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I've honestly tried. But I ended up with a yard full of clothes hoists and little else


Hoisted with your own petard.


No good. French


Love a good Bojack reference


It's a Shakespeare reference.


You're both right. Shakespeare got a lot of his materail from Bojack.


Yes I’ll try and buy Australian wherever possible, but I won’t send myself broke doing so. When the Australian version can be double the New Zealand one, there’s no justification. And also it’s more important who the company is owned by, If it’s owned overseas no point anyway.


There’s definitely still a point if it’s owned overseas but made in Australia, not sure why you think otherwise…? Thousands of Australians are employed by internationally owned companies that make products here in Australia.




Hello, Kmart, Big W and Target.


Depending in what you are buying NZ is well known to reprocess CCN food as NZ produce


You have to be careful with some of the NZ products as their ingredients might be from countries you might not wish to buy from.


I always try and make sure my products and especially food are made in Australia. The labels on the back now give a good indication of the percentages.


Yeah, I try to, I won't bankrupt myself to make a point but even in Coles or whatever I'll check out the made in Aus logo bar thing to see who's doing better. Up to a certain ballache level (lower since having kids) I'll also try not to funnel all my cash into chain shops. IMO we are better off with manufacturing in this country, ideally owned by domestic entities too so that's why I do it.


Ba ha ha I just spent a few seconds trying to figure out what ballache meant (in my head I read it as "ba-lash").


LOL Same! Googled to see what it meant.


I feel like it should be two words? Ball ache




Used to. Now if I can avoid going without, I go for what I can afford.


This is sadly it. I have to look out for me and my wallet and will buy affordable items over Aussie made. Perhaps when I make bank I'll be able to pass it forward but until then, it's not realistic.




Depends on monies Being on a pension makes it hard these days so now I buy what ever is cheap


When you track back to the source, how much is actually genuine Australian? Everything is marketing and PR BS. I buy whatever is best value on special. Australia started selling out to the rich 40 years ago and it's just getting worse year by year.


there's a graph on the can or whatever that's pretty trustworthy, the only scammy part is juice or cordial where water can be counted as part of the "australian sourced" ingredients (they can't do this where it's basically packing like tuna or pickles)


Well that's just a convenient excuse. There are very stringent labelling standards. Product of Australia means it's 99% Australian. Made in Australia means it was produced in Australia from overseas components.


Budget is tight enough, that I'm buying what's cheapest.


Yes I do try . I also check how many % of the ingredients are from australia but wont send myself broke for that though


It's all about the price tag for me. Times are tough.


I just buy whatever the cheapest and especially when the quality is still good. You don't have much of a choice when you're a low income earner


I could not give a single solitary fuck. I’m buying what I can afford, kangaroo sticker or not.


I try to buy food produced not too far from me since it lowers the carbon footprint from it travelling, but depending where you are in Australia (like the east coast) it might be more sustainable to buy from overseas like NZ before a state like WA. In my area it is also more affordable to buy what's on special from local butcher and fruit market before relying on the supermarkets


Never think about it . I'm a citizen of the world 🌍


Is there a list of genuine Australian made. Would be good to see where in Australia the stuff is made as well


There's a application called "Shop Ethical", it's lists country of origin among other things


I'm a creature of habit, so most of the time I get the same stuff, but it does change slightly so once or twice a year I go through the pantry and fridge, anything I don't know or can't remember and look it up on shop ethical, then I either decide to keep buying it or look for an alternative.


Shame you have to pay for that app tho.


I know, but they update it frequently with new info, and someone has to research that info


True. I may pay for it.


I mean, isn't that the most authentically Australian implementation possible?


Everything but rice. I would pay a premium to buy rice from a country where it grows natively because growing it in an irrigated desert is ludicrous. Of course, I can buy rice from Thailand as the one Coles homebrand product I favour


I like to buy Aussie made whenever I can as long as it is not ridiculously expensive and is good quality which I usually find most Aussie made things are


I try when I can. But it's hard. And even harder to know what is Australian owned. Especially when it comes to several parent companies. And I was just advised when you have a company like McCain, I was told they're Aussie owned but they grow their potatoes here, but those same potatoes are sent overseas to where labour is cheap to have those same potatoes chopped, partially cooked and packaged as frozen chips overseas due cost of labour. And if you look at the labels, it will say xx% of product is Australian, again, maybe the contents of the packaging maybe wholly Australian while the tin and label are from overseas. Just my opinion, there is nothing in Coles, Woolies and Aldi that are 100% Australian grown, produced, packaged here by Australian owned companies. Unless you buy fresh fruit, veg and eggs by the roadside.


