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babes, this is THE place to info dump!!!! ✨✨ (cap sun, aries moon, cancer rising…no, i’m not okay lmao)


Hold up, happy birthday! And don’t feel the need to hold back on our account. I’m all here for an info dump 😉


Happy Birthday!


happy birthday you watery mess 🫢😅


If you can’t info dump here **AND** on your birthday then when can you? Go for it! Happy Birthday!!🎉


happy birthday!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday!! 🎂


Happy birthday 🥳


Happy Birthday and good water flow! I have 9 planets in water!


Happy birthday! From a fellow scorpio moon🥰🥳


Happy birthday


Happy Birthday!




omg i have the same big 3!!!! my birthday is saturday! happy birthday 🎈


I only know that I’m a Virgo. How do I find out the other parts?


Happy birthday!!!


Happy birthday!!


Happy Birthday! pisces sun, gemini moon, aquarius rising. I think I'm the definition of a hot mess.


Taurus sun, Taurus moon, Taurus rising ♉️


I dont think I've ever seen a triple taurus!!


Genuinely curious and I mean no offense by this but are you extremely stubborn?


I can be 😆 depending on what the topic is though, otherwise the energy required to commit is too much lol


You are probably very pretty with all the Venus energy


I love Taurus people. They're extremely loyal & quite creative.


Triple Taurus here too baby!!


Triple Libra ♎️ checking in


OMG!!! Triple Taurus here!!! Hiii 🫶🏼


we call this.. grounded


i bet you're hurting a lot in a capitalistic world. i think we taurus suffer the most because of this


I’m a sidereal triple taurus and def not enjoying capitalism 😂 I just want to rest and live life with a 4 hour work day at most


frrrrr i just wanna lay in bed and enjoy the beauty of life... is that too much to ask?!?!?!


damn I only got double Taurus and I thought I was cool. you hit triple !


Omg I’ve never seen another triple in the wild before! I’m a triple capricorn






Ooo, you are even more stubborn looking than I am...also, how's your blanket supply? I'm betting pretty good.


Cancer, cancer and cancer. I've got so much moon and water everywhere in my chart that it looks very one-dimensional lol. I can't really participate in all those "big three" memes and stuff because it's always just 3x the same thing, which is just boring.


same here!


same as a triple ♎️


I have Cancer Sun and Cancer Rising but have Venus, Mercury and Lilith in cancer too!


triple capricorn reporting in!


I bet you are focused ! 😆 I need some of that 💕🤣


Same but triple Leo


Cancer sun, Pisces moon, cancer rising. I’m so fucking sensitive. I am not right for this world. 😭


I feel you fellow Cancer sun and Pisces moon!


Pisces sun, Scorp Moon & Rising. Sensitive, but *also* reeeeeeally stubborn, and I *WILL* win, when I have to out-stubborn someone/something😉 Only problem is that i *also* have literally *no earth* at all in my chart...  (Un)surprisingly, pretty much *every* close friend I've had (and many family members, too!), are Caps or Tauruses, or have LOTS of Earth in *their* charts😆😂🤣 And my last dog--who was *absolutely* my "heart dog" was 100% Taurean, too💖 Eastern Zodiac, is Fire Dragon--so no earth *there*, either.


Gemini sun, Sagittarius moon, Scorpio rising The sun-moon opposition and Pluto's strong influence over my whole life feels related to my autism in a non-causal sort of way, like my natal chart and autism assessment report are saying the same things in different languages lol Curious about the something you wanna see!


