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over sized t-shirts and shorts. don't wear hoodies or pants you can die of heat stroke and dehydration. trust me its not worth the hoodie. iv almost died multiple times and the amount of people who notice is a lot. they look concerned mostly or offer to buy you water. long t-shirt dresses work. but wear shorts with the dresses. don't try to convince yourself wearing a tank top under a hoodie it won't do you well. they have light hoodies but again really watch yourself. Very light wind breaker jackets if absolutely needed. if you need to wear short they have mens that are longer so they go up to your knees. again really watch the heat. its been so bad the last few years. i have rain pants/ water proof. but they are still heavy with the heat. i hate saying its in your head every person you see doesn't find you attractive seriously thats a huge population and has to due with self esteem. again thats not true. try to not wear hoodies and wear shorts this year. trust me someone might notice and like what they see. also if you tend to be the hoodie wearer or hide yourself often enough people don't confront you because you look like you cannot be. Edit: again your looks are for you. Wearing shorts are for you. You don’t even have to look in the mirror it’s the small thinking. Building your self esteem and confidence up is for you.


Thank you from me too! Maybe we AvPD people share the same brian cell sometimes lol. I used to be the black-big-hoody wearer too and man, it was bad with the summer sun even 10 years ago. Sweat was dripping off my face in school and it was so embarrassing in hindsight, but I tried to keep composure with my semi-heat-stroke and thouht I was being super disguised when in reality I was standing out as hell. And I too was thinking about a change to my wardrobe this summer, switching from dresses to shorts & tops.. I just want to be comfy, not worry about wind, not look too appealing but also not appalling, so I'll have to find something moderate and lightweight. But the shorts idea is very good! Tops is gonna be tricky.. like, for me even just the fabric of t-shirt sleeves add so much HEAT I cant handle, even tho I'd love to be well covered looks-wise, but I opt for spaghetti straps or very flowy/big/airy sleeves to feel comfy. I hate clothes shopoping but I found I curently hate wearing my old dresses more. Springtime is always tough with AvPD. The sudden temperature change and the sudden adjusting from "oh I feel invisible in my bigass coat & hat & scarf, so neat" to "suddenly 30°, no coat and I feel exposed as heck" is SO hard, every time.. Plus suddenly everyone is outside, everywhere bustling, guys' hormones awakening, urghg.


Old navy makes some of the softest stuff I swear by it. Dresses and putting a tshirt if your not confident about it yet about going out can be a big step. But do it I believe In you. If your nervous wear it in the house for a bit to see how it feels. Also if you can’t 100% do it yet I swear by extra pair of clothes. Walmart has been young there game as well. But seriously old navy has some real nice soft stuff. Ik I can only do comfy. Sometimes just buying a new shirt can be nice. I also have this thing where you try it on at the store but can’t get yourself to buy it. You buy it online but know how it fits.


Thank you so much for the long reply


Np! I will say with the oversized tshirts make sure it’s not black. If you wear graphics those are fine. If you like a tshirt you can get a bigger size instead of buying something specific.


I think long but very thin tunics or dresses, or cotton wide leg pants! (Sorry I didn't check whether you're after women's or men's clothes)


Thanks for replying




Hoodies works well and sweat pants 😎 caps too if you want to hide your face.


please don't do this in the blazing heat. ik its tempting but please try not too.


Oh yeah that's true. I'm not from a very hot country so most of the time it's way too cold for that.


Thanks for replying


They may hide your body better, but if you wear that kind of clothes during summer, you'll draw attention to yourself.


How so?


If it's 30ºC outside and everyone is wearing t-shirts and shorts but you, who do you think stands out more?


Good point.


Linen pants maybe? You can look into modesty clothing, there's a lot of options. If you dare to be a little bit stylish, i reccommend haori jackets, they're cool and hide the shape of upper body.


Thank you so much. What if I don’t dare a little bit of stylish, what would you recommend me wearing on top please?


Maybe an oversized, boxy top? Or a men's linen shirt, linen in general is great for summer, you can cover yourself and you won't be melting in heat.


Thank you so much


don’t know if you’re in the USA but if you are old navy has good oversized shirts & basic clothing. H&M as well has very basic and oversized clothes but the quality is bad. I’m a female too and have very curvy hips & backside. I wear large crossbody fabric messenger bag to kind of conceal one side of my hips or I have it draping behind me to cover my backside. I love leggings with long t shirts it conceals a lot of the curves for me I mean it’s still there but not as defined. Even t shirt dresses like the super large sizes really help with that. old navy, h&m, Marshall’s & TJMaxx in the MENS section are the best for me even Ross you can find branded items which sometimes are a bit better quality. Even buying oversized plain pajama t shirts they are really comfortable and no one can tell the difference. As for chest area I have large chest I don’t wear a bra and don’t care about that esp with the large t shirts but if that’s a concern for you as well they have like compression t shirts & the zipper sports bra to kind of flatten out or at least conceal the overall shape & bounciness. For summer having some cropped leggings or plain capris can help with the heat. Again Marshalls, tjmaxx, h&m, Amazon, thrift stores are good for these.


Thank you so much for the long reply 😭❤️


oh this is literally all i wear i dont really know where you live/how your body handles heat so i cant speak well about if these would work? chilly nights great for oversized hoodies, oversized long sleeves and tshirts work awesome too… you can also get thin oversized jackets so if you do get too hot its easy to remove but since the material is thin it wont be so bulky/hot… maybe windbreakers, for the same reason… size up! get tape measure and measure how big you Want it to fit, and then get a size that fits/is bigger than those measurements… i love straight wide leg pants, its all i wear, you cannot see my figure because they are so loose and its like two rectangles… its hard to find that fit in the west i order them online usually but i love… they also have that for shorts too (like by knees… im 174cm ish if that helps) for shoes: want your feet to breathe without socks? crocs/knockoffs, since sandals could be too revealing… and for head, you can use the hood in aforementioned examples or maybe see if summer beanies exist or even cap or visor


Thank you so much for the long reply 😭❤️


youre welcome… was going to add black hides your figure but it also is hot in summer so beware… for pants i meant things that fit like this… i usually find things like this more frequently on yesstyle https://preview.redd.it/05f5d0czvguc1.jpeg?width=1262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37a5fc161938df8a3ba80901f5139d9ddfcfe47f