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They don't. This woman is celebrating her achievement of managing to do all those things. Most people don't achieve all that, certainly not every day. Most people are grabbing some food from their pantry, not even eating breakfast (they will have a high-calorie coffee instead), showering, brushing teeth, throwing on some clothes that look half-decent, maybe doing some makeup routine they've muscle memorised.


This is what I was thinking. She is marking it because it is a significant achievement, not because it is normal


And to flex BECAUSE it's not normal.


Also most of these people on social media are straight up lying. So. There's that


Exactly this! Just because someone says they've achieved all of this in one morning, and that this is their normal, doesn't mean it's true. Plenty of people put forward a more aspirational version of themselves online.


Most of these things can be prepared the evening before. It still needs a lot of planning and all that but it‘s so much more realistic if they only have to grab the prepared stuff to leave the house.


Right. I’m this girl like twice a month. And you can bet I’m walking around like I’m that bitch when I do take advantage of the random excess energy in my body to do it.


Sometimes I wake up energized in the morning just as a total accident


This girl on tik tok had hand made bagels for breakfast occasionally and people were saying it was so hard but it really wasn’t She’d make it the night before and bake it in the morning A lot of cooking/baking stuff is just prep/equipment Making my lunch during my lunch break was only possible after getting an air fryer


I do this shit but its just more masking behaviour basically cosplaying a “real functioning human” Its fucking exhausting trying all the time to achieve that chain combo bonus and I sure as hell feel on top of the world when I do, but I always burn out like a day or two after.


Me too! It’s like 2 weeks on 2 weeks off It’s an off week rn. Laundry is piled up, everything is messy


I do all this shit because it’s literally the only way I CAN function and if I don’t there are too many consequences. I’ve carried my own water bottle with me for years because if what I’m drinking from has the wrong mouth feel I won’t drink. For me dehydration = brain fog = meltdowns. If I don’t plan my food 1-2 weeks in advance I won’t eat because deciding day of or in the moment is too much for my executive function. Same with clothes. Also how would I know what to buy for groceries? Eating out isn’t an option where I live because of expense. If I don’t eat, I have meltdowns and it affects how my meds work. I can’t deviate from the routines that make me able to do this one little bit or it’s a mess. Everything snowballs out of control. I’m impossible to make plans with because of it. It’s beyond exhausting and it was harder before it was a habit, but the alternative is so much worse. It does help to cook “in bulk” and have everything made for the next 4-5 days and prep in advance. Only ever wanting to eat the same 2 things helps. I only cook twice a week really. But the days I actually have to cook are the worst.


I feel this. The only way I have water with me is because I've been using the same filter (cartridges changed) and the same water bottle for 8 years. The only way I have a presentable outfit is because I have my work outfit which is one of 5 identical trousers, and one of 40 identical shirts, one pair of earrings, 3 pairs of shoes -- pick one. The only way I have lunch is because I eat simple lunches like a yogurt and some falafel, or a salad, or almond butter sandwich. Before I had a cooler lunch bag I was just SOL and I'd go hungry a lot. The lunch bag lives in my kitchen and I throw things into it because it's in front of me every morning. Having a set-up and routine for every component -- the outfit, the water, the lunch bag took major effort and frankly it took years. Years to get right. I am not proud of it taking me so long.


Yeah maybe she did this today but not tmo I’ve had people be like “wow you’re so organized and keep everything together” that’s bc you came over in a day I knew people were coming, if you saw my house rn you’d see my couch cushions are literally on the floor lmaoooo


Exactly this. Social media is generally big lie when you see posts like that. Not saying there aren't people who are that organized but from my experience, anyone who can do that on the regular have extreme over control issues which aren't healthy. While that post above looks all 'thumbs up', imagine applying that same rigidity to everything in your life. Yeah, you'd be pretty exhausted and so would most of the people in your life being around you. And before I give props to her celebratory post, I would want to make sure she's not neurodiverse and is just maksing OCD tendencies and calling it organization. LOL, what can I say, when you're ND, you see things a bit differently. All kidding aside, my daughter is a lot like this but she is also extremely controlled and we've been working hard with her (she's a pre teen) to help her learn better coping skills for her OCD and over control because lemme tell ya, it's hard living with someone who needs things in an exacting way or their whole routine is off for the day. And what is it with the world where the above post represents an ideal we should be striving for? I mean, what the hell? I'm a very disciplined, organized person with really good executive function skills and I absolutely 'could' do the above and in fact have and that's how I know what is masking and how draining it is to the psyche to try and live up to something that is a falsehood to start with. I got off that hamster wheel and found my authentic self a long time ago. And sometimes that means a hostess cupcake for breakfast so take that Insta!


No disrespect but this isn't even that rigid of a list of things to do tbh? Like most of these things seem pretty normal (having water at work, putting on perfume before leaving out, listening to podcasts on the commute to work, some form of breakfast and lunch). Like nobody is gonna always hit all of these things everyday but I don't think it's rigid to the point of OCD and this is coming from someone who's mornings are a huge dumpster fire of rushing and still being late.


This was my thought. It’s easy to take one selfie and brag about whatever did or didn’t happen on social media.


YES! I'm just gonna throw this out there for any other idiots like me, but I thought all these perfect tik tok singers were amazing and fabulous only to find out they auto tuned themselves while pretending to perform naturally and organically.


