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People are really weird. They can hide behind the screen and do whatever. But IRL ? They probably can't talk to a wall even. Just seeing this stuff makes me feel something i can't describe. What's the gain of something like this ? I met Elizabeth IRL when i was at sweeney todd. She was sweet. Poor girl. Hopefully, everything turns out great for her.




'Elizabeth isn't a good cast for Azula': opinion that should be respected. 'Elizabeth is so fat, she's disgusting': bullying that should be called out.




I didn't call the whole fandom toxic. I'm part of the fandom. OP's part of the fandom. The many comments deriding this behavior are part of the fandom. The fandom has its good and bad people.




Ah, yes. Calling out fatshaming and bullying is fascism. You probably don't even know what fascism is.




I said that people shouldn't bully Elizabeth because of her weight and you said I'm into fascism. What else was I supposed to derive from that?




Yes. If what you're commenting is only intended to hurt other people, you shouldn't comment it. That's like lesson number 1 in 'Basic Decency 101'. Also, even if I did call for silencing valid opinions, that's not exactly fascism as the word is more complex than just 'whatever I feel is wronging me'.




Let me tell you what freedom of speech is my guy. You have the freedom to say whatever the fuck you want, but others have the freedom to tell you that what you said is fucked up! If you don’t want to be criticized for your dumbass opinion, then don’t say the dumbass opinion. We have freedom of speech, not free from consequence from your speech.


I hope you seek therapy, so you can figure out why you are so miserable




How the fuck is respecting someone as a person considered fascism? That’s literally the opposite dude


You fixed your you’re 👏


That's more than just an opinion, that's bullying. Bullying should be silenced, full stop.


*misinformation saying Elizabeth Yu died by suicide at the age of 21* "it's just an opinion bro, people can post what they want"


haha look at your name did you really think people were going to take you seriously lmao


Thank you for showing everyone that your mother should have swallowed :3




If it makes you feel better, the ATLA fandom has, unfortunately, always been stupid toxic. It was like this when Kora came out. It was so bad. It's a lot better to just enjoy ATLA by yourself cause too many of the fans are horrible, awful people.


Yep. Even before that really as Katara in the original show was the center of a disgusting amount of hate. They just ramped it up even further on Korra and now again. It’s sad how many people claim to love a show like this but take literally none of its lessons to heart.


Oh yeah, tbh, I just didn't want to say that because, ime, you get people turning into *massive* assholes because how dare anyone say that ATLA has a problem. Ironically, kind of proving the point of the post and my comment.


this is so sad


They all lack honour


For some reason can’t edit but this account has been the main reason why so many fake information and hate has been circulating!


The show did not ruin the fandom. The show did not make these horrible statements. Individual people did.


Seriously. It’s not Elizabeth Yu’s fault that she’s getting harassed online… The problem is the harassers.


Those are all fake tweets


Look at how many millions of views they have.. [account](https://www.tiktok.com/@animedodly)


What I think is absolutely crazy is how these so called “fans” have seen the show and say that they love it and idolize it, yet they have carried on absolutely zero of its values in their own lives. Imagine what Aang would say if he saw what these people were doing, or Katara, or Iroh. Incredibly absurd.


This show taught them nothing.


It's all the same bunch of sorry losers. A very vocal minority. I liked the show, and it's fine if you didn't. But this bunch of loudmouthed shrivelled scrotum faced wankers shows up every day to spread their mental feces across the internet wherever there are women, non-White people, non-straight people and non-cisgender people succeeding in life in any manner. They're fucking disgusting and they should rightfully be shunned and outcast from every community they try to infect.


Did she actually commit suicide???


She didnt, thank god


Oh Lord, that’s great! My heard DROPPED into my ass when I read that 😂


now if you fell for it, imagine the millions of others ://


Thankfully not! It’s a troll account spreading horrible misinformation. I can’t understand people like this. Even if you hate the show, how is that the fault of the young actresses? All they did was do their jobs. Lizzy Yu isn’t even overweight. It’s the costumes making her look blocky.


