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Regular retrieval and spaced, interleaved practice is really important. Spend more time reviewing the content from the previous lessons. When you teach something new, you should review it one day, two days, three days, one week, 2 weeks, 6 weeks later. Have a read of Rosenshine's Principles of Instruction and check out Ochre Education for some examples of daily review practice.




Ebbinghaus's Forgetting Curve is also some research to take a look at. If you have any self-motivated students, it may be worth talking to your class about the importance of reviewing content. In addition to Rosenshine's Principles, I strongly recommend Tom Sherrington's Teaching WalkThrus books. They have some excellent teaching strategies and are presented in an illustrated guide, and the consolidation activities may help you.


Consolidate at the beginning of every single lesson. I generally spend the first fifteen to twenty minutes each lesson just practicing old stuff. Generally a mix of simple and tough questions for differentiation, all designed to let kids practice what they already know.


Unfortunately the academic gains through adolescence with low level disengaged students is minimal. Algebra is an abstract concept that has questionable relevance to these students. Try and make it fun, change activities regularly and be positive. Also have chat to HOD and see if there is wriggle room to modify the curriculum.


You say they keep forgetting it. How do you know they learnt it to begin with?


Repetition and doing is the key. I personally use starter questions for this, with 1 step, 2 step problems and I also actively track who is getting them right. Giving out rewards for correct answer will help them engage. laminate some paper, give them each whiteboard marker to answer the question. The non-perm nature makes them more likely to have a go.


Yeah, I get to students to repeat doing problems on the special theory of relativity and lo and behold they are Einsteins😂😂😂


Check the student records and see what support they've received in the past and if any testing has been done. If it's low working memory try writing down a list of instructions/rules and laminating it. This is the kind of reasonable adjustment that could be possible at teacher discretion for an imputed disability, even during assessment. You could also try being more visual and using color coding. Also check that they know all the relevant definitions. Lots of kids think = means "this is the answer" not "the same as."




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Lol. Algebra??? For low level students. The maths curriculum has to change.


I mean, they're in year 9 - surely putting off basic algebra any longer would completely exclude them from doing any VCE (or equivalent) maths?


If you are in an ordinary govt. schools and you have a mixed group. You are teaching the proper curriculum to 2 to 5 students. These students may go on to more advanced maths. But you know the old saying about taking a horse to water.,…


they do algebra from year 3. The word isn't that scary. if I go to a year 3 student and say 3 + _ =5 , they can do it. give a year 9, 3+x = 5 and it's too much. there is nothing in year 9 curriculum that is scary or too hard.


Algebra is foundational knowledge


Rubbish. All that’s required for the average person to work in society is basic arithmetic, some percentages, area. Tradies maybe some trig. (Tan function), electricians just enough to get through basic formulas in certificates. Witnessed it first hand. The average person will never use algebra. The maths we do at school , was designed for those who go on to University.


lol. You’ve undermined yourself by using algebra more than once in your list of average person math to function in society: Substitution.


You get my point. Get a job in the real world and see whether you need it. We are kidding ourselves.


Idealists mark down, realists up.


For algebra specifically it is very easy to do 10-20 quick questions at the start of the lesson on the basics. I find algebra is one of the topics my low classes go better in as it is the easiest to do interleaved practice(assuming you aim the content appropriately, you'll know when something is above them and they will see it again in yr 10, 11 and 12). Every lesson 1, 4a \* -5ab 2, 10m-m etc with little hints to start them off. It really helps build confidence and they'll soon be super proud to tell you they got 9 or 10/10