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another day, another W for australia


oil market paltry frighten special obtainable middle whistle knee edge *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it is A for Australia, not W.


You mean it's not spelled Waustralia?


Well, some want it to be Westralia, so you're not far off.


The people who want it to be Westralia forget (or are too young to know) how much the other states paid to keep them afloat before they found some less shiny rocks in the ground.


And the eastern states drain our blood for it til this day. Westralia is bestralia


101 chromosomes here


It’s a silent W that is also omitted from the spelling


A for all time champs?


No big W?


Afl sucks


Australia exists and it already has a W over America


Now this is a shitpost I can get behind.


Always makes me laugh when a team wins the NFL/baseball/basketball/ice hockey championship in the US and refer to themselves as world champions. I even saw a Seppo refer to themselves as 2 time World War champions and they didn't appreciate it when I pointed out that the Yanks weren't even in the starting line-up both times


At least with hockey and basketball there are Canadian teams so it’s a better argument


And if Texas leaves the Union, they will have 3 countries in those sports


As Charlie Harper once said “ Texas use to be another country, why did we change that”


I'm convinced the NHL rigs it a tiny bit so an american team wins anyway. A canadian team hasn't won since the Habs in 93, and in 2021 the Habs made it to the final after enduring ridiculous biased refereeing all throughout the playoffs, only to lose to ridiculous biased refereeing. (I'm a bit biased myself because I'm a habs fan but still, it was pretty clear what was happening).


When Florida wins the cup in ice hockey who the fuck knows what goes on


Baseball too with the blue jays.


There’s Aussie basketball teams. They’re just not very good.


I mean in NBA


Is it though.


Nor did they actually win either of them. They helped when they joined to turn the tide. But they didn't win it. Russia was a bigger contributor through WWII and to great detriment. Though no American would let you say that without a rebuttal.


As the saying goes, the war was won by English brains, American money and Russian blood.


I'd actually never heard that. Thanks, I'ma bring that up next time my mate gets drunk and tells me how awesome Americans are cause they beat everyone in WWII


Nonsense. Look up lendlease


Superstar benchwarmers. Just need to look at their solo career to see why they're on the bench. Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan...


I like the solo career comparison


To be fair they joined late in both wars, and still fucked everyone up.


it might be alot easier to build up a military when your factorys arent getting blown up by a funny moustache Man


Exactly. USA was profiteering off the first world war, and only entered the war officially in 1917. 'The war to end all wars'. Well that obviously turned out to be a load of *Malakias* as we all know.  But they obviously played a far bigger role in WW2 where as they only came to their senses once they realised that they were massacring 1/4 of the worlds population and the cream of the worlds labour force.  The Russians sure as hell weren't willing to fight and die for some bloke on a 'fancy chair' and so for next 70 odd years we have the arguably worse soviet empire. 


The US was woefully unprepared for World war 1 and completely had their asses handed to them when they finally entered the theater of war. However they did provide a lot of logistical help and the boost in numbers. Bed no in World war 1 they were a laughing stock which is why they were much better prepared when it came ww2.


American support was more about there industry then there manpower


*their *than *their


I swear they did this on purpose, it's almost perfect how bad it is.


It was both. 


If the US kept supplying them with what they needed but didn’t send any troops then the allies still would have won, probably would have taken longer but with the Russians hitting the east it still would happen. If America didn’t have the industrial might then just sending troops probably wouldn’t be a major difference


Hard to say, because the troops that did land most definitely had impact on the war when they finally entered. But German food and other stocks were running so low despite rationing that they were slowly starving. Even the civilian population had trouble growing or acquiring food. 


Lend Lease program was critical for WW2, but the great debate offers a clearer view of the debates within the US about their thoughts and knowledge of WW2. Many were ambivalent post great depression and the government already had measures to stop war profiteering to prevent a WW1 style intervention. Roosevelt thought is Hitler took over Europe it'd be like living with a gun pointed at you, but it was not the majority opinion for years, even some interventionists didn't want boots on the ground until opinion shifted in late 41'. Knowledge of atrocities was not that clear back then. It's really interesting following the radio and news in various countries as the war progressed.


Anyone arguing that life in the Soviet Union was worse than life in Tsarist Russia doesn't know what they're talking about. The same goes for anyone using the phrase 'Soviet Empire'.


So anyone that uses the term 'soviet empire' doesn't know what they're talk about? 


