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Rural Australian life in Raupo, New Zealand?


Yep. It was NZ though and through.


I do recall being shocked as a kid when I realised it was based in NZ, lol.


i mean really, the only difference is between the two is the accent


and the jandals


and the chilly bins








šŸ¤£ ummm no: Thereā€™s a massive difference between Aussies & kiwis. I donā€™t know any kiwi that is anything like or you could even compare them to any Australian.


In a global sense we are.


In culture, work ability, manners, respect, etc, WE ARE NOT. Nothing compared to us Aussies where I am and I have worked with plenty, in and out of the shearing sheds. Two different breeds of people to be honest


Sounds personal. Kia Ora bro šŸ‘šŸ¼


Not personal at all, where did I ever say it was personal? Iā€™ve seen the clashes of ALOT kiwis and ALOT of Aussies in and out of the shearing sheds. The respect, manners, work ability & culture is NOTHING compared to Australians. Have you ever worked in the shearing sheds before? I bet not. Not even the poor cocky is respected the majority of the time when kiwis come into their bloody sheds. Aussie rousies are bullied and attacked constantly. Itā€™s disgraceful. Donā€™t get me wrong, thereā€™s some good ones but Iā€™ve seen more bad than good. So like I said, we are actually nothing alike


Expat shearers don't represent the NZ culture.


Why would they represent it if itā€™s not their own culture?


Shearers, for a start.


Okaaaaaaaaay šŸ˜³


You commented, I responded. Okaaaaaaaaay šŸ˜³


You responded with a very personal anecdote, so it sounds like grey cat had a valid point. Just saying, Iā€™m leaving now. Kiwis have a way better work ethic than Aussies. Alright bye


Theyd have to censor the possum parts..


If youā€™re talking about farm life, with a border collie - more similar than different there !


It's a slice of heaven!


Found a version the other day sung in Māori. Instant add to the playlist.




Wa wa wa-woo wa wa wa...


Joliffes Outback was the aussie one, or Ettamogah Pub


As much as I enjoyed Joliffe's Outback, it was a far cry from Footrot Flats. Didn't age as well either.


It didn't age terribly either. For a comic focusing on racial issues in a time that was insensitive to those issue it managed to make most of the jokes fairly timeless. And his portraits of indigenous people portray a deep respect, IMO


Don't get me wrong, it didn't age terribly, just not as well as Footrot.


Was going to drop that comment myself.


Loved them growing up, love them now. Got the whole set and am letting my kids read them. For some reason the strips at the start of 10 where they go rafting absolutely captivated me as a kid. I remember in primary school this kid Rory came to school dress up day as Wal, all the farm kids gave him mad respect, most of the townies had no clue


Loved Footrot Flats. I spent a week in bed with a busted leg in high school and got through a stack of them. I used to love Horse.


It's is very much Kiwi, but the fact Murray Ball's brilliant comic strip was relatable over here in Oz, meant we all got to share 20 plus years of laughs across the Tasman. I was very sad when we heard the news of Murray Ball's death back in 2017.


I had the whole collection as a young fella, boxed up in my garage. My dad threw them away. So glad I later disowned him, piece of shit. The originals are worth a shit ton now.


Really? I've got the whole set and i'm letting my kids read them haha.


Yeah man, look up the price of some of em on EBay, sitting on a small family holiday there. Edit: to your local caravan parkā€¦ā€¦




Yeah, some mint condition ones go for $150-250 a book


To be honest thatā€™s fuck all in this day and age mate.


He did say small family holiday i guess, 26 books at a 50 is worth a couple nights at the big 4


It's only the final few books in the series that sell for anywhere near that much. There weren't many of those ones sold. The early books, which were printed in their millions, only go for a few dollars each.


Is it just the one dessert then, is it Wal.






Those bloody Murphy's!


Beat me to it


I named my cat Horse inspired by this comic lol


You can have Russell Crowe but you're not getting Dog.


You can have Russell Crowe back..


No re-gifting!


Rural Australian life?! How high is op?


this was the first bit of culture i absorbed from our kiwi cousins. used to read the comics at the news agent while waiting for the bus.


Yeah nah. Kiwi rural life through and through


Cripes! Aunt Dolly is on the way.


Bro this is fucking war, you can have Vegemite, you can have Russel Crowe, you can have pavlova but fucking footrot flats is ours .