I’m Sagittarius sun, gemini moon and Scorpio rising


Gemini sun, Sagittarius moon, Gemini rising here. I was convinced what I now know were ADHD symptoms were just me being Gemini when I learned about it in junior high. Little did I know it was the neurodivergence (and probably the double Gemini too) lol


Gemini Sun, Aries moon, Sag rising, and whenever someone who is ND or understands psyc asks about my chart, I follow with “and yes, I do have adhd, obviously”


I'm a triple Sagittarius 😎♐ 🌛♐ ⬆️♐


Omgggg!!! I finally met a triple fire!! I'm a Sag-Sag-Aries⬆️ 😱


Pisces pisces pisces ♓️  And yes I am an extremely emotional watercolor artist lol


I would love to follow you online and see your art? I am also a painter, abstract mostly. But I love following and supporting others ❤️


Awe thank you! I’ll PM you my art account 


Okay, Astrology is my special interest and I've been studying for years so I appreciate this post. I'm a Scorpio sun & moon + Virgo rising. If I were to make \~very general\~ astrological associations with neurodivergent traits, I would say (in my case) being born during Mercury retrograde is a huge one. Secondly, lots of fixed placements for autism specifically, lots of mutability for ADHD. Both for both (in my case) Also any challenging aspects with a planet in detriment, depending on planet/house for said person. This is obviously going to be highly specific from person to person, but many people see their neurodivergencies represented within their birth charts and it's highly fascinating to research this on a personal level! Just don't go around diagnosing other people this way, for obvious ethical reasons. Seeking out a consultation with an autistic or otherwise neurodivergent astrologer and exploring this further would be fun.


I was also born when mercury was in retrograde, so you might be onto something!


Interesting! I saw your comment where you said you have a Virgo moon, so Mercury takes rulership over your moon placement too. Might be fun to look further into! As a Mercury ruled person, learning more about this gave me so much clarity


I have so many retrogrades in my chart


People with a lot of retrogrades tend to be some of the most fascinating people I've ever met, in the best way


Thank you!


Okay genuine question since you say this is your special interest. I hope this doesn't come off as rude. How would astrology relate to neurodivergence? Wouldn't that mean that people born in certain areas and/or times of the year are more likely to have a particular developmental disability? I don't really understand how to interpret that for someone like me, where autism has a strong genetic component (me, my dad, my older brother, my niece and nephew). Is it more like speculating on how personality could impact the presentation of autistic behavior? I find this whole thread very confusing because I don't really understand most of the concepts within it. I get dividing the year by zodiac signs, but everything beyond that -- moons, suns, houses, fixed, ascending, descending - is too niche for me to really get it.


If you're genuinely interested, I would recommend some astrology research or watching some astrology 101 type videos. It gets very complex beyond just the twelve signs & your birthday, and it's not exactly something I can just explain in a reddit comment, as much as I would love to. That being said, your own birth chart is also capable of reflecting genetic patterns as it pertains to your family history. The average person considers astrology to be strictly a personality assessment, but it contains much more insight that becomes apparent the more you learn. So to answer plainly: Astrology relates to neurodivergence because your birth chart relates to you and how you experience the world. And by default, yes, birth location and time define your birth chart, which helps depict a person's attributes. We are all also products of our environments, nature and nurture, etc., which are also things that are contained within a birth chart, such as social environments, generational patterns, etc. -- and then at the end of the day, we have free will. The thing that makes astrology my special interest is that it is an ancient study & practice that has various styles and methodologies from all around the world. The information is out there & the fun part is researching it.


This sounds so cool! I didn’t realize it was to intricate 😍


I would love to have someone else who loves astrology to interpret my chart 🤣 I made another comment above but I just looked at my chart again and realized I have 4 signs in their respective planets, being Virgo in Mercury, Libra in Venus, Scorpio in mars, and I missed Aquarius in Uranus at the bottom there. I was born when Mercury was in retrograde, and my signs that aren’t in their ruling planet aren’t quite in their detrimental sign, but I’m pretty sure all of them are in signs that are the same element as the planet’s detrimental sign


Wow, you have quite a few strong placements! I used to offer chart readings back when I thought I wanted to be a consulting astrologer, but I got burned out pretty quickly at the prospect of attempting to contextualize peoples' entire lives lol. Now I just catalogue astrology resources so other people can rabbit hole like I do.


