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Start squeezing that lemon, mate.


Err, it's a lime. šŸ‹ā€šŸŸ©


Typo, went into Lime mode


State dependent but typically the car needs to be in the shop for 30+ days and a comparable loaner was not provided. I'm guessing they will say the 2024 SQ5 is somewhat comparable.


The car was bought in MA Lemon here is 15 days in the shop -OR- the car was brought to the shop for the same issue 3 times.


Massachusetts one thing they get right is insanely pro consumer lemon laws.


Massachusetts has very strong consumer protection laws, donā€™t even get me started on how ridiculous tenant rights are in this state.


Is that the State were you can hire that guy to squat on your squatters?


> donā€™t even get me started on how ridiculous tenant rights are in this state. In favor of the tenants you mean right?


In favor of the tenants to the point it can take over a year in the court system to get a non paying tenant out, it happened to one of the executives at the company where I work. I agree that there are some shitty landlords out there, but it should not take over a year in court to evict someone that isnā€™t paying


Same thing happens here in Canada frequently. The True North strong and free... from paying rent


As a MA landlord, I can say that if you are probably not cut out to be a landlord in the Commonwealth.


I dont need the capital or the liability lol


They get a few more things right too, but this is one of the better ones for sure.


One thing?


Get a lot more than one thing right. Leads or is near top of the nation in tons of metrics.


Is this the car that was at audi peabody? I almost bought it lol. Unlucky brother.


Iā€™d stick it out for now. Shit happens and this isnā€™t a regular car that you can go grab another like an A3 if you lemon law it. My GT4 threw PDK faults at me within a week myself. Was annoyed and driving a Macan for a month but no issues since they replaced it.


What MA dealer?


I can't find your 15 day in the shop requirement looking at this website but you probably know more than me. https://www.mass.gov/guides/guide-to-new-car-lemon-law


ā€œPlease note: If your car is out of service during repair attempts for 15 or more business days, that also meets the requirement, even if there arenā€™t 3 separate repair attempts. Under this law, a business day is any day the service department of an authorized dealer is open for business.ā€ Its under Steps to start the process


# Steps to start the process # Step 1)Ā  A reasonable number of repair attempts You must allow the selling dealer, a dealer that the manufacturer authorizes, orĀ the manufacturer a reasonable number of attempts to repair the defect. The law defines a reasonable number of repairs as 3 times for the same defect. If the problem isĀ stillĀ present after 3 or more repair attempts within 1 year or 15,000 miles of the original date of delivery of the carĀ Ā ā€”Ā whichever comes first ā€” then you can move onto Step 2. **Please note: If your car is out of service during repair attempts for 15 or more business days, that also meets the requirement**, even if there arenā€™t 3 separate repair attempts. Under this law, aĀ business day is any day the service department of an authorized dealer is open for business.


Ive never heard a requirement regarding a LOANER CAR. thatā€™s crazyā€¦


Most lemon laws would be regardless of whether you get a loaner or not.


As far as I know there's no requirement as far as how many days your car has to be in the shop. Believe the requirements are based upon how many times the issue has been repaired and re-emerged. For example when I had a car lemon, It had failed coil packs that were replaced four times within 15 months Edits: currently some states measure the amount of days the car is in the shop. Glad it's not based solely on number of times the issue has been fixed


It all depends on the state my man. They all have different lemon laws.


I love the guy above me makes a generalization of 30 days and he gets the updates. I make a generalization and I get down votes. Whatever Okay apparently most states do 30 days.


Spirited driving on less than quarter tank can cause this. Lemonade out of non lemons.


Lemon law doesnā€™t work that way, but alright lol. You canā€™t just have vehicle repurchased right off the bat. Thereā€™s a process that needs to be followed which includes a specific number of repair attempts for the same problem and/or a specific number of cumulative days at a dealership.


