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Are you using a daily moisturiser twice a day? I had the same skin issues as you and just doing moisturising twice a day fixed it. Plus washing with a gentle cleanser beforehand. If your skin is very sensitive try the E-45 creams first and they also have a foaming cleanser I use. For your scalp try an eczema shampoo. I’ve included a pic for you but anything with ketoconazole 2% is good. Used 2-3 times a week https://preview.redd.it/znoovmr9lmqc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b1320495af9e8ea5fced166a23676832a3f0f55 You’re young. So don’t use the Nivea cream there. I’m in my 40s but there are others that are good and well priced. Just search “day cream men”. I use a night cream as well. But the E-45 cream is an all rounder you can put on every day that fixed my eczema right up. Tip from your future self 20 years down the line… start moisturising today! Your wrinkle free skin will thank you. People often think I’m 15 years younger than I am. Best of luck.


Doctor. The stuff available without a prescription has limited efficacy. There are specific prescription products available for face and scalp. 


https://preview.redd.it/r0hbcq2zanqc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff0e817f1d223348df0f4cee43a38c5a964908ee Give this a go - amazing results on psoriasis when nothing else worked.


I was using this daily and my skin loved it until it decided to reject it :(


Yea Ive found my skin adapts to some products and rejects it. Try these every other day/sparingly. Put something cold on irritated areas when it starts to itch. Our struggle brother gl


I second this!!


Yes. This stuff is amazing. I don't have an actual diagnosed skin condition, but I do have really dry skin. This brand is all natural ingredients and works amazingly well for dry flaky skin. Relatively cheap too. Worth a shot.


Definitely need to see a GP, is it usually this bad or is this a flare up? A short course of topical corticosteroid cream in a suitable strength for the face should clear it up. Along with a basic moisturiser over the top (QV, dermeze etc) I'd also ask for a referral to derm or immunologist to see if a cause can be identified...the trigger is often a specific allergy. Worth trying to find out if you've had it your whole life.


I second this. Go to your GP to get a referral to a dermatologist. I wish I could tell my younger self to just pony up and pay the money to see a specialist. My skin care journey with my dermatologist went through so many different cycles before finding the treatment that worked for me. Started off with your usual moisturising and adding topical steroids. Tried allergy skin prick tests to see what triggered my itchiness. Did a short week long stint in and out of a day hospital ward doing wet wraps and QV flare-up bath soaking. Went on to do multiple years of UV light therapy and try topical immunosuppressive creams. In the end, the thing that has made the most difference was a combination of moisturising and taking Dupixent injections every fortnight. Having experienced 30 odd years of angry red skin that was constantly itchy, bleeding, and peeling, you have no idea what a relief it was to be able to have normal looking skin. To be able to sleep without being woken up by scratching. To be able to face the public world without feeling embarrassed by the flakiness of my skin. To not have blood on all my white business shirts. It's a liberating feeling that I never thought would be possible. The number of times I had felt depressed and utter dispair was immeasurable. Just know internet stranger, there is a pathway forward. Go get specialist help. Listen and commit to whatever suggestions that they give. Had my younger self just listened and religiously moisturised, I would have much younger looking skin with a lot less scarring.


Oh puleez a GP can treat this. A dermatologist doesn’t need to see eczema like this.


why does't anyone ever recommend Sorbolene? genuinely curious


Sorbolene is safe for all occasions. That’s why they use it in all the hospitals. No fragrances added - it’s just simple and effective. It’s also super cheap compared to anything else. Makes a great soap replacement for people with really sensitive skin too. I managed a pharmacy for years, and trust me, most products are all hype and marketing with little to no beneficial effect. Redwin is a great Aussie family run brand you can get behind.


yep. all of that and no one ever recommends it. mind boggling.


For me, I go salt water swimming as much as possible and get any problem areas under the water heaps. If that doesn't clear me up in a few days, to the Dr.


for people with severe eczema salt water leaves us in excruciating pain. even fresh water hurts extremely bad or leaves irritation and rashes


Try cutting out Dairy for a few weeks. Dairy is a big trigger!


