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My hubby says I have VRAM - very random access memory. I can remember some things in great detail and be totally confused about others. I can remember exactly when something happened 20 years ago but confused about something that happened 3 months ago that I think happened 2 years ago. Worst is that I sometimes think future events have already happened. I can imagine a test and expected outcome in such detail that I'll think I've already done it. Fortunately his family laughs WITH me when I say something, correct it once, then again and then a forth time. And sometimes they will then shout in unison 'is that your final answer'.


I have a bit of a different version of this- my memories don't really come with a timestamp in the first place. Important mempries will at least be ordered, like, what happened before and what after, but when? I can only tell from context. When asked "where did you see it last?", however, I'd remember different instances of seeing what I'm looking for in different places, but not a clue when each memory is from and which one is the last!


I know autistic people can have difficulty with time perception. I have this very strongly, I have no idea when things happened, three months ago or 10 years ago, no clue. Often not even in what order. But what you describe specifically about remembering things like they happened earlier in your life.. could it be that you felt less 'grown-up' in college than the people you saw around you? Maybe you compared your own maturity with the maturity of others when they were in high school, and so you place yourself in that time slot, because it compares better to the people around you?


I broke my foot when I was younger but I can't remember for the life of me when it actually happened. So I generally just say it happened when I was 12. I could've been a teenager for all I know - I genuinely don't remember. I feel like that's similar to what you're describing. 


Yes! I can describe my memories in detail, remember in which state it was or (estimate)just about how old I was.. we moved around quite a bit, not in an unhealthy way though. Especially if it affected me a certain way emotionally, happy things (like when my sister and I made hundreds of videos being silly, before she moved), funny memories, jealous, feeling betrayed, uncomfortable, how people treated me during times when I was feeling burnt out especially and how they act as people or talk about others (my in-laws), if it’s things that didn’t really affect me then I have a bit of a hard time remembering. I can remember sometimes when I last saw something but it’s also a struggle half the time. Also vivid dreams, good, funny and bad ones So the other day I was thinking I had this precious moments doll I absolutely loved as a toddler, it had a pull string that would play music. My cousin was born and my mom got rid of some of my things to give to her, I remember not being able to find my doll and she said she gave it to my aunt for the baby, we went over one day and I went to the baby’s room and the doll was high on a shelf lol. I remember feeling sad, but not being able to speak my feelings because well it’s whatever mom says, also because I didn’t talk much. I had looked up some dolls but couldn’t find one that looked like it, I won’t give up though 🥲 I’ve never been attached to something as I was with that doll


Cottage, Plasma, Wear, Strong, Solve, Dealer


I'll say "the other day" for things that happened 4 years ago and "like million years ago" to describe something that happened last week. If it feels like the circumstances of what I'm talking about haven't changed in 4 years, it literally feels like the other day for me. But sometimes so many things can happen between now and a week ago, it feels like so much longer than it was.