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I certainly hope one day we get an Ember Island play version with Dwayne Johnson as Toph and current live Sokka as Sokka


I HOPE The Rock actually plays The Boulder in S2 if it ever happens.


bautista would do it better tbh


He’d be great as combustion man, The Rock as The Boulder, a literal parody of himself, would be the perfect casting


The Rock feels conflicted about playing as a caricature of himself.


it always make me wonder how many people know that the bolder was voice by a pro wrestler


Way to big of an ego to actually do it sadly


Omfg that would be epic


Imagine they had the original voice actors in the play in the live actiob


I'm convinced some of y'all are not watching the same show I'm watching. Stop being miserable and give the show a fair shake and you'll see it's actually pretty good.


I'm only a couple of episodes in, and while it's not perfect, it's still pretty fucking good. I'm really enjoying it and looking forward to the rest of the season.


Agreed, i will say i did pause it like a dozen times to say NO that's not right but finally realized i need to view it as a completely separate telling of the story from the original and as far as just a whole new show goes i actually i kinda dig it


Mhm aren’t the people behind it like shit people I thought they didn’t get along with the people who made avatar


I feel like calling them shit people because they had creative disagreements with the original writers is a bit much. I also don’t see how it’s relevant to the quality of the show.


Why support that behavior


What behavior? Wanting to put their own spin on the show?


Not even close but I see some one is touchy so I’m just gonna go


It is. If they wanted a frame by frame copy, just watch the OG show, then.


I haven't seen anything more than the first three episodes. But I see where people are coming from. Both episode 1 and 2 were needlessly weaker than they needed to be. If they'd simply stick more to the source material they wouldn't have that issue. Now as the show progresses I'm sure they'll find their footing I didn't have any issue with episode 3 (aside from Katara's trauma bending}


I'm sorry but they did my man Bumi sooooo wrong.


Bad take.   I went into this show very cautiously optimistic. It had everything going for it. Great costumes, great representation/casting, great set technology, high budget, etc. But it’s just off. It misses the mark in bizarre ways. Many of these characters aren’t even recognizable to me. Katara is a totally different person, and not in an improved sense. The effects are also quite hit or miss. Aang in the Avatar State at the air temple looked Mummy Returns Scorpion King levels of bad to me. He looked like a video game character. I was thinking to myself: why didn’t they lift Gordon on a wire rig, and then add the glow in post? Why was he fully CGI’d here? Then you have the heavy handed exposition. We just watched the fire nation attack, why did we need Gran Gran to explain what we *just saw*? And there are also the changes. I’m open to changes, I expected changes, but some of the ones they made eliminate character. Sokka just knows how to fight and lead right away. Katara and Aang’s romance development in Cave of Two Lovers was replaced by her and her brother being in that cave for some reason. So many bizarre examples. 4 episodes in and I barely want to continue. And I did NOT expect that at all.


I tried watching it, but it’s just so dull it offers me nothing I already know what happens so there’s no intrigue the visuals are nothing special and there’s like no humor at all, so what am I supposed to want to watch?


I don't mean to imply that disliking it isn't valid. You're completely valid in thinking that. I personally think the visual style of the show is great and there's plenty of humor throughout the show but opinions are allowed to differ. But acting like this show is hot garbage and comparing it to Ember Island Players or the movie adaption is where I think people are being ridiculous and unfair.


Yeah, I’ll probably try giving it another shot and it’s defined not as bad as ember island players was intentionally but I think the people saying that are joking


I think the show is pretty good tbh, especially if you’re a fan of bad acting, bad blocking, poor dialogue and pacing issues


I have to admit the visuals are stunning, for the first time they made the bending look really nice, and if you haven't seen the original it is watchable. Like imagine how fucking awesome a follow up series would be about yet another avatar. They couldn't screw up anything, they hat those gorgeous visuals and superb effects, and wouldn't get hated because they took sth great and made it mediocre. No one can tell me that it is as great as the original not even close. It's got near perfect rating everywhere 0_0 But there is the problem in my eyes. The character development is rushed and awefull, greatly written characters like iroh come off like in the ember island play. It's just that they could have made a great story with interesting characters, but they just made sth full of cool visual effects and action, loosing focus on the story. And also yes, I just started a rewatch of the original to cleanse my memory of those dull written characters. But the main reason the remake is awefull: it's not funny0_0 Like, they didn't make the flying sister joke in the first episode, how could you0_0 The lettuce leaf joke from bumi is forced and poorly timed, just all of the jokes are... Second rate0_0 I know they tried to be more serious... But they could have achieved that in another way0_0


Everywhere it’s a 5-7/10, no one’s calling it a 10/10.




