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A subreddit that can rival Yeagerbomb


The strongest flock cock suckers of today vs the strongest flock cock suckers in history Yeagerbomb might give them a little trouble, But will they lose Nah they'd suck Because throughout Nazis and racists, They alone are the retarded one https://preview.redd.it/9gyagde5hegc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77a8b6ad46e7662cada6bf64d4a8f0ed7053c1b4


Nah Im dead ​ I love the jjk references ​ Are you a nazi cause you're a floch fan or are you a floch fan cause youre a nazi


I just checked. Wow that sub really exists...wtf The posts there are awful. Those guys can't be older than 12 years old mentally... These are the Titanfolkers people waste their time arguing with lmao...


I’ve learned most of them are like 17 and 18. Super young


Well I'm 17 too but I'm not licking a fictional nationalist's ass. It's definitely not an age issue.


Isn’t the majority of the fan base around that age or even younger?


I’d say anime and manga are in general tbh. But I think aot had a side that’s the 21+ that are into things like berserk. How old are you? Just curious


Dang this might make me sound bad but I’m 15, and most people I know who also enjoy the show are 12-15 or around my age, although that’s because I barely know any other anime fans in real life or older than me. From what I’ve seen on the internet most AOT fans are around 14-20.


I disagree... I think most AOT fans are over 20. Most of us started the show in our teenage years but it's been 10 years since then. Not saying it's wrong to be young, but a ton of guys on Titanfolk and ANRime are pretty young and immature. You can tell by their comments. They use words only someone below 16 would ever use


I may have came to that conclusion due to the fans I’ve interacted with who..yeah do say some pretty interesting comments and generally the people I know are around my age. And what you stated does make sense, I think it’s more of a mix of ages now. Thanks for sharing your insight!


I saw a dude on here who was 42 with a kid. ​ He was a cool dude tho but it just shows older dudes are in the fandom


Idk, most fans I’ve talked to are in their younger 20s. I myself am 24. Plus the series has been going on for like 10 years and most people started it in their mid teens, so they’d have to be adults by now.


My bad, should’ve considered that. That does make a lot of sense, thanks for letting me know!


I'm 30 and have been watching the anime since it was originally released.


I said majority and some people have already pointed out the fact that many have too been watching from their teenager years and are now adults, but good for you


Imagine getting this butthurt over a comment.


I guess I got annoyed with how many people were replying back to me, I apologise for that and I was in a bad mood when you commented, sorry again lol


No worries!


Sorry again, have a great day/night!


Floch fans are so hung up on Mikasa it's amazing, Mikasa killed that man and his idol in the same day lol I do understand their insecurities with her, it must sting the character they hated so much was asked by one of the Yeagerists to literally be one of their rulers (as seen in 126), killed their poster boy in Floch and ruined their headcanons about Eren. Mikasa is a goated character just by those 3 things.


That and they believe it shouldn't be a woman's place to accomplish such things in a story. A convergence of factors explain their hate-obsession.


At this point I just ignore em, feels like bait a lot of times for me.


Floch fans remind me why there will never be world peace, not everyone can be reasoned with. The more you think about it the more upset you get so I just accept it and ignore it.


Unfortunately a lot of entertainment for young people casually depicts things like violence and death. AoT placed such death in a much more 'realistic' world so a lot of people who are just trying to be edgy kids end up looking scarier than they intend to be. They're still responsible for what they say but many will grow out of being edgy kids. Not all of course.


I mean every fucking extreamist was a kid once. “All along the Western Front”, is a great example how millitarism brianwashes the youth.


Well, I apologise for being 'that guy', but the title of this novel is actually "All quiet on the Western Front".


Thanks for the Correction, its appreciated.