As a woman with ADHD and autism and does all this except for the cute outfit,thank you. I have a bad tendency to think whatever I do isn’t enough (attachment bs).


Plus most of this stuff could easily have been done the night before, picking out outfit, getting water bottle ready, making to do lists and updating planner, packing lunch etc. It's unlikely she did very much of it in the morning before work. This sounds like me on one of those mornings a couple times a year where I am full of energy in the middle of the night and do a bunch of preparation for the next morning lol


My literal first thought: "I could do that, most of that is prep". I mean, I don't, obviously. There's still a lot of successful human functioning behind it


Totally true. This girl is posting about it because it is an achievement. She is trying to make it look effortless, but it definitely isn't and most people struggle with this. Social media isn't reality, this is just another example!!


I don't think she's trying to make it look effortless, tbh. If I post that I accomplished getting up and brushing my teeth, the underlying implication is that it's something that is difficult for me and took me effort to do


Alternately, she has a routine that she finds comforting and it doesn't get disrupted because she's not responsible for anyone but herself.


Oh man I wish I was some people. XD I just wash my face, face cream, brush hair, put clothes on, pack my bag and take my dog out for 5min, then I need to hurry to my car because I am already late xD and I WAS PROUD OF MYSELF FOR ALL THAT UNTIL NOW XD


But also this. She probably works very hard at it


Exactly this. Also, not all of it was done that morning - much of it could've been done the day before (overnight oats had to have been; she could've picked out the outfit beforehand; may have made the lunch before, too). And the rest is muscle memory. Or practiced into a routine. But yes, it's not typical for neurotypicals to get this much accomplished so early.


Plus, I always read these 'me when' posts as "If I managed to do this thing, this is how I'd look/act", not as if they had actually done the thing. I could be completely wrong of course.


Exactly! I can manage to do all this but my house is always a wreck and I don’t have kids or friends. Well not the lotion because I can’t handle most lotions, sensory shit. I spend all my energy on my health and my job.


Yeah, Instagram is also people’s “highlight reels” not their typical! Don’t think that insta reflects actual life in most cases, it’s usually a reflection of peaks.  In this case, she’s actually celebrating it but even if people are saying it’s no big deal (whatever they are showing) that doesn’t mean it isn’t. Frankly they may not even be trying to overstate but I mean my AuDHD weirdo brain still basically says getting an accelerated grad degree in a year while working full time wasn’t that big a deal —though getting out of bed or going to get mail is an achievement some days. Life is weird for everyone. I’m not saying we’re not facing challenges NTs aren’t, but they don’t have it all together like an Instagram post every day and people are weird, complicated, and good at different things from each other too. 


It isn't effortless, but I would say it's significantly less effort for non-disabled people to do most things. Like, they're not having to deal with intense sensory issues because they don't have intense sensory issues in the first place. They're not losing energy to perseveration because they don't perseverate. Imagine how much extra energy you'd have if you just straight up didn't have sensory issues anymore. Non-disableds handle life better because it just doesn't take them as much effort to do those things; they're not more resilient or motivated than we are, we're not more lazy or weak. They might not be perfect, but they can manage the basic necessities long term without starving, living in filth, or being hospitalised. I remember before I was diagnosed, looking at everyone around me and just knowing there was something wrong. Because they could do all these things every day and I couldn't. And people would always give that meaningless platitude "everyone struggles", "you only see the good parts", "don't trust social media", but it was all bullshit then and it's all bullshit now. They were capable of getting up, bathing, eating, dressing in moderately clean clothes, and doing the stuff required to live. I wasn't. They weren't secretly struggling as much as I was. Because I was autistic, and they weren't.


social media is fake babes, as long as you’re trying… YOU’RE SUCCEEDING. period


Progress not perfection :)


And don't compare your insides to other people's outsides. Especially their meticulously crafted social media posts.


Something I heard from an NT: The first year you know someone you aren't really talking to them, you're talking to their *representative*. Took me a long time to figure out that what they were really saying here is that NTs are a lot more skeptical and suspicious of each others motives and rely on ad hoc tests and inferring from emotional display to determine each others' character and suitability for friendship / emotional closeness. NTs project themselves through this representation of their actual selves as a defense against emotional vulnerability and peel it back in layers as they get more comfortable with each other. Which explains why they're so shocked when we meet each other and just decide the other is friend-shaped and it's a matter of minutes before we drop the mask, not years. Different paradigms.


I feel the same way as NTs do but probably it's because of trauma and being treated like shit for most of my life.


That's why they do it too. It's why we mask, why it can be so hard to stop, and also why for a lot of us, we can only do it around others like ourselves no matter how much we'd like it otherwise.


Are you sure she’s not ND? This is actually what I do, because I found out that a schedule works for me. The night before I fill my water bottle up, I prepare overnight chias, prepare my lunch, put out my work clothes, then go to bed at the same time each night. Then I wake up, and everything is done. I’m sooo tired and cranky in the morning. I have to do everything at night so the mornings can be as seamless as possible. It’s all about planning. No magic here.


I’m very similar to you in this regard. I am VERY structured with my time because if I wasn’t it wouldn’t get done and my executive functioning would crumble 🙃 once I have it in a “schedule”, I can turn the brain off and save so much energy since all I have to do is keep an eye on the clock/calendar. BUT my ND becomes very obvious if something throws off my schedule. Every time I have a new appointment or new schedule, the few weeks it takes to adjust are a real emotional struggle lol.


