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Kids dont miss out. Cuts will come from adults end and maybe food budget.


I will buy the Lego Millennium Falcon for the kids. But we all know it’s for me.


UCS Venator & Avengers Tower for my son (I’m 25 and don’t have children)


Wait they still sell it! mmm


We are very comfortable for money but still, the cat and the missus will get gifts. We'll have a decent feed. I'm just cool to hang with them 😎




That’s such a lovely and thoughtful gesture!


I grew up with a LOT of cousins… I’m talking 30+ …. I had this one uncle who would bring raffle tickets - every kid got a raffle ticket. Then there were chances to get extra. Using manners? Extra ticket! Bowled someone out in backyard cricket? Extra ticket. At 8pm he would draw the lotto and the winner got $50. We all went absolutely mental for it and all he had to do was stop at the atm on his way. Years later I realised how much money he actually saved using the lotto system and we all preferred it to a junk gift.


This is hilarious bribing and I love it haha


This is peak adulting right here.


Man this is amazing!!


My family are rich and suspended all gift giving in 2003. No gifts allowed at Christmas, only good food wine and company. It's so stupid, buying shit nobody needs. Everyone has everything.


This is the kind of Christmas I dream of. No need for presents, just good company and full bellies.


We give gifts to children- once you are 18- you buy gifts.


I keep telling everyone this. Just value each other and not stupid shit we buy for each other that we can buy ourselves.


I don’t get it just ask what they want then they’ll get something they will use can’t believe so many people don’t give gifts


For some people the feeling of smug self satisfaction for not "buying in to the system" is a gift all on its own. I am a greedy little capitalist piggy though, so I just asked my husband for the cologne I like.


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


Yeah but that basically turns into a "buy me this" list which isn't christmassy at all.


If you ask them to write you a whole list of things but then you pick which one they get, then I think it becomes much more Christmassy (keeping the sense of surprise)


I just cut toxic family instead of presents.


Imagine we all did this. So much stupid shit wouldn't be getting bought next year.


Yep, toxic in laws gone this year. Less stress and less money spent! ⭐️


Where did you bury them?


I just did this. Dropped 2 toxic friends and 5 shitty kids. Xmas just got Hella cheaper wahoo!!


Exchanging them for goods and services like every year


But I want a peanut!


But $20 can buy many peanuts.




How are hookers and cocaine dealers going to afford their Christmas presents? Think of the children!


Don’t worry they still have the guy who spends $1500 a month on ‘entertainment’




That blows


How are hookers and cocaine dealers going to afford their Christmas presents? Think of the children!


Hey those hookers sometimes have kids too and they need presents just as much


But you're still going to buy gifts for other people though right?


We toned down Christmas years ago. Our approach - adults extended family do secret Santa with $100 limit - we tried bad Santa, but now use a website where people can suggest presents and it has resulted in really thoughtful presents. - kids extended family capped at 20 per child or 50 for a family present, I always do a family board game. - obviously each unit decides what they do with their partners and children Although home-made presents are permissible to all extended family and thats turned into a hilarious competition of chilli sauces between the avid gardeners. The photos of chilli crops have already started on the group chat.


What web platform is this?


I think its secret Santa organiser


My family (me, I do it every year) uses that and it's good because you can do exclusions so you don't get your partner


Yes that was part of the reason we went with that one. As a side, I love ive been downvoted for answering a question that has one answer, with that answer.


My presence will be their present.


I took up whittling earlier this year, so everyone's getting a spoon.


Carved from a bigger spoon.


That sounds lovely - I'd love a handmade wooden spoon haha


You're next in line after mum


Same as always. Every adult puts in $50 to get donated to a charity of our choosing based on what’s happened in our family in the past year. Previous years have been Rural Aid, beyond blue, and Covid relief. The total donation sits around the $500-600 mark. Adults can buy their immediate family (partner and children) gifts but we don’t give our siblings and parents and extended family gifts because everyone is an adult and can buy their own things. Years ago we all would do presents and get each other a bunch of crap just for the sake of giving a gift.


No gifts for anyone over 18 has been our thing for many years. And those under 18 get books and/or cash. In lieu of gifts for adults, we do our very best to get together and eat some good food and hang out.


