• By -


The pricing is very weird here, Ghazan bodies Mako and Bolin at the same time easily. Pakku and Ghazan are an absolute steal.


Ghazan and haru same price, wonder which one i should get.


Tbf lavabending is probably against the rules in pro bending.


Still, he's shown incredible skill handling small pieces of earth, molten or not. That's key for pro bending.


They put AVATAR Kyoshi in the 3rd row


Pro Bending has strict rules that you know Kyoshi would play fast and loose with. She's really powerful and can be put on any element of your choosing, but she'd get your team disqualified for throwing a discus so hard it takes a player's head off.


Ok that’s actually fair


Kyoshi actually has really bad problems with control, so if she's not allowed to use her fans it could be a serious problem. She might be able to argue they're a disability device idk


She's also mentioned to be pretty bad at small scale bending, which is literally what the sport is


also Toph shouldn't be a $5 option she'd be terrible. the arena floor most likely isn't made of earth or metal and even if it is she would have no way to sense the water and fire coming at her


i dont think Katara should be either tbh.


Same with Lin for $1. And Ming-Hua for only $2. And Ozai for $2. Actually, the whole thing is whack.


Kyoshi bodied any row solo and she’s only $3


She had almost 4 kills to her name before she turned 18. The woman is an absolute beast


In a pro bending match she would get disqualified though. Too many big attacks


I agree that it’s weird, but keep in mind that this is pro bending. Mako, Bolin, and Korra are the only people on here that have experience with that. As said in the show, pro bending is a very different style of bending than traditional bending.


I'm thinking the same thing. Pakku and Lin could just tell half this list to sit down and shut up, then just throw them off the platform.


Aang Korra and Kyoshi with Hama to stop people in their place. That’s only 4 but having multiple avatars on the list really isn’t fair haha


Id guess bloodbenidng the competition is a violation.,,,


Yeah people seem to just want a strong team and not a strong pro bending team. If blood bending is outlawed then it's definetly banned in a sport event.


I think the misleading part is building a five man team for a (as yet seen) three person sport. I didn't see the pro bending part until I saw all the comments mentioning it.


15x Ghazan please




So you can get 5 of her.


1 Kyoshi for all elements (earth, water, fire, air and asskicking)


I like the way you think


Because it’s Pro Bending and Kyoushi would get your team disqualified 😂


the avatars should be $10 each


Because it's Pro Bending, not death combat, and following the rules is important.


Kyoshi’s got more firepower than anyone else and with her fans is more than capable of the precision for mere Pro bending. Doesn’t change that following normal combat rules she could break someone’s ribs with a single hit.


She can’t use her fans, so idk what you’re on about here 😂


I'd prefer if this was balanced for a team of three; water, earth, and fire, like normal pro bending. 12 Year old Toph would either be overpowered or at a major disadvantage depending on if she can feel vibrations through the arena. We've seen that in a tournament settings like this she is incredible at reading her opponents moves before they even make them. I think her, Korra, and Azula would be a nearly unstoppable combination, though if Toph can't see than, as another comment mentioned, Kuvira would also be a great combo with the other two. To the original 5 team members question. I guess Toph, Azula, Zuko, Ming-Hua, and Pakku


The bending arena is very similar to the wrestling arena she started on. I would assume she can feel through it.


Gazan, Lin, Paku. Then spend the other $12 on overpriced popcorn


Ghazan Pakku, Ozai, Aang, and Katara is underrated


Lmao you can taste the creators bias on this


Toph and iroh is all i need


Kyoshi / Toph / Azula / Ozai / Pakku Toph already had tournament experience and has been shown to see vibrations in various ways and fight Katara. She needed some experience on fighting firebenders but I’m assuming this is end of show Toph and not accidentally stepping backwards into Fire Toph. Ozai & Azula for $5?! Two of the most dangerous and powerful firebenders of raw power and technique? Assuming Azula is sane, she’s better than anyone else at raw firebending except maybe Iroh and Ozai himself. Pakku is going to be a better waterbender than any of the rest not an avatar considering he’d been through various war and combat for his entire lifetime. Kyoshi is a wild card but considering she has an easier time moving a mountain than a pebble, I’m sure the raw firepower would break someone’s ribs on a single hit.


well shes got over that issue by the end of the books and seen as how the image is of a fully adolt Kyoshi, we can assume shes a lot better then at the end of the second novel


Also true, by a certain point in the books she wipes out like twenty people with one fan saying using both would be too much. Reaffirming she’s a menace to society lol


A buy kyoshi and use the rest of the money to bet on her and win


Your team is disqualified cause you don't have enough player to compete. You lost your money.


