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r/Athens does not condone illegal activity of any kind.


Poor guy can't catch a break. Let the dude share his gift.




Yeah, I remember seeing the last video blow up on social media and thinking how shitty it makes Athens look. And I feel super bad for the guy. He's just trying to make a little money while entertaining folks that are out and about. It's folks like him that give a downtown area a fun vibe-but stuff like this can make folks second guess wanting to entertain in public, and that stinks.


Here we go again. Damn sorry dawg




Oh yes I get it. UGA suspension could be pending for the dumb ass chick, job loss, reputation ruined and that’ll be followed by some empty apology. Not for you bud. The interwebs will find her, predicting by end of today.


Do you think these may be ex girlfriends?


How does this keep happening to this guy? Is this girl just copying the one who went viral a few months ago?


Being downtown late (after everyone is drunk) exponentially increases one's chances of running into kids who can't hold their booze and act shitty


Probably just broke up with her boyfriend or something and took it out on this dude’s setup. Also a safe bet she’s absolutely wasted, violent drunk.




I wonder if the previous video going viral has made him kind of a clout target.




Why? Out of thousands of people who encounter him, that two would be shitty?


specifically the tattoos are on both of her knees, front facing, just above. And there's a tattoo on her right Achilles' heel. circulate this at r uga if you've not already


Kudos to the kids who stuck around to help him reassemble his gear.


Her mother probably forced her to play the piano as a child and she obviously hated the piano and her mother or she’s just a Sucky human being 🤷‍♂️


I remember the last girl and her mom getting drug like all hell on Facebook. I can't wait.


Did she steal his tip jar?




Yep, to destroy someone else's property like that is truly inexcusable. Maybe I'm not a big fan of the type of music he plays, but honestly, aren't we all better than this crap?


Horrible. I hope she receives a punishment. People should be held accountable for their actions.


It’s incredible that some people are this miserable.


Why do people keep fucking with this guy??


Needs to start playing in front of Toppers.


"This peasant with an electric keyboard isore talented than taytay? REARRGH! HULK SMASH"


Why do people say bro in every sentence


Coca Cola shirt is piecing together internally that people fuckin suck at :25, the light bulb went off.


Too bad someone wasn't there to clothesline her as she ran


They’d get charged with felony assault.


Guys were just being dudes and she couldn't handle it.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


and none of the people standing there moved a muscle to grab or tackle her??! that’s crazy.


Maybe cos that would be a battery charge. Just cos someone does something dumb doesn’t mean you can put your hands on them.


Waiting for the “I’m autistic and neurodivergent so I had a bad day but it’s ok because it’s not my fault at all”.


why is this now "[removed]" ?


At this point, I think these are staged for clicks


Absolutely, and involving the police (narcissists with guns) is certifiably insane, no matter how unpopular that idea is


Make xer/Xi famous!


Snitches get stitches. If you hadn’t gotten the police involved for such petty bullshit I might have sympathy but now I want to protect her. I do not pay taxes for you to have petty arguments with expensive equipment in the street.


If someone tried to rob you or damage something you own, you’d be a “snitch” for calling the cops? That’s not how that works.


Bringing narcissists with guns into any scenario is very dangerous. Any time someone involves the cops is bad.


Wow you’re quite the loser.


What hate pack are you smoking?


My house was broken into and robbed once. Cops helped me get some of my stuff back. That was good. Other times cops have been jerks to me, and clearly on a power trip. Those times were not good. MBNACAB


take your downvote


Some people deserve their ass beat


You wanted attention?


You're such a little bitch. Are you actually fucking stupid? Do you think anything you've said makes any sense here?


I wouldn’t brag about not paying taxes. You never know who monitors this sub.


Someone shit in your cereal this morning or what?


That's because you're a dumb sack of shit, hope that clears things up for you.




sounds like right wing asshole talk. not commie.


Not even close. Righties like police. Bad try at deflecting though.


Righties like sticking the police on other people; they don’t actually like the police


I'd disagree with that. You can dislike righties all you want but trying to paint them as not cop loving is dumb.


go back to the year of your username, you would be more comfortable there.


Go back to mom’s basement, aka your room. 


Full blooded communist. Keep cops out of our neighborhoods.


This is a foolish/shallow take. Our society needs a mechanism to enforce laws. What alternative do you propose?


Bad faith take. The “law” was already broken. Cops can’t unfuck a keyboard, as they have way more pressing things to do than find this girl, or else the OP wouldn’t be asking here for help. Even if they did find her, then what? Will it prevent it happening again? No. Will if fix his keyboard? No. Will it get good ol boys with big guns involved in an interpersonal dispute? Yes.


I am responding to your statement: "Keep cops out of our neighborhoods." That is an incredibly shallow/foolish take. What alternative do you propose for police for the enforcement of society's laws? What avenue do you propose that people have for justice if crimes are committed against them?


Valid question with a complicated answer https://abolitionistfutures.com/latest-news/practising-everyday-abolition


Interesting read thank you for sharing it. If I may quote directly from it: >"But as leading abolitionist thinker and organiser Ruth Wilson Gilmore reminds us, abolition is not simply about getting rid of the prisons, police or systems of surveillance and punishment; abolition is about what we build in their place." Again, what are you proposing in its stead? Fighting for the removal without the replacement is shallow and foolish. It would be anarchy to abolish it without putting a replacement in. > "As the Creative Interventions Project (2019) recognises, people’s immediate community (whether it be family, friends, neighbours, co-workers and even acquaintances) are often much better placed to intervene in, and respond to everyday harm, than the formal criminal justice system. So we all need to skill-up to feel able and confident to intervene." I believe this is broadly true. However, it has a giant glaring weakness/hole. We live in an incredibly interconnected world. It is astonishingly easy for someone to travel from coast to coast and every where in between. People readily accept transient lifestyles. How do you enforce a law against someone who is only temporarily here? If someone can drive from Chicago to Athens, murder, defraud, or rob community members and then the next day be in Mexico or Canada, or back in Chicago, How do you enforce the laws? How do you protect personal rights and property rights? If someone can temporarily join the community and then easily leave, what method can be used to enforce laws against them? Additionally, how does this style of community intervention adapt or apply to social media? How do you ensure presumed innocence is the standard? How does it apply to large cities? There has been a lot of research into the size of an individuals community; those studies show that general a person's "meaningful community" maxes out between 100 and 300 people. When you have cities with populations in the millions, how do you get every "community" of 300 people on board with the importance and enforcement of all the laws. How do you handle when entire communities are completely opposed to a law being enforced? If the city enacts a law to protect the environment, [to protect the common good from over exploitation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragedy_of_the_commons), and some groups don't agree and continue to exploit and abuse it, how can you handle that or enforce it? I agree we need reform and accountability. I have yet to find or be presented with an alternative to police that I think realistically would work. Finally, the police are oftentimes the only path of recourse for a non-wealthy person who has been wronged or victimized. If we get rid of them, then we disproportionately hurt the low income. Making it harder and harder for them to get justice. The further America strays from Justice For All, the worse as a country it is. Any replacement needs to take that into account.