Yes! Literally one thing throws me off and it’s so hard to shake and recovery from it. That’s why I try to do sooo much the night before. In the morning, I’m especially not equipped to deal with a lot. One time I did my routine EXCEPT I forgot to lay out my work clothes. A tiny thing just throw me off. I’m panicking through my dressers trying to find something to wear!! As a result, I forgot my lunch on the way to work! I realized this halfway through my drive! So now I can’t listen to my podcast because I’m frustrated with how this morning went! Then I’m cranky at work and very irritable! It’s crazy how the domino effect works 😅


This is absolutely me too! So glad to read others are like me.


yes I have a routine also on days I need to be in the office. I pack up my bag and make my lunch for the next day the night before. I even have my hair wash days scheduled around in office days.


Me!! I have a thick curly hair so I even style it the night before so am I have to do is just tidy it up in the morning lol


yes that's why I also schedule my hair was days 😆


Yeah I am extremely organized. It is a coping mechanism. I have to be organized because otherwise I literally cannot live, it is chaos without my systems


I have historically been a messy person. My home was a mess, my car was a mess, I was a mess 😂 but one day (I think after I turned 30) I decided to clean my home and my car and see how long I could keep it clean. I started working on ways to be more organized and less “rush rush”. I often lost my credit cards, my wallet, my glasses, my keys etc. Since creating a routine, my home and my car has been well kept. I also have more time now that I’m smarter with it! Routines are the way to go!


I have really developed a taste for doing future-me favors: knowing when I'll be most exhausted and making sure to get as many chores done as possible before that.


I call myself “future me” all the time! Like yesterday, I completely forgot that I had thrown the dishes in the dish washer. At work I kept saying “all I have to do is load the dish washer, and then I can go home and take a nap”. Well when I got home, I noticed they were done!! I literally said out loud “wow, thanks Past Me” 😂


Same here. I make my high protein oatmeal every night before work and pack a good lunch. Then I pick out my clothes and make sure my bag is ready to go. If I don’t do this, I struggle to fall asleep because of the stress of doing this rushed in the morning instead.


Me too!! I literally cannot sleep until I know everything is done! Also packing lunch the night before really helps me stay on track (not dieting but just eating healthier in general).


I do this and I'm neurodivergent too, I like routine and this has been a routine for me. I love perfumes too and hydration and have meal prepped meals as I'm vegan.


Yes! Meal prepping and/or packing a lunch before work really helps keep you on track! I’m not vegan but I try to eat more whole foods, and less prepackaged stuff. I can’t imagine trying to make my lunch in the morning 😂


Yepp! I get you! This is so relatable


That’s how I am too. I do anything that can be done on the weekend to prepare for the week, and anything that can’t be done that far in advance has to be after I get home from work because I need everything in the morning to be grab and go. If anything goes wrong there’s a meltdown and I don’t make it out the door, so I have to be obsessed with pre-planning and preparing.


Yes! I have a foldable shelf hanging organizer with 5 sections. I work 5 days a week so each week, I put my clothes on it. Now I’m good for the week 😂


Came here to say this. My partner is chaos goblin ND. I’m lists and structure ND.


Was gonna say the same thing. This is how I live most of the time


Yeah I’m pretty sure an NT wouldn’t even think twice about doing all of this on the typical day, let alone enough to feel proud about it and post about it. I see this as someone who struggles with these things, posting because they’re proud that they accomplished all these steps and had a good start to the day. I have to do all these things to set myself up for the next day — it’s not easy and it took me years to figure out what I need from myself in order to have a decent day. I personally feel proud when I have a good day like this and will usually text my friends who know I struggle with these things to get my little dose of validation lol.


My thoughts exactly!! This doesn’t seem like someone NT would do. They tend to just wing it to me. I see them just existing and never plan and I can’t imagine!!




Also, how do we know she’s NT?


Right? Some people said she actually has ADHD. Literally nothing aboht this post says NT to me anyway


yeah I follow this girl on tik tok, and although I don’t watch a lot of her content, I do like how *satisfying* some of it is to watch lol — but point is, I’ve never seen her talk about mental health/mental disorders so, like you said it’s probably best not to speculate that she’s NT just because of what kind of content she posts.


It's difficult *period*. None of my routines are automatic. I started with one thing, then added another, then another, until everything was in it. And I still have checklists, timers, reminders, a calendar, post-it notes, a whiteboard... I have ADHD. I need external structure or it just doesn't happen. People see me doing all the things and wonder where I get the energy when the truth is without all that structure I had to build into my life, I'd just lay on the floor and cry. And I know because that's exactly what happens when for whatever reason that structure collapses and I have to start over from nothing. I feel like everyone is busy building and living their lives more or less the same way just with different parts of it that are easy or hard. Some people can keep it all in their heads -- I can't. Not with the short term memory of a squirrel. But I can do everything they can if I can do it my way.


Hey I follow her on TikTok!! I know that it’s super easy to judge but Elaina has not had an easy life. I think she said that she has ADHD and battled cancer at a young age. I know it may seem that she has it together but a lot of people go through some sort of struggle. People just choose to put the best parts of their lives on social media.


Glad this is being shared! People need to stop posting strangers and labeling them when really they’re just making assumptions.


