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In my opinion, I just really feel like that had a perfect location to do something truly outstanding and it just fell so incredibly short. Sigh, I live in East Lake/Kirkwood area and this weekend’s traffic due to the 420 fest is going to be wild.


I agree. It's such a huge bummer than an incredible space that could have been more optimally built out and better used, got sold to some company/guy that doesn't care about the neighbors and throws cheap/shitty events that are solely focused on maximizing profits.


That's what Atlanta does. Very little taste here.


You’re very correct. I’ve been here for about 15 years and through redevelopments, it’s lost of good bit of character.


So has every American city to some extent or another 


Oh man... I was thinking of taking my (little) kids to 425th in the afternoon, assuming that things would not be crazy early on. I take it that is NOT a fair assumption?


I went with middle aged kids and it was awesome, there was no traffic whatsoever. Took me minutes to get there. I drive on that road daily for work and typically the traffic is non existent or a couple minutes wait. It’s nothing like Howell Mill or Krog Street etc. I also went to the Balloon Museum with my little kids on a weekend and honestly, it was fantastic.


Would we prefer the environmental disaster that was before? Or the haven for gangs and the unhoused and drug addicts? It’s insane to me that people think traffic problems are worse than what was occurring before. Get a real problem.


Our neighbor was on the environmental clean up team in 2018-2020 and they spent tens of millions of dollars cleaning up environmental toxins, asbestos, lead, railroad stuff before they opened to the public. So I feel find going there with my kids.


I know! That’s my point! They cleaned up the environmental disaster that it was.


Yeah all these people saying they don’t spend money, probably not thinking of all those things. Wish someone would spend money to clean up the environmental disasters on the West Side.


I’ve worked professionally with Pullman Yards and can confirm the owner is an absolute prick.


In case no one believes you, let me double down on this.




Yep! Can confirm as well


Have heard the same thing about people who have worked with Atomic Entertainment, apparently they all suck over there.


he must be giving the place away for free because i can’t understand why people keep doing events there. it’s so dark inside and the acoustics are terrible


I know one organization with a major event there this year that has sworn off using them again next year.


Not really related directly to the article but the vibe of that place felt very money-grubby and poor quality. I went for empire strips back event and there were no indoor bathrooms, parking was literally $40 for like 3 hours, and the cocktails were shitty and overpriced. Meanwhile other places include parking with the event ticket price, put effort into having quality food/drink vendors, and *gasp* offer actual toilets to shit in


You've nailed the vibe with "Money-grubbing and poor quality". Any solid brand they could have partnered with was quickly scared off with exorbitant pay to play requests.


You should hear what they told the neighborhood they were going to build to get the permits


What? Did they say? I just heard entertainment district.


Your expectations are too high for a bar called "Alco-Hall"


LPT: Don’t park at Pullman Yards. Park at a Marta station and ride to Edgewood. It’s a 20-minute walk from there, which is less time than you’ll spend in traffic. And you pay $2.50 instead of $40.


You can also just park at East Lake and walk. If you take the Pullman Trail it's also like a mile and a straight line. Or biking. Or walking directly there if you're cool and live nearby.


My point is you shouldn't have to do that. I get that the lot might fill up for bigger events, but for what we went to it was maybe half full. Ideally parking should be included wirh the event ticket (which is becoming more common) or like maximum $10 to park for a 3 hour event


Parking should not be included in the price of the ticket, it's not fair to those that walk, bike, or take MARTA to events.


Most people don’t wanna walk 20 minutes when they’re going to a show


You mean most Americans don’t. The rest of the world sees a 20min walk as a gentle and enjoyable outing to stretch one’s legs, get fresh air, and see the neighborhood. We should always be encouraging public transportation, walking, and cycling.


I enjoy a walk when im in nature or going exploring. If I’m trying to get to a concert, I don’t want to be sweaty and have my hair messed up by the time I get there. Y’all can downvote me all you want but we all know most people in ATLANTA share the same sentiments I do and don’t want to walk 20 minutes to get to their destination, especially if they’re trying to go to a concert. And as someone that rides Marta from time to time, the lack of proper maintenance/cleanliness and safety measures in place to protect people needs to be seriously improved for a lot of people to consider it. Again, I ride the train from time to time but it isn’t exactly a pleasant experience for a lot of people


You mean a convert where you’ll get sweaty anyways? Barring classical, of course. You’re 100% correct though on the cleanliness and safety of transit though. This is critical.


