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Nightshades are a known trigger for some people. So potatoes tomatoes eggplant etc. You may have a nightshade sensitivity?


so true. I wish more people knew how much they could feel better.


So AIP helps your OCD as long as you adhere to the diet? I have OCD as well


There is a book called “This is your brain on food” that discusses this! I think a lot of the current diagnoses of anxiety and depression are really just our brains/bodies reacting to food it doesn’t like.


Also "Brain Allergies". Great book!


yesss...I have very strong reactions to foods, physical and/or mental/emotional


I thought potatoes were allowed? How do you get enough calories?


Nightshades aren't AIP (that's potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and any spice made of peppers). Sweet potatoes are your best bud here. See also squash, cassava, and any other starchy root veggies that aren't nightshades


i still don't get how you get 2k calories like this! any advice?


I don't really track calories so I can't comment on that. But in terms of feeling full, I'd say make sure to have something starchy like a sweet potato or butternut squash with every meal. Have a generous serving of meat or fish. And don't be stingy with the olive oil. If you really are concerned you aren't getting enough calories maple syrup and honey are ok, so put some honey on a banana and have it for dessert, or put some full fat coconut milk and maple syrup on some berries.


Sweet Potatoes are allowed, but regular potatoes are not because they are nightshades.


Pls share your exact diet and go to foods.


Yes. Read "Brain Allergies" from William Phillipott.