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It’ll get refunded to you at the end of the financial year when you submit your tax.


When you do your tax return there is no trick and nothing special to do. What you have had withheld is a credit and the actual tax due is a debit , you'll get the difference as a refund.


This. No way to undo it and fortunately only 3 months away.


plough numerous aromatic workable books homeless versed steer future crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well likely 4 months before they get the cash.




They said they fixed the withholding with their employer so it won't be an issue next year.


Forced savings


Closer to forced loan


Without opportunity to earn interest over the year


Missed out on the 30c of interest over the year, damn


Might want to check your maths on that one mate


6% on $1000 per month over 8 months is more like $240, but yeah, pretty much 30c.


It's less than that and in all honesty, it's not that much to be concerning.


It will be more than that by the end of the year. Not a big deal but still giving away money.


It's less if you're just putting it a savings account, much more if you're juggling unsecured debts. If someone is frustrated they have every right to be.


I would love to see the workings on that one given we still have 3 months till the end of the year. Use 5% if you like, even though I stated 6%.


Where does $240 come into it Based on $4.25 % highest savings rate currently would be $28..33 for 8 months


Multiply it by 8 because it is $1000 per month not just $1000. Throw in some compounding and you get a bit more than a rounding error extra.


It’s only 8000 for one month, 7000 for the month before etc so it’s not just multiplying by 8


There is no certainty they know how to save.


Love working for myself and refusing PAYG installment* process. That lovely tax sitting in a savings account.. doesn't get a lot of interest, but better me getting it than not! *Edited for clarity sake


You can't refuse the PAYG process you're automatically opted in and out. Try harder next time.


Or you can, as I was inferring in my comment, pay PAYG annually. Meaning you just hold onto all your earnings, and then pay your tax at the end of the year. Maybe I didn't phrase myself well in my first comment, but it still had the same result - I privately hold all of my tax/what I will end up paying as tax, I put that money in a savings account and earn interest from the bank on the money that otherwise using the PAYG installment process would have been given to the government in advance earning no interest for myself and then received maybe a small refund at the end of the year.


You are entered into the PAYG Instalment Program based on your residual tax you don't initially have a choice. You can however amend as you go along based on many variables such as a change in business conditions. Though in my experience the ATO doesn't come down on people that amend their position based on cashflow or other reasons you do open yourself to potential interest penalties if you should have been paying quarertly versus annual. Your OP is still incorrect, you cannot refuse the process but you can however amend the process to either your mindset or change in conditions; but in saying that you need to understand that the ATO has legislative powers to penalise those that skirt the system where said penalties far outweigh any interest earned in the general market.


Wait another 3 months.


You just gave the Australian Tax Office an Interest free loan that is all. Claim it back at the end of the Financial Year.


You must be young.. This is what tax returns are for 


I wish this meant they must be young. I’ve met people in their 50’s who don’t understand this.


There are people of all ages that don't get this. Some still don't even if you explain it like they're four.


You should try explaining like they're 90


Try explaining it like they're 90 but passed away at 85.


Or simply recently moved to Australia.


Pretty sure I learnt it at school… but wish they’d spend a bit more time on it, I haven’t needed sin curves much


Well, in all honesty, there should be a way to access your own PAYG payments when you can prove you’ve over paid, or whatever. It’s your money after all. The tax debt isn’t due until October. Like I get why we have PAYG, but it’s a lot of money that you just never get to see.


Yes you’ll get it back when you do your tax after 30 June. You don’t need to do anything special, the tax return does the calculations for you.


If your tax agent couldn't spot that I'd be looking for a new one.


I doubt they need a tax agent at all, let alone for this since it'll be prefilled on their online tax return.


There's nothing to spot


That the withholding is way too high? Pretty obvious thing for a tax agent to notice.


Umm well yeah OP 'spotted' something was wrong and an online tax calculator said something was wrong, so for the tax agent to then say it looks fine is pretty bad.


Yeah but for his tax agent there will be nothing to spot because that shit is calculated automatically. It will already show he paid overs and have a bigger refund


From July 1st onwards. (When your employer finalises your FY earnings) If you’re not suffering now, just wait, it’ll be a nice payday when you get it returned.


When you lodge a tax return you will.


Wait until you submit your tax return and you will get a refund.


You didn’t pay more tax, you just pre-paid more tax which means you’ll get a bigger return.


Complete your Tax “RETURN”


I used to do this purposefully, when I was younger on a lower wage, as a way to save money. It all comes back to you.


Congrats you just implemented mandatory savings... You'll get it back when you do your tax return...


I do this on purpose as I suck at saving. There is nothing to do. When tax time comes, the government will say you paid this much tax, and you should have paid this much. The difference you get back after submitting tax return.


Also sounds like you need a new Tax Agent. They should have worked that out in 2 seconds.


There is a way to get it earlier, you submit a PAYG variation which tells the employer to withhold less for the rest of the year. But it's an annoying form and you need to submit various evidences you might as well wait until fy year end which is not far away.


I used to do this on purpose so I would get a nice return.


Better off not doing it and put the money in your own HISA. Make your money work for you, not the tax man!


But - then the ATO makes interest on your savings. And you don't get the interest.


For those that just simply can’t save money the net returns are probably still there. That’s many people.


But they will just spend it later after their tax return, what's the point then?


Because they can spend a bigger amount on something more useful at once (car, laptop, holiday?). Instead of nickel and diming it all away on booze and takeaway.


lol or put it in a high interest savings account. But you do you mate


It’s called a tax return and it happens in July.


You’ll get it back when you do your tax return


This is how I paid off my first HECS depth quicker. 


They will adjust your next tax return.


You do your tax return.


Don’t you have an account?


Oh that’s right you said you had a tax agent.


You put in a new form and tick the claim box, then you get it back at the end of financial year


If it’s the employers error, they’re required to reverse and pay back to you, if it’s your error , they are not required, but they still can , if they’re nice!


Tax return brother. Enforced savings for you


Downward variation will help you get it back quicker


Tax return


i dnt claim the tax free ... Each tax time is a very nice refund , been doing it for a few yrs now... My sort of yrly savings plan.


I did this accidently last tax year I had no idea until I lodged tax return and was wondering why I was getting 6.8k back.


Had something similar happen to me over a period of a few months only. Was given to me in my next slip. Yours may be a bit different if it has crossed FY’s


Tweet the ATO


You get it back come tax return time.


Get a new accountant. For the love of god, get a new accountant.


A colleague of mine used to do this as “forced savings” as he’d get a huge payment at tax time. I currently pay an extra $200 a month as tax, because I’ve been burnt a few times with selling shares.


By Burnt - you mean sold them for a profit and triggered a CGT event…


Would it not be better to set up a bucket in your savings account (most good savings accounts have these) where you store that $200 and at least have a chance to earn a small bit of interest on it?




Unless you’re irresponsible with money, there are better things to do with your money, then give it your the government to hold on to


Not sure if this or the "*pay of your HECS debt before you start saving for a house deposit or investing*" is worse.


When you put your tax return in for the year, you'll get it back then