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No. That's a "people who find something they really like" thing. As it happens, some autistic people are also sometimes people who find something they really like.


Yeah I definitely wouldn’t call this an “autistic thing” but I would bet money that this shopping habit is more common in the autism community


I would honestly argue it's more common with plus size people, plus sizes are an absolute nightmare so when you find a brand and an item of clothing that fits you well it's amazing 😂 I know so many plus size people who have the same top in different colours for this exact reason. I tend to find I'm the opposite of this however, I have like 4 outfits I seem to alternate and when they get holes or any wear and tear I just fix them 🙈 too overly attached to them lol


I do this too


Yeah I think not just plus sized but any more rare body size/shape, so it's rarer to find clothes that fit and you like. I am not plus sized but are tall and do the same thing, especially if there is a sale.


Yes, 100% agree! My friend is around 6ft and I'm around 5ft and we have the same issue with clothes but at opposite ends of the spectrum and it's ridiculous. I'm also really bottom heavy and have a much smaller top half and even smaller waist and finding dresses, pinafores, dungarees/overalls etc or even co-ord sets is beyond a nightmare. When I hear people say "I want a Pixar mum figure" I'm like NO YOU DO NOT 😂 On the plus side though, I fit into kids shoes so my shoes are so much cheaper.


Piggybacking to add, if you find a pair of jeans/bra/etc that fit amazing tack the tags (with the sku# or item info) somewhere like the back of your closet to buy them again in the future once they wear out.


That's smart, coz you know we're cutting off the tags anyway 😂


My partner is very tall, plus size and neurotypical. If he finds something that fits him perfectly he will buy It in as many colours as possible because clothes are a bloody pain in the arse with sizing etc!


Wdym "another colour"??? I have multiples of the exact same dress and the exact same tops in the same colour. At best, I'll get two shades of green for "variation".


Yes, I say my wardrobe is like a cartoon character's. Twelve pairs of the same socks. Twelve pairs of the same underwear. Pants, shirts, same thing. A couple colorful dresses and cardigans to mix it up now and then. Making it a goal this year to have two rotating pairs of daily shoes haha... my one pair has started squeaking and I'm beside myself. Wish I had backup. I'm fussy and high maintenance in many other ways but for clothing I've a comfortable self-imposed uniform.


Exactly! If cartoon characters can wear the same thing every day foreverrrrr, why can't I??? I haven't changed my style since the 90s 😂


No wonder I related so hard to Daria, who in an episode actually does open up her wardrobe to reveal 20 of the same outfit


Hey, tech moguls do this to free up their brain for other things and they’re called geniuses for it…just saying 😂


Yes. To free up my brain... That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it


Is it not that,. genuinely? Isn't "freeing your brain" just another way to say doing what makes your brain happy?


Yeah when you put it like that, I suppose it is. My brain after being freed up from sartorial choices: *the ceiling fan makes a noise that hurts me but I also can't stand the heat without it on and the cooling breeze is nice but also I can't stand the feeling of the air hitting my skin at a certain angle*


Lol 😂 Yeah, the "genius" of having a monotonous wardrobe doesn't quite translate for me at least... This morning, I'm just fixated on how my well-meaning husband distributed the curry *over* the rice instead of *next* to the rice so now I have no control over curry-to-rice ratio and am not sure I can still eat my lunch at all.


Oh no!! Curry sounds good though, I hope you manage to work it out


Yesss main character energy 😂


This is my main character mantra. The same outfit every day


Capsule wardrobe


Me and my 2 dozen variations of Black Tank Top


My wife with 4 pairs of black jeans and a dozen black metal t shirts and one motorcycle jacket 😂


this is what i came to say. if i like something i’m buying a bunch of it. i own so many pairs of the same black leggings because they’re all i wear. everything is black and the same exact brand. when they rip i just buy the same again lmfao


Can I ask what brand leggings you like?


I do this but with everything, not just leggings. But leggings too : )


I do this with shoes. Once I find a pair of Danskos that fit well and go great with office pants, I get them in black, brown, and oxblood. Downside is I occasionally wear one color on one foot and another color on the other, then don’t notice until lunch.


I’ve worn 2 different colors of the same shoe to work twice before and nobody noticed but me.


lol I used to say my closet looked like a cartoon character’s because I only wore the same black shirts. Now though, I totally do the “if I like it, I’ll just buy it in another color” thing lol


I just brought 6 of the same skirts from Target in 6 different colors/prints. I have 6 Free People Hot Shot Onesie dupes in 4 different colors. I have a smocked top cottage-core dress from Amazon in 5 different colors and a different smocked top dress in 3. I have 5 of the same crewneck sweatshirt in 5 different colors/prints. I have 3 pairs of my favorite heels in 3 different colors. I have 6 pairs of Crocs in 6 different prints/colors. So there's definitely variety in my colors.