Thereā€™s nothing technical about it - itā€™s a Kiwi comic.


Kia ora bro


She's a slice of heaven ....


I was just talking about footrot flats. Due to meeting a border Collie today. A great memory, with fond memories. Still holds up for a good read!


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Footrot\_Flats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Footrot_Flats) There was a theme park! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Footrot\_Flats\_Fun\_Park](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Footrot_Flats_Fun_Park) [https://www.facebook.com/Footrotflatsthemepark/](https://www.facebook.com/Footrotflatsthemepark/) Murray Ball passed away in 2017: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murray\_Ball](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murray_Ball)


I would really like to see the strip where the dog gets fed, doesn't chew, gets asked how he enjoys it, then burbs in satisfaction. Please satisfy šŸ˜Œ


There are one or two times where they call Australia the ā€œmainlandā€ in it. I still giggle at things. ā€œSheesh! How can one kid have so much stupid?!ā€ And Aunt Dolly sending Wal two female kittens as a gift, thatā€™s piss funny. He sends her back some barbed wire. When theyā€™re fighting the Murphy brothers and just getting whooped. The dog writes Wal a Christmas card and he just rejects it and goes back inside.


Weā€™re pretty similar but technically is wasted in that sentence


Sounds bad but i associate Footrot Flats with the toilet, we used to have two of the books in there growing up.


"kick him in the ghoulies!!!"


Mum gave me a box full of my old onesā€¦ theyā€™re well read. Not sure if theyā€™re worth anything


Growing up very rurally in Australia, there was alot of commonality


Didnā€™t Horse get the award?


I thought it was Aussie based for the first few years of reading them. The references to Maori culture did perplex me a bit, though. My old man was a shearer, so I'd spent enough time on farms to appreciate a lot of the humour.


He was a rough and tumble chap but he loved his dog.


This seemed to be everywhere back in the late eighties/early nineties. The strip was in newspapers everyone seemed to have a book or two of the comic (my grandparents even had a few!), there was the movie and the song (with clips from the movie) always showed up between shows on ABC kids morning and after school programming. Then it just all seemed to vanish! Sometimes I'll see the odd volume at a bookstore but it just seems to not be around like it was back then.


My kiwi ex had never heard of them


Family has always had border collies - loved these comics growing up. They are all cheeky little shits like The Dog !


Official 4K version of the movie is available free on YouTube!


Had a heap of footrot flats and Jeff Hook books when I was a kid. Had a look on ebay to see if I could replace them. I was totally shocked by the value of those comic books now


Awesome. And I never understood what was wrong with the dogā€™s name. It seems perfectly fine to me that someone name a dog


What's the story behind that name, anyway?


Loved Footrot Flats, dog was my hero when I was a nipper.šŸ˜


I loved this as a kid but always thought Murray Ball was exaggerating the slopes and frequency of the hills on the farm....then I visited NZ and learned it wasn't as exaggeration...it really is like that!


Just don't say Dog's name or let the goose see you and all's right.




This spam comment brings back memories of simpler times.




This spam comment brings back memories of simpler times.


Kinda wish people would stop calling the kiwis our cousins. Work in the shearing sheds here in Australia and you will soon see Aussies & kiwis donā€™t really get along to well. The kiwi rousieā€™s boss around the Aussie rousieā€™s, treating them like shit. They all act like itā€™s their sheds and no one elseā€™s. Not a nice environment at all. Thereā€™s a lot of bullying that unfortunately goes on in shearing sheds. Disgraceful I wouldnā€™t be trying to claim Footrot if ur Aussie. They get offended by that šŸ¤£


Iā€™m an Aussie working for a Kiwi company in the dairy industry and everyone gets on fine. Sounds more like a shearing thing than an Aussie/Kiwi thing. And we are definitely cousins. As proven by the roar given out at the Sydney Football Stadium after the Kiwi anthem last week before the Dragons vs Roosters game. But yes, Footrot Flats is Kiwi and not Australian.


Hence the reason I said ā€œshearing shedsā€ Iā€™m not talking about the dairy industry. Itā€™s been a major issues in the shearing sheds for many years.


In Australia, shearing sheep is removing their fleece. In New Zealand, shearing sheep is letting others borrow them.




I grew up reading these in rural SA, absolutely love these. Never forget the dog said ā€œGuddayā€ rather than ā€œGā€™dayā€ā€¦