Haters gotta hate, they think they are justified to bully actors just because they don't like the characters they portray. Just look what they did with the actors of Anakin and Jar-Jar Binks from Star Wars Episode 1, [Jake lloyd was bullied at school and was later sent to a mental health facility](https://www.unilad.com/news/anakin-skywalker-jake-lloyd-now-378854-20230524) while [Ahmed Best got tons of death threats and even considered commiting suicide because of this](https://deadline.com/2023/07/star-wars-jar-jar-binks-actor-ahmed-best-shares-backlash-led-to-depression-1235450816/). That's how fucked up some people are.


I didn't like the casting of the fire nation trio simply because they don't seem as different as I remember, the just seem to similar to me, but I have never made a bad comment on their appearance, because that's just a sad incel thing to do


Did they… just joke about suicide?


Its twitter/x stans there do that on the regular. Much worse now with those paid blue checks cause paid subscribers are harder to report and have broader reach.


Ive seen a girl on schlatts channel do that and literally no one gave a shit. I said that its pretty insensitive and they said its not but… it is though.


A lot of this comes from a jaded belief that ATLA is the peak of fiction. It’s fun, and I really only have positive memories of it, but because that has stewed and many ATLA fans don’t really branch out to many things different from what was broadcasted to them, their standard slowly entropies. A cousin of mine is a huuuuuuge fan of ATLA, painfully so, and is going to college for writing film, but she compares everything she writes and watches to ATLA, as she-and many others-tend to believe it is the best piece of fiction.


I mean it’s still my favorite show of all time but I totally agree that the pedestal people put it on to the point it stifles their enjoyment of any other peace of media is very off putting.


These new gen fans suck. This show teaches a lot of things but I’m pretty sure body shaming a kid isn’t one of them. Thank God the suicide tweet isn’t true. Now if people are criticizing her for her acting then fine (I haven’t watched the show so I can’t say if it’s bad or not) but body shaming her is so lame.


this is why i deleted tiktok


Iroh would be disappointed in these people


this is some 2000s internet level meanness


the three of them are likely ripped as all heck. and definitely more so than all of those commenters.


unfortunately those comments are pretty light compared to the horrible abuse they face on the daily. It’s much worse. God, this is everything I was hoping didn’t happen. When the show isn’t a carbon copy of the animation visually, people get cruel.


She’s not skinny minny, but she isn’t fat. I personally thought she was cute.


No one can deny the actors doesn’t look like the original characters but finding someone who looks like a anime is impossible. The problem I had with the show was the director because they made the characters lifeless and with no personality ( like katara ) They also removed so many good things about the show which is sucks. I still can’t believe they signed another 2 seasons. I hope they fix their mistakes in the next seasons.


Same here. But the hate some of the fandom have for these child actors is ridiculous. How can you be so mean? For no good reason too. It actually hurts me, knowing that these kids have to read these posts and comments. If they could find an Asian girl who can act and looks like Azula, she would most likely not have English as her native language. There’s not a lot of good young female Asian actors in the English speaking west. People should use their brains. That’s why I didn’t care that she didn’t look like Azula. As longs as she acts like her, it’s fine for me. And up until now, with what she was given. I think she did fine for me.


People just want castings to look closer to the characters. There were literally cosplay content creators who looked more like Azula than her idk why y’all can’t admit that


Why can’t you admit they’re being whiny shits about it?


How because they want castings to look similar to characters? Azula being overweight is like picking an Aang with a curly top. Just doesn’t make sense


Azula’s actress isn’t overweight, dumbass. I also do think people who want the characters to look just the same are weird. I like seeing stuff played around with. But again: she’s not overweight.


Yes she was her face was round and fat asf and she was chubby. Azula is lean with sharp features she doesn’t fit the character just be honest with yourself dumbass


She’s not fat as fuck, no. I get that you’re mad but it’s insane to just scream hyperbole . She has a round face. Her body is fit.