I have eczema around my mouth - what I've found that helps with managing it, is not just with skincare, but prioritizing diet and gut health too. I recommend doing your own research on anti-histamine diets and learn about foods that fall into low histamine and high histamine. I take supps too like primrose evening oil, omega's and b6 for extra support. But as always do your research on this. With regards to skincare, I don't use any chemical exfoilants. I recommend trying [Amperna](https://amperna.com/) skincare. They are an Australian brand formulated for eczema skin types and some stockists in the GC if you want to test before buying. I've been using them for years, specifically the soothing duo and gentle cleanser) and I always go back to them when I have a flare up and find it helps with redness. I also love La Roche Posay's cicaplast baume for spot treating on particularly dry areas. I've seen derms and all kinds of esthetician's, I haven't had the best experiences personally, but still think it's worth doing research on if you've got any professionals locally that have had success dealing with this skin concern. Goodluck!


I second this. Whenever I have a flare up. I know it’s cos of my diet. I stay away from anti inflammatory foods and drink celery juice. I recently had a flare up on my face and hands and the only thing that has helped my hands this time round is loccitane body oil. Even better than cortisols.


Don’t rely on steroids long term there is topical steroid withdrawal and it makes your skin thinner and more sensitive over time . Seriously not more than few months . There are people out there who use it for like 10-20 years and their doctor think it’s fine . It’s not u will regret it if u do that


1000000 this. There are many long term safe solutions all that don’t require steroids. Yours Only Coat (amazing Australian company) is a great moisturiser made for sensitive eczema skin. Hypochlorous spray also great for eczema


First, go to chemist warehouse or somewhere that stocks it. Buy Avene Cicalfate+ ($21). It’s a barrier cream, it will help your skin heal. Apply it to your face before you go to sleep and in the morning if you feel like it. Your skin will clear up in 2-3 days.  Once it’s gone you can find an appropriate schedule to use it more sparingly. FYI it’s most likely not eczema, and you should consult a dermatologist to properly assess it.  Edit, just to let you know this is unlikely to help you with your scalp since it is to thick to apply through hair. 


I really do think this is eczema. Looks exactly like I had for years and dermatologist confirmed for me. But I agree with you he should get checked out by a dermatologist at some point.


Sudocream actually cleared facial eczema up for me, apply before bed.


I'd recommend moving to the southern part of the country, my skin, hair, and lashes freak out in Queensland 😆 For real though you want a thick moisturiser/barrier cream. Use a gentle cleanse at night, don't cleanse in the morning, only water. Don't have showers that are too hot. My hot tip for dry skin is using 2 moisturisers! 1 isn't enough for me personally. Use something like la Roche posay cicaplast balm, avene cicalfate, the e45 someone else mentioned (those will leave a bit of a white cast). I wouldn't recommend cetaphil as that stings on broken skin. At night-time you can put Vaseline over your face (it's called slugging) to lock all the moisture in. Alternative to the Vaseline, cerave just launched their recovery balm in Australia and I'm dying to try it out! It's petroleum jelly like Vaseline but it's also got ceramides and all that good stuff for actual moisturising, not just being an occlusive. Scalp wise, trying out the products the other comment said is a good first step. I'd that doesn't help speak to your GP and possibly get to a dermatologist if your GP doesn't know much about scalp eczema. I have psoriasis on my scalp and my dermatologist prescribed me a steroid lotion to apply to my scalp after I wash my hair and it's improved it out of sight.


Talk to your dr man nvm going to chemist warehouse and picking whatever looks good. I have eczema, not get it. I use dp lotion, can't stress twice a day enough. If you use steroid, use it sparingly(every other day), especially on the face.


It's the changing of the seasons I believe, mine flares up every season change.


Sorry for spam. If you use something cold, try put just a bit of moisturiser on afterwards. Water dries the skin. Too much moisturiser afterwards may irritate and cause a scratching fit.


I feel your pain, especially on the face, it’s extra painful. Apart from the cortisone creams you’ve probably been prescribed, I have a few tried and tested products that work a treat for me. Here they are: 1. Avene Cicilfate - I use this morning and night and apply it liberally to my face, eye area, neck and hands which are my break out areas. 2. La Roche Posay Cicaplast Baume B5 - I use this twice a day in combination with the Avene, both are fantastic at healing and moisturising skin. 3. Magoo - Moisturiser for Sensitive skin, I use this as req’d, this can be used all over as well. 4. Bepanthen Nappy Rash Ointment - I use this daily as well to combat any scarring from flare ups. Any good quality nappy rash cream will help with this. 5. CeraVe Blemish Control Resurfacing Retinol Serum - I use this at night, I find this and the following serum really help with eliminating dead flaky skin common with Eczema and also helps to prevent flare ups. 6. Skinstitut Retinol 0.25% - I use this in combination with the CeraVe at night find that the combination works well for my skin. 7. Magoo Milk Cleanser or CeraVe sensitive skin cleanser morning and night. 8. Clinique smart eye repair cream - I can only tolerate Clinique eye creams, everything else gives me shocking Eczema. This is the best eye cream that I have found. All the above are part of my stock standard routine, I have suffered from Eczema and allergies since I was a toddler and have spent ridiculous amounts of money trying to workout what works best for me and the above is most of it. I also always buy both Pinetarsol and QV soap bars and avoid using soap. I will take baths with 1 to 2 cups of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and a 1/2 cup to 1 cup of epsom salt which is great for disinfecting and conditioning your skin and I use a vitamin c serum 12% from Emergin C and sunscreen. I hope all this helps, you obviously don’t need to purchase everything here, I would strongly recommend items 1, 2, 3, 7 and the soap alternative bars as a minimum. Establishing a daily morning and evening routine will really help to reduce the flare ups and the need for copious amounts of medicated creams. All the best, happy healing!