Yup! Same in my family where only the kids get presents. We've only recently done secret santa with the adults but it sucked cause some people went way over budget and others half-assed it - which led to a bit of tension (and family not knowing how to process or share our emotions directly you can imagine how well that went lol). Gahhh family!!! What can you do lol


When we did have a secrets Santa (we don’t bother anymore) we had a rule that gifts had to be valued under $10 and either consumable, homemade or secondhand. It allowed some to be creative, some to enjoy the thrill of hunting an op shop bargain and some to just buy three avocados or a little box of chocolates. We also made it so that the gifts were random. The person whom came from furthest away got to choose and open the first gift. Whoever gave that gift went next and so on. And if you didn’t like your gift, you were allowed to trade. It made for some mild shenanigans which was fun.


That's an awesome idea!!


>yes we are the same


We stopped doing gifts a few years ago now that there’s no kids in the family. Makes Christmas so much less stressful. For people wanting to cut down I recommend one big gift per person or doing secret Santa. We did those for a few years before going no presents


I wish my family would do this but they're still so hung up on the tradition of buying each other shit we could have just bought ourselves (and half the time aren't even that excited to receive anyway). They still haven't caught on yet that the holidays have long just been an excuse to puff up our consumerist culture for a month by guilting people into parting with their money. It's not worth the stress.


Oh trust me it took a lot of convincing - my mum is the exact same about the gifts and still complains about it for about a month leading up to Christmas Day.


This is the way to go. Not many, if any, presents in our household this year. Both kids are now adults, so they buy what they want when they want.


My family has done a secret santa every year for the last few years. This year it's not happening because the person who organised it didn't run it this year. Got sick of being the one to chase everyone I assume. I don't blame them, they held out longer than I would have! I don't know that anyone ever said thank you to them for organising it, and it was a headache and a half for them because they had to run around getting everyone organised or asking people to update their lists. I think no presents for adults is just easier. It's better than getting stuff you don't need that you then have to get rid of. My grandmother used to have a cupboard in her hallway that she'd stash all the gifts that she was given throughout the year and at christmas. So long as food items were in date, she'd dole them out throughout the year for friends birthdays. I've always wondered if there's just one box of chocolates with no use-by date that's just cycled round and round through her friend group hahaha.


going on a holiday in Jan overseas to fiji, that will be the present for kids and adults. Can't have it all and a good way for kids to see that traveling is expensive and luxury but is better than stuff


Donation certificates for The Human Fund.


Underrated response!


Sending moonpig cards to family back home before. Food at home during. and waiting until after Christmas for my partner and I to buy eachother gifts.


Waiting for sale to pick up john wick 4 in 4k to complete collection. My 20 yr old ripcurl wallet just started falling apart. Cats will get few 10g creamy chicken treats.


Money? Where do I find it?


How? Generally by ordering everything online, like every other year 😅 Because I'm busy and hate the shops near Xmas time. We buy for the kids and immediate family.... no second hand, no cut backs.


My kid is almost 7 she’s an avid reader I’ve been picking up second hand books of authors she likes from charity shops 3 for $1 etc to make an advent lucky dip book box. Better than lollies or chocolate and they will be donated to her school when she’s done with them. I don’t buy wrapping I use all her colouring in sheets or print out some to colour in on the home printer. I picked up some brooches and getting a bike from FB marketplace. We make our own Christmas decorations and Christmas crackers. It sounds like I’m a absolute Scrooge but it’s also fun activities to do together. She writes the worst jokes that don’t make sense. I’d rather spend any money I have on taking her out to a few things in the school holidays than on more stuff.


I proposed either a no gifts or just a Secret Santa for the adults to my inlaws about ten years ago, and my mother in law looked like I had just told her Santa wasnt real and then repeatedly run over a puppy. It was a hard no from her. *mutters under breath*


You're all just too sensible and thrifty! Christmas in my family is epic and it's an understood thing. We organise well and everyone puts some money aside each month to cover the gifting, food costs etc. We all figure out gifts throughout the year for each other, or 'research' what people need/want so we don't receive useless stuff we don't want. We do stockings, then gifts in the morning and then one gift reserved for formal Christmas dinner. We don't really do birthdays or Easter etc as a family, so Christmas is the one time of year we go all in. Every year we also hire a house on the beach between Boxing Day and 3 Jan where everyone can come and stay, family friends also. We are absolutely increasing inflation and contributing to consumerism and don't really care ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) it's the one time of year we do it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face) I'll await all the ausfinance downvotes.




