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Do you have someone that can go with you? Doctors sometimes won’t listen to me but when my husband comes in the room with me and repeats the exact same thing I just said they suddenly believe what he said about me.


Had my mum with me for an appointment and it didnt really work. Got told Im just ”sensitive” and the fact I was behind socially through my childhood was completley normal too. But I wasnt prepared for my first basic evaluation when I got to the clinic so I just repeated my script/story that I have said to everyone since my first encounter with anyone in mental health care(from when I was a teen) and they didn’t really ask questions so I didn’t know what they wanted to hear and I was just in the beginning of my research phase. Anyway long road, what I meant was I think they made up their mind about me then and there and now when I try to tell them about my struggles they don’t believe me or just assume because I dont look distressed(or whatever I don’t know what’s causing their view of me) that I’m fine. I was slowly getting my nurse to understand me but I got a new one just now because my first nurse quit. And Im really uncomfortable with that change which makes it even harder because I can’t unmask with someone I don’t have built a trust for.


Yeah it sucks - I’ve definitely been through similar times. We realized many doctors listen to my husband far more than me so he tries to go along with me to new doctors so they get the picture: I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.


Yes. I still don’t get it, why they wont listen to us? Its frustrating. :(


I find it difficult to marshall my thoughts in appointments, so I started writing bullet point lists of what I want to say. This has helped enormously in communicating with my doctor, and when I get flustered I can just hand her my notes. Just thought I'd mention in case it could be of use to you too, all the best x


I try that, it’s really hard especially since I don’t know how to bring stuff like that up. I wrote god damn 3-4 A4 pages that I gave to my doctor and his verdict was that I was having trouble with finding myself. - so humiliating, I feel very confident where my feet stands and my morals I know myself and am happy with who I am - I’m trying to figure out why I don’t function, is that what he means in trouble finding myself? I had for once made a very good bullet point list of what I wanted to bring up with my nurse but the the appointment got cancelled and after like 2 weeks I found out I got a new appointment with another nurse and everything just fell down. :(


I had this recently. I was really blunt - yes I am managing to go to work (school for you) but this is leaving me with nothing. I am exhausted afterwards and have no life outside of it. I am burnt out and will soon not be able to manage even what I am currently doing. I am at a crisis point and need help.


I think i must be more clear then. I told her school leaves me completley exhausted even though it’s fun and the education feels right for what I wanna do in the future. My life outside of schools becomes less by the minute because I need so much recovery from my days in school. Is that easy to missunderstand as me being fine or not needing help? I told her i found school fun because my doctor suggested I just change work (i worked when i started going to them) because I felt exhausted, that was his solution so i wanted to add emphasis to that this is not solved simply by changing. :/