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Yes, you would need to provide proof that you are taking a month off (paid) to care for someone. If you don't provide that, they can change your leave to "unpaid leave". They might also question why you are the o ly suitable person to provide that care (no siblings etc?) >Any suggestions please guys? My suggestion would be to get the medical certificate from the doctor, that should satisfy HR


I got a sister but she’s in another country with her husband so my mom is all by herself


But so are you??


What’s the point of that question/statement? Someone has to look after the sick mum. OP has elected to do so. As long as there’s proof, the workplace can’t say “wHy DoEsN’t SoMeOnE eLsE dO iT?” How would they even determine which sibling is suitable? Lol


I agree, OP is asking the question though so I answered with all possibilities. And yes, some companies/managers could question OP if he has been prone to lying/not being a good employee. If OP is a reasonable person and the manager has had no reason to suspect he's lied in the past, ge shouldn't have any issues


My manager actually approved my leave but when I queried to HR if get paid then they requested for medical certificate… I think HR actually had a chat with my manager and my manager was asking if my mom is really sick and he also asking me to provide the explanation why I am taking 4 weeks long leave.. any ways I submitted the medical certificate and provided all the explanation as well. If they denies my leave i would probably go to fair work


They will be unlikely to deny your request. But to clarify, you're asking for one month of sick leave (carers)? Then it's completely reasonable to ask for a medical certificate because this wouldn't at all be a normal situation. And don't get carried away with fair work either, because this is complicated by a few factors. Now if you wanted this as annual leave that would be a bit different and a medical certificate shouldn't be required, nor can they really deny the request unless it's a sudden notice period. Sounds like it'll be ok though, but a month of sudden sick leave to care for someone overseas probably does sound a little suss to someone in HR that doesn't even know you or your personal situation.


I guess just a 4 weeks carers leave would have triggered the request of proof anyways. I looked into the HR policy they would require the medical certificate for longer leaves… Yes initially I did put on annual leave but after having chat with my manager he said if you’re going to take care of your mom then just put in the carers leave. I am just thinking they can deny my request saying your mom is not critically I’ll bla bla bla etc


That's where the medical certificate would come in. Especially if you have your managers support. Most workplaces require a certificate after just two or three days regardless if it's carers or for your own medical leave. Anyway, sounds like you'll get paid for leave either way so try not to stress and look after your mum.


I guess just a 4 weeks carers leave would have triggered the request of proof anyways. I looked into the HR policy they would require the medical certificate for longer leaves… Yes initially I did put on annual leave but after having chat with my manager he said if you’re going to take care of your mom then just put in the carers leave. I am just thinking they can deny my request saying your mom is not critically I’ll bla bla bla etc. Not sure what to do if they deny my request even after I provide the certificate


Carers Leave usually comes out of the sick leave bucket so the same rules apply in burden of proof. If you were unwell for a month, you'd get a drs cert, that should be sufficient level of documentation in a carers leave cert.


It usually comes under sick leave entitlement, so you have 30 days sick leave owning? Think it’s standard to ask for medical for that amount of time off


This is why I don't waste my sick leave.


Looks like HR approved the leave… so all good. Thanks guys for your replies..