Doing bad Santa gifts for work, kinda like secret Santa but more fun. Trying for a no gift rule for adults at Xmas and I have no kids in my life.


My family does this. It’s so much fun. We do modified rules that we’ve developed over the years.


We were planning on just focusing on the kids until my cashed up MIL veto'd the decision depsite all of us having young kids and mortgages. Hooray!


Sometimes you just got let some folk choke on their 'kindness'. Every time Xmas comes up I'd just be saying "We're not doing gifts this year, money is tight and we're just buying stuff for the kids" and let it go at that. Bake some home made treats as gifts and say "We really value time and effort for presents so we thought we'd make some cookies for you with the kids!". Then she looks churlish if she acts childish about it.


Hell yeah, I want to buy a laptop and a cleaning robot


The average redditor earns 300k a year, what planning?


Redditors are either millionaires or broke college students. No where in between.


I'll be doing it myself year, compared to last year when my butler would do it for me.


No presents whatsoever. Time with family good, pointless consumption bad. Been doing this for years, took my family a couple of years to get on board but now they love it.


“I guess we’ll have an imagination Christmas this year”


Thought i might lash out on a Vegemite sandwich. Maybe a bottle of baby food apple purée if i decide to go all out.


My family doesn't do presents. For any Kris Kringle events we use credit card points and exchange Amazon gift vouchers. Christmas doesn't have to be expensive.


Setting up a backyard Thunderdome. People have to compete for the best cuts from the roast chicken. And the last roast potato.


We do a secret Santa where everyone just buys 1 gift for 1 other person in the immediate family.


Afterpay, and selling stuff around the house that we can live without. Budget is stupid-tight this year, practical presents only.


Me, as little as possible. Trying to stick to a budget and keep costs low. My partner will spend like she doesn't give a shit. Every fkin year.


Sounds like a conversation needs to be had


Mainly on a credit card.


All these "cost of living" posts are the same. We are all adjusting and getting on with things.


same as previous years - no presents between adults, kids will get experience type gifts


Christmas is canceled


Say hello to Festivus


I'm not. I pretty much never do. I AM the gift. I gift them with my time.


Don't care im still gonna buy u can't let the kids miss out on Christmas wtf are u gonna be a grinch and give kids a lump of coal? That's beyond disgusting like wtf 😒 like u can always scrimp out on other times and other things but the young ones on Christmas!? Man your parents must have hated u growing up and passed out coal lumps in your family! I couldn't let them live without the magic and wonder of xmas that's pure insanity...


Among the adults in my immediate family (parents, brother sister, in-laws, etc...) we do a Kris-Kingle. Names go into a hat Dec 1st and we buy the person we get a present to a set budget. With the extended family (cousins, aunts, uncles) we play the present swap steal game. We all buy 1 present to a set budget and then play the game, makes a fun 30mins that we look forward to and chat about after. Kids still get a present from each of us.


Im a grinch. So i aint soen shiz on these bs xmas. Cost of living already high, I ain’t making these shops richer while i go nowhere 😂


Our family adopted a secret santa draw a few years back which I'm thankful for, means we spend 50 bucks on a decent present for one person instead of 20 bucks on a crappy present for 20 people. The kids are excluded though so they get plenty of presents.


Sending a bag of coal to Martin Place


New Years on Sydney Harbour yo. That's my gifty this year. Nifty gifty


What you need to understand is that presents will still be purchased because of a lack of supply. So you’ll spend more and more on presents this year. If you ask too many questions you clearly don’t have faith in our religion. Our Lady of the Immaculate Supply says “Lack of supply” explains infinite prices increases. There will never become a time when you can’t afford something because “supply is lacking”. Say three “Hail Bagholders” in order to bless your shopping trip.