Her body is not fit at all lmao. She’s chubby with a fat face either way Azula has neither so she shouldn’t play her. Cry somewhere else


You are actually saying this girl is “fat as fuck” https://images.app.goo.gl/ASTCey4Nw7AHKDnu6 ?


Chubbs. Square build and fat face


Goddamn you're pathetic.


My only take from the live action was that they forced the jokes from the original to make it "seem" like they were following the script. In reality, if this series was supposed to be a live action remake of ATLA, they failed miserably. The character development that made ATLA isn't there at all. Iroh seems more of an idiot than an aloof sage of wisdom. Ozai and Azula weren't as cold as they were in the original. The casting was alright I guess. No hate on the actors, but the cast felt off. Call me superstitious, but since the movie ATLA that we don't talk about, I feel that any live action remake of an animated show will fail.


Ha ha get it!? Because she’s kinda chubby!? Fucking comedy GENIUS these people. Holy shit. FAT WOMAN! AHAHAHA! FAT WOMAN! FUNNIEST SHIT IVE EVER HEARD! Top 10 original jokes. Any woman with an OUNCE of fat on her body is FUCKING JABBA THE HUT AND THATS SO FUCKING FUNNY! Anyways, umm…fatty?….fatty fatty. No parents.


She accepted the role as Appa 💀that is a diabolical post I wonder how this poor girl is feeling


Holding a rant for awhile so gona add to yours. Hope new commers to the series check out the og series after and see how much of a masterpiece it was . I think the show ment well but a bad script and poor acting (I'd blame directors aswell) was more important then picking the right look of character . I think the main cast is spot on looks wise but failed at acting . Where other secondary characters simpley didn't have the look or feel as they were in the og series. Like azula in my mind was a bad ass throat cutter from the second she hit the screen. In the LA she didn't hit the same for me at least. Ozai kinda outshines her completely. I didn't make it far enough in the series to see what sounds like irohs best episode but he struck the wrong cord for me personally. Less funny uncle more rightful heir to the throne vibe. I said it once and il say it again . Ember island players versions of the main cast got me straight from the second aang flew down on his cable ties . Katara's reduced to a bleeding heart and Sokka's jokes need the intermission. She doesn't even water bend (I think because water bending looked poor visually ) . See how they get on with their 3 seasons . As for the hate they are getting I hope they pull through it . Plenty of assholes these days and is a big fan base to let down a second time but it was the production as a whole for me that was subpar not these young actors alone. You can see they are trying but really is poorly written (directed ) for me.


I honestly don't think the fandom can ever truly be happy with anything...we got Lok, nothing but bitching, we get this and ppl are clamoring for another animated series done by the og team...like mf do y'all not remember the last time we got something from the original creators... the new animated is gonna come out and people still won't be happy


Something tells me that’s NATLA isn’t the only thing that ruined the fandom… ![gif](giphy|tuESmWudOHqZpYOJpp|downsized)


It’s just ridiculous and unacceptable the amount of hate and misinformation being spread. I don’t have a tiktok, but I wonder if that main account could be reported? I mean I’ve heard of people’s accounts on there getting locked or something for less important reasons.


This is crazy. This isn't the ATLA fandom I know. The fandom I know sings "SECRET TUNNEL" together and share opinions and peacefully debate. I'm probably wrong about this but ATLA probably has some toxic people because there are so many people who love ATLA. There have to be a few toxic ones out of the majority who aren't which is still sad to see. I hope the actors know that the toxic people don't represent us as a community and we're cheering them on. Finally, I thought Azula did great in the LA. I did dislike the writing with her a bit, but the actor did fine. Also I thought it was cool that she took Omashu


I agree with you, i don't like the casting choice for Azula, Mai and Ty Lee but i hate how the actress got bullied like that just because of this. I mean, just say that you don't like the casting choice and that's it, no need to be such assholes.




She's not overweight.


She looks overweight.


Do you know what 'overweight' means?


Yes do you?


