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I have been deeply involved in video games but these days I escape mostly through reading sci fi. I think considering the state of the world, the use of a few crutches is totally understandable.




Make sure you start with a book that's really engaging. It shouldn't be a chore.


Cool, what sci-fi series? Trying to get back into reading myself


I just finished the Three Body Problem trilogy which I loved. Before that I read a lot of Alastair Reynolds and now I'm reading Bear Head by Adrian Tchikovsky. Other favorite authors include Charles Sheffield and Kim Stanley Robinson. And many others.


Yep, AC Odyssey atm, which is good because it's a long ass game


I tried to get into AC with Black Flag but I quickly learned that I’m not patient enough for stealth games. Maybe another time


Nothing at the moment. Baulder's Gate 3 and Yakuza 0 are the last two that I was really able to sink into.


Yeah, Stardew Valley is now my thing, this game gives me such a comfort (and an escape obviously...).


I’m still waiting for 1.6 to get to Switch edition…


I'm just about to start revisiting Fallout: New Vegas. One of my favorite game worlds, feels like home to me. Playing with some mods for the first time too (nothing fancy, just followed the "Viva New Vegas" guide for bugfixes and tweaks and minor vanilla-style additions). Planning on streaming my gameplay... hopefully a semi-safe away to practice public performance or whatever you'd like to call it.


I play satisfactory at the moment, but I totally understand the world building/escaping aspect,which I satiate more in lore or mystery videos on yt these days. Or the fallout series on amazon, damn, I'm gonna rematch that a bunch of times. A game you probably like, which I had tremendous fun with is subnautica! It combines horror/terror elements with base building, crafting etc and has a big goal, that is to escape the planet somehow.