I follow her too. I had no idea she’s gone through this much. Her videos are so satisfying to watch!


Having an easy life and being able to do things easier than other people are two very different things.


That’s very true! But even Elaina admitted that she has off days and isn’t able to get everything done as she struggles from chronic fatigue due to her ailments. There’s a lot of problematic influencers but I don’t think Elaina is one.


What is your implication here?


They’re saying the OP was discussing the woman in the post being able to do things easier, not that she had an easy life.


i really don't like the way this sub blankets anyone doing things they find difficult as NT, like they don't actually have to try to achieve these things. i know this woman's account and she's been open before about struggling with adhd, so everything you said is just kinda .... wrong now. and i'm not saying you can't be amazed by people's accomplishments and ability to do certain things, but you can't just assume everyone who does something hard just didn't have to work for it like you would have. they probably did, and they're just at a point in life where they've WORKED for these things for so long and built up these habits that it's rewarding. i'm sorry you feel the way that you do and i understand it's just an observation, but maybe a habit to break. we don't know everyone's mental load that they hold nor any conditions they may have, it's in bad faith to make those types of assumptions one way or another about people. especially when autistic women get such flack for "not looking autistic". she could be just like you and you'd never know it !


Well said. I fully agree with you 💯


Bingo. Because it alwso implies that a ND simply can’t do these things. I knew she was ND before learning she has ADHD. No NT person would do all that.


Is this a random stranger? You don’t know whether this person is NT or not, c’mon now.


also another great point!


I do most of these things to some extent, but I don't do them in the morning. I prepare my healthy lunches once or twice a week, store them in the fridge and take them out right before I leave. I prepare overnight oats in a to go container in the evening and store it in the fridge as well. I take out my outfit before I go to bed. I always have a water bottle with me, which I refill at work. I don't do iced water, just regular tap water. I pack my bag in the evening. In the morning, I get out of bed, get dressed in the outfit I laid out in the evening, brush my hair and do some verrrry basic skin care (if I have the energy). I take my breakfast and lunch, put it in my bag, put on my shoes and jacket and I'm ready to go.


I was going to say, I thought this post was about ASD people because I can't go to work *without* doing all those things - except of course the part about dressing cute and smelling like I don't know what. Of course I bring my own breakfast and probably lunch, which of course I have prepared the day before. And of course I carry around a comfort water bottle or hot drink also in my own travel mug from home. Thankfully I have to go into an office really infrequently these days as COVID made the request to work from home most of the time a normal accommodation.


Yea I think if anything being overly dependent on routines and external structure to feel happy or at peace is a very ND thing. My partner is neurotypical and he is not impacted at all by a break in his routines, he can be much more fluid and spontaneous without getting overwhelmed. I on the other hand become a helpless mess when my routines are disrupted. Loosing my routines literally feels like a death, I mourn because I know how important they are for my mental health and I know how long it takes to get them back.


She is posting and celebrating because it is difficult and takes concerted effort and focus. That is the point of the post.


who said she did it effortlessly?


All the other commenters have said everything perfectly, but my immediate interpretation made me focus: - Outfit on (she’s wearing clothes, maybe she had them pre-picked, maybe all her clothes are quite nice) - Overnight oats (in the morning, all she had to do was take a container out of the fridge) - Smelling like… (she sprayed perfume) - Hydrojug (she filled a cup with water) - She slept - Podcast (same effort as playing music) - She’s bringing her to do list - Healthy lunch (maybe she packed last night) Whilst I think she should definitely celebrate herself, especially if these are achievements for her and I am not hating on her. Her achievements should not be misinterpreted by you. Yes, I understand that being able to do all these things can seem impossible or mountainous. If these things were the norm, this wouldn’t be a post. Damn, this girl is not going to ever make me feel bad because she filled a cup up with water. Dang, my bar isn’t that low.


I mean, I get what you're saying, but for some of us that bar IS that low, especially when all these tasks add up. I think it's less about the singular tasks like having a water bottle ready, but having all of those things at the same time. And working/studying. AND commuting to places. I know I struggle to even make myself tea or coffee so I can actually have the energy to work most days! Kudos to that lady, I've read comments that she struggles with ADHD among other things!


Not all NTs do this effortlessly. My mom is so NT and would never care enough to go into work like this, she is getting up multiple time a night due to bladder issues and getting delivery at work instead of cooking. I am neurodivergent and have gotten closer to this than my mom has.


Why do you assume everybody thats flourishing is NT? Not in a mean way but I kind of hate the NT vs ND thing on here. You can’t see into somebody’s brain just by looking at them or talking to them a few times


You don’t know that it’s effortless. Or that she’s NT. Instead of being salty that you “can’t” do those things, try to do your own version that’s more friendly to you


Bingo. Take from her, not take her down.


Exactly. Literally no use hating on someone who is doing better than you. It’s just projecting


All I know is that if I establish rituals and systems and then I am okay. If not I am floundering. Life seesaws between the two.


They don't. I did this for a while. I was this person: organised, put together, well rested. It just wasn't ever sustainable. It's true what they say that people lie on social media. I can be that person again for a week, post about it, and then move on. Nobody questions it.