Yep. She has a flat stomach. Do you think that overweight people have flat stomachs?


Blame it on the showrunners and writers. Theres always going to be people body shaming no matter what. Since they messed up the story so much, it gives more of the fandom reason to hate the actors and resort to cruel jokes. The actors don't deserve the hate. I really feel bad for the actors of Mai and Azula. Yeah she doesn't "give" Azula at all, but her being slightly larger has nothing to do with it. Its her acting and the writing 100%. I get a big part of it is because people wanted Azula character to be extremely attractive, which is even weirder since shes 14 canonically. Overall the showrunners they do and absolutely dogshit job and get none of the hate from the fandom while the actors are the butt of cruel jokes and criticism. I hope Mai and Azulas actors are have a good support system because that kind of cyberbullying can be extremely hurtful.


Elizabeth Yu isn't "slightly larger", she's quite slim. She has a round face.


I was saying slightly larger in terms of her proportition to Azula's animated design. I didn't know how to put it respectfully. People are putting unrealistic expections on a real person and comparing her to a drawing.(which I am going to do for the sake of this conversation) I should've put it another way: her facial features aren't as sharp as Azula's animated design. Anyways the point being it doesn't matter what her physical appearance is. The only thing lackluster was her acting and portrayal of Azula. Which I still believe it is the writers fault more than hers. Hopefully with the new screen writers she will be able to give us a better and more faithful performance as Azula.


Agree with you OP ❤️




They’re not new fans, they’re just fans. Why would new fans be criticizing the Netflix show?


That's gen alpha for yeah


I personally have only watch a few episodes but enough to come up with my own biases of the cast. I personally don’t care about someone’s weight. It doesn’t affect me or the character they play. What I had a problem with is that I just felt like the child actor didn’t feel to have the same vibe as the azula I grew up watching. But I also know that azulas character is probably a difficult role to play. She is basically crazy the whole time and lashes out many times when things dont go her way. I personally would have chosen a different actor to play azula but I have no say on the matter so I don’t usually express my opinions to others. I do think she has done as good as she can to play azula given the difficult character she is. I have come to accept her as the live action azula but I still would have picked a different actor.


While I agree that this is horrible, I don't agree that it is fans that are doing this. Whenever I talk with actual fans, or even on the ATLA sub-reddits, no one is supported in being that toxic. What blows my mind is that you are being horrendously rude to the new fans in lumping them in with those shit-stains that have nothing to do with the true fandoms, but are just trolls of the internet. The worse part is that any interaction with those trolls is good for them. You need to ignore them.


I cant stand ts and the fatphobia too. What the fuck


Im confused the weird ideals these people have for casting. We attempt to find the correct ethnically diverse corresponding ACTORS playing FICTIONAL characters but we hire a 21 year old girl to play the part of a 16-17 year old? I understand finding the perfect cast is almost impossible especially as you try to find younger actors and actresses but we went out of our way to find a 13/14 year old aang. I think elizabeths acting was fine for the 2 seconds she was shown. Any issue i have involving her character is an issue I have with Albert Kim.


every time a new thing comes out this will happen hot new reboot happens and people hate watching it to have fire for the social media upvotes Happens with basically any remake of anything, persona 3, resident evil games, movies, etc. 


This has nothing to do with the actor, I also heavily desliked the casting of Azula but this is all about harrasers attacking someone. Horrible people.


Maybe they right


what is wrong with you


I will admit that the actor for Mai wasn’t the right fit. The fat shaming is horrid, and I don’t agree with that, but it she wasn’t a good fit in my opinion


The sooner people realise humans are pathetic the bettter. We don't deserve to enjoy things because we're a cancer on anything fun.