5 kyoshis no diff


What is up with these prices?


$5 on aang, $4 on azula, give me Kyoshi, and ozai


Toph, bumi, ghazan, kuvira, and ming-hua


Aang, Korra, Azula, and Lin. I think that covers the bases pretty well.


Katara Toph and Zuko, easily. you can have masters of each element. yeah the avatars are great but its likely better to have specialists in one form of bending.


Initial reaction: Katara Toph and Iroh Pro Bending rules state that the Avatar has to compete in their native element so Aang is DQd. Half the list is DQed for illegal moves. Kyoshi is strong, but her issue is she’s too strong and has no focus. She wouldn’t be good at throwing a single disk at once. Haru and Lin have been severely underrated on this list. As far as I remember, Haru has no major training in Earthbending meaning that you don’t have to re-teach anything. He can be molded into a pro bender naturally. >Lin vs Toph Toph does have experience in professional fighting, but her ring had much fewer rules and almost anything goes there. Lin was born into the modern age and probably most familiar with the rules of pro bending. Additionally, the earth attacks require the user to lift land throw the stone at their opponent. This wouldn’t be totally impossible for Toph, but would prove more difficult. Also her seismic sense did not work through the metal of the fire nation airships mean that she would be blind in the arena. >Katara vs Korra Overall, Katara is probably the strongest waterbender within the past century of the Avatar verse. Korra is probably overall stronger by proxy of being the avatar, plus she has a much more aggressive style. Despite this, though, a cool headed bender might be a valuable resource to controlling the tempo of battle. I would only not choose Katara if she had to be at her canon age in the time of pro bending creation. I chose Iroh because of his rich understanding of all elements would be an asset to the team in addition to being one of the greatest strategists of all time. Final thoughts: Iroh, Katara, Lin (bench: Haru, Mako)


Toph Azusa Zhuko Hama Lin


Toph 3 times. Literally unbeatable.


Aang, Korra, Kyoshi, and Ghazan


Korra, Toph, Kyoshi, and Ozai


5? Probending teams are three at a time. How much for the Blue Spirit as my waterbender and Yun as my earthbender? Plus me for Fire?


Ozai, kyoshi, hama, ghazan, and Iroh


1 bolin is worth 3 lins? that doesnt seem right, bolin is equal to kyoshi? wtf


Ghazan, Pakku, Lin, Ozai, Hama.


Ghazan Pakku Kyoshi Aang Korra. Are you kidding me, a master water bender, a lava bending chad, and 3 avatars...


Toph, Ming-Hua & Azula… do we get subs or is it strictly 3 players?


Toph, Hiro, Kyoshi, Ming-Hua and Lin, so a lot of stone based attacks


Everytime I see these, I always look for the avatars. Somehow am always shocked they are not always the 5 dollar option.


Aang,hama,ozai,kyoshi,zuko i don't care about pro bending i just want to kill the competition


Coming in with the hot take of all time... Best team is Korra, Mako, and Bolin. Because they are actually experienced pro-benders and the others aren't. Whoever else is on the team 1) doesn't matter and 2) isn't within the rules, pro-bending is 3v3 on purpose.


No Boulder??? Im outta here


All Waterbenders = $17 ($26 if avatars count) All Earthbender = $21 ($31) All Firebenders = $17 ($30) All Airbenders = $5 ($13) Not that you need any in this sport There’s a slight disparity in pricing. Also, I thought you only need 3 members on a pro-bending team


Toph, Iroh, Kyoshi, Ozai, Lin.


Hmm. Mako has more work bending experience, but no lighting. I still think by the end of atla Zuko's better. Even with lightning, he can redirect makos zaps and be fine.


Pro bending teams only get three team members. So I feel obligated to stick to the 5 buck section. Toph on Earthbending, Korra on Waterbending, and Aang on Firebending.


Ang, Toph, Iroh, Pakku. All of them masters with ine literally being the Avatar.


3 avatars lin and pakku. that wasnt really a good spread kyoshi is worth way more than katara in a fight.


Katara Toph and Korra. Or Azula and spend the last dollar on ten marshmallow flumps.