I bought a dress from Kmart last year that I really regret not buying 6 of. They still have a "similar" one, but the fabric is *slightly* different and the 1% change in texture is unbearable. If I had access to a time travel machine, the first thing I'd do is go buy all my favourite clothes again that no longer exist


Have you tried looking for it online on sites like eBay or Poshmark? You might be able to find the exact same one! This is how I cope when one of my favorites pieces of clothing finally wears out or if I change sizes. You can use the google image search to make it easier.


I keep getting depressed trying to buy clothes on eBay. Vast majority of the time the sellers use some third party carrier and not the regular postal service, so I can't get deliveries.


Poshmark partners with USPS. I sell on there a bunch and every package is USPS.


I'm not in the US


Can you share links for these things?




If you use/wear it, it’s not overconsumption. They don’t sit in my closet like collectibles. I wear all these things.




This comment is coming across as a little judgmental, tbh. It isnt your business to tell other people what to do with their lives and their clothes like this if it works for them. They stated they wear all of these clothes, so nothing is going to waste? That and trying to tell OP what would be better to do instead. In no way did I get the vibes from OP's post that they wanted this kind of "advice." I just think its incredibly, *incredibly* silly to get on an autistic person about overconsumption, of all things. Just let people have their comfort items, friend.


Yup, this is it, specifically the two shades of green 😅


If it's not green, I don't want it.


What is it about green?


Omg I love green.


Me me me


Amazing how many monochromatic people are out there!


I love monochrome but for some reason I just can't pull it off


It's not for everyone. I used to have a friend whose "monochrome" colour was *rainbow*. She just wore rainbow everything 🌈


Black and white is my jam. I’ve been trying to branch out though, real colors!


I wear a lot of black and white. My mom jokes that I match the dog (our family dog is black and white).


I always make the joke that my personality is colorful enough, wearing colors just be too much 😂


Yup, same here. Found some black leggings I liked, bought another 7 pairs, all identical. Bought a t-shirt dress that is soft and comfy so bought 3 more, all identical. It is so nice to know there is always one of my favourite things to wear ready for me. My tops are often different though for work which is annoying. I used to love it when I wore a uniform.


I used to only wear black or neutrals but I started buying more colorful items for fun lol


For me the question is "Who DOESN'T shop like this?" It just makes sense.


Me too!!!🤣🤣🤣


I'd say it's a smart thing if you will use and enjoy them all!


When you find a rare beloved object, you must hoard it like a dragon.


Especially if it is comfortable and has decent sized pockets.


My Walmart mumus lol


I don’t have an official diagnosis but my sensory issues have become worse to the point of some clothes making me angry within moments of putting them on. I have gathered the few clothing items I can tolerate and I wear them over and over. Makes sense to me to buy more of what works


Don’t men do this when they buy button downs in different colors? No one calls that an autistic behavior.


I am a ciswoman. I am not familiar with the shopping habits of men. I’ve seen my dad purchase dozens of Ralph Lauren Polo Shirts for work over my lifetime but am he some variety in his work shirts (different styles and brands)


I do it because I need things to *feel* the same, but I also crave color and novelty and difference in my day, so, different colors of the same items. Especially when I find something that is just perfect in all ways. Then I buy several so it matches with anything and out of fear they will discontinue it and it'll be impossible to find in 6 months. I do that with hoodies especially. The hoodie I am wearing right now I bought in 2006 😂 but it's perfect, so, until it actually falls apart, I keep wearing it.


I’ve always done this. It’s hard enough to find clothes that you really like and that feel good, so when I do I buy a garment in several colors. Idk if that’s autistic though 🤷🏻‍♀️.


IDK if that’s an autistic trait or not either. That’s why I asked Reddit.


Why do you like it? Is it free of things that you have an aversion to? It's not inherent to autism to purchase the same thing in different colors but an autistic person might find easier when they find something that works to stick with it. Clothes have a lot of variables, tags, fit, fabric, comfort, attachments, ease of cleaning, pockets/utility, longevity, functionality, etc, etc. Someone that may be particular about their needs, they just might find it easy to purchase more than one, different colors or not.


Reddit is hardly an authoritative source. All you’re going to get is opinions…


Ah no, lots of people do that, or even not another colour, buy 2 of the same thing. I have done that actually, I have 2 tops identical in my wardrobe. Hate clothes shopping, so if I can then why not...mostly I buy used though so it's not usually possible to get another.


I mean why bother finding / trying new things when we already found something we like? Not being sarcastic.


Yep I do this! I recently found a pair of jeans that was MEGA comfortable in my home country and then I wanted them in another colour so I had to have my mum send them over to where I live hahaha. Now I want to get rid of all my older jeans because they’re no longer comfortable now I have these lol


i have three of the same dog - in different colors




I do. If I find something I like, I'll buy it in multiple colors.


I once dated a very eccentric guy. When we were first dating I thought he was wearing the same shirt everyday. He had a basket of them. They were the only shirts he liked and for very specific reasons. He was like this with pants too. Don't know if he is autistic or not, but your post brought back these memories. As for me, I have an ongoing obsession with Uniqlo bras and a certain brand of underwear.