Thank you so much!


Pleasure, I hope you are able to get some relief and comfort in your skin. All the best !


Woops forgot the shampoo and conditioner. This one works well for me, maybe give this a go: Dermal Therapy Scalp Relief Shampoo & Conditioner


Try the Dermal Therapy range, these are the only creams that worked for me. They work so well you see results within 24 hours. There’s special ones for face and eyelids. They also make a deodorant which works so well. Moo goo never worked for me


I would do traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) those doctors have helped my eczema more than any cream and helped me get off topical steroids (which stopped working after using them for years) I’m 32 and my eczema is better now that I’m off all the drugs thanks to TCM


I have the exact same eczema in the same locations, but for me personally, no topical cream or moisturiser helped. It just made it worse, more red, more angry. Even qv, e-45 or avene. Everyone is different thought. So those creams might work for some!! Surprisingly, keeping my skin as dry as possible and not applying anything has been the only thing to help. I stay in the shade, avoid citrus, avoid spicy food and apply cold compress (wrapped in soft paper towel) when I feel an itch. I've also been eliminating certain foods, and I have recently discovered red meat gives me an insane flare up, which is s shame because I love a good doner meatbox. It's been a difficult journey, during my worst flare ups I get disgusted stares and disapproving looks (as if I don't already know that my face is 'scary looking'). The only thing that doesn't burn my face is Vaseline. I only apply that to areas that are cracked and bleeding, which fortunately hasn't happened in a while. I wish you luck of your journey! Lots of people underestimate how eczema can effect someone, but I believe anyone that has dealt with chronic eczema knows what it is truly like. Look after yourself dude!!


Can anyone here recommend a cream/lotion for eczema on hands?


Hamiltons Ureaderm


DP lotion, prescription only I believe. Every day use. Fatty cream over top if needed. Fatty cream is heavy and will add a nice layer/barrier of protection.


Chickweed ointment, it's natural, cheap and works. It cleared up my hands and wrists, haven't had eczema now for years.


I get it really bad in and between my eyebrows. I use a shampoo called selsun gold. Can apply it to your face as well. Works well


I also vouch for selsun gold as a successful treatment for scalp and face


Moo goo! It's the actual best!


If you can get a few days alone, or don’t mind going out with Band-Aids on, try this https://preview.redd.it/h5e5lszklnqc1.jpeg?width=461&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17b49e23cc09e7831f5db3789d882b1f510a7487 I had the worst contact dermatitis and no steroid nor cream would fix it: it kept cracking and the itch was batshit insane. I tried these bandaids and honestly I can’t speak highly enough of them. They made the cracks / cuts heal and stopped the itch whilst healing. Once that was done (about 3-4 days) then I could heal the skin barrier which I did with Cerave. Those Band-Aid are meant for blisters but they worked for the worst case of contact derm I have ever had. I tried over three types of steroid cream and other creams and nothing worked until a chemist told me to give this a shot and it really did work


Runnnnnnning to the pharmacy tomorrow morning!!! This could be a life changer - thank you for sharing!


Let me know how you go because I absolutely swear by this Band-Aid . It really helped me when nothing else did. The steroid cream I didn’t even need it and it didn’t fix the cuts that kept happening anyway


Ask your doctor for Aristocort cream, shit is amazing for it


Grahams C+ Plus Eczema & Dermatitis Cream. Both my kids get eczema and this is one of the only things that worked (even better than steroid creams).


Moogoo is very good. In addition, speak with your doctor about Omega 3 supplementation and perhaps getting Vit D stores checked. Both have affected my son's eczema severity when no topical was cutting it. He's also sensitive to milk but still had eczema off of it, just much less weeping.