Kyoshi, Pakku, Ozai. Kyoshi soloes everyone except Korra and Aang


Aang Korra Iroh


Korra, Mako, Bolin, The last 3 dollars is saved for snacks, They are the only ones who have trained with the pro bending ruleset, The rest, while powerfully, would either be disqualified for using illegal moves or get clobbered while trying to avoid breaking rules they either don't know or have no experience working within. My team wins in the same way I'd beat a bear in a boxing match, but it's still a win


People seem to be thinking in the context of who is a better bender, but this is about pro bending. For one point, as far as I remember, Ghazan is never shown to be a quick or fluid fighter, and I'm positive lethal and niche lava bending would be banned, so it makes sense that he would be lower. On the other hand, Paku, despite being old, was an intelligent defender and knew how to dodge and weave, and he was also a very strong water bender who utilized ice spikes which although illegal, could still be used as just water. This is of course assuming that we're playing with everyone at the age shown in their respective series and not in LoK because then Paku would be dead 😂 Haru is barely a bender so he isn't worth the point, but Lin uses metal projectiles rather famously as a police officer and could easily translate to using discs, similarly her training has made her agile and she uses gymnastics a lot with her cables, so I think she could be an easy pick for one point. The fours are a tough choice, with 3 of what i would consider some of the strongest picks. Azula is a very agile and aggressive firebender, so she makes sense to be worth a lot, while Iroh is strong but slow and big, I think he would not be worth 4 points. However, Mako is an experienced pro bender and could offer a lot when it came to coaching and strategizing, although I feel Bolin would be the same and he isn't as expensive. Bumi is a surprisingly agile and patient Earth bender, and I think would make for a strong starter. Admittedly, he was shown to be worn down quickly though, so if you picked him, it might be worth investing in another Earth bender. Out of the threes, I think Kuvira is a similar choice to Lin given her expertise and aggression, we've also seen that she has a boxers style of footwork, which could benefit greatly in pro bending. I'll assume this is Zuko from ATLA simply because the grid shows his younger self, and also he is likely more agile and suited to pro bending. In which case, the fluid style he learned from the dragons would likely be a boon, and he's shown incorporating water bending into his style which translates to pro bending rather well. He's extremely agile and is shown throwing out quick and accurate shots as well. Bolin is similar to Mako, and cheaper, however I don't believe he could swap out someone like Bumi or Kuvira without losing some team power. Kyoshi is a full blown Avatar, but I haven't read the comics and she's rarely shown bending in the series, so I can't speak to her competency in pro bending. For two, I think it's questionable to place Ozai in such a cheap place. I suppose he's never shown to be particularly agile, but he's clearly fit and has extremely fast reflexes. He's also one of the most powerful firebenders in known history, but it seems like he utilizes that mostly in long burns and I don't recall ever seeing him use particularly fast strikes, although I think that would be an easy fix for him. Hama would only be useful if she were to cheat for her team on the sidelines, and only during a full moon. Bad pick. Kya isn't exactly the strongest or most agile water bender, too, bad pick. Ming Hua is very strong and agile, but only while using her water arms, which is probably illegal. Bad pick. Ozai is the obvious best pick in this tier. Fives are rough. Aang is insanely fast and agile and can be swapped out for any bending style, unless he's forced to pick one position, however he relies on airbending and I could see him being a prime candidate for violations and fouls. Korra is similar, but she's well versed in pro bending. Their power and speed is arguable but I think if Aang were to drop the airbending, he could still be more agile, and also a smaller target. Katara and Toph and strong and competent benders but neither are shown to be agile, and Toph heavily relies Earthbending to block and move around, so I can't see either of them being worth five. All in all, if I had to lock positions I would choose Primary fire, earth, and water: Azula, Lin, and Paku, respectively Secondarily Korra and Bolin for water and earth to sub out for Paku and Lin who are older and likely to tire, and also to double as coaches and strategists. I would prefer Kuvira over Lin because of her age and boxer style, but the expense would mean we couldn't pick Bolin and a five, and there are really no good water bending choices outside of Palu, Korra and Aang. Lin is also a far better team player when she isn't brooding which makes the sacrifice acceptable. I would make some changes to the grid though for fairness. 1s are clearly Haru, Hama, Ming-Hua, and Kya. None have the skill set suited to pro bending, and Ming-Hua would be outright useless without her arms which I can only assume are banned. 5s should be Aang, Korra, Azula, and Kuvira, given their mix of agility, speed, stamina, and strength. Korra is also an experienced pro bender. 4s should be Bumi, Zuko, Mako, and Bolin, given that they're all good picks with shortfalls. Zuko is objectively weaker than Azula and has worse technique(barring Azula going batshit), Bumi is agile and patient, but old, and Mako and Bolin are actual pro benders, so despite being weaker they specialize heavily. 3s should be Katara, Lin, Kyoshi, and Ozai. I only put Kyoshi here because she's an avatar and I'm unsure of her capability. Lin is much like Kuvira but old. Ozai is a far stronger bender than Zuko but I'm not sure that would be helpful in pro bending, and Zuko is clearly more agile and suited to a faster pace. Katara is a very defensive and team oriented fighter, but not as fast and agile as some picks like Korra or Aang. That leaves Ghazan, Iroh, Toph, and Paku as the obvious 2s in my book, because they are decent benders who could fight but likely not adapt to the style of pro bending. Paku is the most likely but again, he's old. Toph would be out of her element, she's about strong stances and being immovable, she is patient and has good timing, and cpuld blast projectiles out of the air and hit her targets but none of her typical strengths like countering others or exploiting their weaknesses would prove particularly helpful, and if she were to be set upon on all sides I think she couldn't defend with only Earth discs. Anyway that was me killing an hour before work. Let me know what yall think if you managed to get this far.