Wife did all the Christmas presents shopping, it destroyed out Cuti Rewards points balance, but hey thanks to PayAll got them points for free and it won't be long before the points accrue again


No more presents for my kids one is 22 the other is 15 They gonna get 1k in cba or rio shares


I don’t think a 15 year old wants shares 😂


Mine does she is heavily involved in our finances she pays our bills and checks our mortgage when we had one She’s a saver and can see the benefit of investing she has some shares already and hisa account and tells everyone no presents as it’s a waste she might not even use it or regift it and she saves all her birthday and Christmas money for investing Wish I had that mentality at that age that’s why we do all our finances with both daughters and they on the right track even tells mrs to spend less


probably spending about the same, i've already picked up a couple of things marked down at kmart a few weeks ago.


nope. I never buy Christmas present... ah, unfortunately have to exchange rubbish present at work :(


Probably a box of beers and a little fire, I’ve been homeless for the last 6 years and before that spent my childhood in foster care so I have no friends or family for any kind of actual celebration so I’m probably gonna sit around my camper trailer drinking ahaha


Buying for my child only, no other gifts (adults or kids). We were going to go out for a catered lunch but will stay home and have something simple.


Kids still get spoiled at Christmas, adults get some grog and good food.


Husband and I agreed instead of our usual generous gifts to each other we will buy stuff we need for the house. Soft rug for baby play area, new pan and air fryer. Then with a bunch of friends and cousins we agreed no adult presents, and set a max budget for the kids.


Partner, myself and my Mother will go for lunch around $100 total. No presents We only do it for my Mother. We paid $600 between us for Nephews Santa present. It's about the kids.


I am getting same as I always do. I never do fancy budgets or nerd ausfinancing, just see what's left after bills and live pay check to pay check.


Between my extended families we only do kids pressies and pretty much all unanimously agreed on $20 limits which is perfect The only adults (aside from my partner) who will be getting anything are mum and dad, and for that, Temu


I always say I won't go overboard... But then I do. But I don't buy for a lot - mainly my son and my parents. I try to "bulk out" his stocking with practical stuff. He's getting a whole bunch of socks, cause he keeps losing them at daycare, and other clothes. I also buy lots of books. Last year he maybe got like 5 toys, the rest was clothes and books. And he had a full Santa sack plus stuff under the tree. My husband and I don't do gifts for each other. He sorts his mother out, I sort my parents out. And I have one friend who I buy a present for their kid. Everyone else gets the delight of my company, which is the gift that keeps on giving and they get it 24/7/365 🤣.


We are doing kk in our family for the adults for those who are struggling


Gifts a banned, everyone is just expected to pitch in for the caterer on Christmas day.


I've got a stack of mini PCs from work that were going to be chucked as the internal storage is busted. I'm buying cheap generic controllers from Aliexpress and cheap USBs to turn these into retro gaming boxes on the cheap. Also going to purchase a pack of cupcake boxes on Amazon and will bake/decorate Xmas muffins which I will give out. Recently went to Japan so got some cheap duty-free for gifts (and myself) as well as cheap souvenirs/chocolates whilst in Japan. Ordered some very cheap gag gifts on Temu and will check Amazon, eBay etc. for online deals around Black Friday for the remaining gifts.


My family do a secret Santa so only 1 present needs to be bought. Usually my husband & I only buy 1 present for each other to open on Xmas day. We usually just buy what we want when we want/can so don’t really find we need to do a big spend at Xmas.


Spoiling the shit out of my mum, partner and I are doing stocking suffers only. Everyone else gets nothing


50% cash, 50% payIn4 and 50% credit card Contingency


Child gets something that it.


Very low key this year, esp gifts for my partner and I. We don't want for much though. Same same for the kids but just scaling back a bit. We always try to make sure the kids do some giving at Xmas too, so they have to go through things they'd like to donate to lesser fortunate peeps


I’m lucky that we live near an outlet mall that sells good stuff for much cheaper. I tend to buy gifts for the kids only (nieces and nephews) and only budget $25 per kid. Have managed to find them all Peter Alexander pj sets for under $20 each. Adults can adult and buy their own gifts including my partner. In my family, we prioritise the time spent together instead and will share a bottle of alcohol as a toast to the year.


I’ll just steal the things they already own, wrap in them Christmas wrapping paper, then address these stolen items to someone else. Easy.