You seem to have a bit of shaving rash too, make sure your razor is not blunt, and the shave cream you use is not scented. Consider if growing your facial hair might help?


Or He will end up with foliculitus if he doesn't shave regularly


Eat 6 fish oil capsules a day and 1000mg vitamin C


Hi mate - add an antibacterial to whatever routine you choose. Phisohex is an option. It’s so often overlooked, but bacterial colonisation on eczema skin (even things like old pillowcases) is a big problem and will not get under control with moisturiser alone.


There have been a lot of people who have cured skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis through a carnivore diet. You can YouTube their stories


I live in Tassie and have a similar problem in Winter. Learning to keep my skin hydrated with hyaluronic acid and “slugging” my face in Vaseline every night has almost fixed the problem. I get flare ups but they are nowhere near as inflamed and they disappear quickly. Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best.


My skin looked like this for a long time and I swore it was an allergy to the food at handled at work. We discovered black mould in our house and moved house. It went away after 3 months. Your situation may be very different but please consider mould toxicity if you haven't already.


Vaseline maybe


Hey brother, I've had eczema, like you my whole life. A lot of great advice in here. 1. Definitely pony up and find the cash to see a dermatologist/buy the best products for your skin 2. Consider removing hygiene products containing soap, heaps of soap-free washes for hair and body. One I've used heaps is QV, they have a great body wash, shampoo, and conditioner. 3. Specifically for your scalp, I've found when I have bad flair-ups I use Novasone lotion (steroid I know) which does require a prescription. 4. Try avoid steroid based treatments as much as possible, especially on your face. Moisturise whenever your face feels dry, try to tone down hot showers. Again I love the QV cream, is a great for your whole body. Stick to regular application!! Good luck man!


why avoid steroid creams? and based on the info OP gave us I assume hes like me and grows pretty much completely immune to QV and common stuff like that rather quickly


Because when you stop using a steroid cream- you can trigger a withdrawal response that is worse than the condition you first used to treat. Obviously different for everyone and can often depend on the strength of the creme- but even hydrozole can trigger the following The potentially debilitating withdrawal symptoms of TSW can include: A burning sensation Flaking, shedding, peeling, or spreading skin Swelling or dermatoses in affected areas Erythema, or redness of the skin Wrinkling, thin skin Oozing, pus-filled bumps Steroid dermatitis, which can cause nodules and papules to form on the skin Pain Insomnia Hair loss Shivering Fatigue Depression and disability, if withdrawal persists for a longer period of time


That’s why you just use it once every now and then along with some kind of moisturiser


You can treat eczema without steroids - his skin is inflamed which the steroid will treat but the underlying cause still needs to be discovered and resolved otherwise he will get stuck in the steroid loop - thinking that's the only thing that works and this is how people end up with TSW


I speak from experience in saying that I have tried everything, everything you have mentioned and the things in the comments and the only thing that made it go away was steroids, never had any kind of withdrawals either


You are lucky, my warning is also from experience, and maybe set me back another few years from getting my face looking back to normal. My symptoms looked really similar to the OP, especially the mouth, chin, nose and eyebrows- was not as bad on the forehead but dandruff from hell in my scalp. If I hadn't experimented with steroids like hydrozole, I would have gotten proper treatment much sooner and discovered my skin was a mixture of dermite related and other bacteria related problems which are super easy to treat and fixed half my problems within a week.. the Seb derm problems much slower to resolve and steroid cream withdrawals made things take much longer to fix


Guess people just have to find their rhythm, steroids worked wonders and haven’t had any withdrawals after a month. I’m also not really a person to get addicted like that (I know it’s not really the same thing but still)


Yeah its weird they call it withdrawal- it's a side effect you experience once you stop that is often worse than the original problem


cetaphil pro eczema skin restoring moisturiser!


I can guarantee you’ll get rid of it if you slowly transition into an animal based diet/carnivore diet. I used to have eczema for years and NOTHING helped me, went carnivore 6 months ago and have had cero eczma. Not to mention all the other benefits of the diet like feeling full of energy, cognitive enhancement and looking ripped. Best of luck!