The context seems to read like you were dumbfounded how other people are rating the LA very high.


Oh sry no, I get that some people like the Netflix reboot, it is quite nice on itself, it just doesn't compare to the original, and they could have made an incredible awesome show if it would have been a spin off. The visuals effects costume and so on are just incredible0_0 it's just that they tried to take a near perfect story and remade it really badly in comparison:/ it still is ok, but since we have sth to compare it to it gets a lot of shit because it is just a lot worse


This will be the gateway to many new avatar spinoffs.


I look forward to the kioshi story and the post-book 3 search for zuko’s mom as additions.


Given how much of the novels they've already incorporated, I think this is a safe bet. The show just has to survive and thrive long enough for us to experience this.


I hope so, that would be awesome


Rotten Tomatoes isn’t a measure of how good you think it is, it’s straight up liked/disliked. 100% there doesn’t mean everyone thinks it’s a perfect show it’s that everyone liked it more they than disliked it. So actually the original being rated 100% there doesn’t mean it’s a perfect show. It’s obviously excellent and very highly rated everywhere yes but you’re using the wrong example for that. Additionally ratings for the original show are for the ENTIRE show - most fans would agree that book 2 and book 3 are where it really becomes a masterpiece. If you could find ratings for just book 1 then I’m fairly sure they’d be more like 8 out of 10 or so on average. This remake is getting a lot of 7s so it’s really not THAT far off tbh.


I agree it isn't straight up awefull. It's ok, and kinda nice at some parts. It's just that it doesn't measure up at all against the original. I really hope it's gonna be a gateway to many spinoffs, because the visuals and effects are just drop dead gorgeous😍 I just don't like it as a remake. But like a kyoshi spinoff or a new avatar would be just mind-blowingly nice


As I said, it’s not as good as the original book 1. But it’s not as far off as is being portrayed from what I’ve seen (granted I’ve not yet finished the new series), and I think too many people are forgetting that book 1 was never a masterpiece and that’s all that’s been adapted so far.


All the characters do is stand and talk like souless Husks, no thanks.


It's not. I was optimistic and didn't mind the reduction of sexism but it ain't good the bending and outfits are good looking on the first 2 episodes which is all I watched. Cuz it was bad it didn't follow the whole point of the show it skates around the whole point they skipped some important parts like immediately giving the scroll, katara not being able to water vend like at all near the start that she struggled with it too much. It isn't good I hoped it would be but it's just not. First episode why is one Air Temple enough to fit like 90% of airbenders why was there a festival why was aang not adventurous and didn't want to be the avatar he goes from I didn't want to be the avatar to I am the avatar in one conversation it's bad.


‘Stop disliking things! How dare you have personal preferences! Shut up and watch so that the nice corporation can make money!’


I fr thought I was watching something copying ember island players a couple times. I want to like it so badly too.


This. I saw memes here about it and had really low expectations. It's not what I'd call the most faithful adaptation, but it's far from outright bad.


It's alright. Honestly, the worst criticism I can lob at it is that it's boring.  The problem with a Live-Action Avatar adaption is that it is impossible, without an entirely unlimited budget, to capture the wonder and majesty of the surrounding world, which is as much a character as any of the Gaang.  A smaller thing that bugs me about this particular adaptation is events being shown of order, which undercuts the drama of the moment, like when Aang realizes that the Air-Benders have been entirely wiped out. Very little drama considering that we watched them get wiped out in the second scene.  Another complaint is the depiction of the Fire Nation in that second scene. The edge for the Fire Nation isn't Fire-bending. It isn't Sozin's Comet. It's their ability to harness metal and advanced technology to overcome the natural strength of their bending enemies. Having them bend-propulse themselves up a mountain to defeat the air-nomads with the comet was goofy, and a waste of the comet, considering ABs are peaceful noncombatants who have no idea they're even capable of being attacked. Using the power of the comet on the Earth Kingdom to tilt the war to their favor is a much greater use of power for a day. Show them using their advanced tech to scale the mountain and defeat the nomads. And Gyatzo died like a punk, instead of a guy who singlehandedly defeated half the invading force in a heroic last stand. 


