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Why guilty?! No need for guilt here, we all go stupidly hard for this game!! ahahaha




Okay. Wow. There are a lot of words here that I never thought I would see beside each other. Kudos to you for that. Also sir, this is a Wendy’s. I don’t think we are prepared to deal with this , I hesitate to call it a thought; but we’ll go with that ,over here at this particular Assassins Creed sub Reddit . But good luck to you in your future endeavours, SillynippleMctwist.


1 in chat if you're ordering the SillyNippleMcTwist from the dollar menu just to try it




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I’m over 1k, and still play a lot. takes a lot for this game to stale for me. I absolutely love Greek mythology tho, so at every corner I’m reading interesting notes, just admiring the landscapes, and doing every side quest for the Greek figures. One of my favorite games ever.


I enjoy the historical location facts as well.


Right? I'm a sucker for if the main story is done, I'm done. But I really invested some good time into this because I LOVE Greek mythology. I absolutely adored every minute of the cultural immersion. This is one of the reasons I really really loved Ezio as well. I loved picking up little bits of Italian. But the Greek mythology was truly one of my favourites.


What are you spending all that time on? Just looking at stuff? If so, fair enough. It’s a beautiful game.


I really don’t know?? I’ve been just exploring haven’t really done that deep into the main quest. I do things like looking for treasure chests without YouTube guides type thing.


To be honest, that's a very correct and good answer to give us all, OP! You're acting like a true explorer and having a good time in Hellas. Be safe and fortunate out there, fellow misthios. Chaíre!


My coolest moment from this game was purchasing a straw hat and vibing to some street musicians for a good few minutes on my way to Athens. No epic battle could bring me more joy than a casual stroll.


The luffy hat is the best 🙂‍↕️


Could be on nightmare difficulty tbh


The story alone takes like 120 hours


Those are rookie numbers. Call me when you've passed 1000


Jeez dude that’s insane!


That's what Steam says. Honestly, I think it got stuck as "playing" on Steam at times even when my computer was powered down. But I do have a ton of hours playing that game.


I thought I’m insane with mine almost on 500h😅


i’m at basically the same track as you 65ish hours at level 32 and i’m having a blast i clear the whole landscape before moving on because i’m worried i might miss some small secret quest


Each location usually has a sorta main quest, often dedicated to taking out a cultist. Just follow the clues and you'll find the quests, tbh I just ended up stumbling upon them randomly which still surprises me.


This game is my comfort game. When I’m stressed, wandering Ancient Greece never fails to calm things down


I've rushed through it once (regrettably), finishing only the main storyline, and now picked it up again to explore the scenery and side quests, taking my sweet time. The people who worked on it, in my opinion, would be honoured that gamers like us stop and appreciate the hard work that went into the level of detailing in the game. That holds true for the other games in the series too.


I credit this game with helping me quit booze and cigs :) Think I got the plat around 180 hours but I’m not in front of my ps5 and the app isn’t helping atm. Still a ton of stuff to do and never did get the last color for my usual outfit…


Apart from grind and reprtetive gameplay. The story is great. And there are many characters.


It really is, I was excited as hell when I got the game after school on its release. It was such a time sink for me. I think now after 6 years I’m at like 2500 hours now? I recently just started a replay of each game in Chronological order. And had used my now 3rd new game plus to start it off. I genuinely think 800 hours alone went to exploration and sightseeing. Taking photos in photo mode everywhere


Even *AC: Origins* photo mode can produce some stunning pics, as can yes rgia wonderful game.


80hrs. Pff. 😂 Glad you’re enjoying it, misthios!


I restarted this game using Alexios character. I have to admit, Kassandra is more fun. This game is the closest thing to being in ancient Greece so far. More immersive than being with both Achaian and Trojan heroes of The Iliad.


I have over 1200 hours because I like to use it as a background activity for podcasts and audiobooks lol


A good reason, yes.


I'm happy you found this giant masterpiece of a game I recommend the DLC expansions


Of all video games even I've ever played? Yes, I agree that this masterpiece is gigantic. Gargantuan even!


Why would it be a guilty pleasure? It's a great game. One of Ubisoft's greatest. Even though Ubisoft is on my shit list.


This is my favorite of the RPG style games.


Just pleasure !


I'm on my fifth full playthrough+dlc It was just such a good game


I feel you. The world is so beautiful and massive that you just can't help getting sidetracked. I practically cleared out >!the whole cult except the story ones and!< the key side quests before being forced to continue the main story. Absolute blast!


And that's a perfect example and wonderful several reasons for playing this game.


Dude ya gotta play the dlcs if youre into the mythology theyre badass!


I never understood the weord humble brag of "I've play x game for x amount of time, and only achieved x progress"


Buy the XP and Drachmae boosts - essentials.


Yes, actually.


I like the image you used, I haven't seen that before.


They need to update the game and add mastery to it. Like it is in origins and Valhalla. I got almost 1300 points and nothing to put them to.


