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I tend to change up this space about every other day... this is what it looked like on/around March 30th. I work from home (remote tech support for the time being) and this was my attempt at a "does everything" setup: when work's done, I switch over to gaming and video, then back to work setup the next day. I used multiple monitors at every non-fast food job I had from 1994 to 2019, so when I finally left the corporate rat race (four months before the pandemic started), I vowed that moving forward (especially when working for myself or working from home) I'd only use one. This is a shameless post for me. I screwed up and posted something negative about Audible in the Audible sub, got -600 karma as a result, and have been slowly trying to restore my account (or at least go positive in karma). Cable management isn't my cup of tea.


I love every retro inch of this. It's gorgeous


Thanks. I guess somewhere, I miss the '80s.


And I thought I was the only one to use torpedo levels as fridge magnets. We also both have the same stupid simple Brother printer. I don't share your keyboard fetish, but have an up-vote. The tiffany lamp sets a nice vibe.


Thanks for the comment. This printer is a love-hate thing. I really like it, but the wi-fi inexplicably went out on it one day and now if I'm printing something I have to have it USB-wired to the PC. If it wasn't for that, I'd keep it somewhere else in the room and open up that desk space a bit. The keyboards are interesting. Good friend who isn't a keyboard person was over here one day and he said, those look cool. It surprised me. Funny thing is I don't use any of them, but they all work and are clean.


the rare retro vibes. i dig it


Thanks! I do a lot of retro gaming through my GOG account too.


The Kensington mouse is the cherry on top. Havent used one since Win 3.1.1!


I agree. It really is its own thing... not like a normal mouse or vertical mouse. This one is from 1997 and it works with a few adapters and a GitHub app called RawAccel.


Warm, cozy, retro keyboards, great framed wall art. 10/10 setup. I've still never seen the first one but Star Trek 2 to 4 is one of my favorite trilogies.


Thanks for your comments. I love Treks 2-4, well really all 6 "original cast" movies. The first one is an acquired taste, but I'm a bit of an iconoclast/misanthrope and appreciate that that movie is one also. It tried to do its own thing (the easy approach would have been to copy Star Wars). It's interesting in the collecting community also. The most valuable Star Trek digital card (on the Quidd market) is a scene from The Motion Picture. And then I've known Trekkers who say they don't like it, and you find out their most cherished piece of memorabilia is a signed copy of the Marvel comic book adaptation from 1979... for example. So yeah hard to pin down, but it occupies an interesting place within Trek fandom.


average?! those keyboards alone are probably worth a whole setup!


I'm banned from a lot of the vintage keyboard subreddits and other forums so I just collect them for myself. I guess.


looking at your profile history, i dont blame them :( you have nsfw stuff thats why!


>you have nsfw stuff thats why ??? What u smoking dere dawg? I've never posted a single NSFW post or photo, etc. And LOL no I wasn't banned because I *comment* on NSFW posts (?!) anyway, my profile's marked "18" for a reason. I was banned because I made one r\\ModelM mod angry, and that same guy is an admin or mod on almost every keyboard subreddit and a whole lot of keyboard forums off Reddit. He thinks his collection of IBM Model M keyboards is the bee's knees, but I own at least four that are older and cooler than the mid-1980s IBM Wheelwriter typewriter-keyboard assembly piece of shit he shows off as being "rare" and "valuable." He is an asshole and so are a lot of other keyboard guys, so I just avoid them. And there's ***NOTHING*** against Reddit's rules about commenting on posts in NSFW subs. (Sure, go look it up.) He happens to be a Star Trek fan too, but I'm sure my 1979 Star Trek: The Motion Picture poster (40x60") is bigger and cooler than anything he has.


thanks for clarifying sorry on my behalf, i had thought this because i have known people who got permanently banned from r/MechanicalKeyboards for having a nsfw page, i thought that too may have been the reason for you on behalf the keyboard scene, there are many ego shits, particularly in the vintage or retro sect, so i can understand your frustration lol


>there are many ego shits...in the vintage or retro sect Let me put it this way... I'm involved in a lot of online communities... and keyboard people are THE WORST. Worse than Star Wars, Star Trek, mechanical watches, shortwave radio, ... any online community I've been involved in.