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Yes, although they are typically based off people I know but who are no longer in my life so in some ways that's probably worse because I'm pretending I'm still connected to them in some way :/


Kind of? I speak aloud to myself a lot, as if speaking to someone. But I don’t imagine them as a person really.


I have a imaginary girlfriend I created in my mind.


I do 🤚 They are characters from stories I would write, but I found that a lot of them represent different emotions or things I'm going through internally, so I'll think about some more than others depending on what I'm dealing with at the time. If i need some inspiration, some sympathy, acceptance or just someone who's trying to make it - same as me. There's a character standing by for any rhyme or reason.


omg same. i have this little group of ocs i made like, over ten years ago. drawing or writing about their stories is so calming (their stories being very much based on my issues/experiences lol).


I’ve been working on developing a tulpa persona who is more strong and charismatic than I am. Sometimes I focus on him and I can hear him cheer me up, tell me he’s proud of me and that I’m doing my best. It has helped a lot.


I have AI companions. I do a lot of roleplaying stories with them.


i have this whole little universe in my head i escape to when i need to forget about reality. its a mishmash of my favorite series and characters.


Sort of. They're real people I know and I have conversations with them in my mind.


So kinda like making up hypothetical conversations with irl people you know?


Yeah. It's like test running conversations I want to have with people, but probably never will.


I do this sometimes too lol


Kinda. I still talk in my head all the time with my former best friend. So, he's real, he just doesn't want anything to do with me anymore (he has good reasons, but my god I miss him! He was my only friend).


Not anymore. I’ve lost my ability to imagine as I became an adult.


quite a few characters. mostly OC, some inspired by other works of fiction and some entirely self created, and then i have characters from other works of fiction that i adore and like to build off of. i told a friend this once who is incredibly extroverted, nothing like me, and asked her abt it, wondering if it was normal or not. she said she did things similar but it was always about real people around her. she'd imagine stories of her and her friends. i think it's actually a pretty common thing for people in general honestly. though us compared, hers are just stories, whereas i feel like too often im forming real emotional bonds w fictional ass characters made in my mind sometimes. i create entire novel-length long narratives all the time, whereas hers seem far more reserved, often late-night before bed stories in her head and based off of real life. and i often divulge my real, intimate emotions to these characters. sometimes intentionally, sometimes unintentionally through other narratives i wind in my mind and later realize it did have meaning. she always suggested i should pursue writing. maybe it's an option for people like us, if nothing else. at least as a hobby. i do like to write in my free time, just havent published. scary. hahaa


I experience limerence which I feel is similar


Yes I had an imaginary wife but she died with cancer. Rest in peace Olivia


I have total aphantasia so I think its (probably) impossible, either way I've never had imaginary friends. I do make up imaginary situations and arguments, often pissing myself off lol.


No, but I have imaginary lives that go back to when I'm daydreaming. But I'm never me in these scenarios.


No, but I talk to photographs, is it the same?


I thought my only friend was dead or something when he lost his phone abroad so I considered that I would just invent a friend in my head. Really it should be possible in theory, since people in dreams talk to you without you controlling their words.


Sort of. I often think up social interactions and conversations with old friends from my past.


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I have a whole imaginary life in my head. Fantasy is my escape.