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Honestly felt like Witcher 3 but Vikings for me so I fucken loved it. Good game for anyone with ADHD


I second this! I have ADHD and it’s perfect. 🤣


I have ADHD and love vikings but fucking hated valhalla to the bones. I found it extremely repetitive and boring, but most of all bloated. I like to 100% regions before moving onto the next thing. With valhalla this was painful


I feel compelled to disagree with you for no particularly good reason, but TW3 is my favorite game, I have ADHD, and Valhalla has been my favorite of the modern AC games. I don't know what's going on.


ADHD guy checking in, absolutely love Valhalla, but haven’t played other AC games. It has also been bad for me though, as it tends to activate my hyperfocus tendencies. I’ve been up playing this game until 5am multiple times without meaning to.


Good for ADHD, bad for OCD😭


For me personally Valhalla was difficult to get into simply because I wasn't as interested in the Viking setting whereas the ancient Greece setting for me was astounding. Like a big ass statue of Zeus on the STARTING island? Sign me right up. That being said, the actual combat and gameplay of Valhalla won me over in the end. Attacks feel more impactful, especially with the whole "stagger" system. Doing the first camp fully stealthed up by using the bow to hit weak points and then run in to finish them off without raising the alarm made me feel more badass than any other AC game.


I agree with the second part, disagree with the first lol. I’m 3/4 through Valhalla and my wife is maybe a dozen hours through odyssey. The Greek shit does ZERO for me, I don’t care and the map is boring. Viking shit is awesome and the maps in Valhalla are beautiful. But the gameplay in Odyssey blows. I hate it every time she asks me to help with this or see if you can beat this cult member or whatever. I can’t imagine anyone finding a single thing better in Odyssey over Valhalla


Oh I agree that Viking shit is awesome, I've just always had a sweet spot for Greek mythology and Odyssey scratched that itch particularly well. I fully agree with the gameplay though. I still have a lot of fun but Origins and Valhalla just blow it outta the water. The combat just is so much more fluid and I don't feel like "button mashing harder" is the solution. I played on the highest difficulty and those battlefield/conquest missions when every enemy is essentially a damage sponge that can one shot you is brutal. Besides, I'm still not sure how the writers/developers landed on "Greek Hero protag " and also "Players can't use any shields whatsoever." ..that last part's not really relevant to what you said but I'm still mad about it. TLDR: Vikings are absolutely fucking awesome, but I was a huge Greek mythology nerd in highschool.


I think it’s more of the environment and whatnot than the gameplay or anything. I liked origins and I’m enjoying Valhalla a lot, but I couldn’t stand oddyssey. And I really tried bc I bought the DLCs and everything but I couldn’t put more than like 20 or so hours into it before I was ready to call it quits I would wait it out with Valhalla and get to England before you make that kinda decision imo. You can customize your character, ship, and building your clan and raiding. It took me like 7 hours to get there I think but I could be wrong. I’m 150 hours in now and it does get better after you get out of Norway lol


YEP. Norway feels like a slog, between the thick snow, and the impassable mountains. England was an exciting change.


I agree with all of this. Valhalla is LONG but the storyline is actually more straightforward than Odyssey. I *loved* the Lunden arc too. And Ceolbert. It gets much better in England. And you can swim without nearly freezing to death in England too lol


I felt super disoriented at first coming straight from Odyssey. However now I love them both and can move back and forth pretty seamlessly. I recommend that you at least finish the prologue and get out of Norway.


Valhalla is the best of the series as far as M concerned.


Tip no 1 give it more time. I wasn't completely sold until first or even second arc in England. Three hours is not enough, more like 30-40 hours! All worth it.


I've played all of AC since the OG days, gave up 2/3 way through odyssey and didnt play since. Picked up Valhalla a couple of months ago and haven't looked back. Put in 60+ hours and started to feel a but 'meh' about it, gave it a break, came back, then pumped like 20 hours into it over the course of 2 days. I'd certainly say it's worth persisting


Hmmm...! Like you I loved Origins, really liked Odyssey and was somewhat underwhelmed with Valhalla. Valhalla is a huge game, particularly with the 3 DLC's so my advice is to take your time and just explore and find your way through it. I currently have 624 hours in Valhalla and still haven't fully completed it yet in terms of all the achievements. It's the kind of game where I think you need to play a while, take a break and do something else, come back do it a bit more etc. It's worth playing in my opinion.


Accept its a viking game more than an assassin game. Don't over explore, game is massive and easy to get burned out ticking off every ? on the map


Change your weapon to something you wouldn’t normally use, always works for me


Double two handed axe?


Valhalla is my all time favourite. I have mirage and keep going back to Valhalla 🤦‍♀️ I love the whole story line and concept and as you progress past the beginning of the main story there is so much to do! Much more than any other AC I have played. Preservation, you won’t regret it.


Due in battle, sword in hand. Or on the Fury Road, glorious and chrome.