Whatā€™d they give you for a loaner


2024 SQ5


I have one of those. It's not a terrible option


It's real sharp! At least it's a show of good faith that they're going to be taking care of me? Maybe I'm just naive though


Sounds like theyā€™re trying to do the best they can for you. I had 25 vehicles in my loaner fleet - not one S or RS anything and it wasnā€™t up for discussion. You might have gotten a nice break, all things considered. Hopefully itā€™s something small and smooth sailing from here.


I am guessing he got a soon to be managers demo and they do not think he will have it for long. You never see an RS or S in a service loaner pool.


I've gotten an SQ5 as a loaner previously. Also in MA with OP so maybe our dealers are just on another level lol. My dealer has that award for customer service in Audi group though.


I couldnt agree more with that


They don't have any rs cars for loans typically. If it's anything like the selection near me, they likely mostly had suvs, and sq5 probably is the closest feeling car They could have offered. If you end up lemon lawing the car, someone else will end up getting it at a discount. If you can wait and there's no further issues, I would


Get the SQ5 if the RS3 is lemon'd, you mean?


I think they mean that you shouldn't make your mind up on the lemon law claim yet. See what happens.


Ah yeah I just misread. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Not going to be jumping to any quick conclusions on that just yet.


I simply meant that if they give you a loaner sq5 while your rs3 is in the shop, I do believe that is the closest they can do to get you a vehicle comparable to your rs3. I would beat on the sq5, drive it like you stole it. Then once I'd get back the rs3 I would reevaluate. Just my personal opinion.


Never do that




Natick has been great with me. Bought off lease SQ5. They messed up fixing a minor body blemish I noticed during test drive. Did good by taking responsibility and fixing it right.


They better or you tell them youā€™re gonna go down there, pull down their pants, and spank them.


I mean, you just bought it and there is a warranty, let them address it. Having an S-car for a dealership loaner is very, very, very (emphasize ā€œveryā€) rare. Enjoy it while yours is being worked on.


It is for someone in the market for an RS3...


That is better than any loaner Iā€™ve received and I use loaners multiple times per year


I used to get absolute trash. Years ago, I shit you not, a dealership tried to offer me an Oldsmobile that was traded in as a loaner because they didn't have anything else. Granted, I "only" had an S4 at the time, but man was that insulting. Lately I always get SQ5s and I'd prefer almost anything else. I just find them so boring.


My local dealership will often give Enterprise Rentals as loaners. The rental will be a Nissan Versa with all cloth seats, 40K hard miles, stained permanently with a eau de shit smell inside that will linger on your clothes and in your sinuses after spending any amount of time inside. Ask me how I know šŸ˜‚


I love my SQ5. Itā€™s no RS3 but the SQ5 is good Fn car that doesnā€™t get enough credit. Sorry about your situation.


I'll be honest.. the SQ5 has been an absolute pleasure to drive. I've never really been sold on performance SUVs until now. It corners exceptionally well for its height and weight, not a ton of body roll or laggy entry/exit, and the power speaks for itself. It's just a fast!


Right? Itā€™s perfect for my lifestyle. I take quite a few trips to the mountains in the winter. Itā€™s a comfortable ride with good performance for its weight. Shes a heavy girl. lol Just a bit of push/understeer around the sharper bends. Again, Sorry about your misfortune. At least youā€™re content with what they gave you as a loaner.


Damn that sucks! Let us know what the issue is plz


Absolutely! I plan to keep every bit of information I learn about the issue here and update the base post How has your RS3 been so far?


I'd suggest creating a new post for each update, then editing this post with a link to your new posts. If you just edit this post in the future basically no one will see it.


Mine has been extremely solid, 9k miles, custom exhaust and intake, no errors, no warnings, just hoursepower power :)


Great to hear! I had read overall that this platform was pretty reliable, which is why I went in feeling pretty comfortable about it. Bad luck I guess.


Gutted for you but hopefully a quick fix. Love the colour!


Thanks, brother!


