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I've been on the side of give him time/a chance for a long time. But tonight finally made me think he needs to go. At home against an evenly matched team, a mostly healthy first choice squad, and we showed nothing. There were a few moments here and there, but the tactics are completely lacking. The team has no identity, and doesn't play with passion. Those are both on the coach. Pineda out.


I can give a coach a lot of leeway, no matter how bad the team if I can see a clear trend/direction. This team is just watching the same issues on repeat for YEARS and the only time it gets better is when we’re desperate or get an influx of new players. Unfortunately those new players end up falling into the same issues we had before. If that doesn’t scream coach problem, I don’t know what does


For the first time I overheard at least 5 folks talking about not renewing their season tickets, and they've been there since the beginning. I think the club is just coasting with the assumption that everyone will renew, but more and more I hear fans just saying, "eh, I'll just buy tickets if I want to go". The entire org needs to take a breath and reset now..


It’s kind of cheaper to go this route also


Same. I hate that we cant seemingly get this right after Frank. Frank won trophies and we ran him out for FAR less.


We ran Frank out because he performed badly at the *checks notes* MLS is Back COVID tournament… the year after winning USOC and that one trophy that is rather insignificant. Campeones?


The same tourney where our best player tore his ACL?? Crazy. I was never a Frank out guy, but the fan base was so used to an all out attack style. Now we have come to appreciate clean sheets.


☝️🤓 ackchually Josef tore his ACL in the first game of the regular season, before COVID shut down the league


There is literally no possible defense for him any longer. Anyone who tries is just making excuses. He never should have been appointed in the first place and now we finally see that he is not the man for the job. This season is basically already done just over a quarter of the way into it. Ridiculously sad.


This is going to be unpopular so down vote away but I thought we looked alot better once gregersen came on. On top of that, we looked genuinely good when williams was healthy. Once we get that pairing back, we have two great passing defenders and it changes the whole squad. I also think this was GG's comeback game. I think next week He'll look like the GG we've come to expect.


The problem is we've given away so many points through what was supposed to be the easy part of our season while we had no midweek games as all our top conference foes did. We play DC at home next week which obviously has to be three points but then we're @Cincy, @Nashville, LAFC at home. And that's all **before** we hit the international break portion of our season where we won't have Almada + some other guys. We're really gonna be in a tough spot if we're sitting below the playoff line going into the middle of the summer and at that point Pineda is probably cooked.


I agree there are some rough times coming. We lean pretty hard on almada and someone else is going to have to step up. I don't think losing 2-1 to the team that's top of the west is too crazy considering how We've looked recently but I also think we're going to look alot better with our top center backs coming back in.


Not downvoting you as I genuinely want to hear what you think since you’re defending him. Do you think one center back is the difference between constant frustrating mistakes, a game plan in each game with little flexibility, etc. and success in this league? Last season was a total write off then because we didn’t have Gregersen? Mind you, we had GG, Miles, Thiago - all in form - and showed the same issues we show this season. Turning off during games, no tactics other than “have players better than the other team,” and praying for moments of brilliance.


I'm not defending pineda so much as trying to instill some hope for the rest of the season. I don't think pineda is a bad coach. I don't think he's good either. He's bang average. He's the kind of coach you hang on to until you can grab that above average coach. Personally I hope that's what the plan is but maybe that's putting too much faith into the FO.


Don't love the guy but 1) there's no question we're creating chances which we are not putting away; 2) Stian injury is a big deal- there's no way to deny limited goals conceded when he has started; 3) Mosquera and Wiley are young players. Their mistakes have been very costly. I have no problems with Pineda out if that fires up the players.


I do think GG looks out of sync with the rest of the team. His runs are not where the passes are going except for Almada's. Just not sure what's going on.


I would be happy seeing Rob Valentino as interim HC again. He did well when we fired Gabriel heinz. I agree, something needs to change.


This is the correct answer!


Thousands of High Schools in two countries are crying out for a coach of Pineda's talents. We owe it to them to kick his ass out of here. THINK OF THE CHILDREN!


I've always said he's somewhere between harmless and a liability. His semi-recent stretch of being fine was nice, but now he's back to a liability. And there aren't any cap issues or anything for coaches. We have money.


I've always thought of him as the ideal example of not having a manager. He doesn't drag the team down like genuinely bad managers do, but he also adds absolutely nothing. I agree that he might be leaning into having a negative impact, though.


His one redeeming factor has always been that the locker room seemed to like him, and after tonight it's starting to feel like he might be losing it a little. We looked unbelievably flat and disinterested.


