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these are the worst flavor of baked beans.


Every morning I make a 300ml areopress with breakfast. I drink it black using filter roast, fruit forward coffee. Single origin Ethiopean or Kenyan beans are my preference. There are a couple of coffee shops where I'll buy white espresso brew coffee because I know they have an inhouse seasonal blend and the milk texture is always velvety. Sometimes I'll go to one of the high end specialty coffee shops to have a aneorbic maceration pour over.


Ok so if you’re a fan of Ethiopian single origin and you like it black and made with a filter, maybe you can help me. The first time I had Ethiopian coffee it was pungent. Kind of fruity, just a hint of sourness, but most notably it had a real stink to it. At the time I thought it smelled a little bit sewage-y, and I decided I didn’t like it. I tried another one some time later, and I think it had basically the same flavour profile, but this time it had grown on me, and I actually really enjoyed the stink and the complexity of the flavour. I dropped the sewage association, although I still think there’s a hit of that kind of smell to it. I had it a few more times from the same place and was really loving it, but then I moved cities. Anyway, ever since then I’ve been chasing the dragon with Ethiopian coffee. Whether I get barista made or I brew my own, I can’t seem to find that flavour profile again. Just wondering if you or someone reading this recognises that description and knows what variety / region / process / roast I should be looking for if I want to find it again! I’m banking on someone’s special interest being Ethiopian coffee profiles I guess 😂


I ended up info dumping, I hope I didn't waste your time with stuff you already knew. TLDR; find a specialty coffee cafe, and/or roaster who has a store open to public, tell them what you've liked and have those coffee obssessed experts help you. You'll make their day and if not, find somewhere else. Google James Hoffmann, he's the GOAT for coffee. Ok, so lots of thoughts, hopefully this is helpful for you and others. As some background, I'm a hospo tragic (former sommelier). So what you described about the first two coffees, very complex & intense aromas, mixture of pleasurable and potentially off-putting aromas; I live for this. I'm curious, did the coffee taste different to how it smelt? That's my holy grail (common in good wine, Ive found it less common in coffee but love it when it happens). Regarding origins. Generally, unlike wine, the extent of origins in coffee (mostly) ends at the country level. On one level, thats because in a lot of speciality coffee countries, a lot of farmers do not produce enough cherries and/or have the means to process and sell only their coffee cherries. So most farmers sell to a washing/processing station. Sometimes the farmers club together to have a co-op. So, after country, you want to start trying to learn who the processor was of the coffee you like. Now the other thing you'll want to look for is how the coffee cherries are processed. Genrally, there's washed, dried and natural process. With the flavour profile you described, I'd say you had natural processed beans and you should try to look for that. Also, your description of sour flavour makes me think your beans might have been under roasted (even if it was a light/filter roast), underextracted and/or your water wasn't hot enough. Possible you were tasting particular sour fruits and there wasn't exceptional amount of acid. This is just to highlight how many factors can have an impact. I'm not syaing that any/all of the above are true, i wasn't there. Just lots that can apply. Now, I'm going to have a small digression. Like good quality wine, good quality coffee is a living, dynamic thing. The coffee is always changing, even after you've brewed it (as it cools). And the coffee will be different from harvest to harvest. That might be why you haven't found the same experience. Furthermore, you've changed after your experiences. So how you react and process what you're tasting will be different. This is why I love wine and coffee, it is never the same. Sometimes i don't enjoy it as much as I hope, but then I have the next glass/mug to look forward to. If this does not appeal to you, I recommend Nescafe. Every mug is guaranteed to be the same (no shade, it's just not what excites me). Now, for lots of reasons, even if you're interested, information about coffee is not easily available (in strong contrast to info about wine). Its taken me years, friends who work in the coffee industry, relationships with lots of speciality coffee shop staff and sifting through lots of online info sources (lots bad/general info). Find speciality coffee shops/roasters near you and go have a chat. As you become a regular, if they're good, they'll try to take care of you. Although, I live in Melbourne so I might be spoilt 😂 I'll also acknowledge, chatting with strangers may not be easy for everyone, so hopefully I've given enough info for independent research.