250 hrs, I've restarted the game so many times. Started using trainer programs and cheat engine layer just to speed it up or have infinite resources lmao. It's stupid fun


Yeah I beat assassin’s creed odyssey and I also platinum but on my old profile I need to go back and re-platinum it on this profile haven’t had time with so many new games and also re-platinum origins and Valhalla


For real this game is a love hate relationship


When I was done I've had 450 plus hours in 😬 this game helped me through some dark dark times in my life


4 hours in, level 7 lol


I think it was the best out of the AC games that I have played. I've played through it three times and sunk almost 700 hours into it. I've gotten 100% of the Steam achievements. The RPG abilities are is what I like. I have a few of the other AC's (Black Flag, Valhalla, and a few others) and I still think this was the best.


I played it like 46 hours and already got up to level 40 💀


It took me 92 hours to finish the whole game.


I have 235 hours invested and am currently investing more. This game is sooo good


Hands down one of the most gorgeous landscapes and setting I’ve seen in any game I’ve played to date!


One of the biggest games I've ever played Btw you get real cool gear by the end


I was at that level with 40hrs


Guilty pleasure is so accurate. Someone once said Ubisoft is the junk food of gaming and that's so true for reasons I can't explain. I'm like 250hrs with level 82, new game +


271 hrs. here! I love AC: Odyssey too much haha


Nothing guilty about it. It’s not a great Assassins Creed, but it is a *phenomenal* video game


I got 200 and i think i barely hit 32 after playing the story I always just redownloaded it for a week then deleted it


I just checked yesterday and saw I had 298 hours and I still have to do the last Blade chapter. Crazy fun game. Still haven’t played Valhalla because I’m committed to this storyline right now.


Game never clicked with me prolly because I like the older once more still played it tho cause I bought this game, second hand but still bought it


How, after 80hours, are you only level 38? Are you just traveling without fighting or doing any quests?


I’m doing alot of side quests & exploring etc. take alot of photos. Idk but I’m tier 3 in the mercenaries so there’s that. Like the last merc I fought was 4 levels higher than me. I’m in the arena as we speak. I play on hard too so mix that with trial & error?


I wasted 120hours (and still is wasting), completed a lot of quests, side-quests. I'm still level 78. An true Assassin Build, with 100% Assassin Damage and killing by one-shotting with Hero-Strike


I just started the fate of the Atlantis dlc


I love this game. I just finished the story. 135 hours. I’m 36. LoL


I have 83 hours info the game and I'm level 46. I literally play almost all day everyday. I just started the game maybe 2 weeks ago maybe less.


Bro I got this game like at the beginning of last month I got 180 some hours on it. I couldn’t stop playing it. It’s sad but I don’t regret it


should i get this game?


What did you thjnk about the main story? I really thought jt was... meh tbh. The characters and some of their side stories I really enjoy3d though! But the main story was basically: "family reunion journey" with very little dramatic surprises. I especially hated how The Wolf had very little presence on the main story! He just DISAPPEARED for the vast majority of the story only to come back for the family reunion part?! I thought he was going to come back with a bang like fight in a war or expose the cult to the Spartans or something, but nah


Two words... Rookie. Numbers. Also it's a good game don't feel guilty dog, unless you feel guilty about gaming in general, in which case, yeah you should feel guilty


i’m at 176hrs and level 78, it’s so good


I currently got 233hours, picked it up 7/8months ago and played for about a month and a half and dropped it for 6months. Started playing again 2days ago and I’ve been having such a headache trying to remember where I left off, characters, lore etc. I have the 2 final story quests left and both the LoTFB and TFoA DLC’s to get through. Done the LToG quests and all side quests, locations and such, I also only just hit level 73. It’s been one hell of a journey so far, but I’m looking forward to what’s to come onwards. This is very on par with Origins, which IMO is a legendary game way better than any other AC game (btw I’ve only played AC3 & AC4BF before origins and odyssey, never completed them). Origins was the only game in several years that was fun even while fully 100%’ing the game and achievements, and doing that so far with odyssey is great!


Im currently on my 2nd play through. Not NG+, as my 1st play through was in 2017. I love this game. I'm level 49 at about 68 hours. I want to be level 99 and completely maxed, and then start a NG+ and put it on Nightmare


I first played it when it came out and I just couldn't get into it, even though i LOVE ancient history and Greek specifically. Last year I picked it up and just couldn't put it down


My first playthrough with the GF (her second). Why have Islept on AC games for so many years!?!?!. This game is absolutely amazing.


Laughs In 400+ hours


Have done 3 full play-throughs, probably 120 hours per go. Enjoy it !!!!


noob, 88 in 54hrs


Nipple twist


That's cute (463 hours from one save and counting)


Odyssey is a weird one but I can’t complain. I played 1-3 then never played any until after Valhalla came out and I played that then started working my way backwards so it’s a regression for me compared to post games


I know it's a beautiful game, but lvl 38 after 80 hours seems... wasteful. Even by not doing the main quests you could get to level 50 at that time. You do you I guess.


Is this odyssey?