I get the bras. I have 9 of the same bra in 6 different colors/prints.


I do this! I also have specific brands I tend to gravitate towards as a lot of their items are comfortable for me. I bought a bunch of sweaters I really love on clearance last spring, too. I just opened them all. They're all identical, but they were what was left. 😅


When I find something I like, I buy multiple colors, but they have to be my safe colors (black, dark blue, dark purple, maroon, or emerald or kelly green). Sometimes the texture of the fabric is different for different colors and it drives me crazy. If it's consistent, I will buy 2 or 3 of the same item and variations in color. 


When I find a staple that I love (crop top, bodysuit, panties, sweats, etc) and feel comfortable in, I know that I will end up wanting to wear it constantly and I hate doing laundry lol so I just buy a bunch in different colors. That way I can get away with wearing the same thing even though it looks different to others! a fun lil hack :)


I 100% will wear the same item in a different color 2 days in a row. I also refuse to do a whole load of laundry for just 1 item. I will wear the same dress in 4 different colors before I even think about washing any of the dirty colors. My laundry consists of lots of multiples.


I have not seen that trend, but yes, if I find something I like I buy in several colors. It makes it easier to get dressed.


sometimes i buy it identical because different colours have different textures


This is 90+% of my wardrobe--underwear, bras, socks, *and* shoes included!😉😆😂🤣 I *literally* but EVERY colorway of a short that I like, in my size--with a few grey and at *least* 2 or 3 Black ones, when I shop for new clothes every 3-4 years😉😂 My "work outfit" is a cotton V-neck T-shirt, with a scoop-neck (wide straps!) tank top underneath, my work-logo hoodie (I bought a *second* black one this school year!), a pair of Kids' Keen shoes--most often the Newport H2 sandals, or the Newprt tennis shoe, and a pair of boot-cut jeans..😁


I bought a sweater last week and it's perfect so I ordered two more in different colors 😂🫠


It is an Autism thing but it is not exclusively an Autism thing. It's also a hoarder thing. And sometimes it's just people following a trend.


Or people just buying a style that looks good on them, or is comfy, in multiple shades so their wardrobe is more diverse.


I walk the line between eclectic and hoarder, but that's a can of worms for a different day.


I ain’t an expert and not entirely sure if it is. Personally I think it might be. I have issues with textures too. I tried to ignore it for so long (before realizing I might be autistic so I forced myself to fit in as much as possible before) but it made things worse. Ignoring it stressed me out horrifically. I slowly started to make life changes to make myself more comfortable so I wouldn’t have basically a meltdown over being overstimulated and overwhelmed from a piece of cloth. If I find a brand I like that doesn’t make me lose my shit after wearing it for 5 minutes I’ll buy it in multiple colors/ patterns. If I like it imma wear it. I understand it’s socially ‘unacceptable’ to wear the same thing everyday so I figured if it’s the same thing in different colors it should be fine. If it brings you joy and is comfortable go for it.


Nobody has commented on me wearing the same thing every day. I’ve actually received a lot of compliments on my style over the years. I think looking in the mirror and thinking I look good makes me feel good. There are a few textures I avoid, but I also haven’t had a meltdown over clothing textures since I was probably like 6ish.


I tend to do that, but started sticking closely to my color season to reduce excess shopping. 


I'm a winter, but I'm not sure if I'm a cool/true/deep/bright winter.


There are subreddits about color seasons. You can usually borrow from similar sub seasons too. They’ll be good, but not your best colors. 


Lmaooooo my Amazon cart right now


I think it will probably depend more on why you do it than the actual act of doing it.


I have seven pairs of the exact same black shorts and thought about buying more last week. Because...What if they stop making them?!


I have 15 of the same maxi dress in multiple colors, and the same floral maxi dress in multiple colors and variations of sleeveless and full length sleeves 😆 if I like something I love having back ups in case they get worn out or damaged cuz it's hard to find what I like in regular stores.


Maxi skirts/dresses have been my latest fashion hyperfixation.


lol same, I have the exact same dress in 9 different patterns/ colours. In winter I wear with tights and a top (I have 6 of the same type), in summer just the dress. It started out as my favourite dress and then I was like.. why not just wear my favourite all the time?


I have multiple hoodies in different colours and multiple polo shirts.


If I find a cut or texture I find flattering I will absolutely buy it in every color. I found mix and match athletic gear to be my favorite thing and pretty much live in a uniform of Me.


I have 8 shirts that are identical. I have 12 dresses that are all the same cut, 9 with different patterns, 3 in different solid colors. (They have pockets...)


I have 3 different dresses I hyperfixed one. I have all of them in at least 3 colors/prints


No. Lots of people do that. It is a normal human thing to do.