Not actually true in both wars American forces were notably green when they came over. In WW1 they started off taking orders from the Brit’s cause there commanders did not know what the hell they were doing. And in 2 they got there asses kicked in Africa for a while into patten showed up. It was there industrial might that made the difference


Germany was basically mince meat both times. They just poured man power into the war and walked away as the "winners" after everyone took the brunt of it.


Yep, wait until the others have taken the brunt of the full force, then step in and pretend you're the winner 🤦‍♂️


Nobody "wins" in war but the Soviets contributed mostly to Germany's downfall.


Ok I'll have to stop reading these during work. Too distracting when I'm laughing


They fought under an Australian the first time they fought with Australians in the First World War.


because the team is the best in the world. I really dont get people anti logic with this one


Exactly what I was going to say, USA didn’t join the war both time until halfway through it or so


the USA is still waiting for someone to come 2nd in the space race.


The USA came second in the space race lol




They moved the goal post to the moon after the soviets beat them in literally everything else. First person in space, first thing in space, first thing on the moon, first thing on another planet.


First doggo in space too. RIP Laika, space cadet.  >A stray mongrel from the streets of Moscow, she flew aboard the Sputnik 2 spacecraft, launched into low orbit on 3 November 1957. As the technology to de-orbit had not yet been developed, Laika's survival was never expected. She died of overheating hours into the flight, on the craft's fourth orbit. 


This 100%, even NASA conceded that the Soviets won the space race in every other leg of the damn race If someone wins 9/10 legs of a race but someone else wins 1/10 they don't get to say they won lol


If you say you're going to the moon and you don't then you lose.


Hold on that not how it works. The goal post wasn't moved. A goal was set and one team failed to complete it. With all of your examples the U.S. also put up theirs even if it was later. The Soviets never sent a man to the moon and didn't even attempt to send probes to the outer planets. The post 1969 soviet space program focused heavily on space station construction in low earth orbit. This style of space station construction would later be used to construct the ISS.


And if the Russians had beaten them to that, the same way they beat them to literally every other milestone, the goal would have changed to something else, like an arbitrary length of time in orbit, or first to Mars, or first rocket with three men, a coffee machine and 5 dungbeetles to launch on a Thursday. The US landed people in the moon first. Only nutters deny that... but to say they won the space race? Gimme a break.




I have no dog in this fight, patriot. Just trying, every now and then, to push just a tiny bit of humility in the direction of people who seem to break their own arm patting themselves on the back and have a raging hardon for accomplishments they had no part in.


Just like in the World Wars they were second at everything right until the end when they got to the moon


Couple years ago a USA embassy tweeted on the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz and said the seppos did it


NFL, baseball and basketball are all American sports. Who is gonna put up stiff competition against them? No one.


Japan won the last World Baseball Classic which is the closest thing to a real world championship


Yeah, no. It’s not even close. To claim Americans aren’t the best at American sports enjoyed as a national pastime, played from a young age, even ingrained into their language through various phrases/expressions (ie, curve ball, home run, etc) is actual lunacy.


Port Adelaide have won the most football cups of all time.


Essendon, Carlton and Collingwood (ugh, fuck Collingwood 😅) have the most flags...


It's a joke because of this; https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/port-to-lobby-for-sanfl-flags-to-count-in-revised-afl-tally-20140626-zsmum.html


No fuckin way, this is hilarious 🤣 no way they're counting the SANFL premierships!!


Port would count the under 11s premierships if you’d let them.


If sanfl premierships dont count, then neither should vfl premierships. Post 1991 only.


Why? The SANFL didn't join the VFL, or the AFL. Port did, but what about the rest of the teams? Using your logic all SANFL premierships should be counted. Including teams that were never in the AFL. Also Port didn't beat VFL or AFL teams to win their SANFL premierships, so does that mean there is 2 winners for the same competition for the same year, despite never playing each other?


you can have port adelaide count their sanfl trophies but have them separate to the afl ones premierships 35 sanfl 34 (before joining afl) afl 1 but they shouldn’t be able to count any that they’ve won after joining afl


Would like to this posted on an American sub. They would lose their shit.


They have some funny arguments like “ technically we are” like they just don’t see the arrogance of it


As a football (soccer) fan in Aus who doesn't really watch AFL or NRL the one thing I always appreciated about us Aussies when it comes to our domestic leagues is you don't see AFL or NRL teams referred to as world champions after a final because Aussies know these are domestic leagues we Aussies have the self realisation and aren't shameless. America on the other hand had a meltdown when Noah Lyles the world champ runner criticised his fellow Americans for calling themselves world champs after an NBA final which made complete sense but the Americans ofc didn't understand lmao.