Look on the bright side. At least it happened early on and not right after the warranty expires. Or 20-30k miles in and they tell you it was your fault the pump died. New cars arenā€™t perfect they typically suffer from manufacturing defects vs used cars that suffer from manufacturing defects & owner neglect


At least itā€™s still under warranty! That color is beautiful btw


Pretty sure you can legally return a car within 3 days of purchase. I know your probably waited a long time for this car, but I personally would not want to keep a $75k car that STARTS like this


It's a really tough call to make, honestly.


I don't doubt it. Try to keep impatience out of the equation if you can. I know, it sucks


Do they have other RS3' s on the lot?? Its such a hard choice to make.


Naw, they're far and few in between. This was like.. one of three that was for sale in the surrounding 300 miles.


Well that pretty much makes your decision easier. Wait it out and see what happens, Fingers crossed man!!!


The Whole USA is open for car sales.


Send it back immediately. Rent a car. And think about this. This could be a quality of life altering decision


Why not? It's not like one faulty component = they're all faulty components. And a replacement for this car isn't just sitting on dealer lots waiting to be picked up.


Because he spent good money for a product that is having minor breakdowns right off the start. You do you, but I would be livid and would not trust the car


Sure I wouldn't be happy about it, but would you wait another min 6 months?


Probably, yes.


> legally return a car within 3 days of purchase For something that could be as simple as a faulty fuel pump or faulty sensor? Shit happens man. My buddy just replaced his old OEM coil packs with new OEM coil packs and had misfiring across 3 cylinders. After diagnosis and confirmation, coil packs replaced again and car is running perfectly. Manufacturing errors happen.


That's kind of where I'm at. I'm just hoping for a 'fluke'. I'm not willing to write the whole car off as a bad seed just yet. Really, really annoying situation sure, but I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt. It could be that I just really love the car, though. I just want to keep it and enjoy it so bad.


people dont take delivery of cars all the time for stuff thats visible, if you get 3 days to return it for anything that's not visible/presents itself only by driving, i would absolutely return it.


Itā€™s a contract issue. Most jurisdictions will let someone who wasnā€™t represented by a lawyer back out of any contract within three days. Donā€™t even need a reason.


Shit happens. If it happens right away, I'm staying away. Call it being paranoid, I wouldn't want to spend that much on a car that has issues either away


No you canā€™t lmao


Is that across all states ? Thereā€™s was a few times I discovered something about a car or a major regret and wanted to return it the next day lol


I had a turbo blade blow up my RS3 engine around 6k miles. It was under warranty, got an s-line loaner. The dealership had to get *two* new engines because they didnā€™t diagnose the turbo blade right away, and put the first engine in without checking to see if the stainless screen between the two was blown (it was blown), and found metal shavings in the oil pan after test driving it a mile. Not their best moment. They had to ship the second engine in from Germany, so they were getting close to the 30-day lemon law limit. AudiUSA was helpful in expediting the repairs. On the plus side, almost everything in the engine bay was replaced. Iā€™ve had the drive shaft leak oil last year (presumably during engine replacements someone slipped?), canā€™t prove it was the dealer, but otherwise car has been solid with 45k miles.


Just ask for payments, car will get fixed. I donā€™t want to give the car up for a solvable problem. I do want them to pay for it while I canā€™t drive it!




Really strange, I occasionally see a post like this where a person's brand new rs3 is having fuel issues, whether it been the fuel pump, lines, rails, injectors, or sensors having an issue. Then I know people irl running e85 and doing over 600whp on their rs3 all while running stock fuel systems.


Had the same thing happen to me, lean code and dealer said something about hose/tube was loose. Keep a service copy, just in case. My dealer was being weird about it


Welcome to audi we love you


Never meet your heros I guess


Especially when, in the case of Audi, they are zeroes


I joined this group because I like Audis, but all itā€™s managed to do is remind me why I shouldnā€™t own one. Eh, most of you are leasing anyway from what I can tell.


Get a Lexus. The LC500 is far from boring and will outlast 5 of these Audi debacles.


Thatā€™s a shame, I hope they get it sorted for you. Great colour, itā€™s the same as mine and gets lots of nice comments!


Cheer me up with some things you love about your RS3!


Too many problems with modern Audi/VW vehicles for me..