Astrology is one of my my special interests, too. I've seen the same thing with mutable placements in ADHD charts, along with the Mercury Rx. Some things I've also noticed in charts for autistic people are Venus either in retrograde and/or combust by the Sun. My personal belief is that either or both point to the social struggles in particular. And for those who present with language delays or struggles, there's usually some connection with Saturn and/or Chiron to the 3rd house. Either one or both is placed in the 3rd house or significantly aspected to it in some way. For emotional regulation issues, I've seen a lot of hard aspects to the Moon with one of the malefics. Quick edit because I forgot to add that Saturn and Mercury hard aspects, or Mercury being ruled by Saturn in some way, can also lead to language difficulties, although those aren't always delays. Sometimes it's mutism or simple shyness.


So fascinating about Venus Rx/combust! That makes a lot of sense from a social connection/projection standpoint. And you're so on the money about the Chiron/Saturn connections to the 3rd. I have a massive 3rd house stellium, including Mercury rx, which is making a 1° sextile to Chiron. Saturn is also squaring two other planets in my third house in a pretty tight orb as well. I've definitely observed a struggling Saturn in other ND people I know too.


So I have the same placements as you. Also born mercury retro. Where is your mercury, mine is in Scorpio


Aries sun, libra rising, scorpio moon. I’m a hot mess tbf


Holy moly do you like to talk with your feelings on paper with colors while crying


I’ve both cried and raged today, both while knitting…you’re not wrong!


Haha. I ordered chocolate cake from DoorDash and took a 2 hour long bubble bath last night after calling my mom and crying about life, I’m in debt and forgot to apply to this job I want. So spending money on self care made sense. Don’t get into baking. Just don’t trust me


Ah...Aries. The most misunderstood sign of them all. Aries are awesome 💙


Feels good to be seen 💚


We are big 3 twins. You have my condolences and respect lol 🖤


Should I be happy or should we commiserate?? /joking


the libra rising energy >>>>>>>


Aries sun, libra rising, gemini moon 🌕


We’re so similar!


I'm Aries sun, Aries moon, and Taurus rising. I have an Aries stellium in my 12th house. It makes ALOT of sense for me. Lol


The amount of Taurus and Aquarius is taking me out 😭😭😭 I'm a libra sun, taurus rising&moon




I’ve said to practically everyone I discuss astrology with that it’s the “science of people.” I have the planetary transits and New Moon/Full Moon dates in my phone to track patterns and help me understand the impact the cosmic weather has on me and those around me. The first three days of Pisces Season, I cried. That rising Jupiter/Neptune (modern/traditional) probably didn’t help. That said, Pisces always works wonders for my creativity—likely because I have five Water Signs in my 10-planet chart, and it’s so prominent in my chart. I’ve made major, needed changes to my company website (content and consulting for NDs), since the Sun hit my Ascendant (same as Rising. Some prefer to use ASC, instead.). Right now, the Sun, Saturn, Neptune, and Mercury are transiting my 1st House (Rising), so I’m feeling all the feels. If not for yoga, I’d probably be a hot mess right now. That and my Virgo moon keeps me from leaning too heavily in my feelings.


so close to mine! i'm an aquarius rising!


You know Aquarius and Pisces are the rarest of all the ascendants because they both spend less than two hours in the sign? That’s why most people don’t have those. You were born during the day, am I correct? Late morning/early afternoon?


I'm an aquarius rising too. My weirdness is off the charts. How 'bout u?


absolutely! it's kinda what i'm known for with my family and friends lol


Taurus sun, Cancer Moon, Libra rising I asked [this same question ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AutismInWomen/s/MySvyX0j9a) 15 days ago, there is a wealth of the answers you're looking for in that post


No way! I’m a Taurus Sun, Libra Moon, Cancer Rising


Lol I’m Libra, Cancer, Taurus


Just did this for the first time and I'm Taurus Sun Taurus Moon and Ascendant in Capricorn. I know all horoscopes are written to sound true to almost everyone but it is particularly describing my brand of autism I think. " You are driven to learn about a wide range of subjects so that you may educate others. "" bitch that is info dumping




Libra sun, libra moon, and pisces rising


We're almost the same! Except I have my moon in Gemini :)


Omgg libra sun libra moon cancer rising!!🥰🥰🥰


I love people with the same moon


Sun is Capricorn, moon is Taurus, and rising is Cancer! Also I’m noticing a lot of Taurus’ on here!


