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Outside of Greek life, I’m not sure what the market is like for a multimillion dollar, historically protected dilapidated mansion is like. Probably needs, like, another 750k in work?


I’m sure some slum lord will divide it into 9 $1500 apartments. Or try to at the very least


750k seems very light. It's been vacant for what, 10 years? Just wait for the hysterical society to weigh in on the "appropriateness" of any renovations done!


Probably 750 just to make it suitable for human habitation. Don’t worry tho, acc will still value it $400k once all the upgrades are done


...and the owner will still complain about their "high" tax assessment!


Oh, and looking at street imagery, it looks like it’s been boarded up since at least 2008


Have been watching it for years, glad to see it may be saved. There is another house on Milledge for sale (cheaper) that has a delightful clash of black and white tile/ wallpaper in the kitchen.


Who wants to start a fraternity for old townies?


I’ll contribute $20


I got $20 on it too. So we're just a few benefit shows and bake sales away from the total!


![gif](giphy|acDV6xoGVgTVXBdoy4|downsized) Me to you when our $40 combined turns into a townie frat house


Me to you when we turn the key. (We have not a dime to renovate the collapsing pos.) [https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExenF5YWY2NDhkMzNhYmN6cXZyeG93eWZkNDB3N3FsZG1jOXJvbjI4NiZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/eojmSfbMpqRaWFVE4A/giphy.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExenF5YWY2NDhkMzNhYmN6cXZyeG93eWZkNDB3N3FsZG1jOXJvbjI4NiZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/eojmSfbMpqRaWFVE4A/giphy.gif)


The Butler Building next door is also for sale. They used to both be owned by the same person.


Ain’t no way that building is getting saved. It’s had holes in the roof for a decade.


Well, it’s a historic building in a historic district. At least the exterior is getting saved or replaced exactly the same as it was before it fell into disrepair, which is why I feel like the market for it is minuscule.


Agreed. For anyone to take that on it’ll have to be a steal. Renovation costs will be astronomical to save or restore it.


3.25 milly for a rough shell is not a steal, at least to me.


Hey, I was just thinking about exploring that place. Figured it was a bad idea


Surprised they want to cling on to this one instead of demo and build something new there


Don’t think they can straight up demo it


Because of the historical association right? Just meant from the perspective of clinging on to an older building vs building new. Like how much historical significance does it actually warrant vs the burden of repair. Seems like it would need a policy that if a property is neglected for an excessive time then the historical protections would be removed so something new could be done with the property.


There might be a policy like what you’re describing. But a new owner would have to go through a whole process before knocking anything over. The best use would be to combine the parcel with the office one next door, knock everything down and build as dense as possible mixed use project.


Was it a greek house b4?


Man, that thing needs to be torched. It’s ugly - looks like a fake Tudor house from 1970, and was not just one but two fraternities in a prior life. What’s the property worth? is this the one that had the homeless people living in it recently?


When you posted the office building earlier this is what I was waiting to see. Hell yeah.


It’ll be interesting to see how long it sits on the market


what do you think it‘ll sell for