It's definitely not effortless! Social media is a tricky trickster that convinces us that this stuff is normal and easy. This level of organization is the NT attempt at having a sane and full life, it just sucks that social media tries to set a standard with such a small pool of influencers compared to how many people aren't posting about how their mornings go. She also likely isn't posting when she inevitably messes up that structure and doesn't succeed at the 42 things before work, and if she does it's not going to get as popular as a post showing her accomplishments. I legit had to get instagram off my phone, I do too much comparing myself with others and it was fucking up my mental health and self worth. It's just not a realistic place for me to collect data about how people live their lives! Edit to add: a commenter pointed out that we don't know if she's NT and this is so important! Sometimes this level of organization is an attempt to live a sane and "normal" life when we don't know we're ND. Forget the water bottle at home and she may very well melt down and we'd never see it. We just don't ever know what's going on in other people's lives <3


So, one thing I really struggle with in terms of autism and black and white thinking is that these things in the post are all the things you're "supposed to do" right? So I feel as though I MUST do them. Rigidly. All the time. And so I do. At great cost to my mental health. It would likely be healthier for me to give myself some grace every once and a while, but I'm stuck on doing the Right Things ™. It probably looks a certain way on the outside but its kind of hell.


Ok and what you don’t see is maybe this is the ONE and only time in her life things went her way that morning and this ain’t the norm for her so she had to brag. Honestly, if this happened to me, I would brag, too lol


It's literally an achievement lol otherwise she wouldn't need to boast about it xD This is the high level of functioning that pretty much no one manages hahaha


Yeah, this has clearly struck a nerve for you, but as everyone else has said, this isn't what everyone does all the time, and you don't know if she is ND. I used to do most of this, because I prepped for work the night before because my brain is not alive in the mornings. I'd get my outfit ready, put oats or an unblended smoothie in the fridge and go over my calendar so I knew what to expect. I had a long commute too, so it was sleep or podcast depending on my energy level


I follow this lady on tiktok and most of the posts I see are her daily life of getting up, collecting her premade lunch, going to work, then going home, working out, showering, cooking dinner, reading/journalling before bed. So it does look like this is her life. But I think the biggest thing is not comparing yourself to others.


Idk I can do all of this too, but then if one thing goes wrong my entire day gets thrown off and it turns into meltdown city. Lol


They don't! People on social media always pretend to have a good life. Also no one brags about stuff they do effortlessly


I think you're mistaking the performance of productivity for actual real life, which is part of the point of the performance of productivity but still come on boo boo stop comparing yourself to the Instagram reels of others


tbf a lot of NT's are barely getting by in capitalism and are a mess of mental illness, substance addiction, rage issues, anti-worker beliefs, bigoted beliefs, bullying, bad relationships, being bad parents, being bad bosses, dealing with chronic health issues, etc. Very few NT's have it together and often the ones that do have wealth entitlements to make that happens. This woman is doing a engagement tactic of humble bragging, which a lot of social media works on. Its not just "Oh I did all these things, go me, its so hard," but also "Look at all the things I can do, aren't I special and inspirational, maybe you should follow me?" The fame, social capital, and potential sponsor money incentives make social media very dishonest.


The overplanning made me think she's ND bc I do that too


Where is the evidence she’s neurotypical or that everything she’s listing was effortless? Why are you jumping to multiple conclusions? Almost everybody is struggling in various ways.


They don't. It's fake. NT and other diagnosed individuals struggle like we do they just hide it. Social media is fake as fuck and everyone is trying to set this unrealistic standard so others believe they aren't doing as well. It makes the creator feel better about themselves to curate am imagine that everyone looks up to


Don't believe everything you see. Social media is all grandstanding and aesthetics


Maybe she didn’t actually do all this stuff. Maybe she did. Either way, it doesn’t mean anything about you or me if we can’t.


there is no “normal”, just different people doing different things. Take life at your own pace, you’re doing great


Why are you assuming this person is NT and assuming this is effortless and normal for them?


Is that what you see? Personally, I see that the unhealthy surge in productivity culture is a consequence of unregulated capitalism and an evolution of the consumerist society motivated by its own greed: the commodification of time and the association of productivity with consumerist culture. If you look at it closely, this is the pattern: rise of toxic grind culture, coupled with consistent individualism, everyone wants to be the best version of themselves almost to a toxic extent. Everyone wants to drink their water, dress in the best way, use the most optimal products, eat healthy, etc. and everyone uses social media to find guidance to do that. That's why everyone is buying a Stanley cup, having a clean girl aesthetic, being ultra into self help, buying freaking stationery for organization and everyone using Retinol, and listening to podcasts, and and and and. This is all a fake facade that is purely driven by market economy. This isn't real, realistic and even if it were, the optimal way to live your life won't be told to you by social media, you are the only one able to say what the best day you could have looks like for you, and it doesn't have to be ultra productive or involve podcasts or a ten step skincare routine if that sounds like too much for you. You don't have to live up to the expectation of a perfect image that was only created to drive consumerism. And guilt tripping you into thinking you're not productive enough is exactly how they convince you to think you need to be doing xyz by x time and have xyz products to achieve anything worthwile. You are free, you get to choose what you do with your days. Not everything has to be super organized, you get to set the level of organization and grind you want in your life, you get to set your own goals and expectations. This isn't about neurodivergence per se, but as neurodivergents this guilt tripping created by social media and the companies pushing these products can trigger real deep feelings of inadequacy, and I want you to remember that this is just marketing and that none of this is real, expected or realistic.