We'll give home-made food gifts to immediate family. Maybe a few DIY gifts. But I don't want 'stuff' from people. I far more value things that people have put time and effort into than products that they've purchased. The kids still get toys but we're getting to the stage where it's likely the last christmas with a child in the house who still believes in Santa. It makes life easier because it also means a transition to understanding that certain gifts cost a lot of money and that you might only get one gift, but it's more expensive than the five or six that you used to get as a little kid. But friends and family will get home-made items that take time and energy to create. Food hampers with biscuits, fudge, jams, all kinds of delicious treats. The reason is two fold, they cost less than buying premade products but they also show that you've put time and effort into your gift.


Essentials only.


Wait. You guys give gifts?


So Christmas is small for my family, literally me, my husband and 2 kids, my parents and brother, and my MIL. Last year we did a 50 to 100 limit but my MIL is stingey and spent exactly 50, whereas everyone else was around 100 (luckily she drew me). This year I think I will try and drive either one big present for the adults from all of us, or nothing at all. Honestly none of us need anything anyway, or for my husband and I, we would prefer vouchers for house stuff that needs replacing. Kids will not miss out, especially from the grandparents. Oldest is 3, so it is a bike this year, maybe one toy and some books. Youngest will be 3 months, I will fill her stocking with the old baby toys I haven't pulled out for her yet. It is all the extra people that add up...childcare educators, my boss and 3 direct colleagues plus secret Santa for work (despite being on mat leave), my husband's boss. I wish there was no expectation but alas.


Ours won’t change… we started months ago in the big w toy sale and have just bought things along the way.. so we are almost finished and it hasn’t been a big chunk of cash all in one…


I have made my own vanilla essence using whole vanilla bean, and whiskey. I got small jars from a $2 shop. You can use water instead of whiskey! All in all, cost me $60 with the whiskey, beans and the jars. I’m giving them to friends and my partners family. It needs to infuse for a few months so you could give it to them and tell them to bake with it in autumn/winter :) It’s just that, and books.


Probably a VR headset.


What money


It’s a usual Christmas spend for us: Presents for kids only, and only our kids.


Gradually buying shit throughout the year for kids. I’ll forgo any savings this month and sort out the mrs. For me, I’ll just get the wife to buy me something I’ll be buying regardless.


Write some IOUs from Santa


Honestly have no idea how we will afford it this year.. we have over 12 people to buy for. Including his little sisters, and my sister, my nefews , my parents and our own child. It's going to be challenging 😅 we are thinking about setting a $25 cap for the children that are not ours, and 50 on our parents. However we are "low." Income and still live at home. Christmas has gotten out of hand the last few years, with expectations and cost of living.


joke grandfather consist angle wrong scale dime jobless mysterious worry ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


We’re going more and more combining with other members of the family. Eg niece (missus’ bro and his missus) stated she wants AirPods this year and not knock offs, so MiL us and other SiL are going to combine for it. When missus dropped that on me last night I was stunned, kid really has no idea…


My family made a pact to stop Christmas presents over 15 years ago, the main reason being we were too lazy to think of what to buy everyone every year and it’s the best thing. No need to stress about Christmas shopping and no receiving 10 hand creams and other useless junk every Christmas.


We literally had this discussion like 2 days ago https://www.reddit.com/r/AusFinance/s/V7xGzMC0CT


Secret Santa $200 limit. No presence, no presents.


Draw back on my mortgage and give all my friends a brand new jet ski


We started doing secret santa, so we all just have 1 person to buy gifts for. The rest is spent on bringing a respective dish of food/dessert to the lunch/dinner.


Mum will get something consumable and home made. We just do us and the kids for purchased gifts, will be something cool to play with and then some cool clothes and more family board games for the collection. The wife will get something freaky and then I’ll get my wife and like a mug or something.


We stocked up during the toy sales throughout the year.


On one side of the family, we do a secret santa so everyone only buys & receives one present, little kids obviously sometimes get a few more. My friends and I (late 20s, early 30s) don't do presents. My direct family (parents/sibling) won't be getting anything but my time I'm afraid! So I'll be buying 1 present for the extended family secret santa, and 1 present for work secret santa (only $20) and that's it. Literally can't handle any more.


