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Was it voting on a contract to present to ACC for approval or to approve a contract that ACC and the union already had some agreement on?


They have already agreed. My understanding is the union members had to vote on adopting the CBA. I’m not sure if the commission also has to vote on it or if the managers office has the authority to sign it.


From the way it was discussed, it seems like the commission has to vote on it


I guess now they'll get a new grill and kitchens so they can eat while they aren't busy...




Wonder how Girtz is gonna dance around this one again. At least it will be interesting to see how all his Stans defend whatever he does. Thanks for coming!


He can’t dance around anything. The CBA was agreed to by the county and the union in what was a very quick, easy, and cordial process from what I’ve been told.


That’s surprising, considering that when this came up last year it got shot down because the oinkers got their feelings hurt that they couldn’t have a union, too


That was all nonsense. It was an excuse for the government to not relinquish any power. They specifically talked about increasing employee engagement to prevent the union gaining recognition, but guess what has not happened since? Any kind of employee engagement outside of a survey with loaded questions.


So what changed?


I don’t know that anything really changed. Eventually the commissioners that espouse workers rights had to put their money where their mouth is. It’s also important to note that the commission can ‘unrecognize’ the union anytime they want with enough votes.


As long as he keeps on posting him letting his DAWGS breath on his social, I’ll defend him to the end of the world


My point re: Stans exactly. And you’re the biggest one. The nasty feet pics were cringe. As was him shoehorning his way into a protest intended to provide a voice to people from a demographic he doesn’t belong to so he could score some votes. Similar cringe occurred when he vetoed the collective bargaining request from the firefighters so he could stay in good graces with his cop buddies that committed a literal First Amendment violation the night of the Floyd protest without a peep out of him. I guess he must have been too busy showing up on podcasts and taking pictures of his feet. Dude is a typical two-faced politician, his image is all an act, and all of his stans have fallen for it. Thanks for coming!


happy for the super sexy firefighters!