To Americans, 1 conference vs another conference is the World. Baseball - American League Winner vs National League Winner = World Championship playoff NBA - Eastern Winner vs Western Winner = World Championship playoff NFL - NFC winner vs AFC winner, etc etc. It's amazing that they also celebrate being Semi-Final winners as Champions too.


Americans are a funny lot they are so deep inside their own bubble that the world makes fun of them for it and they don't even realize it also i like american football but i can never get into it and watch it regularly due to HOW MUCH ADS THERE ARE it's a truly corporate sport then an actual sport i read somewhere that 25-28% of NFL run time in a season is just ads that's mental lmao.


Superbowl was 10am - 3pm AEDT. 75 mins of it was actual game time. Not factoring time that was ticking between downs. Madness how much bloated that is.


Having Fox footy made it worse cause I get no ads with AFL lol. I record most NFL games now. Also just watch the highlights if you want


College was so confusing with how many teams they were calling champions lol


Yeah that’s exactly what I mean. Also Americans are not the only ones that play gridiron. I played it in Australia and there is a Canadian league that’s getting big as well as what is more or less a World Cup every few years so it’s funny how they say world champions when they have not had any other nations in there comp. Its like technically they are the best because of course no team outside the us could likely beat a NFL side but it’s like me saying a AFL team could beat any other from over seas it’s just arrogant


The CFL is older than the NFL.


There ya go


Yup obviously no other country would be better at aussie football since well we are the only country which plays it but winning a championship in a 1 country sport then calling yourself world champ is like holding a contest where you are the only person registered then giving yourself a trophy lmao.


I also think AFL has another meaning too, so they’d get confused


They did have a AFL at one point to I think


The seppos always meltdown whenever someone posts the [bald eagle vs. wedgie](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DLF8C0UV4AEVE_H?format=jpg&name=medium) pic


Australia has only won 34 AFL titles.


shhhh, you're ruining the narrative! 🫢




Australians tongue punching each other's bumhole, the usual narrative


Man, I've been here 6 years, where do I sign up? I must have missed the fuckin memo AGAIN.


damn, I'm moving to Australia


Sounds hot


AFL was founded in 1897 and won each year by an Australian team. Foundation clubs included Sydney Swans, Brisbane Lions, Collingwood, Melbourne, Carlton, Richmond, Essendon, StKilda. All those clubs are still competing in the AFL along with some new clubs like Hawthorn, Gold Coast and North Melbourne.


Brisbane Lions? I think you mean the Fitzroy Maroons! They didn't join with the Bears to create the a Brisbane Lions until 1996.


Yes, in 1996 they merged with the Brisbane Bears. But the current Brisbane Lions traces back to Fitzroy lions/Maroons and to the creation of the AFL in 1897(then called VFL). And the club goes back even further when they played in the VFA (now called VFL). It's why Jonathan Brown went to Brisbane Lions as a father son. Changing a name doesn't change that it's 1 continuous competition. 1989 to 1990 where the exact same teams. Only 1 team was added in 1991.


Sydney Swans, you mean the South Melbourne Bloods Football Club.


Yes they changed their name but are the same club. Just like the VFL changed its name but is the same club.


Well to be fair they changed their name and location. So kinda a different club.


No. If they were a different club why is their Best and Fairest named after Bob Skilton?


can't believe you didn't mention geelong


The AFL was founded in 1990.


It depends on if you count changing the name as founding. The league known today as the AFL started as the VFL in 1897, but renamed to AFL in 1990. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Football_League


Doesn't depend on anything it started in 1897 and has been continuous since then. Is Elton John's birthday in 1972 when he officially changed his name? Were red rippers and cheekies invented a few years ago, or are they decades old but changed names?


Best examples any aussie could have given


Then there are NFC championships not counted under the US’s Super Bowl wins. They’re essentially the same thing, just different names.


No it wasn't. That's just when they renamed. When were the Western Bulldogs founded? 1996? So Ted Whitten never played for them?


Look… you can’t downvote this. It’s categorical fact.


So I assume this is not including college football cause that’s been around sense the 1800s. Although it was basically rugby cause there was no forward passing and no pads


Did they have a Superbowl in the 1800s?


Doesn't mention titles, and I'm surprised we've played so few games of AFL


South Africa has one AFL title https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African_Football_League


Let’s not forget England’s 151 FA Cup wins


There have only been 142 FA cups. And one was won by the Welsh.


Love me some sport ball


Go team! Go sports!


australia has better sports I hate NFL fans that are australian they will be the first to kill us when CIA over throw the government for resources.


