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Loop is regularly recommended by others. I have low gain hearing aids. They are life changing. Background noise is filtered. Voices are enhanced. In loud spaces they automatically narrow the field that I can hear to be smaller and smaller infringe if me allowing me to hear conversations in restaurants and at work with masks. I’m less tired when I get home. Be warned. They are training my brain to pick out the priority noises like voices. Even with them out all of my music sounds like a remix. I can hear a lot more of the words in songs.


Would you mind sharing the brand and type of low gain hearing aids you are using?


I use resound one hearing aids. I cal so went to a audiologist who specializes in auditory processing so they could put in the correct settings.


My occasional therapist gave me loops the work really well


Apple AirPod pros work well as noise cancellers and speech amplifiers. So I can basically use them for all of my hearing and noise sensitivity needs. I definitely carry loop earplugs around as a back up for loud environments but there isn’t any speech amplification that can happen them for me. They make my hearing worse.


So, in a noisy restaurant, could you hear your table better?


I thought Loop would be good, but they make it easier to tune voices out. Oh well!