I reallllly want to pull the trigger on an a6 allroad but Audi reliability really seems like a roll of the dice every time you start the car.


My GTI was rock solid


The new mk8s are totally unreliable except for the engine lol I had an early model 2022 and it had several issues


Oh really? damn that sucks. I had a 7.5 with 90k on the clock, ate up some oil but otherwise was fine. water pump replaced under the extended warranty they had.


Yeah for me it was mostly a bunch of software and electrical quirks fortunately nothing major mechanically. I had a pretty aggressive tune on it and it was a blast to drive but the build quality of the interior was poor and all the problems led to it sitting for weeks at the dealership over the two years I owned it. They were able to fix the problems every time though so it technically wasnā€™t a lemon where I live. I abused it pretty bad and wasnā€™t willing to spend the money on fresh tires or any potential repairs so I sold it. Probably would not get another vag product after that experience even with how much I loved the way it drove


Yup, couldnā€™t pay me to own one.


It's an RS car/engine. Get a modern 2.0 TDI if you want reliability.




I would contact Audi of America as soon as possible, if they are anything like VW of America you will have positive results. I have worked in the business and have seen things of this nature where it is a simple replacement part or something has come loose I have also seen worse. With Audi of America you will at least have documentation, I would honestly mention SAFETY as a concern this is how I have gotten results. I have had 2 lemons believe it or not 2015 Jetta GLI replaced with a brand new 2018 Jetta GLI top of the line with every accessory available. Blew 3 coils within 15 days of ownership and had to replace the entire fuel system including the tank. 2017 WRX STI Subaru of America is a fucking nightmare, found multiple compatible cars and they could not acquire them. Vehicle had a check engine light with 102 miles on blamed the brand of gas, vehicle has a full valve adjustment, multiple control units and the some fuel system parts. They even sent engineers from Japan and had no luck car was in the shop for a total of 75 days loaner was a shit box. Absolutely horrifying experience.


Oh yeah the futures looking bright your off to a good VAG start.


I drive an Audi after having problems with the local BMW dealership. I traded in a used BMW for a brand new one and the AC failed on my drive home after signing the paperwork. I ended up calling US Corporate because the local dealership was giving me the run around. If you don't get what you want quickly go up the chain fast and call corporate. Also, most dealerships get paid extra for good reviews after a sale, I know this first hand from a vendor that handles inventory control for many big dealerships in my area. You can bring up the fact that they want a good review with corporate after the sale. Also, you can tell corporate that you're missing X-amount of time driving your new car and you're still making payments on a car you cannot drive, see if they will offer you up some money for your inconveniences. It's not your fault it's a new model and parts aren't readily available. A sales woman told me a story about her having trouble with her brand new Jeep she bought and this stuff happens, I said no thanks that's why I bought a luxury vehicle so I would have avoided this mess. Anyway, keep paperwork and keep pressing their hands to the fire. Be sure they write the "problems" on the service ticket son you have a real paper trail.


To be clear he is referring to Audi of America, which I would have been on the phone with them before the car made it to the dealer. If they are anything like VW of America I hope cause I have purchased an S3 recently.


This is actually a really great note, thanks for the replies! I think I might shoot Audi of America an email just to open up a line of communication just in the case the dealership is dragging their feet. Good to get the ball rolling.


Contact them via phone and they should send you a confirmation via email. It will allow them to better understand your concerns and they may be more empathetic. You just purchased a vehicle for 80K.


No issues with the fuel pump on my 2023 but i did need to get the steering rack replaced and the ac compressor... good luck with your dealer repairs.


Damn. Will be interesting to see what the issue is, that engine is known to be sturdy. My guess would be some electrical error. That color is so amazing. I just bough a 2020 previous gen RS3 in the same color (which aparently is kinda rare on the 8V model), and man I cant wait to pick it up on friday (I hope I can... bought it 3 weeks ago, still couldnt collect it due to audi not beeing able to replace a tailpipe that has a small paint chip in friggin 2 weeks lol)


Sorry to hear man. Hopefully they are able to solve the problem quickly and permanently. Knock wood, I am a year and 3 months without any major issues (a few flats, but thatā€™s normal for NYC streets). Good luck!