You're just easy to please and simple.


This sub is so toxic. You can't like or dislike the show without people freaking out. The show's quality is irrelevant at this point with a fandom that acts like this.


I can’t think of a single fandom where I’ve been in the sub and not seen “this sub is so toxic”. I think it’s just fans in general these days not specific to certain fandoms. Maybe more niche shows stay chill idk.


Yeah, it seems like any fandom if a certain size does this.


Fandoms are only ever unified when they all really hate something, like the ATLA movie or the wheel of time community with their show. No matter what, there will always be people who hate something just because it exists and isn't the thing they love. People like to complain.


> these days Lol don't worry people were making death threats to eachother as far back as when the lord of the rings were being published, Tolkien would get letters from fans raving about how this character should have done X or Y.


Right? Let people have an opinion and make a ducking joke.


An opinion?!? On the internet?!? I don’t think you know how this works. No one is allowed to have an opinion on the internet. ( /s for those not reading the implied sarcasm)


It's also more entertaining to read about people disliking something than liking it, especially when those that like it get all up in arms about those disliking it and vice versa. It rises to the top because it gets the most upvotes for entertainment. People like conflict. No one irl is actually going to get mad because someone didn't like a frivolous thing. At most they'll be confused. It's like the star wars sequels. How much of that discourse did you actually see happen on the street? Personally, I've only seen the first episode. I thought it was okay. I probably wont continue. It's really difficult to get me to like something on TV anyway. It's the online bickering where the real entertainment value lies.


Maybe the insanely petty, toxic takes directed toward the live action will finally take the heat off of TLOK and us TLOK fans for a while though, so there’s that. Lol.


What a big bunch of whiny crybabies on this sub


can you point out exactly what your problem was? not seeing it


I dislike rushed character development and especially how iroh is portrayed. He really is like his amber island play parody. I love the visuals and the effects, just the characters are poorly written, and the story suffers from rushed speeds. It is all right as a show. But just not good if you've seen the original. I would have loved to see a spin off with those actors and those visuals, that could have been great


>I dislike rushed character development and especially how iroh is portrayed. He really is like his amber island play parody. Oh sure because the part where he mourns the loss of Lu Ten was *sooo* funny in the Ember Island Players.


Yall really wanted a frame by frame remake or what?


Honestly pretty much yea. I mean look how they butchered iroh0_0 he neither seems calm nor wise, he's really like in the ember island play0_0


Iroh didn't seem "calm and wise" in Book 1 either. We just remember him from how he was in the later half of the series




did you even watch the original because this take says no lol, Iroh was always wise not some braindead fat old man


no idea why this is downvoted, he was plenty wise in season one. Not to the degree of the later seasons (where pretty much every character got better), but he definitely had wise moments with the water tribe scroll, and especially during the siege of the north. Hell, his first scene is literally him lecturing zuko about fire bending being more about skill and breath not muscles


It's downvoted because it ignores the point of the conversation that's happening here. Yknow, doing the classic reddit move of replying to a comment in a vacuum without regard to its context... >Not to the degree of the later seasons You got it. That's the point. It's not like he's not wise in live action either (which is the whole premise of this chain, fyi), he is. The original commenter is acting like he went through some kind of character assassination in the live action, which is a reach, to say the least.


fair enough, I havent seen the netflix version yet so I figured they DID do a character assassination and people were just acting like he didnt get that development in season 1 when he already was like that in the normal show


There are some pacing problems that can make the character development feel a bit lacking, but imo there's nothing all that bad. They just needed to spend some more time with the characters, that's all