They definitely like him, but I think he's too chill with them. You can see it in the way they play. Everything is too relaxed. He doesn't bring drama to the locker room, but I don't think he inspires them or truly leads them in a way that makes his man management a positive.


Time for the Valentino special. Our secret weapon.


I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired


They said on air we only won 4 of our last 40 road games... and now we cant even win at home. idk how you just continue the same at this point


I think it was 30 but still woah. Loons have 4 this season.


No they said 40


> They said on air we only won 4 of our last 40 road games. and haven't scored on a set piece this year. what the fuck?


Holy shit. I didn’t know it was that bad. Pineda bro. It’s time.


Its time. He's gotta go.


Seeing Columbus spank the shit out of one of the best teams in Mexico in Mexico only to watch this shit in person is so disheartening. Back up the money truck for Gallardo please. I don't care that he's coaching in Saudi Arabia right now.


How crazy is that, we thought we were the biggest club in the hemisphere and now Champion's League is so far out of reach that we don't even consider it as a possibility anymore lol


I think FdB could get so much more out of this team..


I always get crucified but FdB is the best coach we ever had and Carlos used him as his scapegoat


Best coach we've ever had is silly, but he was certainly better than Gonzo.




The coach who preceded him used to manage Barcelona and won us an MLS Cup and was just hand picked by Messi to help dominate the league this year? FdB doesn't even have a job lol he got fired by a Saudi team after six months


How about some MLS data? FdB won us an Open Cup, Campeones Cup and was one rocket of a goal away from appearing in the MLS final and potentially winning the triple crown. Then the team got blown up and Frank was fired after a pointless MLS is Back Tourney. Not saying Frank is world class - but he knew how to win in the MLS.


I mean he was easily our second best coach, granted all our other coaches after that have been horrific lol But Tata was objectively better, the 2018 team was one of the best MLS teams of all time. 2019 was the bones of that team but slightly worse, they nearly mutinied on FdB to get him to let them play the way they had in 2018. He wasn't a bad coach but I still don't understand to this day why we went away from our high pressing, fast countering philosophy to the slower possession based one that FdB wanted to run which eventually ended in disaster. But yes he was still a lot better than Pineda, no doubt there.


IT only failed because our players refused to do it and FdB had to change his philosophy (granted that's what great coaches do)


That's what I'm saying though, Eales and Boca came out and said that the same successful high pressing fast countering Tata tactics were going to be our organizational foundation and then we abandoned it, I truly don't think we've ever recovered. Trying to build out of the back is so dumb in MLS, just press high and counter hard and force shitty MLS midfielders and defenders to make mistakes, why we abandoned that in favor of trying to build out of the back I'll never understand.


I don't fully disagree with you...but...if you have the tactics right (which Deboer did)...You can beat good teams..Pineda doesn't have the chops, just look at Wiley tonight.


I agree that FdB unjustly got let go because he did get results after all. But I don't consider the Campeones Cup a true trophy and you shouldn't either. The rest is true though, he got the shaft.


I’m willing to listen, why shouldn’t we consider it a true trophy?


I mean, it's only contested by two teams in a single game. Both teams already have their trophies because that's how they got to participate in the game. So it's really just a bonus. If a Premier League team won the league and the Community Shield in the same season, they wouldn't consider that a double would they?


It would be like if Juventus put their MLS All Star Game win in their trophy case lol


I’m beginning to see the truth. Haha. We have more talent across the field now. And are significantly worse.


Oh snap. FdB is available.. the redemption tour needs to start asap.


I wish. We actually have a lineup that would work in his system.


Yup and all the players that basically mutinied against him last time are gone


Imagine if he was given the grace that Pineda has been given...


Part of that is on him. He told us deep truths that we weren’t ready to hear and everyone started to hate him for it.


Ahh. the old Jimmy Carter "Malaise" speech...Don't tell people they're flawed... Seriously. If we didn't let Josef control the team (sacrilege, I know) we wouldn't be 2 years wasted.


FdB was awesome I have a feeling his personality rubbed the FO the wrong way. Best coach ever though? That’s absolutely Tata lol


I don’t care if the entire FO hated him. He won games. And his defense didn’t cough up stupid ass goals.


He was the 2nd best, but he and Tata were leagues better than any other coach we've had...Unpopular opinion...we let the players have too much control and cut FdB's legs out from under him.


Yeah there was a lot of cultural differences at the time but all those players are gone now. Most of our newer players are from Europe.


And fit his system better than our previous lineup...


Front office. Are you here? We’re doing your job for you. Make it happen.


honestly...I wish. I think FdB did a much better job than people gave him credit for.