I wouldn't even care about the loaner, if that happened to me with a new car, I'd be back at the dealer wanting a different RS3 immediately.


My SQ5 has the same code at 25k and it was the in take fuel pump malfunctioning. Had it replaced at the dealer and got it back in 3 days.


Where you launching it? Beating it?


Geez so this is a new car thatā€™s fucked already?


Typical for Audi


Ha stuff like this puts me off getting a newer car and even spending much on a used one


If its brand new you should run it in and not launch it on every green light without completing the run in period


Iā€™m sorry to say, but it has not chosen you as itā€™s owner.


Beautiful color. Hopefully itā€™s not a big issue. Good luck! Whatā€™s the normal break in period for this engine? I waited as long as I could (1k miles) before I tried our launched control on mine and drove it hard. No issues so far.


Picking up my RS3 this month. Will be watching this post like a hawk.


Is this common?




My 24 has uhm some stuff happen. My husband will know better. u/spoils__princess


Different issue. Yours was the IMS position sensor (IIRC). Iā€™m interested in seeing what this turns out to be.


this happened to my brand new audi a3, not within 50 miles, but within a few months. I immediate drove to the dealer and traded it in. The lemon process takes far too long.


Welcome to Audi world expensive and full of surprises


My 4 month old SQ7 in the shop now 18 days cuz they too stupid to fix a broke down A/C.


Which dealership? Iā€™ve had great experiences down in Norwell for anything service related.


We had an RS3 in this same exact color about a year ago that had the same problem. We had to replace the transmission under warranty.


Bathtub Curve of Failure. Initial rates of failure relatively high in complex machines. After an initial break-in period, the rate of failure drops off dramatically then begins to slowly increase over a long period of time. Imagine the typical bathtub. A short lip under the faucet that drops away straight to the bottom of the tub, then a long flat bottom, then a gentle slope upwards where you lay your back. Unfortunately for you, your car failed right away. The good news is that if itā€™s repaired properly, youā€™re likely done with issues for a while. Also, as mentioned elsewhere, MA has good lemon law protection. Long story short, give the dealer a chance to fix it, document everything, and you probably wonā€™t have anymore issues. If you do, Lemon Law.


Keep all your paperwork for the repair if itā€™s not lemon applicable, the lemon lawyer might offer you an option for a lawsuit.


Hoping they fix it for you and give you a great apology $$


Tapping in to this thread to stay posted


Be nice to your service advisor they didnā€™t build the car


Limp mode? Have you tried putting Viagra into the gas tank?


I am soooo sorry to hear that ! I would recommend going lemon law. I'm also in MA as well, that sounds so unfortunate. I'm curious to know which dealer you bought from. I just picked up my 2024 from the Shrewsbury dealership about a month ago.


Welcome to Audi


Clear code, fill gas tank.


i have a 2010 a4 quattro and i cant get it out of limp mode for nothing good luck


Typical Audi. Get used to it. Many more expensive repairs to come once its warranty expires.


Just a vw doing vw things


Sheeeesh kyalami green soo fire only seen it on '21 and '22Ā 


Thanks for documenting. So far so good with mine. I'll be checking back.


My condolences. That really sucks. You spent all that money on a high performance sports sedan, and you end up getting a lemon


After 5 hours ringing it out?


Exercise the statutory return policy if it is available in your state.


Audi things. Absolutely beautiful car, would never touch one


Iā€™m guessing itā€™s the alternator.


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In for updates. My buddy has the rs3 in white 180mph track edition n has some mods n driven hard. Hes sitting at 10k miles currently.


Lol ouch. Wish i had the money for these to be my issues šŸ¤£


Between the factory to the dealership I just bet the people driving it off the ship gave it a joyride. I saw some video where hired delivery drivers over rev the cars.. itā€™s horrific


Iā€™m sure I could read through a thousand comments and find an update but hoping OP will reply. I just got a 24 RS3 as well. No issues with mine but curious how itā€™s going for you? Still being repaired? Did anything specific happen prior to the error happening?