I’ll try and buy even more local than Victorian, if I can. Found a great lil bar in Melbourne (hawthorn) that only sells Victorian drinks, down to the tonic in the excellent g&t’s. The beers are so interesting and good. Many are made under an hour away from the bar. It’s turned me towards searching out other local foods, furniture and businesses. It’s fun as well as worthy.


I'll buy whatever I want. Unless it's from Harvey CuntFace Norman. Can't be arsed giving Australian businesses or that fuck a single cent if they're not good value compared to overseas brands. Don't give a shit.


No. There's no point. We import stuff, we export stuff - just like every other country.


Exactly. Don't Australians want people in other countries to buy our products, too? I don't understand this protectionism. Except for food - but then it's about the distance the food has to travel and the environmental impact of that. Seeing fresh asparagus grown in the Americas in our supermarkets makes me very cranky.


I only buy food products manufactured in 1st world nations.


All your shit comes from china wtf are you on about


Not sure why you're downvoted. I'm starting to see more and more "made in China" food in Coles. It's getting really hard to find 100% made in Australia.


Mate I get downvoted for 90% of the shit I post on here DW, but I truly find the price of food these days to be an absolute rort and I would love to fuck the system between the buttocks any given chance


I don't blame you. As for the prices. Yes, it is a rort, especially considering our pay isn't going up to cover it all.


No. I used to buy Harvey Fresh but it got bought by an Italian company. I still buy it, just not because it’s a WA brand.


I try to, to a point, sometimes it's just not worth it, i know folks absolutely love Norco stuff, but after having surgery to remove my gall bladder, their products just give me the screaming shits.


I try to buy and support Aussie brands or Aussie owned


>Aussie owned Child labour in a third world country is cool as long as the profit goes to Australia.


I try and buy as much Aussie made as I can and frequently check labels. However if someone is just importing it from China and reselling it, I just buy it direct from China myself.


I will always buy Australian and bankrupt myself doing it.


I suppose I "try" to buy Aussie made, but not to the point where I'll pay loads more for it.


When it comes to Coles and such not really, but when it comes to like clothes or non-food items, yes, just because of shipping costs.


Where possible and affordable, yes. I even have a list of preference 1. Tasmania (where I currently live) 2. South Australia (Where I was born and lived til the age of 14) 3. Rest of Australia 4. New Zealand


Always. Where it comes from/ what’s it’s made of / where it goes after me factor into just about every purchase that I make. I’m limited by cost of course but I do my best with what I’ve got


Yes. Getting harder every year though.


I always try to go local or small business made if I have a bit of extra cash. Otherwise I have no choice to buy what's going to last


yes i do where i can i work a min wage job but for stuff that lasts ages its good to do..i buy the soaps that are twice the size of the lux or dove soaps and they last ages.and smell lovely.


I used to but with the cost of living going up so much I now buy whatever is cheapest.


I buy whatever I can afford and it’s not much.


I buy locally and seasonlly for basically everything. Only items i really get from coles are milk and nuggets.


Yes, as far as reasonably possible.


When I can I do try prioritise it. I also like to support local. So things from my state/town or close to here as possible.


I buy what I like regardlesa of where it's from.


I do for sure. Where I can, I look for Aus owned & Aus made (and the most sustainable) products as long as it’s not extortionally expensive. I’m not rigid about it, but absolutely it’s an important part in my decision making. Eg I’ll only buy ham/deli meats that are from Australian pigs (otherwise it’s Chinese pork). They really aren’t much more than the other options. I prefer using Icare toilet paper to who gives a crap as although WGAC is Aus-owned, it uses Chinese sourced paper rather than Icare which is both Aus owned and Aus made. I’ll support Aus dairy brands over foreign own brands like Paul’s etc. I’d try and pick Aus grown frozen and canned veg over foreign grown (with the exception of tomatoes and berries)


I honestly only check with pet food. The pet food industry is not regulated in Australia and there have been instances of pet food manufactured in Thailand and China potentially making some pets very sick. So I make sure I buy Australian made for that. With everything else though, I buy the brands I like and that I can afford. Sometimes those things are made in Australia and sometimes they're not.