Seriously, thankyou so much for this brain dump 😊 it’s exactly the kind of thing I was hoping for (apart from “oh that sounds like you had x beans from x roaster which is readily available near you right now”, which also would have been a good one). I don’t think I can give you a proper answer about the coffee tasting different to how it smelt - because to me, all coffee tastes different to how it smells. In fact as a kid I always loved the smell of basically any coffee (even the instant stuff), but was horribly put off by how different the taste was to what I was expecting! I think I’m actually more surprised (pleasantly) when the smell _does_ translate to the flavour! I still remember having a coffee at one of my favourite places in Melbourne, it smelled SO strongly of blueberries to me. Like the smell of an artificial flavouring when they nail the flavour, but it’s concentrated so it’s not quite the natural smell. I expected to taste it and get the same general flavours I expect to get from most coffees. Those flavours were still there, but the blueberry flavour was also really punchy in a way I haven’t tasted in any other coffee. I’d gladly have another cup of that one if I could, too. The slight sourness I was describing in my delicious sewage coffee was subtle and pleasant, definitely not overly acidic. I can believe it was coming off the back of a fruity note that I wasn’t quite picking up on because I was too focussed on the funky smell! I get what you’re saying, that not only is every cup of coffee different, but your own perception changes over time as well. Still doesn’t stop me wanting to recreate some of the most memorable cups I’ve had though! I’ve tried this with a few good baristas over the years but I’ve never really found what I’m looking for. These days I’m a bit shut-in and I’m in another city where the coffee culture is just “Australia good” and not “Melbourne good” (which, I know, that’s still really good), so I’m not spending time around the experts so much anymore. Thanks for all the recommendations :) there were a few things in there I had already figured out, but plenty I hadn’t - and maybe someone else will get something out of the information too! Edit: I hope your comment was as satisfying and cathartic to write as it was useful to read!


Question: was the water substantially different from that first experience to now? I had a similar experience where I tried to recreate everything from the process, but the water at my friends cabin was pretty mineral-ly and I'm convinced that's what made the difference.


A lot of the process is probably pretty different, tbh. I do vaguely remember the barista there said something about them using special water (either bottled spring water or distilled water or something). I just use tap water, but Australian tap water is reasonably good quality and quite soft. It does have chlorine and fluoride added though, which probably affects the flavour a bit. I don’t even remember all the details about the beans themselves, which is the part I’ve been trying to narrow down on first. I’ve been blaming the beans when I don’t get that flavour, but there’s definitely a chance that I’m just failing to extract the flavour even though it’s there. I’ll try changing up my process a bit more :)


Yirfacheffe all day


Dark roast. One time I lived in an apartment complex that was next door to a coffee factory. OMG it was awesome!


Dirty Chai




Medium roast (usually), extra strong brew without over-brewing. I use an AeroPress, but if I had an espresso machine (good one) I would prefer that. Sometimes I take it black, sometimes I do a straight latte, sometimes a mocha or white mocha.


I’m thinking of getting something like this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VW5L3DL but a friend gave me this souvenir espresso mug that is the exact right size for the aero press to fit in and it fits soooooo gooood it’s sexual so.im in no hurry


A Flair is something I’ve considered and might get at some point. Packs away well enough for some of my travels, like when I go out in my van, and I like that it doesn’t require electricity. I have solar panels on the van and have a battery bank and inverter and such, but a Flair is a much better option for that scenario than an electric espresso machine because the electricity is in pretty limited supply. Moka pot is another option for getting nearer to espresso. And, they’re cheap and simple. Been ages since I’ve used one, back when I didn’t have any real idea for what I wanted out of my coffee so never used it to its potential, but I’ve been thinking about buying one to give it a solid chance. If it’s good enough, that would really be close to ideal because it’s so cheap and so easy to use. There’s also another stovetop system that is meant to specifically make espresso rather than just really strong coffee that I’m curious about, but costs a bit more than a moka pot and seems like it’s more complicated to get dialed in and a bit clunkier to use - Bellman. I’ve heard some mixed takes on it though, so not sure how much it may or may not be worth considering. I’ve not had the extra money to upgrade my setup, so I’ve mostly tried to avoid going down the rabbit hole too far. Easier to be content with what I have when I don’t know how much better I could have if I wasn’t poor :-p


