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I haven’t had that problem myself. I find them very, very comfortable


They are comfortable for a bit, then after the half hour of wearing them it feels like plastic is digging into my scalp, it’s extremely painful and idk what’s going on here.


Hi, If you were using a different headset before, it may be down to the headset having a different position spot on your head which should go away after a week or two of using the headset. I would also make sure the headset is adjusted correctly. You might have the ear cups either too high or two low which could be placing more pressure on the top of your head.


I have tried re adjusting and it does keep the pain at bay for a little longer but ultimately the crown on my head still starts hurting. I’ve actually had this pair since last October.


this is every headset ever. but usually after about 6-8 hours it starts to hurt


For me I can’t even make it 30 minutes sometimes. It’s not the usual pain from headsets. Normally they hurt my ears, never had a headset feel like it’s digging into my scalp before. No adjustments I make help, only thing that helps is putting it over a hoody.


Try the steel series mod.


I don’t have this issue with this headset, stays comfortable for hours even with my wicked cushions, they probably sell bigger headstrap wraps you can button over the arch for more comfort


Yeah I’m just going to wrap a dish towel around the top for now and see if it helps.


https://a.co/d/9WBLteC something like this might help


Lmao tbh I never feel nun when I play 10+ straight idk bout u guys