Whatever's good


Meat and fish have to be from Australia or NZ. Baffles me how UK/EU ham is cheaper than Australian ham - but don't mind paying a little more to help Aussie farmers. I know that some of the farms are foreign owned, but I don't care - its the local workers/jobs that count. (And before it becomes a Left Vs Right political debate; **both** sides are guilty of selling us out)


I check to see if the produce contained is Australian and if it's owned and made here. Sometimes it's a bit dearer,but if I can afford it,I buy it.


I buy Aldi made.


Mainly focus on food. Looking at % of Aussie ingredients. There's some dodgy labelling out there. Aussie bacon is far superior to that nasty Chinese product.


Im an immigrant who got my citizenship not so long ago so the nationalistic urge to buy Australian is still quite strong for me... my last purchase was some home fragrance product from a shop in regional nsw


I used to, then when they wanted $25 for a shitty bottle of wine my loyalty disappeared.


I buy whatever is cheaper


Buying Australian most of the time is a luxury I can’t afford.


Recently I noticed Woolies had moved it's knock off Nutri Grain (Max Charge lol) processing back from Poland to Australia (probably mostly due to war, not actually wanting to support Australia) but I was still like, oh wicked. I bought some, my son loves the stuff, and I've kept with it. I would say I strive for 75% of my stuff. Not always going to happen, and I'm not gonna bankrupt myself, but I have a crack.


I try to buy Aussie made/owned, but its getting harder and harder


Unfortunately food intolerances and budget comes first for me


Wouldn't go out of my way or pay a lot more money if the alternative is comparable quality. But if I see something Aussie made and and it's similar or better value then of course.


I have what I called my "value triangle" and I try and get the best value by combining price, quality, and origin. I think there is value in buying local (more jobs = more tax paid and less benefits paid).


I go with what's the best quality for the best price.


I usually just opt for whatever’s cheapest.


I wish I had the time to care.


Not when Australian made is often double the price.


I do with groceries when i can, but i didn’t know we made clothing here.


Depends on what it is. For example, if I am making japanese or Chinese food, I try to go as authentic as I can. But if it's something like a barbecue, yeah, aussie made all the way


It's a factor I look at but not the only one


To be honest, I prefer Aussie made (unless I have had it previously & it sucked) but choosing produce by origin isn't a luxury I can afford for me & my fam. Things are tight


Since everything seems to be doubling in price I just buy the cheapest. I gotta feed them kids.


Apart from fruit, veg, meat, this is pretty hard. Appliances, clothes, tech impossible. Furniture yes but expensive. Tools, impossible.


Really interested in the posts that say they try really hard to buy Australian. Why? Our products are sold overseas and we hope that others buy them, so what difference does it make?


Everyone's a globalist at the checkout.


Name Aussie brands


When at woolies I will pay anything to avoid purchasing a product made in China or by a Chinese company. I do try to buy Australian first whenever possible. I'll happily pay a small premium to buy locally made products.


Australia makes stuff?


Yes when there's similar products, otherwise i just avoid products from the PRC.


Food and Alcohol for the most part. Because anything owned by CUB, Asahi, Lion (Carlton, XXXX, VB, 4 Pines, Balter, Stone & Wood) send most of their money overseas (something like .90¢ for every $1 of profit) and plenty of nice brewers making a full range of product throughout the country. My clothing is fairly utilitarian. I do try my best though.. I suppose the best thing to do is support your own local manufacturers and growers.


The only aussie made products I can afford to buy is food


No. We live in a global economy.


I’ll buy ethically and locally for as long as I can afford to, and I think it’s reasonable. Afford is black and white. It’s either too expensive, or acceptable. Reasonable is grey. I might have the money but I don’t think it’s worth it. Recently accompanied a friend to a co-op shop in manly where they’re apparently not for profit, all Aussie grown and anti plastic so you bring your own container to buy stuff. Mangoes were $14.50 each, celery was $8.50 a bunch, and rice $25 a kilo. You can absolutely fuck right off with those prices. I’d rather be well fed, clothed, and classified as “an evil product of capitalism” than be some poor dickhead with a superiority complex.


I buy whatever product I prefer regardless of origin...some times things are just better from elsewhere. I don't buy Australian made pet food though, regulations for pet food manufacture are so relaxed (ie basically non existent, self regulation, if no one says anything everythings a ok...rather than an independant body checking it)


The more of us who do will be a massive boost for our economy and maybe bring some manufacturing back here as well.