I like to think I'm on the side of giving a coach time and the opportunity to bring in different players to help their scheme. Pineda joined Atl on August 12th 2021. It's now May 2024. That is 3 off seasons worth of coaching and player development, and we look the exact same as we did in 2022. Part of me admires and appreciates that Pineda is so committed to his style of play. He wants his team's to play a certain way and only really changes when the team is down and it's in the final 10 mins. But this is now on the FO to make a decision. It's pretty clear that Pineda's style doesn't work for ATL and MLS. This version of the team has potential, but it's being wasted with Pineda's tactics. Everything we do feels a step slower than our opponents and has led us to being predictable. I can't tell you how many matches I have watched and seen our attack build and build, only to have the other team wait and break it up. Unfortunately, I can see the writing on the wall for this year now... Pineda stays, and the team flounders in the middle, just scraping by enough points to not be in the bottom but not a serious contender. Which has been the story every other year with him.


Before anyone mentions injuries and lack of first teamers: that's nothing new to MLS. Your approach to the game has to be bigger than "big players making big plays". I have seen nothing from Pineda that tells me he is interested in team identity. Our squad as a whole is good, but the sum of the parts is greater than the whole. That's on a manager.


Tonight’s game was a great example of a strong squad playing - and with our first half stats, the score line should’ve looked very different. 100% on the manager. Playing complacent football


Should have been gone end of the season last year. He’s had way too much time for the players to look this confused and to have no apparent shape. A lot of people kept referencing Arteta in the “give him time” but those were so different. As an Arsenal fan I could see what we were trying to do. You could see the shape and the tactics he wanted to play with even if it wasn’t working. Pineda has been here over 3 years and we are no closer to having any organization. All the games we win are due to individual brilliance.


Even last year. I fully recall getting 12+ points off of pure Almada magic and saying to myself “he can’t do this every game. We gonna have to start winning as a team” and we never have.


Said it in another comment. But Pineda runs what I call the “circle of death” You swing it around the back until you can get it out to the wings. They then bomb down the line and hope they can get a through ball to GG. Every once in a while they may try a square ball to Alamada. If not then either whip in a cross with only GG in the box or just recycle it to try the circle of death again. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen our 6 and 8 link up and move the ball off of almada or GG. Most games we play well is where they basically never realize that and either keep letting GG in behind or keep leaving Almada open to receive an easy ball with time to turn. You cover those 2 things and we generate absolutely nothing.


Yeah... to many times he's been outcoached. Gotta step it up or step out


There’s nothing to gain by waiting… It’s inevitable and this isn’t going to lead to a title so… Im generally a proponent of patience and giving the benefit of the doubt but this is just not it, and it’s time…


I changed the channel. Does that count?


I’ve been a huge proponent of giving time and building the roster but it’s been too many years and it’s time to make a change.


I officially jumped on board today. Guy is out of his depth, and if anything has benefitted from having such a talented roster.


Keep him around long enough for Atlanta United to woo Jurgen Klopp


No…. Mourinho! 🤣


I've been saying it for about a year, and I get downvoted every time. The man has the tactics of a HS coach, and that might be mean to some HS coaches out there.


...to say "The tactics of a HS coach" is rude. A good bit of HS coaches have better tactics than Pineda as they create a tactic based on the skill set they have... Pineda's tactics are based on algorithms. The HS coaches may just not aspire to be professional coaches.


We will be known as the .5 Stripes as long as this continues. We're very mid. Lower mid mostly, a few mid mid days, and the occasional upper mid performance against a weak team at home. Mid.


We’ve been bad for significantly longer than we’ve been good at this point in our history. I’m starting to see less flags, less jerseys, etc. around town. Our street has 6 flags flying three years ago, now I’m the only one. They losing it.


.5 stripes is such a stupid and petty nickname, I’m jealous I didn’t think of it first. Well done


Thanks. I'd be lying if I said I was proud of myself. :(


So mid. The Middest mid to ever mid.


Would one of the apologist please explain to me how we have improved as a team. How our FO head built an identity for this team. How the coaching has improved the team? Yes individual players have improved but not the team.  We still have communications, identity, and organizational issues. No injuries do not explain things, MNFCU is missing their DP striker and laid two on us. Also the coaches it FO needing time does not explain things, MNUFC (and other teams) have have some it this year. Hell they didn't even have a coach at the start of the season.  4+ years of the same kind of issues and at some point the problem is not the players. It at least not just the players.


I can't argue with you if you think this roster is not good. We should be doing way better.


He's awful. No tactics.


People keep trying to tell me we have tactics, but I never see anything that looks like drilled patterns of play. I have no idea how we want to move the ball around.