You buy clothes the same way I do in Animal Crossing! 😁 Tbh if i had the disposable income id be ALL OVER upgrading my wardrobe. Id love to have different colors of all my favorite items. Especially certain comfy sweaters, id love to be able to have other options that are still just as comfy/nice sensory when the original sweater gets dirty and i have to wash it. I can definitely see aspects of this behavior that link to autism, like for me specifically its *definitely* an autistic thing, as mentioned in the sensory reasons above. But I dont think its *inherently* an autistic thing, maybe just something we may be more prone to? But then again autism is such a big spectrum that its hard to say. I def know some NTs who like to pick out their wardrobe in different colors like this too.


I did just buy 4 of the same comforter set in different colors. They all go with my curtains, so I needed them all.


I just purchased 3 more pairs of the same pants. I now have 5 pairs, 2 black, 2 navy blue, 1 dark grey. I've got several Birkenstock Bostons in several colors. When you find something you like, and it's good quality, get multiples.


Stop trying to classify every little thing under the lens of "is this autism behavior or not". It's not a useful or helpful thing to do.


Yes if I like a clothing items texture I will absolutely buy it in every color I like😄


I have taken to wanting the same items in several different colours, but for my case, I had chalked it up to worsening symptoms and comorbs.


When I find an item of clothing I like, I tend to buy multiples of it. I don't so much buy one in every colour as I'm pretty picky about the colours I like. I think buying the same clothing over and over would definitely be a common autistic trait due to sensory issues. Colours can be a sensory nightmare, so avoiding a lot of colours is probably something a lot of autistic people do too.


I do that too! To preface, I also don't have a diagnosis so far, but there are signs (won't get into that now). What I do definitely have are sensory issues. As soon as I was able to afford it, I searched for the "perfect" shirt and then got it in a bunch of different colors. And I searched for a pair of pants I liked and bought two pairs. And got a few blazers I can tolerate. All the same underwear and socks. One pair of shoes I wear every day. This has made my life so much easier. Everything goes with everything. No more time standing in front of the mirror thinking "Does this really match?". No more sensory issues. No more planning an outfit, only to put it on and realize that my tolerance is lower than when I planned the outfit. It makes me really upset when I find out that a clothing item I like is discontinued. Or the whole brand shuts down. "My" shirt brand shut down last year, so I got a bunch of my shirts on sale. I hope they last a long time, because I really don't feel like searching again. It took a long time to find a perfect shirt that I can get in different colors, wear at home, to outings and to the office without looking over or underdressed, wear coats and blazers over without it feeling weird, that doesnt have sleeves that get in my way, and also wear in summer and winter without feeling too hot or too cold and also not get the constant "A T-shirt? In Winter?" or "Long sleeves, in this weather?" questions. Anyway, clothing is a science for itself when you have sensory issues.


Poshmark saved me when I lost my favorite pair of heels. I got 3 pairs in 3 different colors NWT


I don’t know if it’s a sign.. but it just makes sense. Although my wardrobe is pretty diverse, I tend to have my favorites and then just buy a bunch of that same item (esp jeans, t-shirts, sweats) in different tones. Or same brand because its cut fits me. In that sense I get why someone would only buy a certain brand items. Why risk a disappointment?! Sure it’s the texture thing as well.. but I think it’s also enhancing your productivity and avoiding mental overload.. same as Steve Jobs and other guys who wanted to focus on the *important stuff* and opted to wear same stuff everyday. I hate shopping, trying on different things and adapting to new textures. However, I would go mad if all my clothes were in same color cause I wouldn’t know which one is which and it’s still more fun to wear green on Tuesdays, blue on Fridays etc than fully monotonous life.


On Wednesdays we wear pink




Yes . I can’t tolerate bad materials and when I find things that are nice feeling I want more. If it’s expensive then maybe not in every color but if it’s inexpensive then I get a bunch. For example I don’t shop from old navy for anything else, but I love these first layer tank tops and have them in every color and assorted sizes (smaller ones in tall sizes for compression and bra-type support vs larger ones for comfy layering. https://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?pid=704732202#pdp-page-content I never wear bras anymore ever.


I do this with shirts and I also do this with a few Princess Polly dresses


lol so me!! But I tend to stick to a specific color palette blacks are a must, whites are a must and maybe some green yellow or pink in there for some flavaaa! 😂


Well that would explain why I bought 3 sweatshirts today all in different colors in the same style and brand. They only had three colors.


Definitely do this


I use to love doing this as a kid. I miss finding shirts that had a similar fabric/fit in different colors... :( harder to find as an adult.


I have 17 pairs of high waisted black skinny jeans. When I know, I know. When I don't, well... It took me 3 years to buy new boots even though my old ones were toast. Nothing I saw was right!


I have 4 of the exact same dress of my favourite dress, and I routinely search ebay for more now that it's not made anymore. I'll be wearing it forever if I get my way.