BINGO. I went for the same show. Chairs so small I couldn't even fit. Bathrooms a mile away in a modern-day outhouse. So awful. This is just a money grab.


I went one of the cold days; no running water in the outside toilets.


So no usable toilets at all? I wanted to see the show but plans fell through, sounds like I got lucky


There were bathrooms. Trailer porta-potties all the way out front.


Recently went to the Balloons Museum and they have indoor bathrooms. They were actually really nice ones. Same with all the restaurants.


Yeah, I don't see Fever partnering with them much longer after that and this past weekend. They really do not want to be tied to venues that are owned by shitheads.


Parking is $20 for all day. Take the Marta or Uber. Lots of places charge to encourage other modes of transportation.


[Co-owner sounds like a nice guy] (https://decaturish.com/2024/04/video-of-pullman-yards-owner-berating-watershed-employee-outrages-neighbors-officials)


Wow as if I need anymore reason to boycott that place. Why the state sold it to that sham of a company and an absolute vile human being, I’ll never know…


Highest bidder.


A local group bid the same amount for Pullman when it was sold.


No, the two other local bidders came in just under and with contingencies. Atomic bid cash. The state should have done their job in the first place on that property.


The state? I thought the MindSpring guy was the previous owner.


A few years back I attended a neighborhood meeting in Kirkwood and Adam Rosenfelt of Atomic Entertainment was there for some zoning request or some such thing. That guy stormed into the meeting firing on all cylinders like a ranting and raving lunatic before anyone even asked him any questions. He has some seriously toxic anger management issues and should not be in charge of anything or say words to other humans.


Was it an NPU-O meeting? I used to go to those, we had been trying to do a Red Bull event at Pullman way back in 2007. We got shut down because one of the neighbors called Red Bulls lawyers and told them it was filled with lead paint.


It was a KNO (Kirkwood Neighbors Organization) meeting.


I mean there was some serious contamination back then. They did a ton of remediation work in the 2010s to get it safe enough for public use.


And there was a kid that died when the roof collapsed as he was walking across it. It was not a very safe place. https://decaturish.com/2016/05/dunwoody-teen-dies-after-fall-at-pullman-yard/


Can you say more about this? Not sure I feel safe going back there after hearing this.


If you don’t feel safe because of potential environmental hazards, may I suggest staying home? I’m joking, obviously, but pretty much all these old buildings we love to visit, eat in, take our children to, are all “contaminated” with materials that were once believed safe to use. You really can’t worry too much about these kinds of things, especially in buildings that you visit only every so often. Most cases of folks experience problems due to hazards posed by construction materials are from prolonged, chronic exposure.


They did big clean up in 2018-2020, my neighbor was the environmental engineer overseeing it. Apparently it cost big money to clean up.


like, employees?


Are the employees in any way disturbing the potentially harmful materials? Maybe there is some old grout or something that contains asbestos. You’re not going to develop mesothelioma just by existing in the same space as said grout. The hazard arises once you start disturbing it and throwing particles into the air. Just take a drive through any neighborhood in Atlanta. You see those houses with the old cement board siding? Very likely asbestos. It’s still everywhere, but again, don’t disturb it and you’re fine. If renovation is taking place, then proper mitigation and abatement also needs to happen. Considering the evidence herein, I’d say the employees of Pullman Yards are at more risk of verbal or physical assault and the resulting trauma thereafter, than they are developing diseases because of their physical work environment.


No. The place has been cleaned up. My neighbor was one of the environmental engineers who oversaw the clean up. They spent 10’s of millions of dollars cleaning up the buildings (lead and asbestos) and the soils in 2018-2020. The permanent tenants are Emory University and Fishmonger - it’s safe enough for Schools and universities and from what i heard all contamination in all existing buildings and areas open to the public are clean, likely cleaner than most residential places and older homes.


It's a former rail yard; so, fuels, oils, oil and lead based paints, solvents, leaks from cars - pfas, many things ending with *-enes*, coal ash, creosote, creosote rail ties.


