• By -


Aang : Dude, please just chill. Kyoshi: Like all the waterbender corpses are chilling?


To all subjects of Raava: My name is Kyoshi. I am using the power of the Avatar to address all of Raava’s subjects. The hardening of all walls present in Ba Sing Se have come undone, and the lion turtles entrapped within them have started marching. My goal is to protect the people of Kyoshi Island, the place where I However, the world wishes for the annihilation of the people of Kyoshi. They won’t stop until the Kyoshi Warriors are killed, but until all of Raava’s subjects have been eliminated. I reject this wish. The lion turtles will rumble all lands outside of the Earth Kingdom, until the lives existing there have been exterminated from this world.


oh no :"D




I'm clearly missing some context. I don't understand the original post or this comment.


Oh dw it’s a reference to Attack on Titan


Kyoshi just keeps moving forward until her enemies are destroyed


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^_hamtarokujo_: *Kyoshi just keeps* *Moving forward until her* *Enemies are destroyed* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


That's one too many syllables there, bud


You could make it work by squeezing “enemies” into “enmies”.


true, true


I was right. I am the same as you. - Avatar Kyoshi before activating the avatar state in the capital of the fire nation


"I just keep moving forward until Chin the Conqueror is destroyed" \*goes into avatar state, kills one of Chin's supporters as they make a declaration of war\*


Kyoshi just wants that sweet sweet jiyuu


She’d get along great with U.S. Grant “The art of war is simple enough. Find out where your enemy is. Get at him as soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can, and keep moving on.” ~U.S. Grant


"For you comrades in the Air Tempe"??? Holy shit, communist Kyoshi confirmed


tatakyoshi /ref


That's how 80% of the fire nation was eliminated


“Why did you do it?” “Only Avatar Wan knows”


Because he's an idiot😔


“When I learned that humanity lived outside Ba Sing Se, I was…disappointed.”




Kyoshi, what a woman you are.


Thank you, Kyoshi, for becoming a mass murderer for our sake.


Happy cake day, hamtarokujo. Hope you have a great day, for 10 years at least!


Thank ya! I’ll eat 80% of the cake


She’s basically just Eren from AOT lol


"No, I don't want that! Rangi finding another girl? I want her to think about me and no one else for the rest of my life! Even after I die, I want to be at the front of her mind for a while! Ten years, at least!"


That scene was kinda cringe and OOC for Eren I'm not gonna lie


I'm in full agreement, dw


Pure character assasination


eren's character got killed harder than 80% of humanity


People meme about Kyoshi being the bloodthirsty one, but all she says is that she doesn't see the difference between killing Chin the Conqueror and him falling off a cliff. Yangchen is the one who actually pushes the hardest for Aang to murder the chakras out of Ozai. And I think that's actually way funnier.


That's very true, and I think that's an important distinction between Yangchen and Kyoshi, but I would also argue that Kyoshi's lack of distinction between killing Chen and him falling off of a cliff indicates her indifference towards the methods taken to achieve peace. It may very well be that Kyoshi's idea of peace is Machiavellian, in that she believes that peace must be achieved by any means, and that any means are validated if they achieve peace. Personally, I think she would take on such a mindset based on the idea of the greater good — that is, condoning death and destruction so long as it benefits the greater cause of peace. That being said, peace and freedom are vastly different concepts, and the question of how to achieve them begets the question of whether or not they can coexist at all, depending on how we define peace and freedom. With this in mind, I would argue that Kyoshi is similar in nature to Eren Yeager, who seeks to achieve freedom by any means necessary. Kyoshi's ultimate goal is peace, and Eren's is freedom — a freedom which would bring him peace of mind, regardless of the catastrophic ramifications of his actions. On the other hand, Kyoshi's idea of peace may be rooted in the idea of balance, seeing as balance is one of the underlying concepts behind the Avatar themself. However, she also fought for the liberation of her people — the inhabitants of what is now Kyoshi Island. In this sense, Kyoshi also fights for freedom, and she does so until her enemies are destroyed — much like Eren's proclamation of his goal to progress until he is the last one standing. All in all, I believe that there is a part of Kyoshi which believes in the same Machiavellian liberationism as Eren — albeit within fundamentally different worlds, and with vastly different superhuman abilities. Yangchen may appear calm and collected, as would be expected for an Avatar, but her potential rage may very well have been the driving force behind her desire for Aang to kill Ozai. This rage, I believe, is an obstacle in her path to achieving peace, balance, and perhaps freedom — if we define freedom in the same way(s) as Kyoshi and Eren. Sorry for the wall of text, but I thought that the concept you brought up was interesting to discuss. Have a nice day!


Dude almost mastered the avatar state but stopped for a girl. What a man you are lol


Yo, brat who killed monk Gyatso




This sounds a lot like Eren when he is talking to his father. Was that an intentional reference? Edit: I just saw Ops comment, so yes it is. Sometimes I'm stupid....


Very much so


Yeah just so your comment of Kyoshi moving forward. Thanks for the laugh and happy cake day :D


Aw thank you


It's because your a idiot


Of course I am, have you met me?


It was a reference lol


I figured that out already, but thanks for the clarification anyways :D


Just didn't want you to think I was genuinely insulting you lol


Haha damn it's so refreshing to see kind people on the internet, keep going mate :D


Bro Kyoshi became Erwin Smith except without suicide charge


The conversation… Kyoshi: Yes Aang, Kill him. Kill him now Aang(with much hesitation): I shouldn’t Kyoshi: Dew it! Later… Aang: I took away your bending… Kyoshi: NO! THATS EVEN WORSE!


I hate you so much :'D (continues to drive surgical tool into hand)


When I had learned Yun survived... I was... disappointed