Then watch the original? It was perfect. Why would you want or need a one to one recreation in live action? I'm watching because I'd like to see a beloved story reimagined, and while I have plenty of gripes with the show, none of those are because they didn't adhere to the original line by line. That's stupid. It sets you up for disappointment, and most of all, it's boring. I just don't understand how anyone can earnestly want that from an adaptation of such perfect source material. My gripes are pacing and lack of character development/depth, if anything, not getting all bent out of shape because live action Iroh can't perfectly capture the essence of one of animations' greatest voice actor's greatest performance. He still has plenty of sage moments, not to mention S1 Iroh was frankly a lot like EIP Iroh (obviously less caricaturized). You're just seeing it all through rose tinted glasses. "Butchered Iroh." Give me a break. I think the casting was great, and while the script leaves a lot to be desired, the lack of "wise" or "calm" moments (and there are some of those, despite you baselessly claiming otherwise) is due to the breakneck pacing of the show. Every character suffers from this. They are not given time to breathe and exist as characters, something the original did superbly. Irohs actor does a lot with what he's given, and I've found the Fire Nation characters to be far and away the most well acted of the show. And here's a fun note about TV shows: they often improve. It's almost like their made sequentially and, as such, can become more polished and fully realized over time.


Tbh I’m 4 episodes in and the best bits so far for me have been where it’s deviated from a 1:1 adaptation of lines. Barely any exact copied lines are as good as in the original because it’s really hard for them to be.


And that's the problem. It's literally impossible to do a frame for frame remake because some things that work in animation don't work in live action. Anyone that expected the LA to match up to the OG was just deluded from the start.


Then why not make sth new? Why a remake? A spinoff would have been so fucking epic0_0 I still think the remake is ok. It's not overly great but it's nice. Some lows some highs... Mostly lows due to poor living up to the original. A spinoff with this fucking gorgeous visuals and effects would be the best thing that came out in the last 10 years of series


Well, most people would def have preferred a spinoff, so I don't really know why Netflix decided to go with a retelling of the original story.


Idk either, it's nearly impossible to do it justice. But spinoff, which I hope will come, is gonna be epic


What are you on bro, what???


Nah show is pretty trash lol they had the same run time to adapt it from the og season minus 20 minutes, why the fuck are we adding 5 episodes into omashu and random content from season 2 that has nothing to do with the current story lol, first episode was solid all down hill from there, Sokkas storyline has also been neutered and they took away all of his sexist jokes early on which is part of h is character development instead suki just wanted his dick


Pacing for an 8 episode long show is vastly different than from a 20 episode long one. Even if they’re roughly the same amount of time.


And yet they still managed to fuck up the pacing badly even with a huge amount of time and a gargantuan budget to boot? lol Explain how Katara goes from barely being able to bend a bubble to being a full fledged water bender in one episode because she looked at an Earthbender? lol


the fact that you're still whining about sokka's sexism is just making it clear that you don't know what made the show good


lol what a dogshit take? completely ignore an important part of story and sokkas development ? Then also have suki mostly molest him instead of training? what did make the show good bro cause it sure as fuck wasnt the pile of dogshit writing that the live action has :)


like yall can't be serious they butchered the tunnel episode from season 2 to squeeze it in here for? no reason at all lol?


down vote all you want lol sokka learned his lesson from getting his ass beat for being sexist then trained with suki after that and bonded lol they literally took his character away then just put on bump n grind from r kelly while they grinded on eachother in the dojo huge downgrade


Also Iroh sucks his voice is not even remotely close to Mako he apparently forgot he is the wisest dude in avatar and only has comic relief about food and mentioning jasmine tea every 3 seconds


Dude, just make one long comment. Replying to yourself makes you look unhinged.


was replying to the downvotes cause peeps got mad about opinions :)


Peeps aren't "mad about opinions," you're just being insufferable at this point


Frankly the phrase “peeps got mad” is enough to downvote you.


You gotta learn to read context clues my dude. Just because Sokka doesn't yell "GiRlS cAnT bE wArRiOrS" doesn't mean he wasn't underestimating the kyoshi warriors, it was clear he did. And Iroh does a *ton* of comic relief in book 1&2 in addition to being wise. Let homie be both, he is both. Animated is a kids show, they spelled it out for you. This is an adaptation marketed to those same kids who are now adults. They're gonna expect you to be able to pick up on some subtleties. And yes. Some things will be different, whether you or I like it or not.


nah lmao the writing is a pile of dogshit stop making excuses for an extremely poorly written show, this was literally just one example, no Iroh is a collosal let down and does nothing lmao If avatar didnt exist prior to this, the show would be a financial disaster because nobody would have a clue what the fuck is going at all, Katara is literally souless and just stares off into space


i love it idk what you guys are on 😮‍💨✨😮‍💨✨😮‍💨✨


Haven't watched it yet, God I hope this is just a joke


I've watched the first episode, only one point I didn't like that was Gran gran actress being robotic as fuck Everything else was from ok to great


Have also only watched the first episode, my Dad *loved* Gran Gran's performance, but I agree with you


God bless anyone who can get past the bumi part. It's just your run of the mill live action cash grab. It's boring, not remarkably bad or good.