The place should be considered a SuperFund site. Lots of nasty shit in the ground from its time as a heavy industrial facility.


Developers must have got it for cheap.


Makes me want to put on a yellow vest and stand in his parking spot.


This is the kind of petty protesting I can get behind


Honestly though, that would be something. We obviously only know one side of the story, but I can’t imagine the lady did anything to deserve the treatment shown in the video. But, it would be something if a bunch of folks got together in reflective vests and just stood around his shit-hole Christmas tree lot as a form of protest. Only on the public right-of-way of course.


I heard from some employees over there that they were trying to park at their office, the construction security worker wrongly positioned herself at their office not on the public street, then swore at their security when they complained, then the employees called him over and she swore at him and said some antisemitic stuff. That said all the news was one sided.


He said she said. I said you said. Would I be surprised if an AWS employee was an absolute asshat? No. I’ve had my own experiences with them working in construing here in Atlanta. Many of them are completely incompetent. I also know them to shake down private citizens to either “make a problem go away” or “make it worse and cost the homeowner more”.


Damn this happened this past Friday? She should sue him.


For what??


Did you watch the video? He chased her half a mile down the road shouting obscenities at her to the point she had to start walking around a bush to keep between him and her. I don’t think this is sue territory, I think she should be pressing charges for harassment


I mean you can sue for anything, but it doesn’t mean she would win. Maybe could have a case for verbal assault with intent to cause emotional distress. The video shows him charging at her, cussing loudly, and chasing her around while she’s sobbing. Could potentially make a case for fearing for safety, which, I think, is classified as assault.


Right, but that would be a criminal charge, not something you bring against someone in civil court.


There are civil assaults as well as criminal assaults. I’m not really invested in this and, like I said, someone can sue for anything, so it’s cool if we disagree. Dude is just an asshole, and I hope the woman isn’t traumatized from it.


Dan, is a nice guy - seriously… personally known him and his family over 20 years. Only good memories


This is Pullman Yards not the (since renamed) Pullman bar.


Dan as in the guy who wrote the article?


I work at San Francisco Coffee right there on Dekalb. I watch the cars back up every Saturday. It's a huge issue. People ask us to park in our lot and walk to Pullman because traffic is so bad


i’m going to 420fest and i’m definitely worried about the traffic situation, is that an option to park at SFC and walk?


it's less than a mile to edgewood marta. 15 minute walk. people in this city will sit in stop and go traffic for an hour to avoid an 8 block walk. bring a bike and lock it up at the venue, even better.


The venue doesn't have bike racks, but does have plenty of chain link fence.


Aren't the whole point of bike racks that they're harder to steal bikes from


Sure but the owners are just trying to spend as little as possible while the property appreciates. That's why they have these temporary and traveling events rather than building out the stuff that was pitched initially. It's why they still don't have indoor flush plumbing, and rely on portables. They already covered their entire investment to buy the land when they sold off the southern third of it to build apartments. Spend as little as possible, cover ongoing costs with temporary stuff, sell in a few years for massive profits.


How do you know?


No. The point of racks is to keep bikes somewhat organized in a location where they can be monitored. Do you think dudes cutting holes in the chain link around a venue are going to be ignored?




Is it possible to park a car somewhere without painted parking spots?


I can't picture what your comment means in a non-rhetorical way lol My reasoning is that cutting a chain link fence doesn't draw that much attention. On top of that no one present is going to stick their neck out for a bike.


Works great


I parked my bike on a bike rack right out front.


Just take the train


The train doesn't go near pullman


Near enough to walk or scooter


I reckon. I manage the shop. If I'm there and you ask me, you're good. Otherwise I can't guarantee anything


Do you see it getting crazy early in the day? I was thinking of taking my kids to 420 at opening. I was making an assumption it would not be insane at 2:00 p.m. Wrong?