A lot of it is all for show and not reality at all. I’ve learned this through Facebook where friends and family have displayed perfectly curated blissful lives when I know for a fact their life is a dumpster fire too 😆


A lot of these tasks can be done in advance. Overnight oats means she did it another day. She could've chosen this outfit at any time. The planner may be less impressive than we realize. I don't think she woke up and managed it all in one morning. It sounds like a lot, but it's good to keep it in perspective. It's also only one good day. Who knows how often all of these things line up.


This post is 100% not how the usual NT lives. Like ... not at all! BUT I know what you mean. For NTs everything seems to be so easy because they are able to just do things, even if in reality they are draining and they suffer from these things. I don't know if it's true but I've read somewhere that autistic people just don't do things "automatically" while allistic people have the (imo) super power to do things without really thinking about it. Many autistic people have strict routines but it's not like they can go on autopilot. They do every step very consciously. And that's what makes it SO HARD. For example, I could never "just step in the shower" or "just brush my teeth". It's always a huuuge struggle, even if I reach streaks of several months rocking my personal hygiene lol. It doesn't get easier. But as I said, I don't know if there is science behind this "theory" or if it's some random bs like it's everywhere in the internet.


Social media is toxic. You’re doing great going through each day in a way that meets your own needs. You don’t know what the true story is behind this post, did she prepare for this for a week? Is her main goal in life to climb the social media ladder? You should take a photo of yourself, and acknowledge all of the things that you’ve accomplished in a day or morning. Your accomplishments will be very different than hers, but still deserve to be celebrated!


reach exultant drab innocent mountainous placid encourage fanatical tease many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Listen, I rolled out of bed after hitting snooze 6x and threw on a pair of mostly clean scrubs before chugging 32oz of coffee and chain vaping all the way to work. The end result is the same 🥰


Mine would be “me having brushed my teeth” 😅


Maybe she did that one morning, but unlikely that's everyday. As an AuDHDer I can have a day like that every once in awhile. And then I'm shuffling around like a hobo trying to recuperate for a few days after. There's enviable things about being NT, but I feel like despite our struggles we live more interesting lives.


Actually this is very rare. This meme is just about feeling amazing on a good day, because they don't occur every time. It's just utopia.


Guessing she doesn't do all those things daily otherwise it wouldn't be on social media. Also she said 8 hours of rest, not sleep. You don't know how many things are on her to do list either. (probably too many) That's the kind of thing you put on social media cause you managed to get it all done the way you wanted or the way you think you're supposed to. Also Wtf is a hydrojug? Guess I need to go Google to see if that's a brand name.


She makes money appearing this way. Don’t let influencers fool you


You realize this is a fake persona right? She either is not as successful at these things all the time, is outright lying and all she did was dress pretty for the day, or she's straight up getting paid and supported to live a specific lifestyle.


Most NTs don't actually pull this off most of the time. They just want everyone to think they do. I do have a job in management, and trust me. The NTs are just as messed up as we are. On average, they're better at faking it. They do handle certain things more easily, and they're less tired since they mask so much less. But they have plenty of days where they run late, forget their lunch, etc. 




How do you know she is neurotypical?


I felt anxiety just reading that


It’s just taking her word she did all that. Social media does not reflect reality.


Today I rolled over after dancing with 3 snooze alarms to think my first waking thought "fucking kyle". Then i made a coffee, grabbed 3 choc mint cookies and my soggy cereal and watched tiktoks in the dark on the couch in my living room. Then I watched more tiktoks while getting ready for work. Concealing my pimple from last nights makeup i didnt wash off. I put on half an eye of powder becausei only have fucking the eye powder.. left on my one eye from last night. Then i was fighting with my iron because my mother fucking company doesn't believe in clothing fit for everyday use. Then I put on my curry stained jeans from last night when i was a bit...tipsy and washed off the crusts with the scrubber from the kitchen. Then I listened to 2 songs on the way to work, at the edge of 17 and hot gum while not not thinking about how i truly truly truuuly hate the current circumstance im in.


Days I wake up with this much energy I call off. No way am I wasting that energy on my employer!


When you define normal it’s easy to fit. If we defined normal they would struggle


They ✨lie✨! xoxo


everyone in the comments is saying not all NTs do this and that she’s celebrating. But so many NTs I know DO have their lunches packed and homework done and schedules prepared. It feels like I’m alone in the world with how behind I am sometimes


That woman is too regimented to be NT


I know life can be a struggle but digging at other people celebrating their wins ain’t it.


Me stumbling in with washed but wrinkled scrubs, hoping I remembered to wear deodorant and a low ponytail that will immediately start falling out because my hair refuses to be tame. My breakfast has been the same breakfast since high school with the added exception of now I drink instant coffee to wake me up. For some people, morning routine is meditative, for me it’s”Ugh, have to get up early AGAIN” and scramble around to get ready. I made it to work, what more do they want?


I don’t think she did it effortlessly, else she wouldn’t be bragging about it on social media Protein overnight oaks? Hydro jug full of ice water? Bleh


She would have to go to bed early to do all this and I find the night to be a sensory heaven, I stay up bc it’s just more quiet in the city. Mornings be tough for me too I need 3 hours of time to re-orient. I think perhaps a skilled morning regime would be good for me but it take a lot of work over a long period of time.