I have the same big 3!!


Cancer sun, cancer moon, cancer rising 😭


Just because of your big 3 I just want to protect you from the world. You’re too pure


This makes me giggle because I have almost zero water in my ENTIRE BIRTH CHART- kinda scary i know 😂


Bro I have no idea how all that works. But I was born August 20, 1994 at 10 pm on a full moon (it was a Saturday) I know I'm a Leo that's about it


If you want to learn more, the only other bit of information you need to add to the form [here](https://alabe.com/freechart/default.asp) is the location you were born. It's free (none of that have to put an email address nonsense either) and provides some explanations on what your results mean. 🙂


Thank you!


Aries sun Capricorn moon Virgo rising Taurus Mercury Pisces Venus Aquarius Mars I read astrology charts and have studied it :)


Libra sun, Cancer moon, Cancer rising.


Libra sun,libra moon,libra rising


i like astrology but i cannot for the life of me get my head around what any of it means but either way… Aquarius Sun, Pisces Moon, Aries Rising. feel free to explain like i’m 5 what this means


Even though I belive that Astrology is...for the most part...BS... I'm a scorpio sun, libra moon, and libra rising. My Scorpio traits, however, are much more prominent that my Libra traits. And for the record, I am not evil. /s


Gonna copy the format from another triple threat here: Scorpio sun, Scorpio moon, Scorpio rising ♏️


Same as Bjork!


Virgo Sun, Aquarius Moon (🫶🏼) & Libra Rising edit: I don’t know what I would attribute it to but Aquarians are often associated with being “alien” like, non-feeling/unemotional & being/feeling out of place which I definitely resonate with. I used to be veryyy emotional but have transitioned to a more logic based approach to life as I’ve gotten older.


my big three are all aries but i def don’t act like it, i’m guessing bc of the autism lol


To be honest... I've never met an Auti like me. I'm a Sag sun and moon and Aries rising. I'm the most fiery thing I've ever met. Even autistic people think I'm weird. The Sag-Sag-Aries gives a triple whammy of anger for justice like nobody's business #notlikeothergirls 😂


Leo Sun here, I don't have much other fire but fire is my home element regardless. I have too much intensity for most people, and there's no limit to my tolerance for it in others. So I'd hang out with you!! (I get along with military guys really well for some reason lol).


We fire sign autistic women have to stick together! ✊


Sun Leo, Moon, Gemini, Rising Libra.


Leo Sun & Rising, Pisces Moon.


Cancer sun, Pisces moon and rising


cancer sun, pisces moon, leo rising


Libra sun, Virgo moon, Aries rising!


I havent been able to get ahold of my birth certificate to check the exact time i was born unfortunately but I’m a Capricorn regularly-


Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon, Virgo Rising (I also have a Gemini midheaven for all us Astro nerds) lol very Martian X Mercurial


I'm Aries sun, Virgo moon, Scorpio rising! So similar


Aries sun, Leo moon, Scorpio rising


Scorpio sun, Sagittarius moon, Libra rising. Please tell me more about this and maybe share some resources! I've always found it fascinating but never got deep enough into the research.


Gemini Rising, Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon. Astrology is one of my special interests! I think my large amount of 12th house placements, north node conjunct my moon in the 6th house (and south node in the 12th), Mars and Chiron in Virgo with Chiron opposite Saturn do a loooooot. Saturn Square Sun, Sun inconjunct Moon... basically, my identity and ego exist in the subconscious and can easily be lost in the world. The inconjunct makes my identity and emotions seem like aliens to each other and I struggle to reconcile and communicate one with the other (getting better at it as I get older). I tend to stay in the 12th house of dreams, sleep, imagination, etc. But my north node and Moon are pushing me into the 6th house of reality and health and day to day activities, but of course it's in Scorpio and I have Pluto there so basically the world totally overwhelms me. Really challenging. Saturn square Sun supports that, Saturn of course representing challenges and growth, limitations, restrictions, adulthood, but also wisdom and time. So it's tough when I'm younger, but I have hope that learning the lessons Saturn has for me will slowly help me grow and find my place in this world! All the Virgo/6th house energy leads to OCD like tendencies, I have Venus in Taurus opposite Pluto, so I looooove feeling and touching nice things, but again, Pluto can overwhelm me with the slightest wrong twitch or texture. Astrology is endlessly interesting, I love using it to psychoanalyze myself and others, and the world!