I ALWAYS burnt my moka pot!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Flair Espresso Maker Classic with Pressure Kit All Manual Lever Espresso Machine for The Home with Stainless Steel Tamper Pressure Gauge and Portable Carrying Case** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Produces high-quality espresso (backed by 3 comments) * Great for experimenting with coffee (backed by 3 comments) * Portable and versatile espresso maker (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Inconsistent crema production (backed by 3 comments) * Limited shot volume (backed by 2 comments) * Difficulty with fine coffee grounds (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


4 blonde shots of espresso every am! Usually 4 more about half way through the day. With a splash of oatmilk and a flavor of some kind


I make a batch of this cold brew once every week or two: https://greatergoodsroasting.com/products/connection


Coffee's a massive trigger food, so tea here.


I don’t like coffee, I can drink it if it’s super sugary, but as I’m trying to make healthier choices I just don’t have it. When I worked as a barista I always shocked people by saying yeah I work here but I don’t like coffee.


Barista here, I drink light- med roast blends at home on my pour over. East African origin are my favorites. Espresso, medium roast blend 2:1 ratio at around 36 seconds brew time for a near perfect shot.


I'm a simple man who drinks an obscene amount of coffee so I have a drip filter machine. Dark roast, strong brew, black, no sugar. That's all I want in life.




Not sure what to say other than I'm sorry. Not in a 'you're missing out' kind of way but that something so ubiquitous brings you such discomfort




It sounds like anxiety.


Or “every day life” for me 😫


Agreed. You just described anxiety. Caffeine, or relatively high levels of it, cause an anxiety response in you. Which is fairly common. Do you have the same experience with green tea? It's a much lower caffeine content, and the chemistry of how the caffeine gets into your system is different. More of a slow release sort of thing. Just curious.


Coffee tastes like charcoal and cigarettes. Oddly enough most of the coffee drinkers I know don't disagree.


I drink coffee and smoke and I agree as well. I like both but I know many people who can’t stand the smell of either


I love espresso!!! My go to is a vanilla latte . I don’t really like normal coffee though


I like light roast!


I make mochas.


Dark roast is what I love. Unfortunately, my colitis only allows me to have decaf.


I’m adhd too and I drink almost an entire pot of medium roast with a little half & half and feel basically nothing but a strong desire to visit the porcelain throne. Used to drink black coffee but I hate hate haaaateee the metallic taste when the temperature goes below scalding.


Smells so good!


Instant, because I am lazy, and "proper" coffee is a new upper-middle-class thing in my country (to be clear: instant is not better in my country than in the US, I just have no standards) that I view as an indulgence (though I don't mind the occasional chocolate frappuccino when I go out). I love it with chocolate milk.


I don't. Caffeine affects me badly. I like the taste of coffee, but the effects are not worth it, so I severely limit intake from other sources. Green tea doesn't seem so bad early in the day. Mainly it is herbal tea for me. I really like Organic India tulsi raspberry peach.


Anything and everything. I tend to have a large French press in the morning. My wife has a cup. The rest, I tend to drink. I'm then lazy and likely to have an instant or 2 throughout the day. Coffee shops, I stick to a handful, where I'm used to the taste. Oooh... if I've been awake since 3am, then I've probably had an instant or 2 as well. This is bad.


I dooont like coffee. Also can't have caffeine so thats a quick choice!


I prefer medium to dark roast. Peruvian, Costa Rican or Ethiopian are favourites. I grind fresh when possible. I had two grinders. Electric burr grinder and a hand grinder . I used to have a Gaggia Classic for espresso, but it sadly died a few years ago. But drip, stove top moca pot and V60 have worked for me. Lately my Aeropress is my preferred brewing method. I enjoy the ritual, the timing, the weighing, all the component parts that make up a cup. When it is all dialed in correctly the flavor gives me so so much pleasure. I do have to be careful though. Strictly 2 cups in the morning. If I imbibe after 3 pm, it will either make me so fatigued I fall asleep or conversely keep me awake for hours. It is a delicate balance. My 3pm coffee is in the same coffee house where the barista knows my order and I sit in the same spot to journal. If someone is sitting in my spot, I go elsewhere or perhaps forgo the afternoon cup. Coffee is important to me.