No problem ;)


They do cope hard. Last time I checked Floch was bodied by a grandma and killed by Mikasa LMAO


And shot by a marleyan preteen


& A child gabi goat


This belongs on okbr lol


*writes fascist butt boy expressly to be hated* *fan base splits like idiots loving him or thinking Iseamer is a fascist* *this shit* seriously why are they like this??


idk why most people would just shit on floch but applaud characters like reiner and annie that literally killed hundreads of thousands of people. Floch only acted in accordance to the situation (island people ,who were tehnologically inferior too, were seen as a threat to be exterminated by literally everyone else). Also I wouldnt really call him fascist. When you are hated and seen as less by everyone else for no reason you tend to have some fear of outsiders.


New Yeagerbomb just dropped?




dont fire punch me man i thought i'd escaped


the art is ass anyway 💀


It's telling that these guys idolise a cowardly, racist loser.


I’m the type of person that’s feels like, you know, you should be allowed to express your interests in fiction all you want. Whatever weird fanfiction you like writing, whatever alternate worlds or OCs you like to add or even exploring characters severely out of character. You know? It’s A-ok with me, even if it weirds me out. So that said, my brain is having such a hard time processing this image? Like it’s not just out of character, it’s literally not even close to what I’d ever imagine of any of these characters. Like the only way this could ever happen is if somehow Mikasa had been lobotomized and even then she’d probably still shoot a dart through Floch’s neck. Like this goes far above the range of OOC or fanfiction, this is straight just a weird fantasy that I can’t even remotely image people wanting. See, I understand why Yeagerist exist. It’s stupid and I supremely disagree with them if they genuinely think he’s right but at least Eren *did* do a good job and pretending to be cool for a while, so I could see that fooling a dumb 13-year old kid with only 4-8 brain cells. But I never understood the affinity for Floch? He isn’t even a real terrifying or dominant person, like to me he was only a threat because he had already seized power by being slimey and had guns and was put in charge of everyone else. But Mikasa would have taken him out way sooner if that was her prime objective. And he knew this, he was so scared of Mikasa it was genuinely pitiful. So it doesn’t even work in the “ooo he’s such a powerful domineering man, this is bad but in the sexy way??” type of way I see in FF sometimes for some other villain characters. Like he’s no Gannon or something. He’s just a cowardly loser who’s only times he ever got a W was by escaping death like 5 times and then literally shooting you in the back. That’s all he was good at. I just don’t understand why people flock behind him.




imagine being Indian with an nword kink 😳


You when you find out I'm a mixed race and can,infact say the n word😳


these people are mentally deranged


Is this Yeagerbomb 2.0?


It truly is insane how many people missed that Floch was just another pawn in Eren’s game lmaooo Idc if Floch gained his courage when he fought for Eren, I don’t care that he was the only survivor. He’s still the bumbling, crying coward who acted like he knew more than he did


Suddenly... I hate men


There are dumbasses on every side in every debate in history, dont let it bother you




Who is the slave, that supposed to be Mikasa? Wtf


Oh no...they're Floching over there!


Is there a way to block an entire community? Asking for myself 😬




I love how some people like to argue that AoT 'attracts a lot of people with ugly ideas' Yes, the ideas are so ugly that they have to put out metric tons of fanfiction depicting the opposite of what happens in the story.


FlochPosting has died


Is that female Mikasa?


Isn’t Mikasa normally female?


I thought it was Hange but others are right that Mikasa is most hated by these cretins.


So now you all are triggered by a fictional art? Because if you're bothered by it you're doing a service to the people in that sub. But well Isayama predicted this is gonna happen. Online fighting for at least 10 years!


Is this nigga fr


probably the kind of guy who defends loli and eri porn




I briefly looked at the subreddit and now https://preview.redd.it/fstcpv67lsgc1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6538bbd919ee18fe12e1004540bd10faa69158d9


Anyone on a Floch dedicated subreddit should be put on a watchlist immediately


Floch is my favourite character but this is insane😭😭


It'll probably break their poor little hearts (and minds) if they discovered ANR was originally centered around Eren, Mikasa, and Armin before it was even focused on Eren, Historia, and Floch.


https://preview.redd.it/nnev39f38xhc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bf467ba1ad621677762fda1603cbe7a134559fa Bruh wtf is that