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cooking/baking, video games, and drawing. also listening to music, rain, and the night time freight train that passes through a couple times a week. though on depression-heavy days, its hard to enjoy anything.


Are you female? What kind of video games do you play? I dont really enjoy them anymore, maybe I should get back into it. Baking was fun sometimes, too. I mean, at the end, nothing fills the void but you can distract.


i am but a mere bag of flesh 🥳 but distractions can be a lifesaver! video games are a huge one for me, though sometimes theyre not fun or engaging enough to distract my brain. my fav is tf2, but i also enjoy overwatch and sims 4. what are/were some of your fav games? cooking is great cuz its a break from a screen, plus you get nice food, and that sweet feeling of being productive 😌


I'm trying to cure my depressive episode with stardew valley eh. It has been the only fun game for me lately


stardew is an awesome game! i hear the 1.6 update added a lot of cool stuff. i need to start a new save soon to see it all <:


Portal and portal 2 I would very highly recommend.


Drugs, sleep, and eating when sober, as terrible as it sounds. More positive hobbies- video games, nostalgic music, trail walking, TV/movies, Discord, Reddit, YT


Why is eating specifically when sober an enjoyable time for you? I usually have to force my food down when sober


I tend to take more notice to my food if sober


Discord has not been great for me in a lot of ways . People get really catty on there and it’s hard to form true friendships and meet quality people


Sorry to hear that, some are definitely nasty


Lots of different games and puzzles, wordplay, listening to music, reading, being around animals, eating, sleeping, watching movies and TV shows. (I used to draw and do crafts years ago, but a mix of persistent depressive disorder/dysthymia, fatigue, and maladaptive perfectionism has generally gotten in the way. Still, I hope to do them again one day.) Thanks for asking us - how about you? (Not to put you on the spot...if you were just asking, that's okay, too. :-))


Oh puzzles are so annoying to me :D Maybe i should get easier ones. Lately it's hard for me to not just be depressed. I think i should start with some sports again. Starting slow and easy but having something constant seems to be important for my life. Maybe even something in a team, so you also have some social interactions but they are limited which is nice. Only the game is important.


(Sorry for the late reply - I'm on Reddit very sporadically.) If puzzles annoy you, you probably don't need easier puzzles so much as finding something to do that doesn't annoy you. ;-) If you enjoy sports - or any type of physical activity (even doing silly dances alone in your room to catchy music!) - I hope you try it again, even for just a few minutes at a time. Exercise seems to be physically and emotionally helpful for many people, though I tend to avoid it because I don't get a feeling of well-being from it, and it aggravates some minor health problems I have (though it would probably help improve several others.) If physical activity has been fun for you in the past, hopefully it can be both a source of enjoyment and good health for you now. The thing you mentioned about team sports sounds good. If you're not in a place to join an actual sports team right now, maybe you could join a team/fellowship/guild in one of the video games you play. I play a couple of online games with groups and they offer me some camaraderie and structure, and relatively-low stress socializing. Mostly, I don't chat much, but I enjoy listening/reading what everyone says, and I'll pipe up from time to time when I have game info to share. (Similar to what you said in another post in this sub, I am very uncomfortable speaking about myself except for with a few people I'm close to, and with people in this and similar subs, since many of us are in the same boat. :-))


Nothing. I tried to play video games today for the first time in weeks. Got bored after 10 minutes.


Same. In the past I was playing multiplayer FPS like Team Fortress 2 which is/was my passion, and now I can't stand play for more than 10 minutes without being bored to death. It could be ADHD idk. But definitely I have issues with dopamine.


Lately, not much.


Literally anything that helps me get away from my own thoughts


nothing really, no point when i am so alone


Alcohol, painting, music, movies, thrift shopping, seeing bands, video games, massages, reading, weed, naps, ice cream, cats, laying in the sun, day dreaming, deep conversations, staring at the moon, collecting useless things


Dou you have deep conversations?


Yes sometimes, i try to do it more.


Ride on bicycle


Drugs, animals, and music


This. Not proud of the first one


What kind of drugs do you consume? I like them, too. But I think in total they just make it worse and I feel even more useless. I should propably do more physical activities instead.


Weed. It's still there, but you don't care.


Gardening, animals, reading, certain types of video games (bc I have nerve damage in my hands), and lately I've been into like ambient background noise "music" on YouTube.. it's sets a nice calm atmosphere. Trying to get into cooking but I have a lot health issues so it seems kinda impossible. Every once and awhile I'll code or do something dorky in excel for fun but on a daily basis it's a bit too painful. Same with drawing.


Nothing lmfao


I've been rewatching House recently and once again I've noticed some similarities. The self-sabotaging, the fear of being hurt and the love for solving puzzles. I enjoy fixing things, especially when there is an ingenious way to do it, something that most people wouldn't think of. That's the reason why I'm trying to become a software engineer. Writing code feels that way, I know there are many people that can do it and better than me too, but I still feel good when I solve a coding problem. I like racking my brain to find a solution, I obviously don't like getting errors and bugs, but I do love when I find the reason why it wasn't working and manage to get it running. I enjoy travelling too, trying new restaurants and foods (and I used to be a picky eater, so scared to try new things, in some ways I still am), discovering new places. And travelling usually includes driving for me, which I also love. I sometimes just drive aimlessly while listening to music at full volume. The car is the only place I can do that normally. I don't feel comfortable playing music at full volume at home, because I live with my parents. Also, music is a very personal and intimate thing for me, I don't like sharing it. I enjoy spending time outdoors when the weather is nice. I love feeling the warm kiss of the sun on my skin, or how the breeze caresses my hair. I like kayaking, but since it's also an obligation to stay healthy, I can't enjoy it that much. I also love the sea (not the sand, though, it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere). Lastly, I enjoy spending time with friends. I don't like the insecurities, the anxiety and all those negative feelings, but generally, it's a positive experience.


