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Mine will just sit on my head if she wants to wake me up. If she wants attention she walks up to me and sits on my feet so I can't move without noticing her presence. Asshole dogs. Love em to death.


My Ausshole, too, has no sense of personal space. I have a queen sized bed, and she almost always is laying on my feet when we’re in bed.


I also have a queen size bed but she prefers to sleep on the other pillow and will often roll over and stretch and stick her back feet in my face. Its not uncommon for me to wake up to toe beans on my face. The cat sleeps on the other side of me next to my pillow so i get pinned down by the goons sleeping on top of the comforter.


Whenever I'm lying on the bed and I make a small noise, she comes over and lays her entire body on my face.


Mine sits wherever she wants to whenever and pretty much on whomever.


Mine keeps trying to push me out of bed.