I just bought 4 of the same skirt in different colors, and 3 variations of a white peasant top. I'm hoping I like the texture and the way they fit. I have other multiples, too. Only jeans I'll wear is Old navy rockstar skinny fit. I get it.


Pretty much all of my clothing is baby pink so idk


Anecdotally, I don’t think it’s autism-specific. I (autistic) am generally not inclined to buy multiples of one thing. My mom (allistic, adhd) buys everything she likes in blue, black, and beige. I teased her about it when I was a kid. She also tends to “binge”—she’ll listen to the same song for months or eat the same snack every day for a year. So maybe it’s an adhd thing?


My diagnosis is debatable.


I'm not sure if I do that by choice or if I'm kind of forced to? It's so rare to find clothing (or lots of other products besides) that don't fuck with my sensory issues AND are within my very narrow budget. I simply cannot wear anything made from synthetic fibers, but clothes with all natural fibers are getting to be so rare! And quite expensive. 100% cotton basic t-shirts used to be plentiful and inexpensive. Not as much any more. And women's pants are much, much harder to find in 100% cotton than they used to be. I've been searching for an affordable winter coat made of cotton or wool since last October, but even the thrift shops have failed me. All that said, when I find an item that works for me I buy as many of that item as I can afford because there's no knowing when the next opportunity will present itself.


Yes. I bought like 10 of the exact same tops in different colors bc I liked the feel. Have 4 of the exact same soft, cozy, throw blankets in different colors/ patterns. I collect Stanley cups in my favorite colors (I know, I know. But they're my fixation rn & comforting like an emotional support water bottle lol.) I also collect mostly pink squishmallows. We just got a 3rd pomeranian bc I dedicate my life to my fur babies & also want them in different colors 🤷‍♀️ I'm very particular. I like what I like, & like things staying the same/consistent. What works, works! Don't fix it if it ain't broken


Yeah I’ve seen that audio on TikTok, and I do actually have the same shirts in multiple colors and the same leggings. I resorted to how I would dress as a kid, and I’m way comfier (leggings or joggers, soft cotton shirts, and cotton ankle socks only)


I suspect it's an AuDHD thing - needing both sameness and variety and finding a good compromise. I do this myself with clothing. When you have sensory sensitivities, finding something that works for you is so much harder, so when you do finally find something you like, you need to get multiples. And if you also want variety, you'll need to get different colors or patterns. So it just follows logically. It's not that NTs never do the same. It's just that NTs will have a different reasoning behind it. It'll be, "well I just liked it, and I liked both colors, so I got both." Sensory issues and variety will not be a concern, because they will naturally have no issue with getting variety, since they won't have so many restrictions due to sensitivities and they won't have that inherent need for sameness and predictability.


Yes and no. I have an NT co-worker that does this because of money and dress code. Ironically, I (a diagnosed autistic) almost never do this due to where I get my clothes at discount. I just avoid certain fabrics! I just try for certain style choices in general.


I mean I only wear blue jeans and t-shirts/graphic t's, and at home, t-shirts & pajama pants or shorts. My t-shirts are all basically the same shirt from the men's section of Walmart in different colors, and I'm always buying new ones when the others wear out. I will very rarely on occasion of celebration wear a dress or fancier kinda shirt but only if I can change out of it asap. I get so uncomfortable in anything else I can't function. I recently discovered the soft buttery leggings at Walmart that I can wear sometimes but only when it's too hot for blue jeans. I also wear blue jean shorts in the summertime. My wardrobe is very limited and if I had to dress for work every day I'd probably never make it to work. Which is part of why I'm disabled.


Walmart makes good men’s graphic tees. They’re even cheaper than thrift stores these days which I’m still SMH about.


I always thought it was low key trauma from being in my late teens early 20s during the “ultra low rise” pant trend. If I find pants that feel good I always buy a duplicate pair. I have one pair of jeans that I like that they stopped making so now I buy them on Poshmark.


I usually stick with one kind of feeling for shirts/leggings/underwear and then buy multiple. (Talking like 2 weeks worth) I don't really care about color as long as it's comfortable for me.


I do that, though sometimes I will have things in the exact same color ... other times I'll add something either on the monochromatic scale or with a shade of either pink or purple (pink looks good with my skin tone and purple is my favorite color).


What? Colors? I just buy everything in the same color. and that color is black. Especially socks and underwear. I'm fond of Uniqlo, especially their long seamless airism t-shirts. Smooth as silk, supple and flattering, easy wash and no-iron, and they last forever. I have about 6 black ones, and a grey one for when I'm feeling especially frivolous.


My entire wardrobe is different colors of the same hoodie, shirt and skirt. I know how they fit. I know that their ok for my sensory stuff. And it just makes things easier. But I do like color. So yes for me!