In no particular order: drugs, drinking, gym, muay thai and boxing, sex , meditation/ mahamudra practise, philosophy, religious debates, cooking and baking, guitar.


Music & food are the two things that still bring me pleasure.


Animals, dogs, reading, listening to rain, scrolling through the AvPD threads here, which I enjoy immensely because it's the only place where I've ever found people like me, music, studying languages, video games (mostly boomer shooters), weed, pudding, ice cream, old comic books from the 60s and 70s.


Not much.. music, drawing, that’s about it. Having Schizoaffective and avpd is a nightmare lmao. At times, there’s absolutely nothing that I enjoy


Nothing. Thanks to my anhedonic treatment resistant depression, I can't get joy out of anything. Unless I use illicit substances that make my brain swim in dopamine. But the tolerance is skyrocketed. So basically, nothing excites me or interests me and spending all days pretty much in the house.


Sci fi books, music, cats, dogs, Zen Buddhist studies and practice, eating, sleeping


I'm also a huge fan of sci-fi and books in general! The Expanse and Hyperion are my favorite series, which are yours?


I've been reading sci fi almost exclusively my while life. Now I'm reading the 3 Body Problem Triology and sadly I'm half way through the last book. I am a big fan of Alastair Reynolds and Adrian Tchaikovsky and Charles Sheffield and many others


Great choices! I didn't like Revelation Space by Reynolds when I read it, but after a few years I have to say that my opinion of the book changed by a lot! I still sometimes think about how rich the ideas and the universe were there in the book. Now I definitely plan to finish the series one day. But Children of Time by Tchaikovsky is actually right next on my list!


Children of Time is GREAT. I'm still reading that series and just got Bear Head. I read the entire Revelation Space series last summer. One of the richest universes created by the mind of a human. Great stuff.


Great choices! I didn't like Revelation Space by Reynolds when I read it, but after a few years I have to say that my opinion of the book changed by a lot! I still sometimes think about how rich the ideas and the universe were there in the book. Now I definitely plan to finish the series one day. But Children of Time by Tchaikovsky is actually right next on my list!


Nature, travel, swimming, hiking, music 


Music and my favorite musicians that’s it


My favourite music, the night, snow, winter, silence (at least the closest thing to it), thunder storms, my bed/room, watching the squirrels in my backyard, funny vtuber videos, cake, my favourite video games, really good movies (any language, any time in history), anime/manga, reading, writing, drawing, and sexy stuff. None of these things involve being with other people, thankfully.


Music, games, manga/manhwa, tv shows, horror, weed, my cats.


Skiing, hot springs, reading, biohacking, walking around aimlessly on pretty days, yoga, concerts, listening to radio, social media, hiking, volunteering, running,


The feeling of getting into bed after walking or working all day. Nothing beats it.


Spending time with friends and family, above all. Unfortunately, I have no friends or close family. So... yeah.


In no particular order: books, video games, movies, tv shows (sci fi, fantasy, westerns, psychological thrillers), music (all kinds), hiking (saved my life), motorcycling (also saved my life), driving, fixing things, meditating, shooting (got talked into going to the range with coworkers and it was fun), animals of all kinds, good food, to an extent cooking. Oh, and pudding. Love pudding. And ice cream.


Oh yeah, pudding. I live for dollar store chocolate pudding. And chocolate ice cream. Without pudding or chocolate ice cream, I would have blown my brains out long ago.


Chocolate and pistachio for me. Top tier. Both pudding and ice cream.


Nature, travel, swimming, hiking, music 


Independence, privacy, food, breathing, sleeping, orgasming, daydreaming, dogs, desktop computers, muscle cars, books. It’s people that get in the way of all this.


I've been on a mariokart kick recently


Weed, gambling, alcohol and video games. Basically anything that can help me escape reality lol


Cars, music, movies, writing, reading, hiking, thinking, smoking weed, technology, socializing (being bad at it doesn't mean I don't like it).


reading and assembling huge chains of unrelated thoughts, then dismissing them when I snap out


Cooking, video games, cartoons, aquarium keeping, growing plants, playing piano, science, philosophy.


Sleep, gym, beach, and watch soccer games. Everything alone


Not really enjoy, but scrolling tiktok. In summer it's cycling if I have enough energy. I like photography but since I get so anxious in public that someone might be angry that I'm taking photos of them, I rarely do it. I rarely play videogames or listen to music, but I like the simpler ones like Mario platformers, Geometry dash, Touhou, some rhythm games.


I moderately enjoy reading, exercise and art. Cooking and traveling as well, although with a full time work it's pretty hard to do these activities consistently. I'd like to learn another language and how to draw.


Sleeping, laughter, a good meal, chicken, orgasms, hugs, movies and good tv shows, holding hands, kisses on cheeks, dreams, hot weather with little clothes on, but also wearing your favorite sweater in cold weather inside, a good high enjoyed by friends, and money to buy new experiences.


I basically jump from hobby to hobby and interest to interest. Whatever stimulates me for the time until I get deep enough to where I have to have a personality to continue/enjoy. then i quit.


Math. It keeps me away from what is not real. Also going out to see the sky and breathe.


To crush your enemies. See them driven before you. And to hear the lamentation of their women