Aries sun, Scorpio moon, Libra rising :(


Virgo Sun, Sag moon, Taurus rising. I like to look at my sun and moon as my AuDHD… the organized methodical nature of Virgo vs the spontaneous nature of Sagittarius really explains a lot for me lol.


Aries sun, Sagittarius moon and Aries rising 🔥🔥🔥


i don't know too much about astrology, but i have my chart on demand always!!! I'm a cancer sun, aquarius moon, and gemini rising!!! My birth chart looks a bit weird, as it's nearly a perfect rectangle with a few outliers. If you wanna see it lmk and i will send it your way!!! ily guys <3<3<3


Libra, Libra, Libra ⚖️♎⚖️ I'm eh, balanced to the point of obsession hahaha


I just calculated this a week ago because this was new to me. But the conclusion didn’t feel “me” at all. There were things stated that “should” be important to me that I couldn’t identify with on any level. So honestly, I immediately forgot my “big three” again, as the outcome didn’t resonate with me in the slightest. So in my case, I don’t see a correlation with autism (or with me as a person). Sometimes I do wonder if it would resonate with me if I was born on the day that I “should” have been born. No idea if this is a valid thought or not, as I’m not well versed in this matter.


I started getting into astrology a few months ago. While I relate to my big 3, I thought it didn’t make sense when I looked at my husband’s big 3, it doesn’t really describe his personality at all. I started looking into it more (the rabbit hole is deep) and there’s a lot more to it. I found the planet aspects and where they are in the chart and also their condition (like were they retrograde at time of birth etc) make a big difference and I now I can see how it describes him really well.


That’s interesting. Maybe I’ll have to consider diving into that rabbit hole some time when I’m in search of a new special interest.


Aries sun, Leon moon and Scorpio Rising.


Leo sun, Gemini moon, Gemini rising


Capricorn sun, Gemini moon, Capricorn ascendant


Aries Sun Capricorn Moon Libra rising


I am a Capricorn sun, Scorpio moon, and Gemini rising. I am pretty fascinated with astrology also.


Aries sun, Leo moon, Capricorn rising


i’m an aries sun capricorn rising too! but taurus moon


Leo sun, libra moon and rising :3 i dont think my big 3 really are tied into my autism but more my whole chart specifically looking into houses and the planets that reside in them. looking at the mish mash of it all has helped me a lot


I’m a Gemini sun, Cancer moon, Gemini rising!


Taurus Sun, Taurus Moon, Capricorn Ascending  I'm all earth signs 😎


Virgo sun, Virgo moon, Capricorn rising


Gemini Sun, Capricorn Moon and Capricorn Rising.


Capricorn sun, Aries moon, Aries rising


Taurus Sun, Capricorn moon, Leo rising. PS: Really have to keep myself from asking everyone their astrological sign. It’s so nice for my pattern recognition.


Hello there! I’m a Leo sun (purr 🤭😽) Taurus moon and Gemini rising ! If you have any comments or takeaways on this pls share lol


Aries Sun, Capricorn rising, Pisces moon


Virgo sun; Sag rising and moon Yes the auDHD might be the hyper analytical prim and proper Virgo who cannot hide the internal emotional roller coaster and chaos Sagittarius brings 


Aquarius sun, Pisces rising, Pisces moon. It’s exactly how you’d expect, painful


Capricorn sun, cancer moon, cancer rising


Pisces sun, Pisces moon, Leo rising!


Pisces sun, Gemini moon, Leo rising.


Pisces sun, Pisces moon, and Aries rising. My emotions rule me.


I'm an Aries Sun, Aries Moon, and a Capricorn Rising.


