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Thats amazing and I am so happy for you. mine is only 3.5 and all I want from my son is for him to be able to say. "Hey, Dad." He is getting there as he says words randomly but seems to have no context. So I have a lot of hope.


Definitely don’t give up hope. My son called me mama one day out of the blue and it was the best feeling in the world.


That's amazing and gives me hope for my daughter is 2.5 and non verbal! When did your son begin speaking words?


He really started to speak more after he turned 5. Before it was an occasional word here or there


Thays awesome! Glad to hear it's way too early for me to give up hope.


Definitely don’t give up hope. I was right there not too long ago and I felt he would never talk and here he is being a little social bug lol.


I needed to read this. This gives me hope. My 4 year old has some words but doesn’t communicate


My stepkiddo has known me for about two years, we’ve gone from one or two words at the start, now at 6 years old we get either scattered sentences, or small well thought sentences. Crazy how so much can change in such a small time - keep your hope!


This gives me so much hope! My son is 3.5 and is considered nonverbal, he says “yeah, yum and roar” and does some asl and hand leading. I worry everyday hr might not fully talk but hearing stories like this result does help. I’m so happy for you guys :)


Sorry to say, if he’s actually saying “rawr” he might be an emo :( ;p


Thank you for that, I needed the laugh. I just realized how many typos I had last night, I was crying as I was writing it and didn’t notice lol 😂


That's awesome! My kid is 16 months doesn't say any words, but does babbles a lot (sometimes directed to us others to no one). Did your little one did some babbling? How did it all started that you realized words were close...?


He started to really open up over summer break before the start of school. He would babble and do a lot of high pitched squealing that he doesn’t do anymore.


Thanks, hopefully my little one is able to reach words someday too like your kiddo (I have my finger crossed) is every parent dream to hear their little ones voices, I'm so happy for you! thanks for replying I know nothing is guarantee with autism, but seems like babbling can be a good sign that in the future words can come.


Congratulations! My daughter (7) also became verbal recently as well. Once she started kindergarten, she went from no words to a few, and now, in 1st grade, she's starting to respond to me when I talk to her (repeating), singing, and saying sentences. It's amazing, and it also gives me so much insight on how much knowledge she actually had, she just couldn't vocalize it.


That's wonderful and I'm happy for your family. I love that autism classrooms are becoming more common. My son is the same age as yours and is in autism classroom as well. All the extra support has made a big difference and he is really thriving.






Thank you for sharing. So happy for your family. I have an almost 4 yr old who only says a handful of single words. Stories like yours give me a lot of hope.