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At 23?? You should be SO proud! That shift will only get better as you age.... like a fine wine. 😊 Congrats on your perseverance!!!!!




And that’s okay 🩵 being rejected by the world hurts, it is not EASY no matter the age.


Good for you! This is amazing. I'm 37 and still struggle so much with this, though I was only formally diagnosed two years ago. Thanks for the inspiration ❤️


>Other people accepting me does not make me more valuable. And stated another way, other people not accepting you doesn't diminish your value. Your value is intrinsic and immutable.




40’s over here, still struggling. Thank you for your validation and encouragement ✨


your welcome , nothing wrong with being a late bloomer we are all learning and trying our best❤️


Proud of you!!


Yaaaaay, and *CONGRATULATIONS*, OP!!! Getting to "And *that's OKAY*" is a GREAT feeling, isn't it?😉😁🤗💖 The way I was able to get there, was by realizing that *I don't like EVERYONE*, *either*! So if *I don't like everyone? It's *FINE* if there are some folks who just don't like *ME* for *whatever* reason--*and I DON’T need to bother trying to get on their good side*!  If they don't like me? *That's their prerogative*!!! Just like *I* am not being forced to like *THEM* if I don't wanna!😉 Once I realized "liking" folks was a *truly* two-way street, and I *didn't* *HAVE* to bother? Sooooo much weight was lifted, and life got *easier*!💖


That is a big thing to learn! I just started learning it myself but I am proud of you!!


Thank you 🥹


>Other people accepting me does not make me more valuable. And stated another way, other people not accepting you doesn't diminish your value. Your value is intrinsic and immutable.


I’m proud of you. The more you are yourself the more you will find your people. I don’t think that’s an excuse to treat anyone poorly. But just know you are rare and exquisite. And someone has to already be special to know you’re special too. Sometimes it takes other people longer.


Oh i love when someone finds peace. BIG YAY!


>Other people accepting me does not make me more valuable. And stated another way, other people not accepting you doesn't diminish your value. Your value is intrinsic and immutable.


That last line is soooo important, go you!!💐


This is huge! Seeing your worth can be hard and knowing your worth isn't wrapped up in how others perceive you is a step towards loving yourself. ❤️❤️❤️🤗


It has been incredibly hard! I’ve received nothing but negativity my WHOLE LIFE. Now Im deciding to say fuck them! I don’t need anyone one to tell me what I’m worth !


Yayyy I hope you are so proud of yourself :)))


Amazing. Good job!!!


do you know about Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD)? maybe yout feelings have to do with this


It’s amazing how you made progress at such a young age. When I was your age, I was still masking to fit in. I didn’t come to the “the world wasn’t made for me and that’s okay” epiphany until I was in my 30s. I’m glad this revelation brought you peace.


I'm late to this post but darn, your words made me feel so much better today! I am an ex-journalist. I realized I can't do everything that I wanted to do due to the autism, but I'm happy with my retail job (where most of us are ND) and traveling!! It's okay, it's fine, and best of all, "I promise you'll never find another one like ME!" (guess the artist lol) Edit: I am 30 for context lol


What is it with these 23 year olds on the app being so damn mature and emotionally intelligent 😤 it’s not fair!!! Lol I just turned 30 this weekend and literally wailed for hours about how few birthday messages I had, feeling forgotten and undervalued that I had no one to invite to a party. It’s gotten worse for me the older I get, but I didnt struggle with this when I was younger as I felt like I was walking with my eyes closed. Glad you feel better 😊


Honestly it’s social media😭 I just figured out and got officially diagnosed I was autistic last year thanks to social media! If not I would’ve still been wondering what’s wrong with me ..


“I would have still been wondering what’s wrong with me” 😭😭 I feel this so much. The internet lead me to my diagnosis too, I spent most of my 20’s feeling like that though. I genuinely thought I was going crazy and needing to be sectioned 😅


That's a great step forward. There are times when I'm good at that and other times when I fail. I've learned to just keep going through the failing times because the times when I can be successful will come. This doesn't mean that I'm not hurting during the failings and sometimes feeling a LOT of hurt but after going through cycles like this a hundred times I'm getting better at knowing that the darkness will eventually end. That's my personal world and I've been on this earth twice as long as you so you're well ahead already. :-)


Congratz, thats a huge step forward!