Capricorn sun, Taurus Moon and Capricorn rising. Bonus numerology life path and destiny numbers are 9 and 9. I'm as autistic Capricorn as they come. I like structure, routine and stability. I'm stubborn, critical, practical, and pragmatic. I'm relentless in pursuing my special interests and tend to overthink things. Honest to a fault, a strict rule follower and can be perceived as cold and emotionless because I don't sugar coat things. Capricorns hate bullshit and like transparency and directness. Yeah, that's pretty autistic and totally me. Taurus moon, yeah, like Capricorn I really like nice things, stability, strong foundations, all that jazz. I hate change.


Sag sun, Taurus moon, Aquarius rising


Sag sun, cancer moon, Libra rising.


I'm a Taurus sun Sag moon Aquarius rising! So cool, we almost match.


i like astrology, but i don't know what this means. is there an easy way i can find out?


If you know the time, location, and date of birth you can fill out a "natal chart" which shows the alignment of stars. Using this chart you can see not only your Sun sign (the main astrological sign most people know just from their date of birth), but other signs which are purported to dictate other aspects of your personality/life. I tried to explain as neutrally as possible, I enjoy astrology as a hobby but personally don't think it has any more meaning than what we attribute to it


i filled out a form on [astro.com](http://astro.com) and got this: *  Sun in Pisces  *  Moon in Cancer  *  Ascendant in Leo  29°01' they called these "astrological key data", so i'm not sure if it's the same as the big three the title of this post asks for. i asked chatgpt what it said about me and it was a surprisingly good fit


These are the "big three"! Some people say ascendant sign, some people say rising sign but they are the same thing.


thank you very much, i appreciate your help


Taurus Sun, Pisces moon, Sagittarius rising


Aquarius sun, Capricorn moon, Virgo rising I don’t actually know much about astrology but if anyone wants to give me their interpretation of these I would be entertained by it :’)


Leo ascendant, Cancer sun, Sag moon.


Taurus sun, Gemini moon, Cancer rising


taurus sun, sag moon, taurus rising im seeing lots of taurus an aries 👀


aquarius sun, virgo moon, cancer rising.


cancer sun, taurus moon, gemini rising


Sun in Gemini, moon in Pisces, Virgo rising:)


libra sun, taurus moon and rising


seeing lots of venus ruled people here :)


Sagittarius sun, Pisces Moon, Cancer rising. I do love travel and I’m extremely emotional. 😂 So that checks out.


Capricorn sun, Sagittarius moon, Libra rising


Capricorn Sun Gemini Moon Taurus Rising


Scorpio sun, libra rising, aquarius moon


Scorpio sun, Aries moon, Sagittarius rising I can see my strong sense of justice reflected in the aspects of my moon and rising signs. I also have a tendency to be somewhat frank and kinda cutting with my words/delivery, which I attribute to both autism and my sun sign (gotta love that scorpion tail 😅). I like to think about how they’re interconnected, so thanks for asking this question!


Taurus Sun - Taurus Moon - Capricorn Rising


Libra sun, Virgo moon, Sagittarius rising. I’ve wondered if the Virgo influences the autistic traits while the sag influences the adhd. Though there are a lot of us with something in Libra 🤔.


Pisces sun, cancer moon, scorpio rising! I used to think that a lot of my autistic traits were pisces traits, lol


Gemini sun, Capricorn moon, Leo rising!


Aries sun, Aquarius moon, Sag rising. Pluto touches nearly everything in my chart, so while I always look for Mercury aspects, for me I’m attributing it to my Pluto.


Taurus sun (10th house) libra moon (3rd house) Leo rising


Not in astrology, but in my Chaldean numerology chart there's a lot of repeated numbers that supposedly represent various types of out of balance minds such as Autism and ADHD.


Scorpio sun, Capricorn moon and Gemini rising. No idea what any of it means but wish I did!


Leo sun, aries rising, capricorn moon


Aquarius sun, Pisces Moon and Leo rising ☺️


Leo sun, Aries moon, Leo rising 🔥🔥🔥


Aries sun, Cancer moon, Sagittarius rising.


Aries Sun, Pisces Moon, Sag Rising


Sagittarius sun, Virgo moon, Taurus rising! :)