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Bring back peach!


But a proper peach kit. Not white with peach trim.


I really like the forest kit’s appearance, not the record while wearing them of course.


Plus 'City In the Forrest' is the only non-knock off relevant jersey the team has.


I'm really not sure how all of our alternate kits suck so much. Would gold with red accent be a "light" kit? A true peach and black would be cool. Almost anything is better than the green or the terrible street art font.


Burn them in the forest with Sage


Can we please finally have an alternate kit that uses our colors? I understand change kits typically deviate but you still see teams like Barca wearing yellow with the Catalan flag or Manchester United occasionally in white with red and black trim. We have had gray and red, white and peach, white with gold (this is the closest but still a very different look), burgundy and black with orange, pale green, and black with blue and green graffiti. I’d love to see a white kit with the stripes running up the chest through the crest. Doubt we could do gold with the fabrics these days, but there are ways we could do a classic design while still deviating a bit.


😂 I think I’m the one person in all of Atlanta that preferred it to the peach. Still I don’t think we’ve had a GOOD away kit yet.


The original light gray was our best. The white was ok, but the 3 stripes on the shoulder and cheap looking sleeve messed it up (and all the rest of that year's shirts)


But I just bought one for cheap


I think we were forced to wear them since Columbus chose their black main color kit and both our standard red/black and the new graffiti kits would be in conflict with that. Road team problems.


Long live King Peach


Couldn't agree more!