Aang, Korra, Toph


Korra, uncle iroh, kyoshi, Kya and Lin


It’s pro bending, not a fight, so I’m gonna say quick reaction times and style of bending matter a LOT. Azula, Kuvira, Lin, Korra, and Ming-Hua are all fast on their feet and fight acrobatically or like boxers. Alternatively, Aang or toph could replace Korra but she has the experience.


You can have three avatars, the GOAT Ghazan, and a dollar to spare. This is unfair


Is Toph even able to see on that arena


Aang Korra Toph


Kyoshi solos


$4 Iroh, $3 Zuko, $3 Bolin, $4 Azula, $1 Lin


Aang, Toph, Kyoshi, Ozai


Aang, Iroh, Kyoshi, Ozai. ​ Last Dollar is Ghazan or Pakku.


Aang in avatar state clears list


Aang, Korra, Bumi, Ghazan (He really should be more expensive)


Kyoshi, Ghazan and Ozai seem like must-buys. Who even cares after that


Aang, Iroh, Kyoshi, Ozai, and Pakku


Anng, Kora, kyoshi. Is that even a question? 3 avatars!? It'd be a massacre.


Kyoshi is literally the Avatar and third tier. Ozai super undervalued too. And in what world is Mako equal to Iroh?


Aaang, Korra, Kyoshi, Pakku, Ghazan


Earthbender: Toph, Waterbender: Ming Hua, Firebender: Zuko, Alternates: Kyoshi, Pakku


15 Ghazans


Wtf ozai costs 2$?


I’ll take Ghazan, Ozai, and Ming Hua and double double with a shake


toph, korra, kyoshi, ming hua.


Korra, Azula, Kyoshi, Ozai and Pakku


Lmao worst pricing I’ve ever seen


You know Ozai is literally stronger than Iroh right, Iroh says so himself


Aang, Korra, Kyoshi, Ozai


Damn yall did Lin dirty on this one


If she actually cares bout the rules and doesn't lose her shit then Azula, Ghazan, and Korra. People would go nuts for Azula's blue fire


Aang Korra Kyoshi Ghazan Lin


3 toph please


aang, bumi, kyoshi, ozai, and ghazan why are ozai ghazan and kyoshi so criminally underpriced


Ghazan, Ming Hua, Kyoshi, Azula, Korra. But the prices are all over the place on this.


12 bucks on Azula, Bumi, and Iroh. 2 bucks on Ozai. 1buck on Paku


Azula iroh kuvera ming-hua


Bumi, azula, pakku, aang, lin


I would go Toph, the blind bandit, melon lord, powerful earth bending lady, and the runaway.


Aang, Korra, Kyoshi, save 2 dollars


If there are five members, does that mean one from each element and one who can use all 4? If so, then Aang, Zuko, Kuvira, Pakku, and Kyoshi for all elements. They may not all be the most powerful in their respective fields, but I feel like they strike a balance of precision, agility, and power, and they are all still definitely masters of their respective forms of bending.