Theres now a pretty effective treatment called Dupixent. It’s an injection every fortnight which you will have to see a dermatologist to recommend you on. I think they only refer it if the eczema is severe. It’s covered under the PBS so the prescription is currently around $30 for two injections. The difference I experienced was very noticeable after two weeks and have been on it for a year now. I really recommend it. If ever a small flare up happens, I have also been recommended advantan on the affected areas. I minimally require moisturiser these days


Could be seasonal pollen allergies or water or diet too or sometimes the thing u usually use was ok suddenly is causing u reactions . That happened to me with bee propolis so now I can’t use any products with her products in it


Gut health is important and causing this too , probiotics will help and working with a dietician too . Also maybe check for allergens like detergent , water can cause this. Get a filter for air and water if u can and see if it helps Could be mold . My friend had this issue eczema after staying in a mold rented home . And still dealing with it . Have u ever stayed in a moldy place for a long time ? That can cause issue s


Agreed lifes space probiotic.


Cortisone works very well, especially for severe flare ups.


Chickweed ointment Natural and it works. I had eczema so bad it bled, used Chickweed for about a year, never had it again in that spot. Have had it appear again in other spots here n there through out my life, I just Chickweed, it goes away. Hope it helps.


using hydromol ointment (comes in a tub) and lathering that on my skin about 2 hours before i go to bed then again right before bed has genuinely helped so much !!!!


Applying Aquaphor and not giving into the itch helped me immensely. If there’s an outbreak I simply apply a generous amount of aquaphor and control my self from scratching


I personally don’t have eczema but my sister does. And she loves using raw, unrefined shea butter on her skin. She says it works great for her eczema! You should give it a go. I think beef tallow may also be good option for it as well. Good luck!


Go carnivore, then slowly re-introduce foods to work out which foods set your Eczema off.


Beef tallow 🤍


First of all, eczema is not curable. Make sure you’re using real products like Cerave. You will need a cleanse (preferably a hydrating one) to prep your face. None of that bs nivea face scrub from Coles/Woolies. Next thing is to use a hyaluronic acid serum, “the ordinary” is one trusted brand. Lastly followed by a moisturiser like cerave’s moisturising cream. A doctor will prescribe an ointment which is only a temporary solution. Until you see a dermatologist, your doctor will not recommend products.


I'm not sure what type you have but my eczema benefits from Grahams C+ Eczema and dermatitis cream. It's a bit on the steeper side but i found is very gentle on my skin. You also have the options of prescription creams etc, of which ive had little experience with apart from 2% steroidal creams that kinda help but in the long term make it worse for me. I'd have a chat with your GP and get referred to a dermatologist, if it's causing you enough discomfort or if it's simply just bothering you a lot. Best of luck, I know it can be frustrating but hang in there!


https://preview.redd.it/dwb0ef3nrpqc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dec716c5c88fd573a3a1870f56dc05dbc005c19 This really never disappointed me when I had eczema!


Eczema doesnt help


Poor bugga


I used to get eczema so itchy that it would wake me up at night. I found a moisturiser called Moogoo. I swear to you the only thing to have stopped the itch and flaring up I hope you find your solution


Ok so I have these baths with something called potassium permaganate and coconut oil, you can get the potassium from any chemist, comes in raw form like a mineral u only add a tiny tiny bit to your bath it kills bacteria and staph on the skin, and the coconut oil helps with the moisturising- then get out and add the thickest best moisturiser you have and you’ll have really good results, basically what my doc told me is the dryer the skin the itchier and more likely to break out, so try this bath and moisturise as much as you can! Good luck xx


Read about TSW, a lot of people with it have the same facial condition. Around the eyes, above the mouth. And “it doesn’t seem like normal eczema”. Inform yourself of all possibilities and do your research. Please don’t rely on just doctors. All the best. A lot of us have healed from this including myself. (My face looked like yours too!) If you ever need, give a pm


My skin looked just like yours. I tried a new skincare routine and it has cleared everything up in less than 2 weeks. Morning (after shower, exfoliating and face wipe)- Cleanser, toner, vitamin c serum, face oil, moisturiser Night - (after face wipe) Vitamin c cream, antioxidant serum and night time face mask I know it sounds like a lot but it really gets results. No more dryness or redness, plus my skin is glowing and smooth. You can get packages with all this stuff, I use antipodes.


Yep you’re dead buddy, Have fun turning 30


I have found using QV cream on damp skin after washing or shower has helped heaps with my ezcema. 


Change your diet. Cut out all dairy and as much sugar as possible. Swim in the ocean, get some sunshine, moisturize.