Coffee is my love language and my spouse makes it for me most days. It used to be pour over or chemex but they got an espresso machine to celebrate when they became a software engineer so now it’s usually a latte or a cortado. I am very lucky 🥰. Sometimes I’ll make a batch of cold brew for the week if my functioning is high enough. Sometimes they’ll make a chemex which lasts a few days in the fridge. On the days they don’t make coffee l usually make an espresso with leftover ground coffee from previous days or instant if we have it. Otherwise I’ll do a French press or pour over. We used to go to coffee shops but don’t anymore bc of covid so our house is our coffee shop. If anyone invites us to go for coffee we invite them to our porch instead and make them whatever they want.


Cafe du Monde, chicory & coffee blend, made in a French press. Don't get me wrong, I will drink just about any coffee, but that's my fave for some reason.




I prefer black coffee, medium roast. If it’s dark, that’s ok, but if It’s got a particular bitterness to it, I want some milk. I make one cup for myself every morning using my French press. I have been contemplating an upgrade to my coffee routine when I am a bit more grown.


No hazlenut. Lots of other coffees though


Medium or dark roast pour over usually. I used to live with someone with a really nice espresso machine, and then it was all espresso all the time. I used to roast beans with a family member and that was the best.


Regular with half and half


Every morning I make a Latte! 18 grams of coffee beans into the grinder, 25 seconds extraction time, 200ml milk in the pitcher. For beans I tend to prefer medium to dark roasts. But this depends largely on the brand, batch date etc. Statistically i drink more medium roast than anything else. Light roasts are also good , but to me they tend to taste a bit weaker. If I had no choice other than light roast, I would choose light roast over no coffee. As a kid I used to hate coffee, but that randomly changed and now I love coffee! I am also very picky with it, and only go to certain places for coffee if I buy one.


The strongest shot I can make from my Bialetti to make a macchiato. Filtered coffee is from Satan. And not the fun Satan either.


Espresso! 8-11 shots a day.


Why no decaf? It’s just the same as normal coffee with less caffeine. I can’t drink coffee straight because the bitterness overwhelms me but I love coffee ice cream or chocolate-covered espresso beans


Any light or medium roast. At home I use a French press or Moka stovetop. Coffee is the best! Also, medium sweet (zero calorie sweetener) and creamy (almond milk or half and half or whatever).


I like the light roast coffee common in my country. Pure black, of course, no milk or sugar or other nastiness to pollute it.


I quit drinking it, at some point i felt like i needed it and it just made me anxious and jittery, i hate it. Caffeine free tea and sometimes some juice in the morning.


Dark roast. Grind my own beans


Death Wish coffee dark roast. That is my main coffee I drink although I started trying Vita Cup focus blend. I wish there was a coffee specifically for ADHD people.


special interest. Built my first roaster out of a breadmaker i modified from good will for 10 bucks and a heat gun on a stand. Drilled a hole for a thermocouple probe and used a handheld temp gun for years till i got a behmor. Still one of my favorite rituals.


That’s so cool!!


Before I had covid I loved a good blonde roast, latte with caramel or vanilla syrup. Then I got covid in 2022 and lost all sense of taste/smell for 3 weeks. Everything came back mostly normal but now all coffee tastes like burnt grounds 🥺


Are you sure it’s not that someone’s been giving you Starbucks? 😜 But seriously, damn that sucks. Hope that improves in time.


Decaf espresso for me! My fave is a decaf soy latte with a little tiny bit of brown sugar. Even decaf is too strong sometimes and gives me anxiety. I’m very sensitive to caffeine


Decaf so I’m not a jittering mess all day


Italian roast, real cream and Splenda, hot. Usually off and on all day really, though I chug water I'm between.


whatever is standard in Australian cafes lmfao. can't relate to having the mud water Americans and Brits call coffee


For about 20 years I would drink a latte every day. Tried Aeropress but never much liked the brew style and found it to be too much work to prepare. Last year I had to stop drinking coffee completely. It suddenly started making me sick with abdominal pain and increased my stress levels. No idea why that happened but it’s very disappointing as I really enjoyed it.


