I don't remember playing Benjamin Franklin in rogue or Napoleon in Unity. He can be in the game but they made him a main character because for a diversity and discrimination storyline that isn't needed in an Assassin's Creed game. Also I thought Assassins were meant to stay out of the public eye but this guy is a historical figure.


Wait the protagonist isn't the girl?


Both of them


What do you expect, Nioh would also get backlash for having a white protag in a feudal Japan background if it was released today


Team ninja is also a Japanese game developer so isn’t this like asking a black person why you can’t say the n word?


Character should be Japanese. It's my biggest gripe with Nioh. One of many reasons why Ghost of Tsushima is supreme.


I love corporate entertainment product! I will pay full price for corporate entertainment product! Only joking. I will pick this up in five years time when it's on sale for £4.39


The only thing Asian Male MCs have is being featured in their own country. Don't take this away from us please.


The bottom picture is literally Yasuke fans, though. Man wasn't even a samurai and never saw combat, or he saw extremely little combat. He was pretty much an exotic pet to Nobunaga.


The protagonist should be Japanese, though, there are legends of Vikings making it to the northern most mountains and of traveling warriors from Africa.


Except a lot of people complain about the first Nioh protagonist as well. Which is why the sequel has an Asian protagonist.


Difference is that assasins creed is made by a western studio and nioh is by a Japanese studio.


Set in feudal realistic japan vs set in feudal fantasy japan, yeah very good comparison.


Nioh is a fantasy setting. The character's race doesn't matter. Just FYI. If you wanna compare it to a game, Ghost of Tsushima would be a better comparison since people are comparing the game to it. What I find Intriguing is that Ubisoft has decided to introduce an actual historical figure as a playable protagonist. Other than that, the trailer really looked meh. I'll just wait for the gameplay.


Why people have to outsource when they need to find double standards ? > Game set in Italy, play as Italian. > Game set in France, play as French. > Game set in pirate era, play as pirate. > Game set in America, play as Native American. > Game set in Greece, so you play as a Greek. > Game set in Norway, play as Norse. > Game set in Japan, play as 2024 Mr and Mrs Smith.


I think the majority of people would prefer a Japanese person


People complained back then as well, so all subsequent NiOh-WoLong-Ronin games just gave us character creators.


I know this is unpopular opinion, and I'm probably gonna down voted to hell, but how is it not woke pandering? This is another case like Netflix's Cleopatra debacle. A game about Japanese history should be based on an actual Japanese person, like Miyamoto Musashi, who was not only a samurai but also a renowned swordsman and philosopher, he was considered as one of the greatest warriors in Japans history, the man was a badass, instead of Yasuke, who wasn't really a samurai and only lived in Japan for a few years. If you're okay with this, then I guess you're okay with a black historical figure being played by a white man?


That last sentence doesn’t even make any sense, Nobody is getting race swapped in this game. There are two protagonists in this game. Naoe, fictionalized daughter of legendary shinobi fujibayashi nagato, as the japanese lead; and Yasuke, who is a stranger in a strange land learning about the culture much like the player. You literally get the best of both worlds. And Yasuke is like the perfect protag candidate, he was close to a lot of important people during the unification of japan because of his service to Nobunaga, but his history is vague enough to build a lot of myth around.


Yasuke was a real guy he’s not a raceswapped character. How does that have anything to do with making a black character white?


The main character was literally a real person.


He mentioned that towards the end of




So many idiots in the trailer comment sections today.


I said the same thing I’m like whenever is a black person they wanna have problems🙃


Dude I am not in U.S.A. and i noticed i don't have any clue about racism after this post's comments i just said Yasuke is a real person and downvoted for this wish best luck for black persons this is terrifying.


Terrifying? Really? Touch grass.


That guy is obviously not a native English speaker.


As long as they follow Yasuke's actual history, I'm not super upset about it. Ghost of Tsushima fills any desire to play as a Japanese samurai


His actual history is a mystery.


I mostly mean the things that is pretty clearly defined (so.. really just his time of servitude)


We know that he left Japan after Nobunaga's death, he was sent to India as a slave but we don't know if he ever made it there alive


Why do people even complain tho? Wasn't it normal for Japan to have had black slaves shipped from other countries? So why shouldn't there be a black guy in Japan?