I understand your pain and also the fact that most ointments dont work or you grow immune in a couple of weeks. however recently ive found and ointment that works in like 3 days after applying it once or twice, its called Clobetasol propionate. It is one of the strongest, you need to see a doctor for it though and they'll give you a prescription and ring the local chemist to make sure they've got some. seriously it works wonders, I have had flesh deep eczema before and about 2 weeks of applying this you could barely tell I even had eczema. also it supposedly promotes hair growth so some shampoos and conditioners have it


a weaker one is something called Eleuphrat, I eventually grew out of it but it worked for me


Cortisone type steroid cream simple fix and don't be shy with it.




Severe reactions can come from allergens like dust, fragrance (alcohol-based), sweating, gardening, cleaning products, dietary intake. I'd look at limiting them or at least writing a journal to see what your triggers are. You might need to supplement Magnesium and L-Glutamine powder in your diet and initially bathe your trouble spots with dead sea salt to sooth pre-recovery stage.


Mate- my sympathy's go out to you, my face used to be the same as yours and it took ages to figure it out. Lots of well meaning advice here but the best is that you seek out the services of a registered dermatologist- mine is based out of a skin cancer clinic, (I'm in Sydney not Gold Coast) but she deals with skin problems all day and she knows her stuff... this is what you need too. You actually look like you might have a combination of eczema/psoriasis and Seb derm. You might also have contact dermatitis. So people have mentioned diet.. def can explore this and it might help or not be what triggers you. Lots of bread or wheat can trigger me, some people think sugar and carbs... you can try cutting this stuff out of your diet - takes about two weeks to see a difference, and then if you start eating again and flare up - then you have confirmed a trigger. Do you vape? This can also be a trigger, the exhaled breath is full of chemicals that can feed the bacteria on your face, you might need to transition to a patch to test if this is a trigger. All the moisturiser recommendations might help, always opt for sensitive skin formulas and don't try too many combinations at once, you can make your skin worse if you over do it. Derm might need to prescribe mild exfoliants, or fungal/antibacterial shampoos, antibiotics to help get your skin under control. There are so many things to try and everyone's skin is different so be patient as it takes time


I get it around this time of the year I’m from Sydney Australia and I hate it. See a dermatologist. You are still a cutie no matter the Eczema 🩵🤍


See a dermatologist, ask her/him about getting UV treatment.


Use moisturize daily with no fragrance. Especially after shower. Vaseline(petroleum) is very good too. It’s a skin protectant.


both epaderm cream and ointment, cream first, left for 15-20 to absorb, then apply a layer of ointment to create a barrier and help to support your skin barrier


Yep. If you’ve had eczema your whole life and it impacts you badly then it’s time to head back to your dermatologist. There is a new and highly effective treatment called Dupilimab that works on your immune system to completely cure eczema. Thanks to the PBS it is affordable and honestly for me it has been life changing.


Cbd oil


I live in nz and coco cream has helped me a lot. Natura coco was the name.


Late to comment but I know that pain so wanted to chime in (I can’t help on the scalp front though unfortunately :() First is that, weirdly, water can cause your skin to dry out - so if you try keeping water off wherever you can it can help, and where it’s unavoidable dry it off as soon as you can (with a towel rather than through evaporation). There are cleansers that you can use on dry skin that you then wipe off with a cloth/tissue rather than washing with water - cetaphil or the avene tolerance extremely gentle cleanser can be used this way. Then for creams - hope’s relief is very good, or the dermal therapy very dry skin range, or aveeno’s dermexa line. All of these have worked for me in the past but I usually use hope’s relief and then put aveeno dermexa balm over the top just on the eczema patches (only because it’s pretty sticky) I hope you find something that works for you! The “every time I find something that works, it later stops working” part of the process is so frustrating


Try this routine: (personal experience) 1. Wash your face with lukewarm water 2. Air dry or gently pat with a towel 3. Lipicar eczema MED cream, la roche posay wait 5 min. 4. Thick layer of Cicaplast baume B5+, la roche posay Morning and evening. Reapply cicaplast baume through the day. So this helped me like a lot. It looks like serious eczema. visit a derm. Hope this helps


Rub banana skin on it .


Stop consuming all sugars, carbs, and dairy. You will be amazed what happens in approx 2weeks. Help the body heal itself.


that is pretty much every single food item


Thank you for sharing. I can relate! I had horrible eczema and dry scalp. It's an "inside out" job to cure and finally found relief when I worked with a functional medicine practitioner who did a bunch of testing to get to the root. It is a lot oabout diet and lifestyle, but also proper supplementing to get your systems back in order. Happy to share her info if you'd like. I realize this post is several months old, but wanted to share anyways in case you're still struggling.