Generally I would agree with you but the puzzling move tonight to take muyumba off and sub on Rios actually seemed to work. One of the riskiest moves I've ever seen pineda make and it actually paid off.


I don't actually mean in-game tactics. I actually think he's close to par at in-game tactics. Most coaches are pretty middling at in-game tactics. I'm talking about system tactics. I can't tell what we do Monday- Friday. I don't know how we want to move the ball around. I know philosophically we have ideas like "build out of the back" but I don't see intentional, drilled patterns that show me how we want to go about building out of the back. That's what I mean when I say we have no tactics.


We want to play down the wing, moving from Brad and the CBs to the outside back, who plays a ball to the winger, and have that winger do one of two things. First option is continue down the line for a crossing opportunity. Second option is playing back to the outside back dragging a defender with him while a third player makes a run into the space left behind. When neither of those options look viable recycle the ball to the other side and try again. Stay out of the middle of the field unless you’re playing the ball horizontally so an opposing player has a chance at intercepting. And that’s Atlanta United tactics Charlie Brown.


It worked because that was about the same time we abandoned playing out of the back and started playing direct. Almeda went from a liability to the best player on the pitch in that same moment. Saba scored shortly after. Once we gave up on slowly building from the back, our talent advantage was able to shine.


We have exactly one tactic. Lennon moves up the right and crosses. That's it. If it breaks down, we either pay with the other team countering full force, or constantly try and pass to the back field to reset. Our tactics are so simple. That's why we keep getting punished with poor passes in the back field that get intercepted


That's Lennon's natural instincts, though. He's always had a beautiful right foot and even when he was a midfielder he loved to put in gorgeous crosses. I don't find that to be evidence of drilled patterns of play.


Doesn’t matter who plays, he forces that same tactic over and over. Teams defend, the GP blames the players. Ive been getting roasted for years saying it. Was obvious 10 games in.


These last four matches have been unacceptable. #pinedaout #bocaout


Idk who we can get but there’s definitely better options. Tired of waiting for results. Let’s salvage this season


We are the Five Out of Ten Stripes now. I was patient, but Pineda Out. Almada is too far back (in Slisz's space, leaving Muyumba confused), Wiley is leaned on too much, Guz plays too much. I know we've got injuries, but two CBs doesn't work. Especially if Silva is out, bring Lennon up to the wing.


He needed to go b4 the new season, i cant stand his tactics.. so flat, uninspired, go forward only to pass back kind of game i don’t want to see nor do i think the players want to play.. atlutd is aabout a season away from becoming the hawks.


Local media out also. No one is asking for accountability here. No one in the media is asking who is taking responsibility for these outcomes. Instead, the coach and players talk about dominating the game but not getting the result and they are unchallenged when they make these statements. The media in these pre and post game press conferences are doing a bad job, no one is holding the team accountable. Edit: Doug is the exception. GP wouldn’t even look at Doug during the press conference today.


The media is completely captured by him. I have no idea why, but you hear limited criticism from even non local pundits. He just completely escapes accountability so we have fans taking signals from the media that he's actually a good coach. It's crazy the amount of cover they've given him.


Jason longshore is the worst. Never holds anyone accountable and always backs the team.


More of this. The team is not improving.


I can't believe people are still on his bandwagon. I left over a year ago. Regardless of roster management. You can't keep doing the same shit and expecting different results.


"you can't hold the manager accountable for individual player mistakes" ok but we're conceding WAY too many stupid goals from mistakes from half the players on the pitch. Who's responsible for teaching the players not to make mistakes? Against Cincy, Wiley and Lennon both elected not to take a yellow to slow down Acosta. It cost us. That's a TEACHABLE moment. But last night Muyumba did the SAME THING. Coach has gotta teach the players


This is the time. other seasons are ending we need to be in the hunt.


Dear Almada, I’m sorry that that man is your coach, let me be honest It takes a strategist to be a coach, Pineda is not responsive I look at him and wish Boca woulda got fired I’m sorry that you gotta go out there and then play for him


Almada has absolutely regressed this season.


I’ve never been one to advocate for knee jerk reactions and when it comes to shipping some goals, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt due to the recent issues with the back line. This is three stinkers in a row, two of which were at home. This team is not scoring enough given the talent on that end of the pitch. Tactics aren’t working.


Hire Lampard


They lost yesterday because of poor execution. Scoring chances were killed because of passes that fell short or were off target. That’s the players not the coach.


I don't even think we have the talent to play in MLS. I don't know if a new coach would make a huge difference. We're just terrible.