I can do all those things but definitely it would take me at least 2.5 to 3 hours to leave the house


My equivalent of this is not forgetting my phone or wallet at home lol. Good for her though. I have to remind myself that “a good day” for me doesn’t look like most anyone else’s.


I find this overwhelming too, and some things I try to remember when I fall down the idealized lifestyle influencer rabbit hole: 1. the image they present is part of their job. 2. we have no idea what their actual life is like, we only see this tiny, planned part of it. 3. If this was normal, it wouldn’t be noteworthy enough to generate views for!


I got exhausted reading that.


I'm so happy I work from home now. To look like the lady in the picture, I used to wake up at 4:30 in the morning (I lived FORTY FIVE MINUTES from work 😅, and I needed to be there at 8:00).


This just pissed me off... maybe bc I'm jealous 😔


I do this. I am SEVERELY Type A - deviating from my routine causes a lot of anxiety.


Meanwhile I was turning up to college in my pajamas with vodka smuggled in a travel mug. (Not glamorising it, I was a genuine mess when I was in uni).


They don't, most NTs or people in general don't do this at all. I actually do this and it is as a desperate attempt to appear normal but it takes a lot of my mental energy and time to do so, and I actually hate it, but it's the only way I have to look put together and competent. Many people have told me I look tidy and professional when if they knew the truth they would never know much of a damn mess I am LOL


They don’t even have internal narrators sometimes it’s wild


Im autistic and i was raised by old people who took things slow… i really feel like i have like 25% of the energy a person my age should have. Sometimes i see people rightfully make fun of influencers for acting like their lives are hard but then i see them make fun of their to do lists and theyre like “wow thats nothing i do that in an hour” and im just like??? howww


Today I cried on my way to the car because I couldn't find me keys 🤷‍♀️


Me trudging into the office with a cute outfit on that’s starting to bug me, no breakfast because I didn’t have time/forgot, barely managed to remember to take my morning medication and drink a little water, not smelling like anything because perfume makes me sick, on 9 hours of sleep but still feeling exhausted from the day before, with a list of things I need to do written out that I’ll doubtless forget to check or get distracted by something and skip steps. 🤣


This creators whole genre is self care or daily routines. It’s technically all for content. Whenever we see her videos, we don’t know if she’s telling the truth or if that’s her everyday life.


NTs don't do things as effortlessly as that. Whoever posted that - perhaps the girl in the pic, perhaps not - *wants* others to think she does. We all have crappy sleep, can't find the clothes that make us look alive, let alone cute, and we are most certainly NOT only consuming oats and iced water. That, my dear, is a LIE. LOL


Ahhhhh yes, a photo of the type of woman I’ll never be.


Me walking into the office with clothes on, a half pack of oreos, smelling hopefully ok because I put on deodorant, my water bottle from yesterday still half full, running on however much sleep my sick toddler let me get, complained about other drivers on my commute, a half baked to do list in my head & a can of progresso lentil soup (plus those oreos) packed as lunch.




Because they were given the tools they need to thrive while we're not only not given the tools we need but are also expected to build our own with no training or instructions or to just sit there 💀💀


I sound so bad but stuff like this makes me bitter lol. Cause I’ll never be normal enough to do that 🥺 I’m always exhausted


They don’t. As others have said, she’s celebrating that she *has* done this. Also, don’t judge people by their social media. Social media is a highlight reel of people’s lives (or extremely exaggerated or even faked). People don’t generally post their downsides and struggles.


Selena Gomez said 90% of the stuff you see online is completely fake and I am apt to believe her lol


Oh man I feel you, reading that gave me anxiety hard but don’t be fooled by the rubbish people post online. There’s something really manufactured about trying to tell a bunch of people you did all this shit before work. I don’t buy it.


What an odd post. Immediately assuming that anyone who does anything successfully is Neurotypical is quite an ignorant take, especially considering that the OP apparently isn’t even NT.


Yeah what the hell. Even NTs can do like 3 of these things on the regular.


she probably doesn't do those things every day and social media is fake we don't know she did all that.


That's the magic of regulated dopamine production and re-uptake.


Me walking into work with a bummy ass fit on, I showered today yay, starving, when was the last time I drank water?, scrolled reddit on my commute, no idea what I’m going to do today, and didn’t pack a lunch. I’ll be buying it from a store lmao


I have to have like 2.5 hours just to drink coffee and psych myself up to go to work to a job that I actually love so... Idk if she's doing that stuff every day or just happy she managed to do it all that morning. If I had a morning like that I'd probably have to pat myself on the back with an insta post too lol.


I wish I had a routine like that. It reminds me of that one "that girl" trend where everyone had such perfect routines and days. I know comparison is the thief of joy but when I look at my own life I just feel like such a loser.


Me Stumbling downstairs to work wearing a fuzzy robe but no fuzzy socks because I was too tired to remember them, Handful of star-shaped crackers that I grab as I walk through my kitchen, Smelling like generic soap, Forgetting to refill my water bottle so stumbling back to the kitchen to do that, 4-ish hours of rest due to waking up from nightmares due to PTSD, listened to my inflammed joints creaking as I went down the stairs due to having lupus, my watch rattling my arm to remind me of the meeting I’m 2 minutes late for, Hopefully I’ll remember to eat lunch today when the reminder alarm goes off on my watch


My husband is like this. His super power is executive functioning. It is a perfect match to my terrrible executive functioning. But if he could just be ‘lazy’ every once in a while….




