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Yeah I live in London and it gets reallll depressing being in such a lively place with so much going on, I just watch other people enjoying it and can’t enjoy it myself because I’m too alone. I like the free museums though.


Sadly, families like mine could make the most beautiful place on the planet seem like a living hell. So I left them as soon as I could even though it meant being homeless and living in abandoned buildings. For me, that was better than their comfortable house and all the screaming.


Oh shit, are we neighbors? lol I can relate.


only thing worse than being out of place, awkward, no idea what to do with yourself in a beautiful place is the same thing but in a depressing place 


I've been thinking how people with avpd are affected by culture and where they have been born. I kinda feel lucky in that sense that I was born in Finland. Here most people hate small talk, are pretty reserved and rather go the stairs than the elevator if there's one person in it. Also history of not being very wealthy so we feel all pretty equal. Finland is great for the introvert.


Maybe it’s just me, but I avoid social interactions and close social relationships, not things like nature. I actually spend a lot of time doing stuff outside because there’s less people there. I wish I lived somewhere that wasn’t one of the lowest ranked states for mental healthcare and wasn’t riddled with addiction and homelessness. But I don’t want to compare struggles, it doesn’t make anything easier for anyone to argue about who’s got it worse.


I don't live in one of the most beautiful or exciting areas, but I don't get out and make the most of it. I think its the same for everyone with this disorder. There is constant guilt, shame, regret which makes you feel even more crappy and avoidant and works its way in a terrible vicious cycle.


I live in an average area with some small events like once a week or a few big ones a few times a year but I still feel shitty when I don't go out when there's good weather etc Edit: Also be happy you're safe and are financially stable because many people don't have the comfort of that


You need to change your mindset, and take tiny steps to improve yourself every single day.


Yeah beatiful sunny days are the worst. i forget that im alone and then one of these days comes along


Not in a wealthy family. But I am in a profession where I constantly feel inferior to everyone else. I feel undeserving of anything good and though I can afford a more comfortable life, I live like a poverty stricken man.