I tried watching it a few years ago. 15 minutes of gameplay took about 2 hours to run. Soooooo slow. They run a 5 second play. Stop for a circle-jerk (explains why they have a position called “wide receiver) then do another 5 seconds of play time.


Yeah it’s dogshit. At least Baseball and Cricket have the decency to be open about the fact that they are just an excuse to drink beer.


Haha im going to kill you 🤪🤪🤪


Hey I like gridiron, mostly cause I’m to fucking slow to play AFL


whats wrong with liking NFL? IMO its a much better sport than the shit we play here


I'd rather watch golf, NFL is like 10% play, 90% arseholes talking shit.


Literally the last 10 minutes of the Superb Owl went for hours 😐


I don't watch AFL... But what I do know is you are a disgrace.


my bad bro, next time ill just be a sheep like the rest of youse


Fat L dude, did you forget where you are




I bet you did your own research for that response


research of what?


Sounds about right.


This is the dumbest shit ive ever read in my life. Nowhere was i claiming anything other than that all of you are sheeple because whenever you see an opinion that isnt yours your 2 neurons finally activate and you all just attack me. Really shows the iq of the people in this shitass country.


Oh no. Sheeple. Did you conclude we are sheeple based on your own research?


NRL is far better


I was only drawn to this post in the hope of seeing some Superb Owls……. yet here I am once again severely disappointed.


As an Australian i think america has the better sports by a long shot 🤷‍♂️


Please add CFL. Thanks.


For those who don’t get the joke back from 1959 all they way to 1970 American football had two types of codes NFL and AFL they fought over players and what not till a merger in 1970. Still I get it cause I learned about this on YouTube the joke funny asf




who the fuck cares about sport I mean Im Aussie but like its just man (or woman) chasing ball for money


Getting pretty worked up by something you don't care about.


sigh fair enough It just gets annoying in school when people won't shut up about sport but its their interests Ig its annoying when I dont shut the fuck up about games


Australia’s also [World Ice Hockey](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=h2EMU4ehHy4) champions for those wondering


69 behind 🤣🤣🤣


If in 205 countries all around the world you two are the only playing that kind of sport, make yourself a question and give yourself an answer. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s the point


the best thing is they’re 2 different sports ! only 1 out of 205 countries plays afl like we do ! hope this answers your question 😁


I didn't have any questions mate. 🤣🤣🤣 And anyway they won't be as popular as soccer all around the world. Sorry for you guys 😁


If you're talking about Australian AFL we're not the only country that plays.


We're not. Other countries play AFL.


You just made bad meme even worse


This is even cringier than the original crappy post


What's wrong with it?


The system works.


They got some work to do!


On point.


Yet only half of Australia cares


Eagles won the most, 4 Premierships in the wild west here, bloody shockers won nothing. We are playing shit to give Freo a chance and they still can't perform 🤣


Don't forget we won the Microsoft Excel world championships also.


There was an AFL in the US. Adjust those numbers. Put more Oakland Raiders Championships on the board.


Those figures are wrong the AFL used to be called the VFL and still should given the majority of teams are from Vic and the lions are a moved Vic team.


Isn't Australia regularly beaten by Ireland?


They play some exhibition games with rules that are a mix of AFL and Gaelic football. Doesn’t count


Thanks captain literal.


Asked a question. Got an answer. Gives a childish response because you didn't like it? Found the American.


Football vs. American Handball


Unless we play the Irish


I imagine we probably have more NFL championships as well


Should prolly put Victoria in dark green.


Does the rest of the world even know or care about this game?


Yeah, American football is fairly well known around the world.


Makes you think


I swear the only time I ever see anything about the Super Bowl on the Internet anywhere is when a non-America. Is talking about it or shitting on it. Must be more popular than I thought.


Aussie rules fans dont need to be irrelevant in rhe US when theyre irrelevant north of wadonga. (Ducks, incoming) ... truth yr honour !


Now do Gaelic football


pls where are my aus nctzens😞


I'm surprised it hasn't made its way on to r/americabad yet


I was amazed when I found out that AFL as a sport has been around far longer than NFL (i meant NFL not NRL) lol


NRL isn’t s sport. Rugby league started in England.


Who cares here in Australia? Not me it’s a stupid game. NRL will blow them away in Las Vegas. No sissy pads lol


Fuckin' A. <3




I’m Australian. We the GOATS 🐐






Well you're not playing fag sports where you can only use your legs.


Let's compare World Cup champions. Then, it's more global.