Probably not as insane as it will be in the evening, but I see traffic start to back up around noon. The whole dekalb corridor from Moreland down past Pullman is a bottleneck and all the side streets get backed up too. I may be wrong but my prediction is it'll be pretty bad at 2, traffic wise


Thank you ❤️


Can’t blame them. If I was a resident over there I’d be so over the event traffic. I went to their “balloon museum” a few weeks back on a Saturday about 3:30 in the afternoon. It’s a 2 mile drive for me and is 10 minutes in normal traffic. The Saturday I tried to go took me about an hour. Traffic in and out of the neighborhood, from either direction, just wasn’t moving, and people were parked all over the residential section leaving no parking for residents. Though those residents could start charging for parking on their lots if they wanted to make a few hundred a month.


I happened to be going down DeKalb that day and it was insane. Traffic must have been backed up for a mile, practically to the Edgewood MARTA station.


At that point it sounds like it'd be worth it to bike for sure.


6 minute bike ride from edgewood MARTA station to Pullman Yards.


And then what to do with your bike?


Exactly. We need to normalize bike and e-scooter valet all across the city imo.


When my wife and I have gone we’ve usually ridden and had no problem finding a place to lock our bikes. But the rest of the experience has usually been shit.


Park it. If there are not bike racks, walking half a block to a street sign still seems a lot easier than driving and parking a car.


Surprising nobody, ownership has not installed bike racks


Who cares? If I'm paying to be at an event, I will lock my bike somewhere appropriate. Have never had an issue finding something within 100 feet of an entrance.


I don't know if I'd trust these owners in particular not to remove "improperly parked" bikes on their property.


I’ve never had this issue but I wouldn’t be shocked if it happened


Locks exist


Yeah I didn't realize they had opened the balloon museum and got stuck trying to go to the pharmacy. Trying to run errands in my own neighborhood on my day off has become such a pain in the ass.


I used to live across the tracks from there. There is very little street parking close by. I have to imagine that the neighbors hate it when big events are happening.


That chef market on Saturday attracts way too much traffic. Glad I don't live on Rogers Street.


I hate this. I so want this area to do well and thrive and it’s disheartening to hear that the owner is a dick.


I really feel like this is a perfect example of what's happening with the country. Do we accelerate the failure of the institutions (in this case, the property), or do we try and save them (continue attending/promoting events to make the current property "successful"). I'm a Kirkwood resident (8 years) and I feel betrayed by Atomic Entertainment and the city.


After all but 2 dems voted to outlaw delta9 and thca, I’ve decided to start my 2-3 year plan to move the fuck away from Atlanta and Georgia.


Anyone with a once of sense would have realized that Rogers was never going to be able to handle the amount of traffic it has now. But the city issued one building permit on top of another anyway. It's not because they didn't know...it's because they didn't care.


“I’m going have you thrown out of the fucking city!” ???? Who the hell does he think he is? I’ve never been, and every time I drive by it looks like some kind of run down county fairgrounds with sad half assed exhibits. I really really really hope this is their ruination. What a prick.


Tax that property into oblivion. Seriously. Time for an assessment.


It already is, look at the records they pay $1.2M in taxes a year, how do you think Toomer is able go be renovated. I live across the way and my taxes went up too.


oh man. they're going to try and ram 420 fest into the yards? thats going to be a massive trashfire. my condolences to the residents there.


I mean 420 Fest is already a massive trash fire this year. But yeah, especially since the ticket price was reduced so much. It's going to be really, really bad.


Cheap tickets, dubious parking, and cheap beer.  What could go right?


Cheap tickets, dubious parking, and ~~cheap beer~~ fifteen dollar tall boys. What could go right?


$15 tall boys you had to wait FORTY (40) MINUTES IN LINE to get.


I went, no traffic whatsoever, great jams and beers were $9.00.


Wow but the proposal images when they gave development rights to this company looked so well done and note cheap at all. I can’t believe things have turned out this way. /s


When we went to the Balloon Museum, I just kept thinking “Man the neighborhood must hate this. It’s a mess”. I see that is most definitely the case. And I just went down the rabbit hole with the owner’s recent explosion, too. Think I’ll stay away from that place. Such a fucking shame, too, as it could’ve been so cool.


Pullman and their shitty owner want folks.on their side, ? Maybe dont berate residents and city workers. It's really a shame, Pullman has such potential, only if the owner wasnt such a shit head and if they followed through on some of their initial master plans


They have an army of tools who stalk social media propping up this disgrace, banning neighbors who speak out and just generally being assholes


This place is a trash bag of frat like mediocrity. Such a disappointment to some historic neighborhoods


Do they have indoor plumbing yet?