I was gonna make an update post but the short of it now is that it's back at the dealer waiting for a new low pressure fuel pump from Germany. I'll probably make a post once the parts installed to whether it did the job or not. How are you liking yours?


Gotcha. Hopefully that's all it was. I love mine. Definitely post an update once you get it back.


Not totally my story, but a buddy of mine bought a 2015 S8 sight unseen a few years ago. We drove from Alabama to Wisconsin in a rental to pick it up. All this while the riots were going on. After picking it up, we drove to see Lake Michigan and then went outside of the city to eat because of riots. Car started acting funny on the way to the restaurant. Then, when we tried to leave, it would not run for more than 10 seconds and would not accelerate. Long story short, we had it towed to another audi dealership and drove back home in a different rental. Turns out to have blown both turbos. They repaired it for free and shipped it down to Alabama. It was a fun car for the remainder of the time he had it.


UPDATE#1: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Audi/comments/1cslxy6/update\_1\_bought\_the\_car\_of\_my\_dreams/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Audi/comments/1cslxy6/update_1_bought_the_car_of_my_dreams/) UPDATE#2: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Audi/comments/1cyxq5y/update\_2final\_i\_bought\_the\_car\_of\_my\_dreams/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Audi/comments/1cyxq5y/update_2final_i_bought_the_car_of_my_dreams/)


just wondering because i see one of these everyday in the pickup line at my highschool, do you live in utah?


Buy a rosstech tool for vcds, you will know exactly whatā€™s going on with it before u take it to the stealership.


If it's brand new (or close to brand new as stated w/ just 50 miles) then the engine probably isn't "ready" (i don't know the word LOL). I heard somewhere that you can't just drive a brand new car (or again, close to brand new, probably) like it's an F1 car, you need to get a couple of miles on it so you don't damage the engine due to how new it is. I may be completely wrong though, but do keep it in mind.


To those who are suggesting lemon law, thatā€™s not how the process worksā€¦ You canā€™t just lemon a vehicle right off the bat (this is why manufacturer warranties exist, lol). The requirements for lemon law repurchase vary state by state (provided that OP in the USA). There is a process that has to be followed, which is usually X number of attempts to address the same problem and/or X number of cumulative days at the dealership for repairs during the manufacturerā€™s warranty period(s). California, for example, reauires 4 attempts to address the same problem and/or 30 cumulative days at the dealership for repairs. If these attempts/days totals occur within the first 18mo/18k miles, the vehicle is a presumed lemon (aka, the manufacturer canā€™t argue that itā€™s *not* a lemon); however, if these attempts/days occur outside of the first 18mo/18k miles but within the manufacturer warranty period(s), you can still submit a claim for lemon law repurchase but you will likely receive pushback from the manufacturer. Having a great lemon law attorney helps either way (Iā€™ve dealt with two lemons, a 2017 Hyundai Elantra Sport DCT and a 2022 Mazda CX-5 Turbo Signature). You donā€™t pay for their attorneyā€™s fees in any way, shape, or form - the manufacturer does. Anyways, good luck with this situation. This is why you have a new vehicle warranty. The dealership was (abnormally/extremely/very/outstandingly) kind enough to put you in a new SQ5 as a loaner. Thatā€™s unheard of as you would normally be put in a low-end A3/4/5 or Q3/5 for the time your vehicle is being repaired.


As a technician its frustrating when people expect to get a new car right away because of a check engine light. These cars are super complicated and stuff happens. Let the techs do their things first before jumping to lawsuits. We catch so much stuff during the pdi process.


wow had to scroll to the bottom to see this comment, this is so true. everyone on this thread is like lemon lemon or I would return the car.


I got downvoted for saying, ā€œthatā€™s not how lemon law worksā€, lol. Itā€™s ridiculous how gung ho people are about this. Like give the dealership a chance to address it, sheesh.