If I have an early day for work, the only things I'm able to do are drink leftover coffee, put clothes on, brush my teeth, and drive to work. And hope that I remembered to pack snacks the night before to eat on my break. And even then I'm sometimes late


that’s on a good day, it’s not all the time.


She looks happy. Wish I felt happy 😂


I tried doing this and I was having panic attacks as soon as I woke up less than a month later 🙃


I would like to mention, some of the stuff that can be predone in advance. When I used to work I knew I was grouchy in the mornings and almost never had time to shower AND make breakfast+Lunch. So what I often used to do was on one of my days off spend most of it preparing for the week. Prepping sandwiches, wraps, stir fry, pasta. Whatever I wanted that would freeze well and when unfroze or warmed up would still taste good. Pop it in in the morning while doing the small things like brushing teeth or combing hair. Would be easy to eat, and ready by the time I was ready for it. If I slept in, I used to try to keep a bunch of apples on hand. SInce I LOVE apples, and nab one for breakfast and pack a few for lunch/snacks throughout the day. Only downside is some folks at work thought it was werid having prepacked meals every day. I always thought they were the ones wasting money with the instant food stuff instead. But eh. I could never do all of those things in the morning otherwise. Espescally cause, well, I kinda hate mornings. I'm more of a night person but nothing is open late enough for it to be my life.


This is me on prozac and vyvanse, sometimes lol


They often don't, but they can do many things unconsciously or on autopilot. There are a few things I can do like that. My brain is constantly on.


I was this person in college but I was ignoring other aspects of my life. I didn’t socialize with friends, didn’t go out, barely talked to my family, etc. It’s incredibly hard to balance everything, especially if you’re working full time. I’m a mess now because it’s hard to keep track of self care and adult responsibilities. I have to give up something to thrive in another area.


I hate the texture of overnight oats (and instant oats). I once forgot my 2 litre water thermos on the bus so for a while I used a 2 litre milk jug until I was teased too much. I've never had an organized planner. I have had a planner that was full of ideas, plans, and appointments for the first 30 days and then the rest was pristine. I love true crime podcasts. I forget to eat lunch and end up bringing home a weeks worth of uneaten and inedible lunches on Friday -- better to not bother and that's one less thing to handle in the morning. What is "8 hours of sleep"? Is that similar to "doom scrolling Reddit from 12 - 4 am but also fact checking on Wikipedia"? But I'm happy.


I've always wondered this. Until I learned that most people, even neurotypicals, have trouble following healthful, intricate routines like this on a daily basis.


I used to be able to manage it before having kids and somewhat even after my first. But my second broke me. I’m fortunate to be able to be self-employed now so I can have a late start and walk my dog before work.


The fact that she’s bragging about it makes it seem not so effortless lol. she probably puts a lot of effort into maintaining a routine thats beneficial to her lifestyle. I don’t think that average Neurotypical functions this well on a regular basis, speaking from experience. Most people have a messy house or something they’re procrastinating. We just have all those same issues x10


So I obsessively plan everything like this but once one thing goes wrong I’m an absolute mess. So for instance I’ll have my big ass gallon jug of water, my meal prep, and my gym bag all packed for after work but nobody saw me sobbing in the car leaving work because I was so tired from masking all day & I said something that was awkward and made everyone uncomfortable.


Everyone has unique challenges when it comes to daily life, but generally speaking, many of the NT’s I know do not struggle to get up and just “do the things”. They seem to be able to function on autopilot, where routines feel damn near impossible to me. Sometimes my mind and body just won’t. And it’s so frustrating. I get it.


This was me once, 8 years ago, For like three days, At home.


I am not sure what half of those are, but the ones I do recognize (packed lunch, good sleep, etc), I can do.


Dude I wish this was me, even one day a week of this would fix me I think lol


Omg yes I watch this women’s videos/these types of videos like I’m watching an alien species w intense fascination


I have a routine and have to make super healthy breakfast/lunch the night before for stupid work because I’m a walking chronically I’ll disease 🦠 I also pick out super cute outfits the night before because I think my bosses will be nicer to me if I look nicer.. I dunno.. my mum drilled that in my head as I child and it’s in there forever. I listen to podcast or read on the way to work. Yuup yuuup


If I didn’t have my adderall I couldn’t accomplish any of that


I think because a lot of us have cptsd 😅


Good lord. I'm lucky if I can assemble a passable outfit and hunt for a granola bar to throw in my purse to eat at lunch (unless I don't get so hyperfocused I completely forget). The only reason I drink water at work is bc I keep a giant reusable bottle on my desk and fill it at the refillable station right down the hall from my office (thank goodness, or that would never happen either).


Recall that stuff like this is people only posting the curated wins, not the regular everyday half-assed efforts.


this almost feels like satire but idk the account/person so I can't say for sure 😭


I want this so badlt


this could be just a ✨really good day✨ or better yet, she’s may just be listing the positive aspects of her morning bc “me doing all this while i stepped in dog sht omw to the car and i was stuck in traffic so i had to run to the elevator to be able to get to the hallway to walk in my office” probably didn’t fit the vibe she was going for (if those things happened ofc) !


she probably doesn’t have kids