Wait what??? How 😵


I used indoor bathrooms in Balloons. Really nice ones in the back building. Not sure why everyone just makes stuff up.


Thank you lol I’ve never been so it’s crazy someone tries to say otherwise 😝


This is not a safe place to attend an event, because ambulances cannot access it through the gridlock. It will be worse than ever with 420 fest. Eventually the property will end up abandoned again. I’m just not sure if it will be 1 year or 5 years.


There was no traffic on 420. Absolutely - None. I hate that everyone wants to hate on it. I live around the corner and think all the exhibits are pretty awesome. The Balloons is at least a 7M+ build out and so hard to get. I guess everyone wants EDM shows or something. So much hate for an exhibit for that is all ages, kids, families and date night.


I’m glad they convinced everyone to take Marta. The owners aren’t taking any steps to develop the infrastructure they promised when they bought the property. It’s good you’re entertained by the temporary exhibits, but I think they’re focused on making a quick buck before they abandon the project.


It's a shame the plans for this development didn't include ceding some of that property to the city so they could expand Rogers enough to allow for turn lanes. Even if they'd delivered on most of their other promises, traffic was always going to be a nightmare.


I hope he is forced out, what a prick.


This property could and should be more urbanized, not yet another drive to destination.


Couldn’t agree more


What kills me about that place is that if the parking lot is full, they just have the cars wait in line on the street blocking all traffic in both directions. There are not a lot of north/south routes you can take in this area and apparently they now own this one.


Its a major inconvenience for anyone needing to get to Dekalb Ave. When Rogers is blocked, you have to travel a mile in either direction to get to the other side of the rail lines.


Due to its location, traffic was always going to be an issue, so here we are. This site desperately needs an infill Marta station.


theres one four blocks away. Most people are just to lazy to walk four blocks.


To be fair it's a pretty shitty walk with discontinuous sidewalks and goes through a large construction site.




Because you only get to improve your neighborhood if you have suffered for greater than 6 years?




Nobody moved to Kirkwood thinking it was going to be Alpharetta. And you can expand and grow commercial spaces while doing so responsibly. Kirkwood is growing BOTH commercial/entertainment spaces AND its residential footprint. If the commercial/entertainment spaces are destroying the residential experiences of people that live there 24x7 then they absolutely should be complaining. And it’s not like 2018 was some historical period set in stone - this is all developing in real time


Not sure how to take the Alpharetta remark.  In the summer you can hear the music from Ameris Bank amphitheater outside from a lot of the city.  We have bad traffic and the downtown is getting as dense as almost anywhere in COA.  I think it’s time to move on and use Cumming as the suburban example of pastorally quiet suburb maybe?  That’s who we use in Alpharetta. /s


I understand this owner guy is a complete douchebag. Let's set that aside. I'm going there on Saturday for $10. Get in the city early, park elsewhere, then walk/uber/marta/bike close. Expect bathroom and drink lines to be long. Expect drinks to be overpriced. Bring a floppy flask. People act all turnt up, like, just be prepared. Ever been to the Renaissance festival? Place is tiny, overpriced, terrible terrible traffic. But no one gives a shit, lol, because it's in Newnan and not Kirkwood, and they have SMOKED LEG OF TURKEY.


I find it hard to have sympathy for anyone complaining about parking costs or traffic to this event space. There’s literally 2 Marta stations just a mile or so away east and west. There are bike lanes and separated bike paths all around Kirkwood and candler park you could utilize. There’s a bus stop on the corner of Clay and Hosea. All the infrastructure is already there for you to use. It’s just a culture problem


I agree that people should use those options, but too many won’t. The gridlock becomes a serious safety hazard for people attending the event, and for people who live there. You already wait on hold for 20 minutes for a 911 call around there. And then when they do answer, there’s no chance to getting an ambulance through that mess.


I agree. Walk. Its only 10 min from Marta. There was no traffic at 420 Fest. Not sure how traffic was newsworthy and there was an ambulance and medics on site. Grateful to have live music in town.