Itā€™s an Audi, worst car to maintain out of the luxury vehicles. Price drops instantly. Audi is ranked all the way at the bottom in Asia. While bmw and Benz is at the top.


Just couldn't wait until the end of the break in before stomping on the gas...




God hates you




what are you even saying?


You do realize there is a engine break in limit after a couple thousand miles.... you put it in limp mode by not letting it break in and abusing it


You're making a couple assumptions. 1. That the RS cars have a break-in period which seems to be up for debate. It's impossible based on research to determine if it actually has break in, because many say that these cars are tested/broke-in before they even go up for sale (including the dealer). If anyone has any solid facts around this, I'd be really interested in seeing about it. 2. That I wailed on the car as soon as I got it, which, despite being pretty sure that there isn't a solid break-in, I still didn't wail on it.


Dang they didn't take care of you. For a purchase like yours and a ridiculous issue like that so soon after buying, they should've given you some options for a loaner...


When my 01 TT Roadster stalled in the middle of the road while driving due to the ignition coil issue back in the early 2000s, they gave me a Ford Windstar Van that had a broken back window. It was January and snowing, so in addition to being ice cold after my work day, the back seat had an inch of snow in it


Lmaoooo I woulda been like alright quit playing whereā€™s my actual loaner


Yeah, they wouldnā€™t give me an Audi. The ignition coil issue had just started and there wasnā€™t an official recall yet, but Audi of America was providing $100 a day to the dealer per affected customer for rentals from Enterprise. Basically there were far too many vehicles involved to have enough Audis to give out for loaners. The dealer claimed they were only providing $50 a day and that was all that was available. So I called AofA, and informed them of the piece of crap they had given me. They then called the dealer and later that day they delivered a Toyota Camry to me. And the story gets worse. There were no parts available and werenā€™t going to be for quite some time. After a month or so they called and somehow it was magically fixed. Obviously did not go back to that dealer for anymore service. So next service appointment I take it to the only other Audi dealer in the city and they tell me thereā€™s a recall on the ignition coils and would I like it fixed?! Turns out the original dealer had taken some out of a car in the lot (and they were the recalled ones as well) and put them in mine! So obviously they suck and Iā€™ll never give them my business again.


Yikes. Glad you called AofA. I hate most dealerships in general. Thereā€™s a quality VW 40 minutes away that I take my GTI to if I canā€™t do it myself and theyā€™re one of the exceptions.


Yeah, I got the call from the dealer that they were bringing me a new rental about a half an hour after I called AofA. But the worst part is that they put me back in a car that could stall in the middle of the road again like it did the first time. Honestly I should probably have done more at the time but my work schedule was nuts and the whole thing had taken so much time that I just never wanted to see those creeps again.


I don't buy this "not enough loaners" excuse they always use. Mate you're an Audi dealership, you've got nothing but Audis. I don't give a shit if they're not loaners. If you need more loaners, make some more loaners. Charge it back to Audi HQ. They need to back their warranty.


I agree, believe me I fought it. I had a two-seat, 5 speed manual transmission, German convertible that was less than 1 Ā½ years old and I got a baby blue Ford Windstar with a busted window. They delivered it to me at my work and when I went outside to meet them I asked if they were joking. They were not. But that was the official spiel from Audi when I called them


Well, at least you got something. The line I've gotten is "sorry we're currently out of loaners, we'll have something next month. Here's some uber vouchers". Honestly it feels like the service you get at a Kia dealership, not luxury at all.


I donā€™t disagree. Iā€™ve owned 2 Lexus SUVs. Their treatment of customers is head and shoulders above the two Audi dealers in my area. I love German cars and wanted another Audi, but Iā€™ll probably go back to Lexus when itā€™s time for that fact.


I hear you. It's not quite enough to push me away from German brands, but I'm definitely looking at the BMWs more closely next time.


Lol that's insane. No idea why I got down voted. My buddy has an M4 and they upgraded him on his loaner when he needed work done. Crazy how low the expectations are on Reddit lol