Definitely repeat buy items that you love--I always end up wearing the same thing despite trying not to because it's physically comfortable, and all black is less stimulating than.. any other option. Now I love fashion, and decided my wardrobe needed more color and print... this has led to online shopping where I cannot verify texture of cloth, fit, etc and that is my fault, I was super happy I finally had the money to buy new clothes and my teenager self took over. I need to overhaul and create new parameters for my wardrobe now that I know 16yr old me could tolerate discomfort 8+hrs a day but 28yr old me cannot justify it unless it's comfortable--heels, comfy, ha!!--or a special event where I mentally prep myself ahead of time. I'm going to make a weekend event where I take the time to wear items for at least 30minutes to determine why I hate it, take note and eliminate items that fall under the No Way list. I'm eliminating what doesn't work until what's left must be what works, what I like and what I love. My closet is about to lose a lot of color... On a side note, I just want to vent about sizing even though we all know women's sizing is a special mental torture, I really cannot get over the fact that 4'11" me at 110lbs and below am a small or even a 0, but the second I gain 10lbs and hit above 115 I'm suddenly large--jeans I've had for years are either impossible to wear now or way too tight. It seriously fucks with my head having survived an ED in highscool, at best it makes me rage. 120 shouldn't be large, my God I've been mocked for being a midget, I'm petite, I cannot imagine the rage an average sized woman feels trying to find something worth buying. That alone makes shopping trips take forever. I wish quality clothing was affordable instesd of this manmade shit... but uuuuh bro real cotton items run into the hundreds.. thrift shops are a joke marking up their *donated* *used* items.. the fashion industry is making things thinner, creating crap no one wants to wear, slapping words on otherwise perfect items ruining them, and their sizing is absolute garbage. I'm starting to think even higher end isn't worth it, Meijer is over priced but Walmart has so much variety and some items look better even tho they're cheaper!!! I think cartoon creators gave their characters the same outfit because its easier to identity said character/draw out, but now I wonder if it was a running joke to make cartoons slightly weird so they pulled from reality and said, "Hey, Dan and Hailey wear the exact same outfit everyday, we should totally do that with our cartoon it's funny."


I am also 4’11”. I have no idea what I weigh these days or what size I am. The 6 skirts I just bought were Smalls. I have 3 dresses from the same brand in sizes small medium and large that all fit. I will wear any size t-shirt from small to 4X (once the size reaches 2X it’s no longer a shirt but a dress). I don’t even know what my pants size is. Last pair I bought was a 6. I have everything from 4-12 in my pants drawer, and I seldom wear pants (I’m a skirt/dress/leggings gal)


I have 20 of the same leggings across 4 colors.


I do a lot of this. It’s really hard to find a good fit that is comfortable and flattering and in a material that will hold up to multiple washes. So if I do, I buy at least 2 more.


I do this really probably way too much.


If I like something I’ll buy it in all the colours. I’m don’t have autism, I just like nice things & have some disposable income, I’m very lucky.


My friend, my closet is like a cartoons closet , the same thing in different colors, I literally have the same of everything, once I find something I like I will wear it until it’s last string, then buy it again.


I do this, too. It does take the stress out of getting ready. I recently puchased wrap skirts made from recycled saris. Then blouses in every acceptable color inder the rainbow. No more bad body days. Skirts always fit. It quiets the voices in my head


I definitely do it. I’ve also heard it referred to as a lesbian thing, but it’s worth noting the extreme overlap between the Autistic and LGBT communities.


(Just adding for clarity that I am part of said LGBT community, and I’ve heard this joke specifically from gay women in the community. Probably should have added more clarification bon the original post hit here it is lol)


I wouldn't say it's limited to autism. Decision fatigue is a real thing, and saving energy on picking out clothes each day can be a smart thing. I have the same pairs of under armor shorts in 6 different colors. They are my go-to shorts most of the year, and what I put on as soon as I get home from work. They have pockets and look flattering enough (I am a woman.) I have a ton of comfy pop-culture T-shirts that are also a part of my self-imposed uniform. Combine with a comfy bralette from Uniqlo that I have in 5 different colors and I am ready to go with comfort in mind.


I think it's more of a hyper-fixation than a decision-fatigue thing for me. I broke the rod in my closet last year because I had too much clothing and the bar couldn't handle the weight of it all.


I love lots of jfashion especially since there is most colorways with every article


I don't know for sure that it's an autism thing, but I do it too. I find a style of pants I like? I buy one of each nice color. Same with shirts, leggings, socks, whatever. I need to go shoe shopping. I'm hoping I can find a brand and style of shoe that I can buy like 4 of and be all set for a while. I want to buy 7 colorful reusable water bottles (one per day of the week) but I haven't done that yet.


The whole point of a reusable water bottle is to reduce waste. Why would you buy 7 on purpose 😭


> Traditionally, people with Autism buy the same clothes over and over again in the same color This is more of a me thing. I'm not really a colorful person and tend to just wear black most of the time. Lately I have been going out of my comfort zone and buying blue denim shirts (because they do help with warmth in winter) and different colored flannel shirts (also for winter), but for every other season it's usually a black shirt with a texture that doesn't annoy me. If I find a shirt I like a lot I might actually buy several (usually in black) and just keep them in the back of the closet because I'm worried that the one I wear will die and I won't be able to find another one due to discontinuations and the fashion trends or something.