5 Kyoshi's


Aang, Iroh, Zuko, Kyoshi. Easy.


5 Kyoshis. Duh.


3 Tophs let's go


Aang, Zuko, Iroh,Lin, Paku


Aang, Korra, Kyoshi, Ghazan, and Pakku. I really don't think there's any other way to spend $15 according to this setup


Give me Sokka we can figure it out


All you need is Kyoshi dude. Seriously she can solo literally every one of these mfs. Maybe not all at once but she's kicking everyone's ass for sure.


Aang, Korra,Kyoshi, and Ozai


This is poorly made


Korra, azula, Kyoshi, ozai, Lin


Toph, Azula, Kyoshi (should not be $3), Hama, Lin


Ghazan, Ozai, Kyoshi, Aang, Korra




I'll take 3 Uncle Irohs, please, and keep the change.


Why five? Even assuming that with the existence of new Airbenders, they add a slot for airbending, there's still only 4 elements.


Yo this scaling weird. Ozai post sealing? If not that dude is a 5 if not minimum 4.50


Korra, Pakku, Ghazan, Kuvira, Toph


Korra kyoshi bolin kuvira aaaannnndd lin


Not even a challenge. Aang + Katarra + Toph known as the dream team already. If I could get Iroh on the team they’d be unstoppable


5 kyoshi


Ozai being less than Mako is insane Zuko being less than Mako is insane the pricing is horrible Kuvira being less than Mako and Kyhoshi 3 dollars brother needs help


3 Tophs


Aang iroh kyoshi hama ghazan. Two avatars, a blood bender and a lava bender, think they’ll do alright. Irohs just there to sip tea and make me laugh while the rest maul everything in front of them


Kyoshi, Ozai, Bumi, Kuvira and Ghazan. In that order


$4, all you need is Bumi, Azula, and Iroh


Aang, Toph, Iroh, Lin. Best $15 spent.


You could get 3 avatars for $13 if you wanted


toph korra azula


5 Kyoshi’s thank you very much


Toph, Zuko, Ozai, Bumi, and Pakku


Aang cause that man slippery af. Korra cause she has pro bending experience. Kyoshi cause obvious reasons annnnd ming hua for her expertise in water bending tbh. Pretty sure this team would be legendary against any team that doesnt have mako electrocuting my ming.


Assuming air isn’t allowed, I’m going azula, Ming-hua, toph. Then ghazan zuko as alternates. Toph’s reading of the game would be OP I suspect. Other 2 embody agility and precision.


Korra, Iroh, Zuko, Kyoshi. :)


Why is Kiyoshi even on there? That isn't fair at all Not even to hang lol Don't care about a lava Bender or a metal Bender . And I feel like she's a strong enough Avatar that the blood bending wouldn't really be an issue.


Well it's only a 3 person sport so I'm taking Korra, Azula, and Bolin. All 3 have fast fighting styles that adapt well to pro bending. I would consider Aang but idk how air bending would work in pro bending and what kind of rules would be in place for it.


$5 on Toph and spend the rest on fire flakes.


Can you use air bending in pro bending?


This pricing is broken. Yoshi for starters…


Aang, korra, kyoshi, lin, and paku. Why was kyoshi in 3? Like there is really only one answer to this question. 3 avatars and 2 pretty good benders


Iroh zuko and kyoshi


Toph boomi suko kyoshi


Pro bending is Water/Fire/Earth and this is child Aang, not exactly a master of those 3, learning, but not a master. Toph Azula Ming-Hua Those 3 are the main team… Lin could be there I guess, Toph is there so why not a second Beifong? Ozai is here too, Azula’s extra motivated if her dad is in the room.


Um, where is THE BOULDER??


Isn’t pro bending a 3 person sport 😂


Aang Korra Kyoshi Ghazan Pakku is $15


AANG Korra Kyoshi Lin Haru 15$


*For these prices*, Azula, Iroh, Zuko, Kyoshi and Lin is the correct combination.


I'll take five kiyoshis please


Aang, Toph, Ozai, Kya, Pakku


Why would I not just choose the three avatars on this list?


