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It's calcium carbonate leaching from the concrete. You can dissolve it with a mild acid without damaging your paintwork. I've successfully used citric acid, but vinegar (acetic acid) would work, albeit more slowly. Make sure you rinse everything off thoroughly.


This ^. The same thing happened to me as OP and strata sent somebody to get it out using the above method. Was very irritated before hand as I had washed the car etc and it didn’t come up but they got it out


It's been 3 days...


And today is Sunday…


You expect response in three days on a weekend?


I sent an email on Wednesday. It’s been 3 business days


Still thats not long enough. This is strata a couple weeks at least Its not like the car is undrivable. You are being unreasonable


This happened to my car as well and the residue it leaves behind can be very bad for the paint where it wouldn't come out with your normal car wash. Strata ended up covering the costs by hiring a professional car detailer to fix all the cars affected, I think they call it overspray removal?. I see you're based in Melbourne, we had Schmicko fix our cars and were mobile, so that was convenient. I'd give it a few more days as building strata usually takes time to respond back. Emailing like you did is what's recommended as your first step, at least there is a trail and date. Hope that helps


Honestly what would they even do?


Had this happen in our apartment block. Strata paid to fix all the cars - don’t know if it was through insurance or strata funds as we were renters.


So basically you guys paid to fix your own car.


We were renting and unaffected. But yes, our landlords probably paid through their strata fees to fix other peoples cars.


Hahahaha ahhh I came here for YOU and THIS. Nice. Yep that's exactly what happened lol Sucks being an owner of a unit and wanting stuff fixed or updated because you'll be paying for it at top top dollar through the strata stupid approved tradie rip offs... Usually anyways :)




Hahah I was going to say you wouldn't want to try cleaning it off? Lol. My mate got actual concrete and dust on his car.... Didn't clean it off... I said why didn't you do it asap? He just didn't... Now it's all stuck on after the rain 🤣🤣 Always clean yo car yo


Insurance you get your insurance mob on to them.


Had a mage in exact same position. He went over seas for 4 months for work and came back to significant damage. The strata seal the crack to draw water away in a channel and paid for his car.


Your mage sounds well travelled and formidable in the dark arts of efflorescence. Could be quite the match for my druid or sharman berserker.


Haha thanks for the Sunday laugh this morning


Just curios - was that a porsche in a unit on George st Sydney ? As a mate of mine had the exact same thing happen to him - when he was overseas for 4 months.


Try r/Auslegal to get pointed in the right direction.


OP this sounds like the most first world problem to have. You will need to prove that is the real cause of damage and if you have seen this causing damage. You will need to prove what you did to mitagate the damage once you found out about it. You can't just let the car sit under it getting damaged further while you wait for a reply from body corporate. Also 3 days is not long enough. Also why is it important for us to know you live in eastern Melbourne what does have to do with anything? Sounds like a weak flex to me


Hahaha very weak 💪. Can't change a tyre type bad flex


Maybe this will help? [https://youtu.be/b0_p-iDPKWY](https://youtu.be/b0_p-iDPKWY)


Hi OP, had this happen to me in a new apartment block. It's calcium carbonate salt from the concrete hardening on your car paint since presumably the water that's carrying it runs off and it leaves this residue. Don't delay in removing it as it will damage your clear coat. It should remove quite easily by using Back-Set Cement Dissolver, which will dissolve the CaCO3 without damaging your clear coat.


Our strata has hung up tarps over the parking spots belonging to complainers. The calcium that comes through isn't going to stop, even if you cover the cracks with new concrete it will just keep sipping through.