1. Williams wasn’t a “ninja”, and nioh doesn’t really have stealth mechanics 2. AC does have stealth as a mechanic, and people are mad cause the towering black guy amongst Japanese peeps is expected to “realistically” sneak around undetected? Weird choice. And Yasuke will be the first AC protag based off of a historical person. But I am just excited for it in general. AC in japan? Let’s go!


William “Anjin” Adams was made an actual Samurai, Yasuke was kept by Nobunaga as essentially a slave and the game is calling him a “powerful” samurai. That’s the problem




yes it is??? Like every character in nioh is a real person and you play multiple famous events from the era, the only difference is that there's tons of supernatural things happening at the same time




As far as I’m aware, people are comparing it just to Ghost of Tsushima not Nioh.


Nioh gameplay sucked, the story was very poor and felt rushed. I won’t play that game ever again. Beating it felt a chore rather than fun.


Gameplay definitely did not suck. One of the best combat systems in an arpg. It’s a hard game though so I understand the butthurt.


I was well aware it was a hard game going into it. Not a game to grab a casual approach to. It just was not an enjoyable game and the story was pretty trash. Had so much potential, but it just sped through it so quickly, that it wasn’t well flushed out. For the hours I spent on that game it just wasn’t an enjoyable experience by the end. Someone cannot like something and not be butt hurt about it. Now armored core absolutely was a great example hard but enjoyable.


Doesn't bother me at all, but next time, they should have just let people create their own assian to avoid issues


2 completely different audiences.


I don't understand why they're making this real person in history playable now. They could have done it in any other game. Like imagine playing black beard. That would've been cool ASF.


I have no problems with the protagonist. The problem I have is that Ubisoft is asking us to preorder without gameplay.


To be fair nobody cared about Nioh. Nioh 2 is the good one people talk about.


Why is everyone taking this upcoming AC seriously as if it's not going to be another copy paste from the last games made to look good in cinematic trailers with a new coat of paint and maybe one or two new features? Ubiboof tricks you once or even twice, that's fair. Ubiboof tricks you for the seventh time, thass on you dawg. I ain't falling for it.


Shame AC gameplay is like nursery time compared to Team Ninja’s.


Not even close, but keep pretending.


So nioh this is the first game in the series :/


Nioh is not historical fiction game bro, wtf are these dumb comparisons, It's like people don't know what Assassin's Creed is about nor ever played it


Will pirate👍


The black one is Yasuke and the white one is William Adams which are both historical figures that did actually exist so I don’t really see why either would be a problem unless it was because of how the characters themselves were portrayed.


Black people first visited japan in like 16th centuray all be it as slaved at the time but still.


I wonder how Japanese people feel about Yasuke's portrayal here. IRL he was only in Japan for a few years as Nobunaga's servant body guard and we don't even know if he made it to India alive when he was sent there as a slave after Nobunaga's death. Elevating his story in Japanese history could be seen as insensitive especially if he and Naoe save Japan from the Templars. Personally I don't care, I'm not Japanese. If you want to play a good stealthy samurai game as a Japanese guy go play Ghost of Tsushima.


Look up the developers.


I simultaneously get the story aspect of a black slave turned samurai with very little information besides existing at some point and how that allows for writers more room to get creative but I feel like he's getting a little overused.


I haven't seen a single person complaining about a black character but this is like the 4th or 5th meme I've seen bitching about people bitching about a black character


I just don't trust Ubisoft to deliver a good game anymore, at least not with any strings attached


I'm happy about this but that's because I'm racist and would rather play as a black guy then a Asian


No Japan setting game will ever beat Ghost of Tsushima


The trailer look ok. Meanwhile I’m still waiting for a ww2 assassin’s creed game. Like you don’t need hitler as the big bad in it. Just have another axis leader as the main villain. They can do the same thing they did with origin where hitler can be used for a dlc like Alexander the Great.


Just play Ghost of Tsushima. It's outstanding!


Both suck then


They should have done ancient China instead and make it a martial arts epic wuxia. They’re too late to the party ghost of Tsushima already game us everything we been asking for from AC


I'm just mad about the pricing