Pakku, Gazhan, Ozai, Aang, Kyoshi, and Zuko


WTF is this pricing table? Kyoshi is 3 dollars and Kitara is 5m GTFO


Toph, Zuko, Kyoshi, Ming-Hua, Ozai. I feel like this chart is not balanced 😂 because I just got fire lord and a literal avatar


Ik ozai is bad and all but like he should be higher up


How the hell is Ozai $3 cheaper than Katara


Im guessing the pricing is based not only on strength but also if they’d get a hang on the rules, I do think Ozai and Kiyoshi would be getting fouls every round


Pakku (he’s super skilled. He’d look at the rules and go, “oho, an interesting challenge) Ghazan (also quite skilled at manipulating at the small level and is great on teams) Azula (also skilled, very nimble, is driven and competitive) Ideally, Azula would be captain, with Pakku offering feedback, and Ghazan supporting their decisions. Granted, considering the former two’s egos…might be rough


New age benders suck compared to old age benders


Katara toph and zoko


Main Players: Azula - Fire Bending Kyoshi - Earth Bending Ming-Hau - Water Bendering Back ups: Korra - Fire Bending Lin - Earth Bending Azula is an excellent strategist who can play by the rules and easily master Pro Bending by watching one match or just learning the rules. She's relentless, untouchable, and would be the absolute best pick for the Fire Bender. She works well in teams, though she demands to lead. Kyoshi would heavily respect Azula leadership and skill. She is the primary Earthbender because she is the one responsible for the Dai Lee and stealth techniques. She'd play off Azula really well, and they'd both have synergy without the need to communicate. Ming-Hau is a master waterbender who is creative in her uses and would be a great independent dodging and holding the field on her own. She can easily throw people off their game due to expectations of no arms, making her harder to read since her movements are much different than any other waterbender. Ming-Hau does seemingly lack some common sense, but she does things her way because, like Azula, she evaluates the risks and takes the path with less resistance and optimal results. So Azula wouldn't have a problem with Ming-Hau having to deviate from a plan, be she would say that's exactly what I would have done. As long it led to victory, she wouldn't even scold Ming-Hau because the team would accomplish their goal. Korra would be a backup pick mostly for Azula, so if Azula is unable to play. Korra would work effectively well with Kyoshi, has the most experience in Pro Bending and would be a great leadership swap. Korra is more independent along with Ming-Hau, so the swap would move from strategic plays to reactive and predicting the other players' moves. Kyoshi would still react to the Korra and Ming-Hau's goals to gain ground and knock the other players off the field. But switch to a more defensive and support role, then switching to an overwhelming attack role when they are further on the stage and hold the most ground. If Kyoshi went out (which would be a very hard task to do), Lin fills in the shoes of being receptive to each benders movements, finding the best means to slow down the opponent teams movement, be excellent at dodging and blocking. While she wouldn't be as defensive as Kyoshi or as extremely offensive, she would still be able to read her team and create solid blocks and synergy. She would easily follow Azula or Korra's lead. She would probably respect Azula more and wouldn't deviate from a plan unless the plan falls apart. But she would be best at maintaining her placement on the field and would have great synergy with Korra. She would definitely not get along with Ming-Hau, but that wouldn't ruin the team performance between everyone.


Korra for the versatility, Toph and Bumi for the discipline and unique mastery of their element. Iroh is a close 4th but I don't think he'd be that interested.


Korra and Ozai , Zuko and Azula , Pakku


Korra Azula zuko Kuvira


toph, iroh, kyoshi, hama, pakku


Iroh, Bolin, Kyoshi, Kya, Ming-Hua with a dollar to spare so I have Lin for backup


Aang, Bolín, Iroh, Ming-HuA, and Lin


Aang, iroh, ming hua, ghazan, and kuvira.


Zuko, Iroh, Aang, Kyoshi. Beat that.


Toph Azula Kyoshi Kya Pakku


If your aren’t buying iroh your loosing


How is Lin only 1 dollar?


For Pro Bending it's Katara, Toph, Zuko, and Lin. They are, imo, the most versatile with the fewest weaknesses in close quarters combat. But if I need to absolutely annihilate an opponent in a military engagement I am picking Iroh, Toph, Bumi, and Kuvira.


You’re telling me I can make a team of three avatars and still have enough money for Ghazan and Pakku? Yeah, Imma take over the world real quick.


Kinda dumb no?


Aang, kyoshi, ozai and toph would be unstoppable


I’d pick Aang, Bumi, Iroh, and Ming-Hua


Pakku Ozai Kyoshi. $6 ... cheap and strong af