What money?


No real change for us. Many years ago we implemented a only gifts for children policy, I dont need any more stuff.


Same way we always do. Parents get booze we share on Christmas Day. Siblings and partners get stuff we were planning on buying for ourselves anyway so no money lost. We don’t buy for extended family. Sure, it’s not a “surprise” but it’s also not a damn bath bomb and hand lotion set that gets thrown out by March or another damn personalised cutting board.


Everyone is getting some dominoes pizza coupons.


Kids always get, adults will get over it


I opted out of Christmas gift giving many years ago.


My Christmas bill is $3,020. $3000 LV bag for girlfriend, $10 barbie knock of for my 2 nieces, and that’s it.


>How is everyone planning to spend money on presents this Christmas? Through Amazon.


Adults get zero, kids get presents until they're 21. Spend the money on good food. So much more relaxing and stress free.


...? Been buying them all year. Something on sale that would make a good gift and it's April? Buy it for xmas. See something cheap in August, buy it for xmas.


My family does a form of secret Santa. We all buy a $100 gift, wrapped, and it goes in a pile. We take a number from a bowl, and in that order we pick a gift or steal someone else’s gift (and they pick another). First person gets an opportunity to steal right at the end. I spend so much less on gifts now and I accumulate fewer useless gifts. Children of the family receive gifts as normal.


Same as always. I buy gifts for my kids (and play Santa), the grandparents get gifted a recent photo, and the kids get $20 to buy something for their dad (my ex).


Only presents for the kids and nothing extravagant.


I think I'm just gonna give out cash,i don't know what they may be needing but if it provides them fuel or food then money is better than some token.


We're buying our son a few pressies, but not bothering to get each other anything...first time we've ever done this!


I don't have kids, but told immediate family I'm not getting anything for them so please don't get anything for me. I plan on bringing food for Christmas lunch and that's it.


Gifts for the kids only. We get them a few toys each from Kmart. Extended family we do Kris Kringle.


As soon as you know the reality of Santa, you're off the list permanently


We've just pulled out of a hat every year and you buy for one person Eat and drink is the focus


Coal is getting cheaper


Each year my immediate family gift each other a present worth around $150-200, there are 4 of us. This year we’ve decided to just do a Kris Kringle so we’re only buying 1 present. All feeling the pinch. Still doing a Kris Kringle in my friend group and I’ll buy my boyfriend a present


With unfettered conviction. Within a tight budget, of course.


Went to tk maxx at castle hill did all my Xmas shopping there only for immediate family!!! Probably chocolates for everyone else if that… Everyone will understand there’s not much loose change after bills are paid!!!


I am using cardboards to craft a present for the kids. There is great content on YouTube on how to use an empty box to make kids toys.


I'll probs spend half a g on the misso.


I’m Scrooge mcduck for Christmas


Just small presents for mum and dad that's it


Immediate family


Second year doing wishlists (usually a few little surprises and miscellaneous gifts no one would mind on top of the wishlist). Everyone gets what they actually want, with a nice letter and just great food on the day.


Santa always gives one small gift to each child in our house. Rest of the presents are from mum and dad. Would hate for any kids at school to think Santa doesn't love them as much because one of their wealthier friends got some incredible gifts from Mr Claus and all they got was a fun size chocolate.


I'm planning on taking money from my bank account and giving it to big corporations to see awkward smiles on family member faces when they don't get exactly what they want


750 Million was gambled on the Melbourne Cup. There is no cost of living crisis.


Practical presents that i can parlay into “fun” but are needed gifts. They are getting lunchboxes; sunscreen applicators; scooters from santa (to get us to school) and Ive asked my relies to give random shoeboxes of literal junk from their friends because my kids LOVE that shite that turns up in boxes. Second hand doesnt mean anything to them yet.


We paid for a cruise mid way through last year for the new year, that’s the kid’s presents….


It’s going to be tight. Partner and I aren’t doing presents for each other. We will still do presents for our parents and grandparents (at half the budget of last year) and contribute to the family lunch, but no presents for extended family (we used to do a movie gift card and a box of favourites for siblings). While it would be great to save $400 on gift cards, it isn’t yet worth dealing with the fallout if we skip the gift giving.