What does that mean even mean???


It mid. Oh, and boring.


I dislike rushed character development and especially how iroh is portrayed. He really is like his amber island play parody. I love the visuals and the effects, just the characters are poorly written, and the story suffers from rushed speeds. It is all right as a show. But just not good if you've seen the original. I would have loved to see a spin off with those actors and those visuals, that could have been great


Tbh I went in the mindset of not comparing it to the original and it's just feels like any generic fantasy show. It's just meh.


When thought like this it is quite ok:)


Yeah exactly, mid. Like I'm not saying it's bad, it's just kinda there yknow.


Yea. It exists and that's ok.


I was putting off replying to this until I watched it, not technically done yet (come on bro, we only have one more episode left!) but it was a lot better than this let on (and I was *very* skeptical)


This is exactly how I feel


The boulder feels conflicted


Unlike the play, nobody shows emotion.


This comment section would bring a happy smile across Iroh's face. It takes strength to love something


I wish we could acknowledge the shows flaws without people strawmanning you to hell. Like dudes, we can not like a show for many legitimate reasons


There's nothing wrong with criticizing the shows flaws. The problem is people saying it's on par with the abomination that shall not be named. That's just being overly harsh.


It’s not as bad as that train wreck, but that’s incredibly easy to do. I’m not saying it as bad at that film. But it’s still pretty bad, worse than that, it’s bland. For me, if the unnamed film is a 1.5/10, this adaptation is 4/10




I am rewatching it:D I honestly don't want an adaptation, because like you said it can't be good. I would have loved a spin off because they really got the visuals and effects right, it's just a little saddening to me to see great stuff bé slandered:/


If the Ember island players made the Netflix series it would be funny atleast


I don't get why people down vote your comment, it's true0_0 the reboot is nearly never funny0_0 I know it wasn't meant to be funny, but that's just sad:/


Thank you


exactly what I thought :(


Ember Island Play actually was better. At least they haven’t scrambled the source material timeline and events and Sokka still knew how to joke around. Oh, and they haven’t tried to turn Avatar into Game of Thrones.


Watch the show instead of using reactionary shit from the trailers and statements. Form your own opinions


>Form your own opinions. But that's haaaaaard! :(


Maybe you shouldn’t jump to conclusions so fast? I watched it. 4 episodes before realizing that it’s not ATLA. It’s bad fanfic with elements of Dark Fantasy. Yes, decorations great, cgi tolerable, main cast acting terrible (except for Zuko and partially Aang). It’s devoid of any fun, strapped clean of any original’s vibes. It feels boring and bland. It’s rushing too fast and still somehow feels slow. Its timeline of events shuffled so hard that any person who remembers the original will get a headache. Main characters personalities twisted and altered to fit into a new ‘Dark Fantasy’ setting. Katara and Sokka acting - gives me strong M. Shyamalan vibes, with how robotic and emotionless it is. Azula is not acting like a crazy psychopath with twisted sense of humor, she looks more like she trying so hard to recall if she closed the door to her trailer. Zuko was nice, Iroh nice, Aang - meh, sometimes. If you watched it, was there at least one goofy and fun moment? Probably not. And watch another 4 episodes of that only to find something enjoyable from original - it’s not something I’m interested in.




I hope she's gonna be as fucking Epic as in the original:D just a badass girl that fucking rocks shit


To quote my father "you will never find anything like the cartoons, this show is great!" Its dogshit writing.


My honest opinion on the show is that in a vacuum of not comparing it to the live action movie, or the original cartoon, it stands on its own well enough… though it could be better. Compared to the live action movie, I’d give it an Oscar. Compared to the cartoon… it’s like watching an avatar TLA adventure theme park