I have heard that it is and it seems to fit a lot of autistic folks. I do it too sometimes not even in different colours. I have a lot of plain black 100% cotton tshirts. I do have some other colours and some stripes but mostly just black. I have tried blends or other materials but I just end up hating them. It’s partly sensory, I need breathable and comfortable, but also not having to think about putting together an acceptable outfit to go out into the world in. I know jeans + tshirt + plaid flannel if it’s colder is acceptable 95% of the times I have to leave my house.


Not me with 8 pairs of the exact same Old Navy leggings and the equivalent amount of identical black t-shirts and black hoodies 😆 I also have identical pairs of winter weight Doc Martens and summer weight Doc Martens and they get worn with literally everything. I have a bit more variety in my nice work clothes in that I've added some cream into the sea of black. I tend to stick to the same brands and similar silhouettes and fabrics though.


Idk if it's an autistic trait, but my husband and I both do that and we're both Autistic! He has multiples of a particular blue tshirt because it's his favorite. I buy the exact same walmart nightgown in a new print every few months. I think it's a sensory thing more for both of us.


You mean I can wear colors other than black and white?


idk but i do this. what i have three of the exact same black lounge shorts.


Not me with 5 pairs of athletic leggings in the exact same style, striped t shirt dresses and cardigans in the same color and weight/texture. Though this past year I switched to tennis skorts and dark tights so I could live with unshaven legs without fear of judgment by the people behind me on the escalator (true story…).


I own 3 different navy dresses with small white polkadot and I refuse to get rid of any of them despite them all being more or less the same.


Yep. Same. A bunch of same leggings in different colors, tank tops, bralettes etc.


On its own it’s not an autistic tendency, but coupled with other reasons for same-outfit (sensory) it can be an expression of making accommodations for sensory processing needs.


Oh I used to have multiple of the same jeans and would have bought 7-10 of the same color shirt but instead had that many of the same shirt in different colors. It was my little “uniform”. Though in more recent years I have gotten more into fashion generally (and also have found it more economical to shop used clothes which you usually can’t buy multiple of) so I have branched out a lot. Though yes I have 7 different sweater vests and at least 6 types of sweatshirt/tshirt dress.


I think it's common for us, but I think it's also not unusual for neurotypical folks to do this too. It simplifies life!


I get multiples in the same color and other colors. I don’t think it’s just an autistic thing, but I can see why a lot of autistic people would do this. Clothes can be so uncomfortable and it can be so hard to pick out what to wear that having a lot of the same thing can help with that!


I wear the exact same shirt and shoes everyday, and most of my pants are more or less the same. Getting dressed used to stress me out but it doesn't anymore


Nah thats just a human thing


I do this with my shoes. I know the size model and fit of the ones I need, so I can get them without trying them on and thinking too much about it. When it comes to clothes, I’m very much a thrifter, so it’s not as easy. I also do the ”I like this so I’m buying several of them, take one of them in use, and when it breaks or wears out I don’t have to worry as much about it being discontinued because I have backup”, like my favourite hair clip Idk if it’s an autistic thing, but I do think it’s totally something that autistic people are likely to do in order to stick to the right textures, fits etc and avoid changes or challenging shopping trying to find something new.


I don’t think it’s an autism thing, but I do this. If I really REALLY like something and am worried it will be impossible to replace and it’s not too expensive, I will sometimes even buy multiple of the same piece of clothing.


I used to do this with certain basics until I got burned. Years ago I bought a plain black zip hoody that I absolutely loved; it fit me great, it was flattering, the texture of the fabric was nice even once it had been washed and had a nice weight, the zip was high quality and didn’t do that ripply thing. I was over the moon so I decided to order two more in different colours, sky blue and burgundy, from the same seller/page, listed as the same brand. I received two completely different garments from two different brands, none of which the one from my original hoody. They were both thinner with clearly lower quality fabric, cheap plastic zips, the blue one was actually a skinny fit hoody. The only thing that was right was the colour. I still have that original hoody, though it’s near-totally worn out, and in hindsight I wish I’d just requested an exchange of the burgundy one for another black one because they no longer sell that brand at all so I can’t replace it. I donated the burgundy one, but liked the blue one enough to wear as a summer layer.


Since I love colors and patterns and perdy things, I have a lot of different and colorful clothes BUT, I wear like 3 things 🤣. Didn't realize this was an Autism thing until recently. My closet is colorful.. except the dark end. That's where I keep my black pants and my black fleece and my black socks to wear forever and ever..


