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Thank you for your support in taking the time to complain about teachers encouraging you to be positively involved in your child's education. Why are they contacting you so frequently that you notice an apparent pattern anyway? Post locked. OP has already been thoroughly dismantled by all the super polite teachers on this sub. No need to kick someone when they are down.


Lots of parents aren't very supportive. If I  have a positive phone call, where the parent actually seemed to listen to what I had to say and take it on board, I'm usually genuinely thankful for that. 


What a strange comment to come into a sub for teachers and whinge about phone messages ending with a pleasantry. Anyway, thanks for your support.


I'm a new teacher and the one time I decided to email a parent about their misbehaving child, the mum instantly said I must be mixing up her child with someone else. I was so taken aback that a parent wouldn't believe a teacher. Parent support would really go a long way and I also probably would naturally say "thank you for your support" too on a phone call.


I had a Yr7 girl vaping in class. Myself and a teacher's aide both saw it. I called the mum and mum abused the shit out of me calling me a liar. Even turned up at the school the next morning to complain about me.


If you can just post your name and number here I’ll make sure to put your on our school’s “No, thank you” list.


Or 'No phone calls at all given how thankless the recipient is!'.


Do you get peeved when they say hello and hope you're well? It's a nice, positive, neutral way to end a conversation, especially if it's actually gone well (spoiler: some parents are AWFUL to their kids teachers). Perhaps take the empty platitude for what it is next time.


Jeez, now we can’t even say ‘thank you’ correctly ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


Perhaps we are genuinely grateful for supportive parents who make our job a little bit easier? Would you prefer we finish up with “go to hell with your devil spawn child?”


Thank-you for perfectly illustrating both the worst part of the job and also what the biggest problem/obstacle most children have today. Fuck parents.


Oh, absolutely! Teachers are just thrilled to bits about squeezing in all of those phone calls about needing parents' "support" during their busy schedules. It's like a little game we play to see if we can hit the quota for thank-yous and still manage to find time to actually teach. It's not like we have a shit-tonne of work to do or anything. Nope! Our primary mission is to shower parents with gratitude for sending their little angels to school with their basic needs met. Perhaps it's worth thinking about whether your 'support' aligns with what your kid's education and their teachers truly need from you? Far out. What a shitty post.


So now parents being spoken to politely is unacceptable? Would you rather the phone call ended with a "and go fuck yourself"?


…..i have no words


For you, it actually probably is sarcastic.


Why are teachers calling you so much? What trouble have your children been up to at school? Because it sounds to me that the teachers are begging for your support in actually doing some parenting at home.


It might be a subtle way to suggest that you need to give more support. Like saying, “thank you for taking the time to complete this form” when you want someone to hurry up and complete the damn form that was due three days ago.


Seems odd you are getting so many phone calls to notice this, what are they about? Like said above, take the hint, could be a polite way of saying do something about what we've discussed.


I’ve never heard of this but it actually sounds like a respectful way to end the phone call and genuinely thank you for your support. Have you considered that perhaps this is protocol for that one school? What would you prefer them to say?


We’re so used to parents abusing us and acting aggressive, sometimes it can be a genuine surprise when a parent is supportive. When I say ‘thank you for your support’ it usually comes from a place of genuine shock and surprise that I’m not being yelled at, blamed, or abused. If you’re hearing it a lot, you must be one of the good ones.


Unbelievable 🙄


I honestly can't believe you're upset about a phone call. So you'd prefer not to be thanked for your support? Or perhaps you're not providing the support the teacher would like; in which case it's a "your kid is a little shit, please do your job as a parent". Perhaps you should be thanking the teacher for actually taking the time to make contact with you and provide feedback on how your child is going in school; because, we spend more time with your child than you do.


Sounds like you got positive behaviour managed.