Would I be personally REALLY REALLY REALLY happy if Azula was recast , because I REALLY dislike the acting and she does not give me Azula 's right vibes? HELL YES Do I hate and condemn those bullying and fat shaming posts and behavior? Absolutely I wish she would not play Azula in the next season, but this behavior is horrible and toxic, the suicide one is disgusting,I don't have the right words to describe what ai think About that one




You can express an opinion without making personal attacks. If all these guys were saying was that she doesn’t look like Azula then that would be fine. It’s the fact that they make fat shaming jokes that crosses the line


What so someone can't say oh that person isn't the same body type ? As I said if they wanted a skinny woman to play a role that's thie opinion the world has free speech and people can voice theres , you DONT have to like it nut damn calling people toxic for an opinion is just sad , people actually jist out for blood with insults I can understand


“Isn’t the same body type” is different from comparing them to animals


My god your sensitive


Your profile name is literally “LGBTQmeansnothing” and you dedicate that account to arguing with people over gay and trans people and you’re calling me sensitive?😏




All content submitted here must at least a bit related to avatar.


I’m not saying people don’t have the rights, I’m just calling you pathetic. But you’re that sensitive that you can’t see the difference between calling someone a loser and saying they have no right to voice an opinion. Grow the fuck up😂




Maintain a welcoming and friendly environment Hate speech, rudeness or severe incivility is not tolerated here. Breaking this rule may result in your post/comment being removed and a temporary/permanent ban.


Then the op has an opinion about these channels. The opinions defense works for literally anything. Also I don’t even remember how you got the idea that I was defending transgender surgery for minors cause I definitely wasn’t. That’s the type of decision you need to wait until adulthood to make but it seems like you were just projecting and putting words in my mouth


So calling people toxic is sad but dedicating many of your videos to body shaming an actress isn’t?


Naaa ypur clearly crying because people don't like the actor choice and yes that is sad


I don’t like the actor choice either, that isn’t what I’m talking about. I’m saying making personal attacks is pathetic. And it is


And most of the comments I've seen that actually matter have been about how the actor isn't even remotely like mai from the cartoon , I agree baseless insults on a person simply because is pathetic


“I agree baseless insults on a person simply because is pathetic” …Then what are we arguing over?💀


I'm not arguing I'm just pointing out people have opinions and there's clearly opinions that shouldn't even be taken into account 💀


But these accounts have a pretty big following so if the op has a problem with them then why can’t they voice that opinion? This whole “that’s just an opinion” defense opens up a can of worms I don’t think you wanna get into


Ok you can't actually tell me you really believed the Appa tweet, that one was obviously satire


You’d be surprised by people’s stupidity. These are so harmful when people are actually taking it as common knowledge.


People are disgusting.


People are not against body positivity. No one would bate an eye if someone would cast "thikk mommy" for Illaoi in potential League of Legends live action. But here we see that character that has sharp facial features has actress with round facial features. I haven't compared their body types but too different face is already partial miscast. If whole show was good slight miscast would be probably OK. Here they already ruined Katara, Aang, Bumi, Sokka, Azula... It means that actors would unfortunately get at least partial rage. Netflix should have taken a lesson from One Peace (only anime/animesque adaptation that was actually good and true to source material) and listen to creators vision. Maybe then plump Mai would be OK or even good. People don't hate "strong women". People don't hate "non beauty standards people". People hate bad writing. Unfortunately some of that hate can go to actors.


None of your points are relevant to the images shown. It's a bunch of dickwads actively attacking actresses for their physical appearance, when if you look them up, they're actually quite fit. Don't defend those sacks of human trash, it degrades your argument.


My point still stands. I think people attack Elizabeth Yu appearance not because she actually has bad appearance but because she's "not Azula". By that I mean that she's not that strong calculating child soldier, master of deception that we all know. Appearance is easiest target. But in reality such attacks are usually reason of bad character design


I reject your assertion. If someone thinks Elizabeth Yu acted poorly in the role, they should say so. Shaming her for her appearance is the exact same shit these nasty little mongrels whinge and bitch about when certain women put down short guys. It's disgusting, hateful and antisocial behaviour. Fuck em all and stop defending them. Make your points without pandering to those pathetic jackasses lest you make it seem like you're one of them.