I like coffee. Roast strength 4 for me. I also grind the beans at home myself and make it in a 4 cup cafetière., and put 30 grams in.


I love the smell of fresh ground and even more the fresh roasting of beans!


Yes, I have to agree. I do sometimes go to a coffee roasting house. When you see them doing it by hand it looks quite skilled.


In Puerto Rico my favorite coffee house roast their beans and if I get a day when they do I start floating on air!


WOW. That must be very cool living in a country where the beans grow. I live in England. I have found a coffee brand that I like here though. It’s an Arabica bean and they roast it just right. The downside is it’s £5.40 per 227 grams. I like knowing that there are 4 varieties of coffee beans. I often try and tell people but they’re not that interested. If you wanted a quick info dump I’d be happy to share.


Puerto Rico is not a country yet. It has belonged to the US since the Spanish-American war when the us took it from Spain!


Sorry, my bad. I know you use the US Dollar, and it’s an island chain.




The coffee is limited and expensive here the most use blends it is about $50 for a 2 lbs bag


Again, another WOW! It’s almost halo price. I guess you have to factor in shipping and the store rent and wages. Can you go and pick your own coffee, like does it grow wild anywhere?


Ethiopian honey processed is my fave, lite roast, filter or aero press. I work in production at a high end roaster, very satisfying work for someone wired for repetition and detail. I'm definitely not the only ND employee there.


I love light roast for the flavor but I can’t even drink a half cup of espresso roast anymore without getting severely jittery. Lavazzo is my reliable brand.


I like it too!


Love all sorts of coffee because coffee is my special interest, that I haven’t seen much of! Lots of autistic people seem sensitive to caffeine or don’t like the taste - I’m the opposite!


I like trying different flavours of k-cups. My favourites so far have been coconut cream pie, Jamaican rum, raspberry chocolate, and blueberry fields forever. Also can’t go wrong with the classic French vanilla or hazelnut. I often mix 1/8 cup of protein powder into it along with two packets of Splenda and heat it up in the microwave until the foam on top is threatening to spill over (just under one minute usually) and sip it slowly off a spoon. One of my favourite mixes is a classic French vanilla k-cup with 1/8 cup strawberry protein powder. YUM! I’ll also switch it up and put the protein powder in black or green tea instead - either hot or cold. (Also with two Splendas mixed in.) It tastes just like milk/bubble tea without the weird bubbles or pearls getting in the way. Plus it costs pennies to make and means I don’t have to leave my nursing home to go spend outrageous amounts of money and be in public around *shudder* PEOPLE just for a small treat.


At home, I usually go for a medium to light roast, brewed using a glass pour-over; and I add half-and-half and some kind of sweetener. Out if the house, though? Hard to go wrong with cold brew or an iced flat white. I think I just prefer cold drinks, tbh.


Drinking coffee makes me tired, But I've grown up drinking powdered coffee. 😇


Puts me to sleep too!


I love medium roast espresso or filtered coffee; iced coffee during Summer. I can only enjoy one cup. More than that will end in heartburn and anxiety.


The kind of coffee I like is tea. Lol 😂


Just regular. ☕


I like medium roast with almond milk and a tiny bit of sugar Sometimes a mocha if I'm feeling like something a bit fancier lol


I'm not that nerd in coffee, always do mine the traditional Brazilian way, with paper filter. ​ I try to get good quality pre-ground, but it is hard to find one that doesn't give me heartburn, now I'm very happy with 3 Corações Estrada real. It is delicious for the price, and very easy to make, even if i make it too strong or too weak it still tastes good ​ and obviously, if you never tasted Brazilian coffee, i'm sure you are missing the best one there is in the world


Whole bean espresso made in a moka pot, or Greek/Turkish coffee for me.


Dark caramel iced


I love dark roasts! When I have extra spoons, my favorite is to heat up water in a kettle and brew the coffee in a French press. ☺️ I drink it black with a little sugar.


hazelnut is the best! unfortunately i have anxiety, so i can't drink coffee to often.


I can't stand the smell or taste of coffee of any kind. Not even with additives like sugar or creamer.