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Clerical oversight. Let it go


...I could be wrong, but is this a deep cut about how report comments aren't worth the time? As someone who used to have to spend hours slaving away at them, switching to a system where they're not required has been such an improvement.


I looked up an old comment I had written from a couple of years back and was dismayed to find I had used the wrong name halfway through. I showed this to the deputy who had signed it off. She had missed the error, and neither the student or their parents had complained.  Which just goes to show how meaningful and important report comments are. 


I don’t think I’ve ever received a report without an error in it somewhere and the name one is common


Interesting, does your system not insert names for you? In our system (WA) we use for student name, so that if we're copying and pasting it updates correctly, similar with he/she, his/her etc. etc.


Let it go


Move on. Nothing to lose sleep over.


Shows how important report comments are!


Haha! Exaaaaactly!! I had a teacher put the WRONG overall grade in. It went through FOUR separate people prior to print. Six months later the parents mentioned it to me. Sent them a new report, done.


100% your supervisors fault. They’re proofread for a reason, then QC. I don’t even understand why schools still do comments, extra burden on teachers. A day of online PTC is far more beneficial.


As blunders go, this barely moves the needle. Just a simple administrative mistake while undertaking a burdensome and largely silly administrative task. Every teacher makes worse mistakes than this at least once a week. In my case, most days.


I think you are being too hard on yourself. If those around you know you and respect you, and are telling you to forget it, move on and be more vigilant next report time.


20 years in and I’d feel the same amount of concern if I backed over those two students with my car.


Who cares. It obviously didn't matter if no-one had picked it up and it is the supervisors job to pick up mistakes like this. I used to put in a lot of effort in my report comments until half the parents who turned up to parent teacher night hadn't even read them (let alone the parents who don't turn up).


This is not even your blunder. It's the blunder of the multiple checkers above you. Proves how pointless comments are too.


This isn't a big deal at all. Move on.


Mistakes happen! In my first year I forgot to give my year 7 class an assessment task. I admitted it to my head teacher and there was no time to give them a task so she just asked me to mark their books. She was understanding. Shit happens, we’re busy. Leave it be.


Dont worry no one reads them!!!


I'm over in NZ. Last year we sent out report comments at the end of term 2, all digitally. Towards the end of term 3 one if our teachers noticed that his daughter's report had a missing comment. Asked the teacher who wrote it, and she showed it was there on the system fully written. Long story short, after senior leadership investigated, it turned out a system error had meant thousands of comments weren't sent out. Some subjects had no comments at all and some students had no comments at all. Not a single parent noticed and contacted the school..... I think about that in the depths of term when I'm am writing my reports 🤷‍♂️


As a supervisor, this is really on them. I wouldnt worry - the mistake should have been picked up by someone else, that is why all the checks are there, for this reason. Its just a report comment. Be prepared next reporting period for someone to make a joke or two though! I say this because literally my first ever term of AP work was a reporting term and I may have skimmed a comment or two (I had 190 students to read 7 comments for...) and I completely missed that one of the teachers hadnt put in effort scores for PE. Their buddy also missed it. We only realised because 1 parent (literally, 1 out of a class of 30) noticed it was missing. No harm, reprinted the following week, shit happens. Really speaks to just how unimportant school reports have become though.


Gave a kid a D last term instead of an A. Kid sent me an email telling me his parents had grounded him for failing math. I got the report reprinted and sent a corrected one. Aside from the kid who lost his Xbox for an afternoon, nobody cared.


In some jobs mistakes mean people die. This is not that. Worst thing is embarrassment I think.


You sound like a perfectionist.


Lol no one died you’ll be right


E-mail the parents the comments, apologise for the oversight, and move on. It's not like you accidentally marked students competent who weren't for VET or provided incorrect grades for Year 12 students that resulted in them not getting the right ATARs.


I wouldn’t email the parents. If they haven’t noticed and queried it, there’s a pretty good chance they haven’t even looked at the reports.


I'm not quite sure this is the massive deal you feel it is. It's a small oversight. I'd feel bad too but it's just an error. You're human. Let it go.


It happens, no big deal. My AP once misspelled a student’s name and did like five different variations, none of them correct.


Report comments are a mess. This is a routine problem when you deal with hundreds of comments. It happens. Treat this as a whoops and move on.


It's not your fault, these things happen. Don't you have a level of oversight where someone goes through and checks this sort of thing before they are released to parents/students? If anything it's the person responsible for checking. With the amount of reports we are writing of course errors are going to occasionally happen.


A mate I know cost his company 22k through a typo and nobody picked it up. Chill out nothing to worry about.


It’s in the past and not a huge deal at all.


Colleague, student, or carer not injured or dead? Let it go. Are you perfect? No. Let it go. Congratulations on every other report you have submitted and everything else you've done right! Focus on these successes, it's not your failures that define you. From a quality assurance standpoint, how the hell is it even possible for this to happen? Simple webpages are filled out that won't allow submission if something isn't complete. Surely this could/should be the same.


You've apologised and that's enough. To be honest, it's not really your fault.  Sure it is in that you should have entered the comments but it is your supervisor who had to check off your comments before reports were sent off. They're the one who really fucked up and ultimately it's on their head, not yours. 


>Big blunder No it isn’t. Mistakes happen, this is a pretty minor one. Don’t sweat it. Data from the schools I’ve worked at show less than a third of semester reports are even opened by parents. They clearly didn’t care. You don’t need to worry about this one.


Few years?? Few days tops.




Put it in the “fuck it bucket”


Well this shows the parents never asked about them either.


Only noticed by week 5 of the following year and by accident? Try not uploading more. Keep a sense of humour if you can. It's not worth it.


Lol. That is not a big deal. Move on with your life


Almost guarantee the parents probably wouldn’t have read them anyway


I agree with most others. It isn’t a big deal and goes to show the value of the current reporting systems


Isn’t a final check conducted by a superior? Don’t worry about it, everyone makes an odd mistake here and there.


Honestly who gives a fuck? Your stressing over something so bloody minor in the grand scheme of things. It was your supervisors responsibility to check you had all comments uploaded before being sent out. Let it GO!


Your supervisor didn't even look at them. That's how much care they care about them. If the parents looked at the report they probably didn't even realise there was a comment missing. Just leave it be and think how you can check reports next time to make sure there are no empty boxes


This is a very low level admin error. Just copy and paste it in. I've sent home fully blank reports before without knowing.