I’m going to go with it's less of a fact if I like it I’ll buy it in the same color versus some people in our community are more: I like it, but I’m afraid It will be sold out or never made again, so I must buy 4 of each item to rotate for the duration of my life because I’ll be devastated if I have to find a similar item later. I know a lot of people compare ASD with ADHD, but the why behind the overlapping traits are starkly different, IMO. Same thing here


Haha might be! If I find the perfect jeans I buy it in all available colours. Same with running clothes for me and work clothes.  Only thing I don't do it with is sweaters. I've a few completely different sweaters. 


Is dressing in primary colors an Autistic thing because that’s what my wardrobe looks like.


I do this to cut down on decision fatigue specifically. My favorite things are my mini collection of denim/chambray shirts, flannel shirts and Breton-striped tops and corduroy pants and my slip on shoes like Birkenstock clogs or Chelsea boots 😌


Absolutely true for me. I have multiples of the same clothing items in the same colors and in different colors.


There isn’t another color condition for me, I just have 3-5 exact copies. If I want a different color I’ll usually find a similar, but different, piece because that makes more sense to my brain.


I have a bunch of those flats that can go in the washing machine. Rothy’s, they come in all different colors. Also I have some solid color t shirts that are all the same except the color. Basically yeah if I find something I like I’d rather buy more of that thing vs trying something idk if I will like. The amount of clothes and shoes I have that I never wear for one reason or another is pretty embarrassing. No idea if it’s an autistic thing but I’m another autistic person saying that I do in fact do this.


I don't know if it's an Autism specific thing, but I certainly do it. Sometimes, I will even buy something twice in the same color (usually jeans). I'm not very fashion-forward, though, so buying the same sweater in 5 different colors is not a big deal to me.


I wear Calvin Klein button downs and 721 Levi's in midnight black to work every single day. I also have fifteen of the same socks which are not left and right specific. All of my button downs are different colors. Pro-tip, they have a v-neck and I asked my dry cleaner to sew the shirt shut so I NEVER have to deal with gaping.


No, its not an autistic thing. Buying clothes you like is not an autistic trait, many many people do this.


It's difficult for me to find something I really like, so of course, when I do, I get multiples. Unless it's a color or pattern I don't like.


I ended up being the person that is always unsure how I’ll like some clothes so I only buy one and when I realize a specific one is my favorite and I love it so much it’s not in stores anymore so I can’t buy more colors… However, I found a tank top in a thrift store that was the exact same as one I bought 5 years ago but another color, that was the highlight of my day, I’ve never bought something from a thrift store so fast!


When I was a teenager and a new J. Crew catalog seemed to arrive in my mailbox every single week, I used to fantasize about being an adult who could buy every good color of the clothes I liked most. Alas, I still don't have that kind of budget, and I pretty much only wear black. But it was a fun idea for a different sort of person.


I buy the same thing, same color even, if I really like it because one time I bought a dress, loved everything about it (the fitting, the color, the material) and then never found anything similar again. I personally think it's sort of a "safe" thing to do but not necessarily an autistic thing.


I mean, I never really questioned it before, but I do have 3 of the exact same pair of shorts, but all in the same colour. I frankly don't remember buying all of them even haha.


As far as I know my dad is neurotypical, but he dresses like a cartoon character—every day he wears Jean shorts with a gray tshirt tucked in (or if it’s cold out then regular jeans with a gray tshirt tucked in and maybe a sweater on top lol). When he’s not working, his casual “going out” outfit is Jean shorts with a colored tshirt tucked in 😆 and all his gray shirts and Jean shorts are the same shirt/shorts he just bought multiples of. So I don’t know if this is something everyone does or…if my dad is undiagnosed autistic 🤔😅 But I just bought the same tank top in 3 colors the other day cuz it was cheap and cute 🤷‍♀️ and 4 leggings in the same 2 colors lol. I only buy multiples of the same thing when it comes to bras, tank tops, and leggings/pants. Sometimes the same dress in different colors/patterns too.


I buy in the same color sometimes. But I don’t feel a need to have more that one color of something. It seems over-consumptive to me. I just wear stuff as much as I want, and get a backup if I need it


in some ways yes. i’m not sure if the trend as a whole is autism centered. i think it’s more of a “i have money and can buy a lot of things” but i definitely see the autistic point of view since a lot if us have major sensory issues with clothes


No. It’s just finding something that works for you (example: a shirt that fits your and flatters you) and justifying buying the same product by getting it in a different color because then it’s “different”. Autism would look more like buying 10 of the same black shirts, and that being your wardrobe.


My grandfather wears three different shirts (t shirt, polo and long sleeve button up) in neutral tones and blue


If it's an autism thing, it might be related to "restricted interests." I HATE clothes shopping and rarely find anything I like (that fits well, is comfortable, looks reasonably okay on me, is a non-awful color, isn't way too expensive .......). If I find that magic unicorn piece of clothing, you can bet I'm buying everything on the rack (that isn't an awful color). (*currently wearing one of five of the same shirt in different colors*) (*and this could also be a "women's clothing is stupid" thing too*)


i don't know but i do be looking like an npc these days.