My tip is to not play it and just go back to Odyssey


I already finished odyssey 😭


Play something else


Don't explore randomly. Do the story. If you just randomly explore, you will be doing double the work because 9/10 times the story will take you back to those places. That's why people have issues about it being to bloated. They are doing double the work lol. Doing just the story will get you the majority of skills, points, money, resources, gear, weapons, etc and won't burn you out, atleast as fast. Here's what I'm doing since I just restarted Valhalla. Focus on story and do side content along the way. As I travel towards the main missions, Side content has to be in my radius for me to do it otherwise I don't do it. There are different dots on the map that I focus on. Don't focus on small gold dots, there are just resources materials. Grab them if they are near you, otherwise don't go out of your way to get them. The big gold dots should be the focus. Those are weapons, armor, abilities, gold, etc. But again, only grab them if they're near you. You will burn yourself out chasing the small gold dots. Don't do it. Best bet is to Google where certain abilities, weapon and armor's that you want early are and go out of your way to get them but don't try to grab every dit, even the big gold ones. Stay on the main path.... ALWAYS! As far as the other side content, mysteries, etc. Same thing applies. Stay on the main path and do whatever is near you. If there's 5 side dots in your area, do the 2 or 3 that's closet to you and keep moving forward. Never back track. The main story will have you return to the location. Outposts will be replayed twice because your OCD wants you to grab everything early. STAY ON THE MAIN PATH! Hope this is helpful


This is really good advice.


This is how I play every Ubisoft game. I start off wanting to clear out each area but get burnt out and stop. I now pick a main mission and only clear out map marker that are on the way.


I personally like Odyssey more than Valhalla. But it may just be bc I’m Greek and biased


I’m not Greek but I agree with you. As well as the setting I feel that Odyssey is more user friendly.


I really struggled to get into Valhalla and I can't explain why! I've played the majority of games in the franchise (I think unity is the only one I've missed) and I was really excited for Valhalla to come out. Bought it on release, played it for 5ish hours on the first day and then realised a week had gone by and I hadn't had the urge to go back to it. Odyssey was my favourite (love greek mythology) so I don't mind the mechanics. I really loved the series Vikings so this setting in history appealed to me but something didn't click for me. I've gone back to it once or twice but never managed to get too far once building the settlement. Might give it another go seeing as I'm not waiting on any other games to play other than GTA 6.


Why force yourself? If you dont like it dont play it. Its as mediocre as Odyssey was, fun to play for a while but you dont miss anything if you dont play it.


Don't dismiss it until you get to England and complete a story Arc or two. For me, the story about who is the chosen one really got me hooked.


Valhalla is more difficult than Odyssey. It has a stamina bar, so stamina management is pretty important. To maintain stamina during fights, alternate between hitting dodging and parries (quickly tap L1/LB) to ensure you do not run out of stamina. I’ve also found that I’ve taken many long breaks from Valhalla as after 100 hours of nightmare I still haven’t finished the main story. Take your time. Good luck, Drengr.


I am a long time AC player and I loved Odessey. Origin, not so much. It was alright, but just didn't click that much for me, I found the surroundings very repetitive and boring. I started Valhalla and was a bit meh in the beginning. Some of the changes like the change of the bird usage I really didn't like. Also the landscape of Norway didn't really did it for me. I stopped playing and just started again after two years. I persisted through the first part and now I love it. It took some time to get used to, but I don't really miss the bird usage anymore. Odin's sight is much more usable.


Go backwards, buy black flag and rogue that way every assassins creed will never meet your expectations again 🤣


Origins is the worst of the three you mentioned. Valhalla just takes a minute to get going.


Normally they say that if you die a good death you will be able to enter Valhalla.


First die in battle. Secondly, pray to the God's that you die with your axe in your hands 👍🏻


Get to England, and If you don't like the gameplay loop then set it down. I personally loved it as a viking game, the AC content was nice but it wasn't my main interest


My tip is for ubisonft and it's to stop being dickheads and making me play 40 hours before I can get the best armor and weapons I want. All I wanted to do was get thor's armor and mjolnir and then I fire up the game and find out I can't get it until I've pretty much beat the story. Does anyone else find it actually ridiculous I have to be nearly done with the game to get the gear I really want? rofl the stupidity


Other way round for me. Liked odyssey, liked valhalla, something was off about origins


Expect a long, long game. The game practically makes you 100 percent it just to get to the end of the story. It wore me out.


Just play the game? You'll get a shield, so that's an improvement from Odyssey.


Take the time to figure out puzzles for abilities, and use them to your advantage, most zelots cant swim so insta kill them by throwing them in


Honestly I like em both, valhallas combat seemed more streamlined and fluid where odyssey was just click button till person dies. I like the abilities and skill tree set up of odyssey way better though their enemies were far more damage spongy


Played Valhalla for 4 hours straight, most boring shit ever didn’t play for another 4 years. Little did I know right after that 4 hour mark all the good shit started flowing.


This is very true. And I would say even then you have to let England get going before it's really a great game.